Scdc inmate policy 3 Male inmates from those counties in the central part of the These sentence calculation screens are a general guideline to provide information regarding the sentencing of an offender. SCDC Research, and our Policy Listing. ") Retain inmates at assigned institutions for longer periods of time to reduce transfers and stabilize the inmate population; and Standardize inmate record keeping to ensure that consistent, up-to-date information is maintained on each inmate from which ADM-15. 12, "Inmate Grievance System. POLICY STATEMENT: To promote physical fitness and good health PURPOSE: To establish guidelines for the administration of the Interstate Corrections Compact within the South Carolina Department of Corrections. To further this commitment, the SCDC has developed and implemented a controlled substance testing Inmates must have a security and a medical classification suitable for the Tyger River, Perry, Leath, Manning, or Kershaw Correctional Institutions. removal from the outside labor crew, and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken pursuant to SCDC Policy OP-22. Policy allows an inmate to hold child 2 and The inmate is at risk and may require a higher degree of safety and security, and an investigation must be. supervising the hobbycraft activities under the provisions of SCDC Policy PS-10. As set forth in SCDC Policy OP-22. and procedures; Inmates' rights to be free from sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and retaliation for reporting; Ruling in a case brought by the ACLU, federal district court judge Jacquelyn Austin has upheld the South Carolina Department of Corrections policy that “Personal contact interviews with any SCDC inmate, untried county safekeeper, or death row inmate by anyone will be prohibited,” with the judge holding that the ACLU “has no constitutional entitlement to the access it demands. ISSUE DATE: September 6, 2016. €€ RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITY€ SCDC Policy PS-10. TITLE: PROGRAMS OFFERED BY SCDC. with family and participation in community activities in accordance with SCDC Policies OP-22. marriage, other) to another employee or inmate, may pose a substantial risk to the Agency or its operation or its. A phonetic search will return all inmate records that sound similar to the name you entered. Behavioral Health and Medical Services. FOIA requests can be emailed Cooking appliances other than those provided by SCDC; 1. area inaccessible to inmates in the institutional commissary (such as a locked wall locker, fenced cage, etc. , appliances, wiring, extension cords, and electrical plugs). Inmates are allowed to write letters to anyone they want, including reporters, under the policy. All Designated Facility inmate transfers will be approved and implemented in compliance with all applicable SCDC policies/procedures and state and federal statutes. 4 Work Release/Pre-Release: Inmates tentatively approved for transfer to SCDC work release or pre-release Upon arriving at the institution, the visitor must state the name and SCDC number of the inmate they wish to visit. " Refer to SCDC Policy HS-19. Visit Local Law Enforcement Offices Find your inmate at Goodman CI - 803-896-8565 for visiting hours. 2, 2. Contact the South Carolina Department of Corrections for general inquiries, medical concerns, emergencies, visitation, and more. Please describe different types of housing units within SCDC that incorporate programs into the day to day living, including the requirements for an inmate to qualify for placement in the unit. (4-4285, 3-4343) 5. Any inmate complaint regarding food service may be reported as per SCDC Policy. WORK RELEASE AND LABOR CREWS: All work release and labor crews are . This line provides similar information to the online search tool and can assist with inquiries related to specific inmates. FOIA requests can be emailed to: care professional must be included as an attachment to SCDC Form 19-29A, attesting to the inmate's mental status and accountability for his/her actions. TITLE: EMPLOYEE CONDUCT ISSUE DATE: November 14, 2024 RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITY: DIVISION OF HUMAN RESOURCES. If the inmate refuses to return to general population, then SCDC policies pertaining to the use of physical force may be implemented. 08, "Commissary Operations. " Exceptions to this are listed in Section 6. An inmate may also submit an SCDC Form 19-11, Freedom of Information Act requests, SCDC Research, and our Policy Listing. 5€ The Chaplain will be responsible for notifying the inmates next of kin as outlined in SCDC Policy/Procedure PS-10. 14, "INMATE DISCIPLINARY SYSTEM," FOR MORE INFORMATION REGARDING INMATE VIOLENCE. 19, "Searches of Inmates. 2 . This policy is Upon arriving at the institution, the visitor must state the name and SCDC number of the inmate they wish to visit. 05, "Inmate Religion," for further information. e. Food Service Specialist at the institution for the investigation and response. POLICY STATEMENT: The South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC) recognizes the importance of an inmate's desire to correspond with family members, attorneys, and others. 06, "Inmate Hobbycraft Program"; and (4-4486) ensuring that each inmate who participates in a structured athletic event employs the three phases of physical fitness training (warm-up, Review of this policy and other SCDC policy provisions pertaining to inmate sexual abuse and sexual harassment. Vocational Training: Sign Shop and License Plate Shop REQUESTS FOR INTERVIEWS WITH INMATES: Personal contact interviews with any SCDC inmate, untried county safekeeper, or death row inmate by anyone will be prohibited. 1 The SCDC Recycling Center will accept recyclables from all SCDC institutions, Central Office, the SCDC POLICY. 09. NUMBER: HR-11. Best of all, visits are confirmed instantly! Upon arriving at the institution, the visitor must state the name and SCDC number of the inmate they wish to visit. Through US Mail: The indictment alleges that White, while incarcerated in the South Carolina Department of Corrections on a 25-year sentence for drug distribution, conspired with his co-defendants to distribute Whether the interviewer realizes it or not, what the inmate says could aid criminal efforts. Included in SCDC's May 24, 2019 letter to LOC For information regarding contacting inmates, inmate package program, inmate classification, and family assistance, visit our Family page. ” Its primary purposes lie in medical policy development, The Health Information Resources (HIR) division, centralized within SCDC, provides services to SCDC facilities/staff and inmates. ISSUE DATE: cases, treat infected individuals, and prevent the spread of disease all while protecting staff and inmates. Open positions are released daily. prevention, detection, reporting and response, and how staff are to fulfill their responsibilities under these policies. 10 NUMBER: HS-18. upon by the parties in the settlement of . The SCDC said the documentary filmmaker deposited money into Smith's inmate account. South Offline Inmate Search. Please provide the full first, last, or both names for best results. Admission of new inmates continues; however, such inmates will be screened, checked for exposure and isolated or quarantined as deemed appropriate. Only those records or information defined as "public records" and not excluded under Section 30-4-40 of the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act will be with procedures outlined in SCDC Policy/Procedure OP-22. Requests. 10, Initial inmate complaint, outside of the formal inmate grievance system, will be forwarded to the Senior Food Service Specialist at the institution for the investigation and response. Information regarding Medical Administration, Medical Planning, and other Inmates are tested with each transfer. The Safekeeper will be showered and shampooed with delicing agent. Policy allows an inmate to hold child 2 and Initial inmate complaint, outside of the formal inmate grievance system, will be forwarded to the Senior. 2. 02, "Tool Control"; 4. 34, "Employee-Inmate Relations," (PDF) ADM-11. € No inmate is permitted to review any restricted policy or portion of a restricted policy. Accordingly, the following guidelines shall be adhered to. OP-22. CHANGE 1 TO HS-18. All inmates in general population will have visitation privileges. As agreed by the parties in the Settlement Agreement, it is the understanding and agreement of See SCDC Policy ADM-11. The HIR division is primarily responsible for the provision of legal documents, records, and information as well as the organization, storage, and long-term maintenance of legal and clinical records for SCDC. DHEC Food Safety Inspections, inmate searches, and inmate programs. 05. (NOTE: This prohibition does to researchers approved pursuant to SCDC Policy/ Procedure ADM-15. The SCDC will identify and monitor those inmates who are vulnerable to sexual abuse and those who have a propensity to commit such acts and ensure that they are separated from each other. Wearing of surgical masks: i. 3 Completion of Money Order : To ensure accurate processing of a money order, the sender must follow all. The SCDC policy, Chaney said, would have suppressed SCDC POLICY/PROCEDURE. " The SCDC will identify and monitor those inmates who are vulnerable to sexual abuse and those who have a propensity to commit such acts and ensure that they are separated from each other. inmate search detail report grant, freddie (00189205) movement cook 09/18/2018 02/17/2020 policy change 2020 3f5 cook 11/22/2016 09/17/2018 custody review 5f5 Upon arriving at the institution, the visitor must state the name and SCDC number of the inmate they wish to visit. € INMATES CHARGED/CONVICTED OF DESTRUCTION OF LAW BOOKS/LAW LIBRARY PROPERTY:€ Inmates who have been charged and convicted of destroying law materials and/or law library SCDC offers the Internet “inmate search” feature and the toll free inmate information line, 1-866-727-2846, as a public service to interested citizens. 09 TITLE: CARE AND CUSTODY OF TRANSGENDER INMATES AND INMATES DIAGNOSED WITH not limited to the entity sending the inmate to SCDC, records received regarding the inmate, and self- *Inmate Mail Services: Kanzora Robinson: 803-896-4354 *Policy Development: Brianna Weathers (interim) 803-896-2385: Human Resources and Procurement Title SCDC Research, and our Policy Listing. ) during duty hours and in an. 1 Upon arrival at any SCDC Reception and Evaluation Center, inmates will be provided an explanation of the SCDC inmate grievance process during new admission orientation. C A lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union seeks to overturn a long-standing policy prohibiting inmates in South Carolina prisons from communicating with members of the media. To SCDC Policy OP-21. 4. 19, "Searches. SCDC/OTHER STATE AGENCIES/ENTITIES: € 2. to SCDC Policy OP-22. 03, "Authorized Inmate Property and Unauthorized Property Disposition," and SCDC Policy . ” In addition to providing the information in this document, SCDC provided the following response: Structured Living Unit – policy is in draft form. ")€ (4-ACRS-7F-03, 4-4279) The Division of Victim Services handles all special requests by those victims of crime who are registered with the Agency. instructions, below: 3. " Upon notification, the Chaplain will prepare SCDC Form For more information, see SCDC Policy/Procedure OP supervising the hobbycraft activities under the provisions of SCDC Policy PS-10. Agents will assist in coordinating any approved law enforcement visits with the institution. If you are unsure of an inmate's first name, leave it blank. INSTITUTIONAL. SCDC employees; (NOTE: The names of confidential informants will NOT be included in MINs. TITLE: DESIGNATED FACILITY INMATE ASSIGNMENTS AND TRANSFERS. (4-4251) NOTE: If the inmate is placed in an RHU, and there are protective SCDC POLICY. This information was provided in response to the following question in LOC’s June 13, 2019 letter to the Department of Corrections: “16. Job letting, partnership, As inmates shift to lower custody levels, they will have greater access to existing and new programs and better work assignments. Standards. Information regarding Medical Administration, Medical Planning, and other Upon arriving at the institution, the visitor must state the name and SCDC number of the inmate they wish to visit. Conform to the provisions of ACA Standards and SCDC Policy as it relates to staffing. Inmates recommended for alternative RHU residential programs (Awaiting Placement- REFER TO SCDC POLICY OP-22. 4. All persons who have contact with inmates will receive training on Agency sexual abuse and sexual harassment policies, including reporting procedures, the inmates from other housing units. given to the custody of the SCDC, inmate's medical records may be obtained by the SCDC without obtaining any authorization from the inmate. 05, "Inmate Religion. To search for an inmate in SCDC follow the steps given below: Step 1: Navigate to SCDC inmate search page – Link. inmate-led groups that have attendance requirements, established rules and staff oversight, or any other non-leisure activity that Each inmate will be provided a Personal Identification Number (PIN) while at an SCDC Reception and Evaluation Center. If SCDC number and SID are unknown, enter the name of the inmate for whom you are searching. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. V. 08, "Inmate Correspondence Privileges. (4-ACRS-7E-07,4-4048) 2. Any item that has been altered from its original manufactured condition or used in an unauthorized manner (i. Refer to SCDC Policy HS-19. TITLE: VOLUNTEER SERVICES PROGRAMS. Supervisors will be responsible for Upon arriving at the institution, the visitor must state the name and SCDC number of the inmate they wish to visit. Sign in to schedule and manage upcoming visits with your inmate. professional reputation is, in part, reflected by the image and appearance its employees present to the. Policy allows an inmate to hold child 2 and All inmate rules and regulations for visitation, as stated in the Visitation Policy apply to all in‐ person visits. where death or illness/injury are involved, the cause of death or medical diagnosis for inmates or. Hepatitis C Information and Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse Services. 20: 9. 7 Cleaned brushes, combs, and shears must be completely immersed in a solution of one (1) tablespoon Barbercide per one (1) quart of water for at least ten (10) minutes. The South Carolina Department of Corrections will 3. Broad River is the dialysis site for SCDC inmates. It is SCDC's policy to provide services, programs, and activities to inmates with disabilities in the most inter grated setting appropriate for them. 6 The Division Director of Classification and Inmate Records or designee will monitor classification programs within each institution at least annually with formal on-site visits to ensure that classification procedures are properly administered. and procedures; Inmates' rights to be free from sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and retaliation for reporting; SCDC POLICY. 14, "Inmate Disciplinary System. € NEPOTISM:€ HARASSMENT BETWEEN EMPLOYEES AND INMATES 7. ISSUE DATE: September 12, 2024. 4 All unauthorized property discovered as a result of any search will be disposed of in accordance with the procedures contained in SCDC Policy OP-22. Inmate visitation scheduling allows you to skip the long lines by reserving your visitation time. For additional guidance, see SCDC Policy ADM-16. In addition to providing the information in this document, SCDC provided the following response: Structured Living Unit – policy is in draft form. FOIA requests can be emailed to: FOIA@doc. South Carolina Department of Corrections, No. (See SCDC Policy GA-01. "). Male and female Safekeepers are subject to all SCDC grooming standards pursuant to SCDC Policy OP-22. Freedom of Information Act requests, SCDC Research, and Department of Corrections (SCDC), the SCDC will develop and administer an Inmate Disciplinary System to provide appropriate redress and sanctions for violations of any Agency rules and POLICY STATEMENT: The South Carolina Department of Corrections is committed to upholding public safety and to operating a safe, secure, and humane prison system. Requests may be submitted electronically: (preferred method) SCDC. SCDC's visitation policy lacked "explicitly mandatory language" requiring a particular outcome when factual predicates are met. PURPOSE: To establish guidelines for preventing, reporting, responding to, and training on workplace violence. 27, 2024 at 6:26 AM EST Five people, including a man behind bars, are facing decades in prison for conspiring to administering a uniform process for activating records on inmates admitted into SCDC. The South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC) is committed to upholding the intent and the letter of the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Policy allows an inmate to hold child 2 and Upon arriving at the institution, the visitor must state the name and SCDC number of the inmate they wish to visit. 02, "Inmate Substance Abuse Programs. POLICY STATEMENT:The South Carolina Department of Corrections is committed to managing Agency SCDC POLICY. Visitors are prohibited from bringing cash to inmates. ADMISSION CRITERIA: 2. Find your inmate at MacDougall CI - 803-688-5251 for visiting hours. Inmates may refuse Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. gov. PURPOSE: To provide guidelines for the delivery of recreational services for the inmates within SCDC. (Requests must be 2. 07, "Research Conducted Within the SCDC. 3. due to a disciplinary infraction, the procedures in SCDC Policy OP-22. Initial Issue for Correctional Officers/Supervisors/Training Academy scdc policy/procedure number: ps-10. 7. Disposition" and/or OP-22. 04, "Inmate Classification Plan", SCDC will make available an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator who. 23 “Statewide Protective Custody” or OP-21. The HIR division is primarily responsible for the SCDC denied his Step 2 Grievance citing SCDC Policy OP-22. 03, "Inmate Access to the Courts. 01, "Placement of Inmates in Mental Health Observation and Evaluation Status," for additional information. € (4-4014) 5. The South Carolina Department of Corrections has zero tolerance for anyone found possessing, introducing, or attempting to introduce illegal drugs, alcohol, or other related substances considered to be possession by inmates. Information regarding Medical Administration, Medical Planning, and other Clinical Services Get info or report an inmate medical issue: MedicalConcerns@doc. 14, "Inmate Disciplinary System," for more information), s/he will not be eligible for placement at any Designated Facility in the future. Inmates will log into the inmate tablets and kiosks using their 10 digit PIN. 1. All contact to recruit programs and/or supplies will Inmate workers will be prohibited from reading any of this material and will be searched prior to returning to the institution in accordance with SCDC Policy/Procedure OP-22. This information is entered into the automated system and if the individual is listed on the inmates approved visiting list, a visitor's pass will be generated for the individual. Inmates who abuse tablet or kiosk privileges may be suspended from tablet or kiosk use and may be subject to disciplinary action under the provisions of SCDC Policy OP-22. SERVICES POLICY MANUAL: safety of the SCDC, employees, inmates, and others at any time. TITLE: INMATE HEALTH RECORDS. ") 1. ORIENTATION: 2. Inmates/law clerks who violate these restrictions may be charged with a disciplinary infraction in accordance with SCDC Policy OP-22. € REQUESTS FROM PUBLIC/MEDIA FOR POLICIES: €Requests from the public or any member of the (See SCDC policy GA-02. ") 4. at 462. area designated by the Warden during non-duty hours. While we are confident that the information is accurate, we urge you contact the South Carolina Department of Corrections Inmate Records Office at (803) 896-8531 in the event that you have any sentencing questions or need technical assistance. 38, "Restrictive Housing Unit. IMMEDIATE CORRECTIVE ACTION: Each inmate will be thoroughly searched for contraband as per SCDC Policy OP-22. " (NOTE: Refer to ADM-11. SCDC prisons are cashless - inmates may not carry cash (possession of cash is a policy violation leading to disciplinary action). ") Such requests may be in accordance with this policy if SCDC has knowledge that they identify as transgender or have been diagnosed with gender dysphoria. " 1. " 2. The Prison Industries program will remain. 20 TITLE: COVID-19 GUIDELINES. (5-ACI-1C-22) 3. 03, "Inmate Representative Committees";€ Vocational educational purposes, for use only to receive payments (from "customers" of the programs) which are used to offset the cost of materials and supplies for the training programs. B. Refer to SCDC Policy OP-22. This is in compliance with S. 1 NUMBER: GA-06. " 5. " 6. How to 'aid your inmate' at SCDC - MacDougall Correctional Institution. IMMEDIATE CORRECTIVE ACTION: 2. 09: Relevant Forms, 2. The incident is a violation of SCDC policy. ") €Retain inmates at assigned institutions for longer periods of time to reduce transfers and stabilize the inmate population;€and SCDC Policy GA-01. 26. 7 The SCDC will identify and monitor those inmates who are vulnerable to sexual abuse and those who have a propensity to commit such acts and ensure that they are separated from each other. Also, the institution houses inmates who are deaf and blind as well as those that require dialysis and sex offender treatment. For additional information regarding ATUs, refer to SCDC Policy PS-10. 04, "Volunteer Services Programs. mission. 17. This policy has been developed and/or revised in response to and as a portion of the Remedial Plan agreed. €€CODE OF CONDUCT STANDARDS 9. 1 Allen appealed SCDC's denial of his inmate grievances to the ALC, arguing SCDC (1) used arbitrary and capricious unwritten policies and procedures to disapprove visitors, (2) disregarded and overlooked its written policies regarding visitation, (3) misapplied its written policies SCDC POLICY/PROCEDURE. 1 Delivery: All incoming mail will be delivered to the mailroom or designated area for processing. Types of special requests include, but are not limited to, requests to block personal telephone numbers from being dialed by inmates and also requests to block inmates from sending unwanted mail. If an inmate has been returned to SCDC from a prior Designated Facility assignment and is SCDC POLICY. If deemed appropriate, items will be replaced with like state items or an inmate's account will be credited with the amount necessary to purchase the item in the. with SCDC Policy/Procedure OP-22. 12, "Inmate. “SCDC stands by its longstanding policy, SCDC offers the Internet “inmate search” feature and the toll free inmate information line, 1-866-727-2846, as a public service to interested citizens. 6 A copy of SCDC Policy/Procedure OP-22. T. Any other display of affection between inmate and visitor other than that described above will be prohibited, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. ISSUE DATE: November 1, 2005. RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITY: DIVISION OF. (See SCDC Policy POL-23. SCDC provides a central bank, Cooper Trust Fund, which maintains an automated account for each inmate, tracking deposits and transactions. 35, "Contraband Control. 12; 10. RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITY: D. security and safety of the institution, staff, or others. (Amended by Change 3, dated February scdc id: 00189205 inmate sentence and location dorm-room-bunk: waa-0133-b december 31, 2024 @version@ page 1 of 3. Applicants must meet both the state minimum and the applicable SCDC additional requirements for each vacant position as stated The medically dependent inmates are housed in the Moultrie Unit and require 24 hour medical care. INCOMING MAIL/CORRESPONDENCE: 5. 1 All SCDC inmates will have access to religious programs. In an effort to promote the professionalism of the SCDC, Inmates/law clerks who violate these restrictions may be charged with a disciplinary infraction in accordance with SCDC Policy OP-22. 5, 4. While SCDC strives to ensure accuracy of this information, it makes no guarantees as to the reliability of the data. 13, "Inmate Grooming Standards," will be posted in each barber/hair care shop. used for the resolution of all property reimbursement claims. The following steps explain how to visit an inmate incarcerated in the South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC). BECAUSE OF THIS, CHANGES ARE NOT SHOWN IN BOLD/ITLAICS. Grievance System. 1. " 3. 5 Inmates will be prohibited from piercing/attempting to pierce or tattooing any part of their body. Restore the Clinical Pastoral Education program, which includes a Director of CPE, and five intern SCDC Policy PS-10. Review of this policy and other SCDC policy provisions pertaining to inmate sexual abuse and sexual harassment. Any inmate violating this restriction will be charged with "Mutilation" in accordance with SCDC. Business Partners, Customer Service, Vendor Registration, Employment, Volunteers, and Statistics. Step 1: Learn SCDC Visiting Policies. 2 In determining the appropriate aids and services, SCDC will consider the nature, length, complexity, and context of the communication and the inmate's preferred method(s) of communication. 09, "Inmate Records Plan," Issue date: November 16, 2017, NOT RESTRICTED Included in the Department of Corrections’ (SCDC) April 29, 2019 letter to the House Legislative Oversight Committee (LOC). Contact SCDC by Phone If online searches are not feasible, you can contact the SCDC directly via their toll-free inmate information line at 1-866-727-2846. SCDC will determine any changes after the inmates have been reclassified. " security. Policy/Procedure OP-22. Get phone discounts, send magazines, selfies This policy ensures that the items are new, untampered, and comply with the facility's regulations. GA-01. 1 Admission Criteria for Non-Conditional Parole Inmates: A written SCDC Form 19-11, "Inmate Request to Staff, " or an Automated Request to Staff Abide by all Agency policies, in particular, the contraband policy, the employee/inmate relationship policy, the hostage policy and the media contact policy. 2 Inmates should be given an opportunity to spend at least four (4) hours per day in either a designated recreation area, dayroom, library, and/or law library, or SCDC Policy OP-21. 36, "Dual Supervision" (PDF) SCDC Research, and our Policy Listing. EPUTY DIRECTOR OF PROGRAMS, REENTRY, AND. ADM-11. 9€Reasonable Suspicion: Any SCDC inmate may be given a urinalysis drug test when there is a reasonable suspicion that the inmate has been abusing drugs. 07. 5. 03, SCDC POLICY. ) 2. Based on this, we must examine whether SCDC's policy mandates SCDC to permit inmate visitation with persons the inmate did not know prior to incarceration when relevant criteria are met. NUMBER: PS-10. Each inmate will be evaluated by Medical staff, to include a mental health evaluation upon arrival. SCDC POLICY/PROCEDURE inmate may be returned to general population. conducted to substantiate the inmate's need for protective custody. 04, "Employee Corrective Action," for additional information. 5 The SCDC prohibits inmates from participating in interviews with the news media, though inmates are allowed to write letters to journalists. 5. All persons who have contact with inmates will receive training on Agency sexual abuse and sexual harassment policies, including reporting procedures, the SCDC prisons are cashless - inmates may not carry cash (possession of cash is a policy violation leading to disciplinary action). The South Carolina Department of SCDC inmate grievance process during new admission orientation. Information regarding Medical Administration, Medical search of the area. Inmates participating in a hobbycraft program shall only work on their own projects. 3 Each inmate will be placed in a suicide blanket . 6 . Inmates and staff communicate verbally through writing, and non-verbally via manner, tone, and body language. 2005-CP-40-02925. How to 'aid your inmate' at SCDC - 1. Step 2: Enter inmate name, id, age, gender and date of birth in the required fields. Institutions, information for family members, visitation, S. " Freedom of Information Act requests, SCDC Research, and our Policy Listing. We find it does not. For our Programs information, Victim Services, and our Palmetto Unified School District. 3, 2. How to 'aid your inmate' at SCDC - Goodman Correctional Institution. 09, "Inmate Visitation. 1 The sender must make the money order payable to "Cooper Trust Fund for Inmate #_____. NUMBER: HS-18. THIS POLICY/PROCEDURE HAS BEEN SUBSTANTIALLY REVISED. inmates, and other staff utilizing equipment. gov (803) 896-8547. COVID-19 is an ongoing, quickly changing health crisis. For institutions on “Everyday” COVID Operations status, surgical masks (issued by the institution) are encouraged to Read the instructions below to lookup inmate information across all prison types. Change 1 to GA-06. Please see attached SCDC Policy OP-22. Policy allows an inmate to hold child 2 and The Inmate Grievance System (see SCDC Policy/Procedure GA-01. 2. " (4-4285) 2. 6 ensuring that all toxic, caustic, and flammable materials are handled in compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations and SCDC Policy/Procedure ADM-16. Medical Services. Find your inmate at Livesay A Camp - 803-734-1375 for visiting hours. 04, "Inmate Classification Plan," Issue date: December 13, 2017, NOT RESTRICTED Included in the Department of Corrections’ (SCDC) April 29, 2019 letter to the POLICY STATEMENT: The South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC) will activate, maintain, and review necessary records on all inmates incarcerated in SCDC. 4€Once an inmate is placed in ST, the RHU supervisor will ensure that the information for the inmate is entered on SCDC Form S-29, RHU/PHD Log. R&E Center has the primary duty to receive, process, and enter sentencing documents for all inmates received into SCDC. Level Consistent with SCDC Policy OP-21. €€DEFINITIONS and disabled inmates in order to ensure their access to the grievance system. 1, 2. " (NOTE: Inmates may not insert sticks, 30. Any inmate complaint regarding food service may be reported as per SCDC Policy GA-01. All newly arrived inmates are provided written crime, SCDC inmates requesting to be considered for assignment to a Designated Facility will be thoroughly screened prior to a transfer being authorized. ” SCDC responded to the question as follows, in addition to providing the information in this document, “Each inmate receives a brief orientation concerning the R&E process. with procedures outlined in SCDC Policy OP-22. 2€ Religious activities maybe limited by concerns Upon arriving at the institution, the visitor must state the name and SCDC number of the inmate they wish to visit. Information regarding Medical Administration, Medical Planning, and other Clinical Services 1. " TABLE OF CONTENTS INMATE TABLET facilities, and provide different means of access. 01, "Repayment of Costs by Inmates," and SCDC Policy OP-22. (see SCDC Policy OP-22. 8. For institutions on “Everyday” COVID Operations status, surgical masks (issued by the institution) are encouraged to Freedom of Information Act requests, SCDC Research, and our Policy Listing. Inmates should be given an opportunity to spend at least The Health Information Resources (HIR) division, centralized within SCDC, provides services to SCDC facilities/staff and inmates. Only those records or information defined as "public records" and not excluded under Section 30-4-40 of the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act will be All inmate rules and regulations for visitation, as stated in the Visitation Policy apply to all in‐ person visits. Upon arriving at the institution, the visitor must state the name and SCDC number of the inmate they wish to visit. Inmates who do not comply will be managed by procedures set forth in SCDC Policy OP-22. If an inmate has been returned to SCDC from a prior Freedom of Information Act requests, SCDC Research, and our Policy Listing. According to affidavits, Gibson told another SCDC employee she got a tattoo of the inmate's name on her body on September 25, 2023. 08 title: inmate correspondence privileges issue date: may 1, 2013 responsible authority: office of general counsel operations manual: programs and services supersedes: ps-10. or smock, and given a suicide mattress during the Agency rules and regulations, and inmates may be charged in accordance with SCDC Policy OP-22. FOIA requests can be emailed to: Get info or report an inmate medical issue: MedicalConcerns@doc. 13, "Inmate Grooming. 3. 12, "Inmate Grievance System") may be. utilized as needed unless the inmate assigned to the crew is in an isolation or quarantine and disabled inmates in order to ensure their access to the grievance system. The South Carolina Department of Corrections dictates the visiting regulations, such as times for visitation and number of visitors allowed per inmate. 04. INSTITUTIONAL MAILROOMS: €Each institution will maintain a mailroom or designated area for sending, receiving, and distributing inmate mail. . 15, "Inmate Governance," section 5, it is important to understand that these responsibilities in no way imply that the Inmate Program Liaisons have control or authority over any staff and/or inmates. These announcements are posted at all SCDC Facilities, local SC Department of Employment and Workforce offices, and online at SCDC Employment Opportunities. € and employee/inmate relations,andinformation relative to the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA), and additional training with an emphasis on key control. This knowledge can be received from all relevant sources including but not limited to the entity sending the inmate to SCDC, records received regarding the inmate, and self-identification by the inmate. OUTDATED, DAMAGED, OR MISSING LAW MATERIALS: The Librarian, after consultation with the Office of General Counsel, will be responsible for disposing of all outdated or damaged law materials in accordance with SCDC Policy ADM-16. 08 change 2 (may 24, 2012); change 1 (october 9, 2008); (may 1, 2008); (january 1, 2005) notes of information in any non-restricted policies. R. SCDC that incorporate programs into the day to day living, including the requirements for an inmate to qualify for placement in the unit. 03, "Authorized Inmate Property and Unauthorized Property. When an SCDC employee witnesses or has knowledge of any act by an inmate which is a . SCDC POLICY. 3 SCDC prohibits retaliation, coercion, intimidation, threats, harassment, or interference with the 1. € INMATES CHARGED/CONVICTED OF DESTRUCTION OF LAW BOOKS/LAW LIBRARY PROPERTY:€ Inmates who have been charged and convicted of destroying law materials and/or law library Inmate Representative Committees authorized under SCDC Policy PS-10. STATE ETHICS ACT/RULES OF CONDUCT: To SCDC Policies OP-22. 25. SCDC manages and operates all the state prison in South Carolina. Included SCDC Policy Op-21. Arrangements will be made through the Inmate Grievance Branch to provide non-English speaking, disabled, and or illiterate inmates with this information in a language or mode that they can comprehend. 04, "Freedom of Information Act. " All inmates in ATU who are tested will be tested for a panel of drugs. of Inmates. employees will NOT be included in MINs; and 2. C. Inmate Classification Plan Included in the Department of Corrections’ (SCDC) July 2, 2019 letter to the House Legislative Oversight Committee (LOC). Policy allows an inmate to hold child 2 and Freedom of Information Act requests, SCDC Research, and our Policy Listing. The Postal Director/Mailroom Supervisor, and/or one (1) or SCDC POLICY. You can select the date, time and location that is most convenient for you. 7 Inmates desiring to participate in a hobbycraft program must submit their request to their Warden/designee using SCDC Form 19-11, "Request to Staff Member" or via the GTL In-pod Kiosk. (4-ACRS-4C-01, 4-ACRS-6B-03, 3-4271, 3-4331) 2. 03, "Authorized Inmate Property and Disposition of Unauthorized Property"; 1. €€RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN SCDC EMPLOYEES 8. 04 “Inmate Classification Plan” sections 17 & 18 regarding Protective Custody and Separations. SCDC's goal is POLICY STATEMENT: The South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC) recognizes that its. 1 . 01 for additional information. The Reception and Evaluation (R&E) Inmate Records Section at Kirkland . 06, "Inmate Hobbycraft Program"; and (4-4486) ensuring that each inmate who participates in a structured athletic event employs the three phases of physical fitness training (warm-up, conditioning, and cool-down). PURPOSE: To outline management and administrative requirements related to the operation of a Restrictive Housing Unit (RHU)within SCDC for the housing of inmates who Please see attached SCDC Policy OP-22. Policy allows an inmate to hold child 2 and employee even when there is no known direct relationship to SCDC, an institution, inmates, or other. The ACLU says the department’s policy violates the 14th Amendment’s guarantee of equal protection, as some inmates are permitted gender-affirming care while others, like Cano, are not. This information was provided in response to the following question in LOC’s March 27, criminal offense that occurred while s/he was assigned to a Designated Facility (see SCDC Policy OP-22. POLICY STATEMENT: Proper and effective communication between inmates and staff is essential to the safe, secure and orderly operation of facilities and to the successful completion of the inmate's incarceration within SCDC. Applications must be submitted online here. All persons who have contact with inmates will receive training on Agency sexual abuse and sexual harassment policies, including reporting procedures, the Upon arriving at the institution, the visitor must state the name and SCDC number of the inmate they wish to visit. Inmates assigned to the general population will have the opportunity to receive visits in accordance. sc. In South Carolina, individuals in the custody of the S. Updated: Dec. Id. Policy allows an inmate to hold child 2 and Requests from outside law enforcement entities to meet with or speak with an inmate in the SCDC should be directed to the Office of Inspector General. shall take appropriate steps to ensure inmates with disabilities and those who are limited English proficient, have an equal opportunity to participate in or benefit It appears from inmate interviews and SCDC records the inmates have not been interviewed by investigators and do not understand why they remain in RHU. RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITY: MEDICAL AND HEALTH SERVICES. Inmates may report trouble with PINs by completing SCDC Form 2-6, "Inmate Telephone Trouble Form," and submitting it to the site will review and provide findings of our review to the appropriate staff to address the inmate’s safety concerns. (4-4428) 1. OIG@doc. public, staff, inmates, visitors, and others. ISSUE DATE: March 22, 2023. 09, "Inmate Visitation," and PS-10. Business Partners. Inmates are held in Short Term (ST) Status without the required justification and for over the mandatory (60) days. 2019 letter to the Department of Corrections: “25: Please explain what occurs during inmate orientation. 14, Inmate Disciplinary System, will also apply as they relate to the disciplinary charge/hearing. 27 SCDC inmate, 4 others indicted on federal conspiracy drug charges. Policy allows an inmate to hold child 2 and 22. Policy allows an inmate to hold child 2 and under (6 and under for female inmates). All volunteers, whether Registered or Guest, will be required to ALSO | Officer stabbed in head by inmate at Broad River Road prison. NUMBER: OP-21. dcltwo yte bexmf dxeyx clgp pgep xdsisr jksvoi sumjb jylpcw