Best aquarium stocking calculator free Most of the calculators simply function as unit converters. , fish/gallon) or per unit of area (e. Apr 14, 2024 · How to Use Aquarium Stock Calculator. Author: Neo Huang Review By: Nancy Deng. com to get general stocking recommendations but do your own research BEFORE buying any species. Get accurate measurements in gallons and liters, plus expert tips on proper fish tank sizing and stocking levels. Here the maximum fish stocking of aquarium fish, their size & recommended temperature are calculated. aeration, flow etc) within the aquarium - nor does it take into account the size of an aquarium and the ethics of fish stocking. As with all calculators there are exceptions to the rules and he does not include stats for tanks with plants but overall I think its a great site. Dec 11, 2023 · As many of you are acquascapers and planting experts, I understand that the below model will not take into account all the other important factors (plants, substrate, rocks. 4, a temperature of 72-78°F, and a salinity of 1. To help understand how many fish you can keep in the size of aquarium you have or are thinking of buying, use the calculator to get an idea. AqAdvisor - Intelligent Freshwater Tropical Fish Aquarium Stocking Calculator and Aquarium Tank/Filter Advisor The subreddit for anything related to aquariums! Come here to enjoy pictures, videos, articles and discussion. It helps determine the optimal number of fish that can comfortably inhabit a tank, ensuring a healthy and balanced aquatic environment. I think over stocking a tank works but it's not the only way and it's not the best way to go. com allows users to specify any number of aquarium filters for their specific aquarium tanks. Sep 13, 2024 · I use an Aquarium Stock Calculator to help determine the appropriate stock level for my aquarium. If the water looks even a little bit cloudy do not add any more fish till the cloudiness clears up. Activity level is hugely important. [toc] Quick List Best Aquarium Stands. … Aquarium calculator for volume, stocking and dimensions Jul 28, 2023 · What is the difference between stocking and stocking density? “Stocking” refers to the number of fish added to a tank or pond, while “stocking density” represents the number of fish per unit of volume (e. . Few calculators do attempt to calculate bioloads for selected species but uses simple generalized rules such as "1 inch per gallon" or "x inches per y The "stocking suggestions" alone make me want to scream. For rimless tanks, consider using slightly thicker acrylic for added AqAdvisor. com is an Online Aquarium Stocking Calculator Tool to help users stock and setup right levels of tropical fish and choose right filters for their aquarium tanks AqAdvisor - Intelligent Freshwater Tropical Fish Aquarium Stocking Calculator and Aquarium Tank/Filter Advisor May 4, 2010 · As some of you are aware already, I have been working hard on the freshwater version for more than a year now. Always research the particular requirements of the fish species you plan to keep. As a general guideline for a 55-gallon tank, consider one or two medium-sized fish (4-6 inches) or a small group of smaller fish. Specific needs may vary based on fish species, tank setup, and maintenance practices. com is an Online Aquarium Stocking Calculator Tool to help users stock and setup right levels of tropical fish and choose right filters for their aquarium tanks AqAdvisor - Intelligent Freshwater Tropical Fish Aquarium Stocking Calculator and Aquarium Tank/Filter Advisor This aquarium calculator helps determine how much water your fish tank can hold in US Gallons, liters, and other units for effective aquarium management. 1-8. Calculators; Pond Liner Calculator; Pond Liner Underlay Calculator; Pond Volume Calculator; Pond Paint Calculator; Pond Pump Calculator; Waterfall Pump Calculator; Aquarium Volume Calculator; Aquarium Stocking Calculator; Aquarium Substrate Calculator; Marine Salt Calculator Dec 6, 2009 · This calculator is great! What a good way for beginners to get an idea for how many fish their tank can handle. com. Shop and save now! API brand offers a universal dosing calculator to make conversions and custom measurements easy to use for your specific aquarium size for water treatments, conditioners, and fish remedies. 7 gallon. Since few weeks ago, I have been working on the saltwater version of the stocking calculator and released an early version last week. Jul 28, 2023 · With over 300 calculators covering finance, health, science, mathematics, and more, GEG Calculators provides users with accurate and convenient tools for everyday calculations. The free calculator allows you to quickly and accurately perform arithmetic, calculate percentages, raise to a power or take a root Sep 27, 2023 · In a 55-gallon cichlid tank, you can typically keep around 8 to 12 small cichlids (2-3 inches) or 4 to 6 medium-sized cichlids (4-6 inches). This fish stocking calculator should be used as an indicative calculation only. This Subreddit is meant to teach and show the art and science of Aquascaping, which may include proper plant growth & maintenance, hardscaping, water maintenance and conditioning, and more. Recommended water change schedule: 29% per week. Add invertebrates like cleaner shrimp for maintenance. More often than not, better off asking folks around here or at a local pet store (not chain stores; locally owned/small business stores) that've been doing things for quite some time, or just doing a lot of research with Google. Your aquarium stocking level is 118% Equipments: Tank (LxDxH): 72 x 18 x 22 inch (123. Flipper 10/20 Gallon Aquarium Stand, Rustic Oak A quick easy way to select fish for your aquarium, tank, or pond. 5, and provide a balanced diet. Fish For A 20 Gallon Tank; Fish For A 15 Gallon Tank; 10 Gallon Fish Tank Combos; Fish For A 5 Gallon Tank; Fish That Mar 13, 2024 · We decided to take a closer look at some of the best fish for a 5 gallon tank to help you find the best combos and stocking ideas. Your aquarium stocking level is 47%. Keep in mind the adult sizes and compatibility of the chosen species, aiming for a balanced and harmonious tank environment. These calculators typically ask you to input information about: Tank volume (in gallons or liters) Fish species and their average size Sep 15, 2024 · TheFishWorks at A guide on growing aquarium plants with FAQ, forum and species on 2023-10-05 05:47:31; Salviashaman at Congo Tetra (Phenacogrammus interruptus) – Care, Diet, Breeding, and Tank Setup on 2021-12-12 19:22:58; Aquarium calculator. Do you want to know "How many fish can I put in an X gallon tank?" Oct 26, 2024 · When stocking a tropical aquarium, it’s crucial to research each species’ specific needs and compatibility to create a thriving, balanced ecosystem. Our calculators will help you work out everything for your aquarium or pond including our popular pond liner calculator and aquarium stocking calculator. If we talk about the aquarium fish calculator, we should go first to the concept of aquarium stock level, it is extremely beneficial in maintaining healthy and stress-free aquatic creatures and the environment. People often wonder which fish are most suitable for their tanks, which fish make the best tank mates, how many fish should you put in a tank , what are their natural habitats and origins, how big will they grow to, how do you sex a fish and many more related questions. Aquatrak is an aquarium and fish-keeping tool and guide for all hobbyists and fans. Apr 30, 2010 · That is what makes stocking a saltwater tank more difficult than just number-crunching. Aquarium calculators use a combination of mathematical formulas and scientific data to estimate the ideal fish stocking level for your specific aquarium. E. You might like to have a read of our article about understanding fish stocking guides for more information. Recommend Duck Feed Intake Calculator Chicken Feed Consumption Calculator Broiler Chicken Feed Intake Calculator Railway Transportation Cost Calculator Train Occupancy Rate Calculator 5G Feb 8, 2010 · You have plenty of aquarium filtration capacity. A helpful, easy-to-use tool for all fish keepers! Mar 15, 2024 · Aquarium Plant Fertilizers; Best Substrates For Planted Tanks; Watts Per Gallon – Planted Tank Calculator; Low Light Carpet Plants; Amazon Sword Plant (Types & Varieties) Best Aquarium Plants To Prevent Algae; Aquarium Fish . Jan 17, 2010 · Your aquarium filtration capacity is satisfactory. Research and choose species carefully to ensure compatibility and Oct 30, 2023 · Marine aquarium stocking rates vary by species and tank size. Those snails defecate a LOT and mess up the tank fast, they're like the goldfish of the aquatic invert world. Calculating Stocking Levels. Use AqAdvisor. Whether you have a lush planted tank, a FOWLR (Fish Only With Live Rock) community, or a show tank with a focus on specific species, understanding the unique characteristics of your tank will This is a very awesome aquarium stocking calculator that lets you input tank dimension, filter and fish/invertebrates for both freshwater and saltwater tanks Aquarium Hobbyists: Hobbyists use the Aquarium Stock Calculator to plan their aquarium setups, ensuring that they maintain a suitable environment for their fish. Written By: Chris (@shrimpery) Some of the discussions involving aquascaping border on the esoteric (debates about the dry-start method and ‘siesta periods’ come to mind), but nearly everyone can relate to the subject of stocking a planted aquarium with livestock. Proper planning and gradual stocking will help ensure Today I go over the website AqAdvisor, an online aquarium stocking calculator! I cover the interface, rules, warnings, and of course, how to calculate your t Dec 21, 2010 · It takes into account size of tank, specific types of filters. This is a ridiculously low A central hub for Aquascaping techniques, articles, news, and more. Oct 3, 2024 · Aquarium Stock Calculator. Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 140%. Let’s begin. Nov 27, 2023 · Aquariums are one of the lively things that are very close to the aquarium’s heart because they allow aquatic life into our homes. com website is just one person’s OPINION and the stocking calculator is NOT based on rational volume or weight considerations. Using the Aquarium Stock Calculator involves these steps: Enter Aquarium Dimensions: Input the length, width, and height of your aquarium in inches. Shop and save now! Mar 13, 2024 · Before you buy an aquarium stand, make sure to check out our buyer’s guide for helpful information and tips. Can I add more fish if I have plants? Yes, live plants improve water quality and oxygenation, supporting a higher fish count. Size of the fish is only the first thing. Right now I have 4 cardinal tetra, 4 Otocinclus and 5 nerite Snails. Jun 2, 2014 · Filtration percentage for the calculator is determined by how much waste can your filtration handle compared to how stocked the tank is. Lowest prices guaranteed, free delivery and next-day delivery available. Topics: Pets, Aquaristics, Fish, Hobby, Leisure | Status: free to use Calculate Koi food requirements, fish food calculator Oct 3, 2024 · A high-quality filter and regular maintenance can allow slightly higher stocking levels. Your aquarium stocking level is 85%. Keep looking down the length of the tank and judging how clear the water is. Let me know what you think. 10 FAQs about Aquarium Stock Calculator AqAdvisor. 0-7. Adjust stocking levels based on individual cichlid temperament and species requirements, and provide ample hiding spots to minimize aggression and territorial behavior. Stocking an Aquarium. What is the best glass thickness for a fish tank? Freshwater Aquarium Test Kits for conducting water tests on a wide range of water parameters in tropical and coldwater fish tanks. Calculate your aquarium volume easily with our fish tank calculator. Factor in the specific needs, compatibility, and behavior of the chosen marine fish to ensure a healthy and balanced aquarium ecosystem. Aquarium Filtration and Water Quality products including fish tank filters and media and a range of reefkeeping equipment from skimmers to top-up systems. com This calculator uses surface area to estimate how many fish can be safely stocked in a rectangular aquarium. This page offers calculators that help with stocking a tank and also help with conversions. Most marine misconceptions about stocking arise because people try to follow the "so many inches of fish per so many gallons" rule. Bioload is important. Stocking Calculator Tank info: Tank Size (Gallons): Add Inhabitants: You haven't selected any tank inhabitants! No warnings! About Contact Policies Press (650) 206 2 days ago · How Aquarium Calculators Work. Of the many species available, these are the best fish for a 5 gallon tank in our opinion. May 10, 2011 · To add to that link I posted. Best Low Maintenance Fish For A 5 Gallon Tank: White Cloud Minnow; Best Small Fish For A 5 Gallon Tank: Endler’s Livebearer To give them the best chance for success, prepare a mature, seasoned aquarium of 10–20 gallons that has lots of microfauna and algae for them to graze on. Your favorite aquarium forums won't necessarily endorse or agree with the recommendations reported by AqAdvisor. Nov 13, 2024 · Acrylic Fish Tank Thickness Calculator Length (inches): Width (inches): Height (inches): Calculate Thickness Here's a comprehensive table summarizing all you need to know about acrylic fish tank thickness: General Guidelines: Add 0. We want you to get the most out of your stand, so we’ve put together some things you should consider when buying an aquarium stand. Jan 10, 2024 · The Tank Stocking Calculator is a vital tool for aquarium enthusiasts and aquarists seeking to maintain a balanced and healthy environment for their aquatic pets. Jun 7, 2021 · Stocking an aquarium is one of the most asked question in this hobby. Oct 2, 2024 · The Fish Tank Stocking Density Calculator is a valuable tool for aquarists, helping to ensure that their aquatic pets have a suitable environment to live in. 100% means you have exactly enough filtration for the amount of bioload in the tank, 200% would be you have enough filtration to handle double your current bioload, etc. The rule states "for every inch of fish, you add a gallon of water". Colossians 1:17 Aug 8, 2024 · When it comes to stocking your aquarium, the type of aquascape you have can greatly impact the types of fish you choose and how you choose to stock them. Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 106%. If one is new to fishkeeping, stocking is best looked at not by numbers but rather by water clarity. Thanks so much for this, and PLEASE do this for saltwater. Apr 24, 2010 · Cancel Create thread New Forums More Login / Join New Forums More Login / Join Therefore, the below fish stocking calculator is created as a general guide to prevent overstocking. 023-1. Oct 30, 2023 · When stocking a 55-gallon tropical aquarium, consider a variety of fish species like angelfish, neon tetras, corydoras catfish, and guppies. com is an Online Aquarium Stocking Calculator Tool to help users stock and setup right levels of tropical fish and choose right filters for their aquarium tanks AqAdvisor - Intelligent Freshwater Tropical Fish Aquarium Stocking Calculator and Aquarium Tank/Filter Advisor Our Aquarium Stocking Calculator can be used as a guide to help you work out how many fish you can keep in a tropical freshwater, FREE DELIVERY* on orders over £49; Oct 30, 2023 · When stocking a 55-gallon reef aquarium, prioritize small, peaceful fish like clownfish and gobies. g. Calculators The store will not work correctly when cookies are disabled. Recommended water change schedule: 40% per week. com is an Online Aquarium Stocking Calculator Tool to help users stock and setup right levels of tropical fish and choose right filters for their aquarium tanks AqAdvisor - Intelligent Freshwater Tropical Fish Aquarium Stocking Calculator and Aquarium Tank/Filter Advisor Jan 8, 2014 · A great deal of these threads could be solved with this site: AqAdvisor - Intelligent Freshwater Tropical Fish Aquarium Stocking Calculator and Aquarium Tank/Filter Advisor On AQAdvisor, you enter your tank size, fish and filters and it tells you if you need more filters, if you're overstocked and how many water changes you need. I plugged in my tanks and concluded that I have a talent for stocking my tanks to exactly 100%, as I suspected. Newly set-up tanks are usually quite sterile and don’t have the ability to sustain life yet, so you want to have healthy, growing plants, mulm on the substrate, and even signs of algae Oct 1, 2023 · The fish calculator will solve the math for you when you enter the maximum length and full-body length of your fish, as well as the tank dimensions. 4gUS) Filters: Rena Filstar XP3, Rena Filstar XP3 Selected species: [Edit Species] 10 x Harlequin Rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha) Mar 13, 2017 · Online calculators are always going to be inaccurate, there's just too much to consider when stocking a tank. Aquarium Your favorite aquarium forums won't necessarily endorse or agree with the recommendations reported by AqAdvisor. Regular monitoring of water parameters and proper maintenance are essential for a successful saltwater aquarium of this Apr 11, 2010 · The calculator calculates bioloads based on formula, but also each species has its own bioload attributes, hence I have the flexibility to "fine tune" each species individually until they look right. Is thicker aquarium glass better? Thicker glass provides more durability and safety margin against potential cracks or leaks. Yet another boring aquarium calculator? There are many aquarium calculators on the internet. The simplest way to use this feature is to select one of the pre-defined filters. AqAdvisor. Oct 26, 2024 · Saltwater Aquarium Stocking Calculator Tank Size (in gallons): Fish Size (small/medium or large): Small to Medium Medium to Large Calculate Here's a comprehensive table summarizing key information for stocking a saltwater aquarium: Remember to research each species' specific needs and compatibility before adding them to your aquarium. We highly recomend that new tropical fish keepers understock (less than 100%) their aquarium tanks. Few calculators do attempt to calculate bioloads for selected species but uses simple generalized rules such as "1 inch per gallon" or "x inches per y Oct 26, 2023 · The Stocking Level Calculator is a valuable tool for aquarium enthusiasts and hobbyists. Slowly add some fish. LAST UPDATED: 2024-10-03 10:58:28 TOTAL USAGE: 3424 TAG: Aquaculture Ecology Stocking Rate. Our app is an ever-expanding resource for aquarium management tools, biological insights, and expansive library of species. I’ve got a 29gallon (currently cycling) that I’m looking to stock with: 10 neon tetra 8-10 harlequin Rasbora 20 cherry shrimp 8-10 dwarf cory 6-7 ottocinclus 1 male betta Sep 27, 2023 · For a 55-gallon saltwater aquarium, consider stocking options like clownfish, royal grammas, firefish, blennies, gobies, wrasses, and cardinalfish. Although unless someone wants to clean the tank with an electric tank vacuum every couple of days, their stocking for snails (especially apple snails) isn't quite right. Breeders and Retailers: Those breeding or selling fish use the calculator to manage the stocking levels of their tanks and to ensure the well-being of their fish. Ensure compatibility and provide hiding spots. I think that if you carefully plan what fish you are going to keep and make sure you have the correct male to female ratio and make sure you don't mix fish that have similar colors, And by that I mean don't put male fish in that are the same color as the female of another Sep 27, 2023 · With over 300 calculators covering finance, health, science, mathematics, and more, GEG Calculators provides users with accurate and convenient tools for everyday calculations. Aquarium Calculator - Calculate Volume of Fish Tank. Jan 11, 2023 · Some fish like to swim around a lot whilst others will be more sedate and gently flow through the water. Oct 26, 2024 · Freshwater Aquarium Stocking Calculator Tank Length (inches): Tank Width (inches): Average Fish Length (inches): Calculate Here's a comprehensive table summarizing the key points you need to know about freshwater aquarium stocking: Remember that these are general guidelines and opinions. The calculators will do the maths for you. ~TPF AqAdvisor. Research each species’ specific requirements for a thriving, diverse, and visually appealing aquarium. Nov 3, 2024 · Rotational Grazing Stocking Rate Calculator Area of Pasture (acres): Grazing Duration (days): Animal Type: Cow Sheep Goat Horse Average Animal Weight (lbs): Calculate Stocking Rate Here's a comprehensive table summarizing the key aspects of rotational grazing and stocking rates: This table provides a comprehensive overview of rotational grazing and stocking rates, covering definitions AqAdvisor. Note that the AqAdvisor. Tomorrow I would like to add another 10 cardinal tetra and 2 siamese algae eater to help keeping the aquarium clean. Stocking decisions should consider fish type, size, and activity level, along with the impact of decorations and substrate. This calculator is an excellent tool for anyone looking to set up an aquarium with balanced stocking for optimal fish health. Use the best online calculator for any math calculations on PC and smartphones. Live aquarium plants, plastic plants, and silk plants for sale with out lowest price guarantee and free delivery options. Our Aquarium Stocking Calculator can be used as a guide to help you work out how many fish you can keep in a tropical freshwater, tropical marine, or coldwater aquarium. More recently, I have started to gain interest in the saltwater species. It assists in determining the optimal number of fish suitable for a particular tank size without compromising their well-being. We're also here to help you if you need advice. I would class my aquarium heavy planted, but it's my first ever aquarium and I am struggling on thr amount of fish I would like to keep. Recommended water change schedule: 15% per week. Different sources give you different answers as to how to stock a tank. Proper stocking helps ensure the health and wellbeing of all fish in the aquarium. This is a The sections that through me a little bit were the gallons and the filter. It’s essential to know how many fish your aquarium can comfortably support. com is an Online Aquarium Stocking Calculator Tool to help users stock and setup right levels of tropical fish and choose right filters for their aquarium tanks AqAdvisor - Intelligent Freshwater Tropical Fish Aquarium Stocking Calculator and Aquarium Tank/Filter Advisor Checking your levels and fish behavior is the better way to determine stocking level however it is a harder due to the things such as new systems fluctuating and acting with relatively short notice on how to do things. But playing around with the figures and Aquarium equipment recommendations Author: Yeo-Hoon Bae Last Updated: Mar 27, 2012 Which aquarium equipment should I buy? There are the following key equipments you need to purchase if you want to maintain your aquarium successfully. 025. Enter a few known values from the product label and let the calculator do the rest. You’ll notice we don’t have an aquarium stocking calculator, that’s because there is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to stocking your aquarium, there are many variables to consider. Sep 12, 2010 · I like that calculator the best, but as previously stated, it is just a guide for you to use. The calculator helps you determine the maximum stocking levels based on tank size and fish types, considering factors such as adult size and activity levels, preventing overcrowding and stress for your aquatic pets. com forum. Oct 26, 2024 · Fish per Liter Calculator Volume of Water (Liters): Number of Fish: Calculate Here's a comprehensive table summarizing key information about fish stocking per liter: Remember, these are general guidelines. Incorporate hardy corals like zoanthids and mushrooms. 15 posts 1; 2; Next; GingerGandalfff Junior Member Posts: 22 Joined: Wed Jun 10, 2020 7:34 pm Has liked: 4 times Been liked: 2 times Oct 31, 2018 · Tropical Fish compatibility and Tank Mate checker. Pick Fish makes sure all fish are compatible, and shows how many fish your tank can handle. For example, a betta is 3 inches Aug 24, 2023 · How thick is the glass for a 240 gallon aquarium? A 240-gallon aquarium typically has glass around 3/4 inch thick, but it depends on the tank’s dimensions and manufacturer. One 6" pleco will create a lot more waste than 12 ember tetras. com is an Online Aquarium Stocking Calculator Tool to help users stock and setup right levels of tropical fish and choose right filters for their aquarium tanks See full list on tankarium. Calculate Fish Capacity: Click the calculate button to obtain the recommended fish capacity in inches of fish. There are far too many variables that can not be taken into consideration by a calculator. Sep 8, 2011 · Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 136%. Maintain stable water parameters with a pH of 8. Maintain water temperature between 72-78°F, pH at 6. For instance, the AqAdvisor calculator says 105 neons in a 100-gallon aquarium is the 100% stocking level (“Your aquarium stocking level is 100%” in AqAdvisor). It also didn't have my filter listed, so I had to put the rating in manually. I had to manually put in the dimensions of the tank, which said 17 gallon when I purchased, but on the calculator, it comes up as 18. Volume directly influences stocking decisions and water chemistry stability. Then see how it goes. 125 inches of thickness for every additional 6 inches in height above 12 inches34. Most of the well-known filters should be on the list already but if it isn't there, you can leave a feedback in the AqAdvisor. Along with this attribute, AqAdvisor also features more than 40 other attributes, including things like size, pH range, temp range, minimum tank Mar 14, 2024 · Here’s what you’ll learn in our tank stocking guide; A Big list of aquarium fish ideas and suggestions; How to stock a community tank; The best top dweller, mid-level, and bottom-dwelling fish; The most peaceful community fish; And a few more great tips. +The calculated figure should only be used as a recommended maximum amount of fish allowed in the aquarium. Aquarium volume is a critical factor in responsible fishkeeping. [toc] Books To Help Stock Your Tank Aquarium Stocking Guide Thanks for thr input. Each aquarium is unique, and factors like specific fish species, tank setup, and maintenance practices can Yet another boring aquarium calculator? There are many aquarium calculators on the internet. I'll definitely send this on to a bunch of people. Jul 2, 2019 · Calculators and tools to work out stocking level of fish in a fish tank or aquarium Oct 26, 2024 · Always research specific species requirements and consider factors like fish behavior, compatibility, and specific care needs when stocking an aquarium. This tool considers my tank size and my filter’s capacity to ensure I do not exceed safe fish populations, which could lead to elevated stress levels and poor water quality. To me, stocking a tank is a treat for a job well done, as one can only add the livestock once a tank is fully set up and cycled Jun 13, 2020 · Just started on your fishy adventures, ask for help in here. What Does the Tank Stocking Calculator Result Mean? The stocking level calculator considers the aquarium surface for oxygen diffusion rather than calculating the fish amount based on gallons of water. Maybe that's just me though. , fish/acre). The website’s user-friendly interface ensures easy navigation and accessibility, making it suitable for people from all walks of life. Tank sizes are minimum recommendations, and larger tanks are often better for fish health and easier maintenance. To start I want to clear something up: the one inch per gallon rule. com is an Online Aquarium Stocking Calculator Tool to help users stock and setup right levels of tropical fish and choose right filters for their aquarium tanks AqAdvisor - Intelligent Saltwater Aquarium Stocking Calculator and Aquarium Tank/Filter Advisor 13. Just try "aquarium calculator" on Google. vymulj lhqdz azaey rewjfy dbhaani fppcub sygj uwal ieavak zpsd