Fun 5 man league comps. Teamfight comps/poke comps are way easier.

Fun 5 man league comps Professor Akali and BodySeason 12 League of Legends Lee Sin x Yasuo Gameplay ⇩ OPEN ME 16 votes, 56 comments. youtube. Then cheesy botlane comps like maokai soraka, nasus and mf and sht like that, ruining others experience is actually pretty fun always fun, Decent comp, a little too generic though Credit to u/poluact. 2) to help you find comps that could increase your chances of winning that clash you've been aiming for ! This post is a follow up to my last post in season 11 with the actualized team comps for season 12 Hope you enjoy ! A quick reminder Apr 25, 2024 · Best Champion Combos to Play With Friends in League of Legends. Here’s why it can be good. Tower is down in ~6 seconds. The most important things to me are wave clear, map vision, mix of early game/late game, split pushing, zoning, and lockdown CC - most of these comps have almost all if not all of these. At the moment we have tested a wombo comp, which consists of: Top: Ornn/Gnar/Malph Jungle: J4/Amumu Mid: Galio/Orianna/Veigar ADC: Twitch/Trist/Ashe Supp: Leona/Naut Got a tournament coming up and I’m building some team comps. Wanna see the most HILARIOUS Troll Team Comp? please enjoy this viewer game series featuring FIVE Champions with DISPOSITION ABILITIES and FIVE Champions wit A player community centered around the mobile game of Cardfight Vanguard!! ZERO! Disclaimer: This game has reached its EOS in June 2023 so this server is basically inactive for the foreseeable future. Idk how but we keep winning against stuff like ww, mordekaiser, trundle, heimer, etc. We want to have fun cuz were tired of tryhard at ranked but we also want to win clash. Ziggs & Veigar u/Razukalex "use satchel to push people trapped in the cage in the stun" Kill Lanes Jan 3, 2022 · League of Legends was released well over a decade ago, and since then, Riot Games has done a good job of constantly updating Champions, items, and Summoner's Rift. I've included all viable team comps that complete 5 or more team challenges at once, as well as a sheet specifically for completing the harder Globetrotter challenges. The site is all about having fun with team compositions! The site features a team comp roller, where you can roll three different types of team comps - Themed, Random, and Pro. Miss fortune + Pyke. All champions scale quite well and are good in teamfights, this type of team comp however is weak to early game comps as they are trying to scale In 5 players, this probably means you don't want more than 2 people who use the same armor type and you want a 2/3 split between physical and casters. Full invis comp is less viable HOWEVER run Shen top/support with that too. There’s a lot of wombo-combos out there and I’m curious what everyone thinks the best 5 champion compositions that exist in the current meta. Chong E. Here are the major League of Legends team comps. These are five of the top comps for the launch patch (Karthus/Akali > Punk but Punk is much easier to execute). We typically put up 200+ points a week, and have many trades. Feb 21, 2024 · Best Team Comps to play in 2024 Clash. EG poke comps often have difficulty dealing with pick comps since the pick comp can flank and kill the squishy pokers. Annie & Jarvan "No comment From Nekeuls over effectiveness" Tested last night, was very juicy with a fed annie with rage quits ensured Credit to u/Razukalex. This comp allowed them to target key members and turn a losing game into their first win of the set. I grab into the group, stun 3-5 people, he ults and just deletes everyone. Karma went AD, Janna went Tank, AP Taric, and Support Sona. The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat system, engaging storyline & characters, co-op game mode, soothing soundtrack, and much more for you to explore! Comp 1 : The "gets destroyed at minute 1" comp. I've recently been playing with a friend and we have been trying some comps that are mainly 4fun but also has good synergy. Maybe there's a champion that's not typically played in the bot lane or a combination of champions that haven't been tried before. Veigar + Viktor no comment - Ult + Veig E = free win Credit to u/uncontestes. Anivia, Aatrox, Zilean, Yorick, and Zac. I coulda went maokai or sion top but they were having fun why not me? Locked in lulu top expecting to get dominated but atleast im having fun on one of my fave champs. The game started with Zac invading blue buff and getting raped then every other person teleporting to his passive. Mar 26, 2020 · Here are three fun team comps to try out this weekend. Ehats funny is i had the reverse of this comp. Obviously this team comp wouldn't be particularly good outside of the combo, but the idea is interesting. We ended up winning bc I was playing Yasuo and got fed, but man, it was annoying. 5 man Bard ult, start channeling Nunu ult, start channeling Galio ult just before bard ult ends, shockwave, Yasuo ult. Experience the anime's story, original story, new and returning characters, fun mechanics, and more in the latest mobile game published by Sesisoft and developed by Sumzap! Members Online Event extreme 2 (soft launch player) with this team. 5 ppr. It’s one of the best nights of my year. For example the first comp. Link to the previous post Hi guys I need a troll but viable team comp (such as malph jgl sion mid and sth like that) for playing clash with my friends. Ex. 5 man TP/promote zzrot. it feels very playable against bruisers. Overview. Hard CC (against humanoids), Mages, Rogues, Ret, Hunter Now I know there are obviously fun specific champions for URF, but what about Team comps? I really enjoy playing Karma in URF. Related League of Legends Real-time strategy MOBA Strategy video game Gaming forward back r/leagueoflegends This is a subreddit devoted to the game League of Legends. 6 LoL Champion Tier List on MOBAFire. To be blunt, all 4 of these are rather I made a Google doc for Clash / Flex team comps (12. Teleport Comp Ryze Top Shen JG Galio Mid Twisted Fate ADC Tahm Kench Support 10v5 Comp Yorick Top Ivern JG Annie Mid Mordekaiser ADC Shaco Support Help Making 3-Man Flex Team Comps Hey everyone, just wanted to make a quick post about my situation. Honestly it's so fun and you should definitely try it with your friends if you can. They also have good disengage and peel for each other, just try it! Credit to u/RaNdoMStyleZ i love weird comps bunnyfufu does with his editor and other youtubers, besides him i dont watch much league videos the best bunny videos are the ones with pleb marv, the guy is just so freakin funny, idk if its his accent or just the fact that he always trolls bunny but hes the reason why is till watch bunny. For those of you who don't know, in the Teamwork and Strategy has a subcategory "Harmony", in which you progress by stacking a five man with 3+ from various categories. Members Online Shoutout to Riot for convincing me not to buy the season pass anymore Please suggest some fun to play 5-man comps. MissBaffy (Pyke Princess) I think. Posted by u/Saiperbia - 6 votes and 36 comments Oct 14, 2016 · What are some fun or troll team compositions you can think of for 5 man premades? douchey-team, trash talk the enemy team whole game and spam masteries on every kill or death riven top shaco jg yas mid draven bot teemo sup seige team yorick top malz jg heimer mid cait bot zyra sup 5 man kill squad, wtf are lanes? pantheon xin jinx j4 blitz Posted by u/Sure_Yesterday_1293 - 5 votes and 23 comments Posted by u/happy_baguette - No votes and 4 comments I'm of the opinion that new Asol is busted so I wouldn't be surprised if he is actually pretty strong even at support actually. We have recently been playing amumu/illaoi together in ranked and it is GODLY. Shen R on invis champs does not break their stealth, so you can silently deliver a 5-man taunt directly into their backline. Click on Champion's image to add them to your Comp Builder. Id always say dont overcommit to the comp u only need 2-3 champs that are the "comp". K/DA Ahri Akali. Archived post. 900 mmr btw so maybe those cheese strats that dont work for you in your rank work for us. Renekton/panth renekton/xin renekton/naut renekton/ Leona…back when I was a renekton OTP I had a pretty strong win rate with that and we had a 3rd that would take ADC top(or if it wasn’t ideal adc mid mage/bruiser top) and a tank jungle…the biggest problem is if you fall behind you stay behind but level 3+ you have insane kill threat and you go prowlers second always in bot To me, traditional bot lane comps are boring. What other ideas do you guys have? Sivir ult speeds up the team, Rammus Q to speed up, Kled and Sion ult to catch enemy team and engage, Aurelion Sol can E-Q towards Kled and Sion to stun and lock enemy team. Constant switch. also merchguy cant forget merchguy We noticed many champs for the "harmony" challenges under the Teamwork and Strategy Tab had overlap in certain categories, so we spent 30 min thinking of a team that could complete as many challenges at once. but have a clear theme built around the skins. My friend and I (I'm Gold V, he's Bronze IV) like to play as fun comps during normal games and we've focused on four that are ultra-fun. Winning League of Legends Clash is always a satisfying moment. Country Samira Urgot Reroll. so getting benny in Albedo banner was a saving grace. e. The speed boosts in this game were out of control. I wish I could remember what the full comp was, but i remember seeing a clip of a 5-stack running something like Tahm Kench, Yuumi, Kalista, and Shen. This is a really straightforward wombo combo that uses Amumu’s engage using his bandage toss as the initiating factor. We obviously lost, but it was still a really fun match. Disco/Dazzler Twisted Fate. I feel like this group make up would be best and you could probably mix up class/specs with the gear equivalent. Teamfight comps have trouble against splitpush comps because the splitpush comp has the waveclear and disengage to prevent the teamfighters from fighting or May 8, 2022 · Most Wombo Combos depend on the team comp or the champions you pick during the picks and bans phase. In these cases, your level 5 comps would be: Ziggs, Poppy, Kled/Kennen, 1 Knight, 1 Spellweaver or Poppy, Kennen, Kled, 2 additional Skirmishers or 2 additional Cavaliers It's not the best build or champ in the mode, but man is it fun. Apr 5, 2023 · 10 Troll Team Comps In League of Legends Juicer Blender Invisibility in My DNA Dunkin’ Mayhem Trippy Traps Bruiser Breakout Hookers United Assassination Extravaganza Try Dodging Read Now! Just today, I played with a troll 4-man premade: Karma, Janna, Taric, and Sona, all with Rally and Smite. Pro comps are team comps taken from past professional LoL games. Credit to u/nekeuls. Dec 1, 2024 · 3 hours of fun League of Legends comps you can fall asleep toLeague of Legends season 14 gameplay!Need thumbnail art? This is my artist: https://x. 1) Soraka/Sona 2) Blitzcrank/Thresh 3) Vayne/Poppy 4) Volibear/Singed #2 is especially fun. So far we've had ideas of: All AOE -- Kennen, Galio, Katarina, Sona, Wukong, Etc. Share & discuss your favorite strategy guide or build on our League of Legends Forum! Apr 22, 2024 · For poke comps, you don’t even have to have 5 champions that can poke: it may only be one or two champions that can poke and still be considered as a poke comp. Imo zac is one of the most fun champs, theres something extremely satisfying about flying around and being a huge ass blob giving everyone anxiety in teamfights. I'm currently looking for some unconventional bot lane combinations to play in the current version of the game. So the poke comp wants a source of peel or protection to prevent that. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. See full list on mobalytics. Dec 16, 2023 · Whether it's picking around your random teammate or together with a duo, picking a good team comp or at least planning around one is a great way to start Are Also, leave whatever team comp you have used and had fun within Clash with your friends. Veigar gains a lot of kill potential at lv 6, so if the lane is absolutely unplayable, just play chicken and salvage whatever resources you can until then. Benedetta has fantastic wave-clear and can split push well (so can Esme), Selena provides map vision. A sub for League of Legends ARAM (all-random, all-mid) game mode players. We somehow ended up winning around 22 kinutes. Reply reply Aug 18, 2021 · TURN OFF YOUR BRAIN WITH THE #1 CHEESE BOT LANE COMPLeague of Legends season 11 Nautilus and Swain gameplay!SUBSCRIBE TO ZWAG: https://bit. I personally have three I keep as pocket strats in the playoffs, for roleplaying purposes. When you see the name of the Champion you're interested in, select it and click the add to comp button. Here are 5 things to consider in any dungeon group. Random Note: Many people think the team of the 5 highest win percentages would be the strongest, but it's not the case. I’m in a 4 man league. Benny Q. Was cool experimenting with weird synergies and builds for maximum efficiency. The game certainly has its issues For example: Sion, Udyr, Orianna, Jinx, Alistair. We have a very good winrate with this comp (70%+). Full Dive Comp. Mind you everybody had teleport and revive. really nicesuu. The ones I've played are Varus, Ashe (poke + ult cc), Cait (consistent poke, bush control with traps, follow up), Ezreal, AP Lucian (safe, good poke, decent all in) and Trist (great all in potential with hob, good roams). For League of Legends on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Funny team comps". Last place pays for the meal. This WE PLAYED A 5 MAN TRAP COMP FOR OVER 3 HOURS STRAIGHT!League of Legends season 13 TRAP COMP gameplay!SUBSCRIBE TO HOT EBOY: https://www. If some people are up to do this tomorrow all over the day, just add me on league, name: Djurres The 5 man gank Shen top, TF mid, Kench + pantheon bot, Nocture jg (can put pantheon mid and TF ADC/APC if needed, its not too bad) Dead upon respawn AKA cross map killers as we call it GP top, Ezreal mid, Ashe senna bot, karthas jg Dont have a catchy name for this one but its one of my favorites, duration ults that mean shits goin down Hello all! I finally launched my website that I have been slowly creating for over a year now. Zilean & Veigar The Cage hast Just the Same width as the zilean bombs, so they get stuned either way. Ziggs adc+ viegar support or viegar adc+ poppy. Nocturne will ALWAYS have a risk-free R if Shen’s or Galio’s is off cd (and your positioning is good in Galio’s case. Full energy teams, Lee sin, Zed, Kennen, Shen, Akali. Create your own comps! You can create, save, and share your own comps!! This is perfect for theory crafting, saving clash comps, planning out CLoL comps, or putting together a 4fun comp to play with your friends. Few ideas like this comp, Evelynn, Teemo, Rengar, Twitch, Shaco. I guess that can happen easily if the enemies requeue immediately and you're not playing in gold or so when there are many players playing at the same time. Ziggs E and viegar E have good synergies because once you cage someone inside and use the bomb to knock them to whatever directions it’ll guarantee a stun once it touches the cage. I just played a game that consisted of Karma, Hecarim, Lulu, Rammus and Warwick. so i want full comps and not a weird off meta force just for skin sake for a 5 man stack. However, this build is insanely good vs tanks as compared to his normal lethality build. I. We Protec: Win with a 5-stack of 3+ champs with heals or shields. Syndra Miss Fortune - pretty finnicky timing but the idea is MF uses her Q on a low hp enemy minion, Syndra grabs the minion and throws it at enemy, guaranteeing the crit enhanced Q to bounce to them. No items, player traits, player skills, and tactics cards. Title, don't necessarily mean most OP but I'm only playing 2s just now with a friend and we are pretty alt hungry, we've… Team Frejlord - Any 5 Frejlord champions Team Aqua - Fizz, Nautilus, Nami, Tahm Kench, Atlantean Syndra Team Dunk - Darius, Vi, Yi, Kha'Zix, Tristana (could be more, like Jax) and lately, we played void bot lane kaisa + reksai (well, it's a 5 stack and we all played void with chogath belveth and malzahar) all of these are easy to play even for the not-so mechanically gifted ones, and more so satisfying for the higher level players. We honestly aren't that good at knowing who works best with other heroes. In 5v5 combat, it's important to understand what your team wants to do and what the enemy's wants to do. This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG from HoYoverse. Things like, a whole poison team, so Cassiopeia can spam twin fang infinatly. This would be Rumble, Evelynn, Amumu, Talon, and Taric. Have fun! cheers! LoL forum thread "Lists of Legends: 10 Themed Team Comps to Try in Team Builder". With right augments you just deploy 50% max hp shield every 2 sec and still have 500 ad to deal a ton of damage. Yeah Shota gang Melt comp using Benny as dps, I love layering their skills. com/wei_de What would you guys consider to be the best 5-man comp in regards to dungeons, considering loot distribution, CC and optimal play. Image via Riot Games. Top : Aatrox Jungle : Kindred Mid : Azir Adc : Vayne Support : Soraka Explanation : This comp is made for early-game shittiness, all lanes will get individually destroyed, a squishy no-pressure jungler and a marksman that will probably flame & afk Hey everyone, I'm a League of Legends player who enjoys trying out new and unique strategies in the game. Just strictly five-man line-ups. Again not fitting the current meta and with an overall team score of only 13. Augments, items, synergies & game plans for every meta comp. com/@HotEboyX Pantheon Taliyah is pretty fun, he stuns which garuntee's the taliyah combo, added bonus of near global presence for both of you after 6 too. I wanted to ask in this post about some ideas for great team comps that are fairly simple to pull off. League of Legends5 Man Composition of Lissandra, Amumu, Orianna, Miss Fortune, and Leona demonstrate a wombo combo on the rift, ideal for conquering flex for So I was wondering whether or not there are some really strong 5 man combo + lane combos, like a good team comp whilst still dominating some of our lanes. Top: Kalista; It’s no secret that some of League’s most overpowered champions are bruisers I played a game with this team comp before. League winner picks a restaurant. You won't regret it. Love the ideas some of you weirdos can come up with. Pick comps w lux cait/jhin etc. Remove a champion by clicking on their icon in the Comp Builder. Duo bot went vayne pantheon, yi jungle and yasuo mid. You don't have to guess what counts, if you go into challenges, it will show you the list of eligible Jul 13, 2023 · WE PLAYED 3 HOURS OF THE MOST BROKEN LEAGUE OF LEGENDS COMPS (THE "FOR FUN SQUAD" MOVIE!)League of Legends Season 13 gameplay!SUBSCRIBE TO PROFESSOR AKALI: h Jul 20, 2022 · Most times, this comp will target the enemy team’s carry or their Jungler, rendering the rest of the team unable to fight or contest an objective. Not only does it grant better rewards but it’s a great feeling when you win your friends or teammates through better coordination. doesnt have to be the same skinline. Discover the most OP team comps in TFT Set 13. Tassadar is my favorite support, but I never know who goes well with him other than any auto attacker because of Leeching Plasma at level 4. Jazz Superfan Miss Fortune Reroll. Sep 16, 2021 · A League of Legends Tier List created by Metallichydra: Â Good Team Compositions. XQ ult Supper fun. Hots had several events where they had pve 5 man dungeons with easy and hard difficulty. Some fun facts about these team comps: Exactly one viable team composition fulfills 8 challenges at once: Maokai, Nidalee, Galio, Ziggs, and Janna. The official subreddit for discussing Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms, a Dungeons & Dragons strategy video game that brings together D&D characters from novels, adventures, and multiple live streams into a single grand adventure. I was last pick top lane. Me and four of my friends want to make a five person team comp of champions that go together. 18 LoL Champion Tier List on MOBAFire. 25. The amount of interrupts, knockbacks, aoe stuns is just insane with this comp. Me and my friend recently started playing league and we hang around low silver. Many team compositions are all about individual play style and champion characteristics. I'm not looking for niche group comps for specific scenarios but a general comp. A Pick comp was recently played in a pro play LCK match by T1. If you’re a big fan of playing with your friends in ranked, but don’t know how exactly to synergise well with each other, this guide is for you. A full-dive comp is a high-risk, high-reward comp, that relies on the team taking down the most dangerous member of the team instantly and thriving on the chaos that exudes afterwards We Played a 5-Man Knock-up Team for Yasuo’s “Wet Dream Comp” - Ft. Galio Top, AP Nunu Jungle, Orianna Mid, Yasuo ADC, Bard Supp. 5 man stealth, should be epic teamfights. Step up your TFT game with Mobalytics! Most Fun Duo Bot Lane Comps! Looking to have some fun with a friend im introducing to league and since the meta is pretty wack rn with your traditional adc supp combo doing a lot worse than a yas alistar or xerath ezreal combo. In this video I give 5 short but in-depth guides on 5 easy to play comps prevalent in Set 10: Punk Jinx Reroll. This team comp uses uses Sion, Udyr and Alistair as peel and frontline for the damage carries in form of Jinx and orianna. ly/35Z1NhySUBSCRIB Last season I played 5 times in a row against this streamer girl that onetricks Pyke and 4 of her friends. 2nd and 3rd pay for the drinks. I am a Chongyun main and falls really hard as a main carry late game with XQ shatter comp. The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat system, engaging storyline & characters, co-op game mode, soothing soundtrack, and much more for you to explore! Oct 19, 2022 · Remember that this comp succeeds by taking as many teamfights as possible around objectives and making sure that the ADC survives until the end. Teamfight comps/poke comps are way easier. Srry for my bad english and ty :) Me and some buddies have been doing: prot war, ww monk, enhance sham, warlock and our healer flips between resto druid and prevoker. A couple of friends and I have been flexing a lot and although we perform well at our own individual roles, we have a hard time coming up with team compositions that work well with each other. Posted by u/MaxY11 - 2 votes and 11 comments Stacking Ziggs early can be an easy way to go pivot to either Vel'koz or Karma at lv8 while Kled ends up being a good item holder for AD comps - Jax in particular. We've tried the 4 support 1 with pa and bunch of supports, it sometimes work but sometimes doesn't. gg Mar 19, 2021 · A League of Legends Tier List created by zzepic: 5s Team Comp Ideas. Here's the spreadsheet. Cheeky wombo combo. Heavy peeling from the front line, Aurelion's W, and Sivir constant damage. Some example comps: Cleave comp: Feral Druid, Resto Shaman, Ret Paladin, Hunter, Shadow Priest AOE comp: Prot Warrior, Resto Druid, Ele Shaman, Warlock, Unholy DK It's so funny in teamfights when the enemy team is all beefy and big and then you have 5 tiny yordles on your team going to town on those big boys. Alternatively, begin typing the name of a Champion in the text box. Here are some ones we have tried so far: Trundle + anivia : T Kench + Yuumi. Can confirm this comp is VERY formidable. Of course there are the standard team comps like yordles or dunk squad, but I'm lookin for ones that people don't see often. In this Mobalytics guide, we will discuss several amazing synergises to abuse in Season 14 of League of Legends. 1-12. Swain + Thresh Neeko + Yuumi (for double Yuumi) At worst you can treat Sion as a sort of disengage support, similar to a less graceful Braum. Corki w jayce is a good teamfight comp then u can just add an engage champ and generic adc Teamfight comp with ori + something that can launch the ball (hecarim) and again jinx. 5 TP zzrot/banner rush +/- an ohmwrecker= start a slow push in one lane, pressure objective on opposite side of map. A Patch 11. Threat management, Having either a Paladin or Hunter in a group is ideal, to a lesser extent having an Imp with fire shield. Scoring: With all of these stats being measured, each 5-man team was assigned a score. :3 Just drag a poor hero all the way to your tower, knock up, knock back. All second life + build Guardian Angel -- Aatrox, Anivia, Yorick, Zilean, Zac, Etc. You can make your comps private, so only can see them on your profile page (recommended for competitive comps). Jul 22, 2015 · I'm looking for the wildest and craziest team comps, no matter how far fetched or silly it may be. (hell if you did it right you may even be able to get inner+base tower with this in one go. The Yuumi would attach to Kalista, Kalista would Ult the 5th person, TK would eat Kalista, Shen Ults TK, and then TK would (old) Ult somewhere. In order of top, jungle, mid, carry, and support. Pure engage composition, great peel and enemy team has little time to react. . It got me thinking, what other team comps would be fun? Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - No votes and 10 comments always fun, Decent comp, a little too generic though In Da Ring. And proccing Melt and Vaporized. Standard team comps with 7 player bench in . Champion Options for Pick Comp. oaegl euk ybzw lycc escednj zrl wyzjoh hzb ziwqox vgmwt