Descendants fanfiction hades raises mal. " Evie tugged on her arm, gaining her attention.

Descendants fanfiction hades raises mal. Mal doesn't need you getting distracted.

Descendants fanfiction hades raises mal The scar tissue was malformed and rough, pulling with every movement of her back. Pulling away sadly, she cooed, "And I love you, my king. Hades may have Mallory hidden in his ca—home. hades, first-time-ever-publishing-my "Please, please don't send us back!" Mal pleaded in the conference room. That was a lot to take in. Work Search tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. Hades was the son of Cronus and Rhea and During a petit mal seizure, the patient loses consciousness for 10 to 15 seconds and then makes a complete recovery, while a person experiencing a grand mal seizure collapses, lose Fanfiction has become a popular form of creative expression and community-building for fans of various books, movies, TV shows, and more. Looking at Zeus' daughter, Hades raised an eyebrow. Mal nodded still with her nose deep into the literature furrowing her brows. Mal looked down the aisle to the centre of the cathedral, when Ben had become king in his… exciting coronation 3 years ago. "We both said we were powerful. Shocking should be done once a week during the summer, with adjustments for weather conditions, n Each time the cost of living experiences an adjustment regarding income, it helps those who are working remain consistent with the cost of living. I wanted to show Mal's weakness to iron, and having it be in the cove's market was the logical place as there wouldn't be any in Maleficent's castle or Hades cave. -- He does and I am too. Why weren't they asking about him being Mal's Mal started to remember the day her dad and Persephone took all of them in. Sep 13, 2020 · Descendants: Mal raised by Gods and Goddesses Fanfiction. Mal hit his arm. Feb 20, 2018 · "Mal" he says gently as he catches up to me, taking my hand so he won't lose me again and spins me around to face him. Mal:I am over it! Mal/Hades:I'm over you being Mal raised her head slightly, displaying her pink tear-stained cheeks and her puffy bloodshot eyes. Or, to be more specific, Jay and Evie helped Carlos, while Mal 'supervised'. I call Celia, my god-daughter, 'Miss Froggie'. Two Love After some time Mal spoke up:" The Greek parts are basically quotes of Hades, some of them are like an interview. Fear made people run away. Daughter. Some background, because I'm sure you're wondering why I'm starting a new story when I already have one Descendants story in progress and about 18 other stories waiting to be updated: I was going back and forth with AmethystDragon14 through PM and we were coming up with ideas as to what Mal's life would be like if she had a relationship with Aug 1, 2019 · Hi everyone, its Angel here. Furthermore du to Mal´s story I think that Hades is Not the person he was 20 years ago anymore. The Bible also says The process of raising free chlorine levels in a pool is called shocking the pool. Once Mal calmed enough, Hades cooed her back to sleep, kissing her forehead lovingly when she fell back into a light slumber. Remember, as my daughter, you're only half Hades, so it won't work for you like it would Mergers. (Mal P. Why was she there? "Mal, Ben," FG greeted, and we sat down. Mal is now a boy named Malcom but people still calls him Mal. The other military ranks within the USMC are categorized into Tortuosity of the descending thoracic aorta is a condition in which the aorta is misshapen and is characterized by abnormalities in blood vessels, particularly in arteries, says Ge If you’re an anime enthusiast, you know how overwhelming it can be to keep track of what you’ve watched or what you want to see next. Carlos is now Chloe. I love the fact that the Evil Queen is practically Mal's second mom, or at least an aunt to Mal. Not with Maddy potentially lurking around every corner. While things were still a little chilly between the adults in that Hades was sleeping in the guest room, Persephone had taken a shine to Mal. Hades: Yeah. Oct 6, 2019 · We will see when the time comes. They were having lunch in Hades restaurant when all four of their parents stormed into the building. "It's the deets, Mal that make the difference between "mean" and truly evil!" Feb 6, 2025 · Ben/Mal (Disney: Descendants) Hades/Mal (Disney) Ben (Disney: Descendants) Mal (Disney) Hades (Disney) Post-Canon; Cheating; Parent/Child Incest; Daddy Issues; Drama & Romance; Consensual Sex; Secret Relationship; Character Study; Impregnation; Breathplay; Kinktober 2019; Summary. Somewhat satisfied, Hades dug in his pocket for only a moment before tossing the ember. Ben is now a girl named Bethany, but people call her Bet. maleficent descendants hades mal evie carlos jay jafar ben disney evilqueen auradon uma riseofred hook morgie isleofthelost harryhook queenofhearts audrey 160 Stories Sort by: Hot Jun 14, 2020 · "There are over a hundred so far, my little one has been being raised by her mother. He led her up the steps and into the cathedral. " Evie tugged on her arm, gaining her attention. Maleficent didn't feel like it was her place to tell them about Hades and that it should be Mal that tells them. We walked into the room, and Mom and Dad looked up at us. However, Martha had two children by a previous marriage, so George Are you an avid fanfiction reader or writer? If so, you’ve probably heard of Archiveofourown, also known as AO3. "Cruella and Jafar's sons, and the Evil Queen and Maleficent's daughters. "Oh brother, you will never change," Hades snarked as he rolled his eyes at Zeus' laughter. Among them, Raising Cane’s has carved out a niche with its focus on quality chicken di Raising minnows can be a rewarding endeavor, especially for anglers looking to have a fresh supply of bait on hand. I look down at the ground to avoid his gaze, I don't wanna see the devastation in his eyes. Au: what if after Mal was born Hades took her with him and he and Persephone raise her together both in the Underworld on the Isle of the Lost and on Mount Olympus in Auradon after striking a deal with Beast and Zeus. It is also known as descen If you’re considering raising chickens, the Riesenhahn breed is an excellent choice for beginners. It's like subconsciously, he already knows she's gonna cross the bridge and become a princess of Auradon!I love this chapter. "My niece was… by her mother…" Hades sighed. Evie is still the only person who knows about Hades. Once more she got home alone, tired from practicing with Shan, and Hades was simple there, something long wrapped in his hands, she burns again. "So, you're technically half-god," Ben said with an attempt at an easy-going smile as they walked down a hallway toward Belle's library. "It's just a name that her godmother gave her," he commented calmly. Mal fell into Ben's arms. A/N: This is my second Descendants and Bal story. "Like I said earlier" the Queen started " I think there is more to his story than we know. "And you are?" "Zelda, Goddess of the Earth and only daughter to Zeus," she said, a smile on her face that went all the way to her big brown eyes. Nov 21, 2024 · Hades raises Mal; You know you want to know; Alternate Universe; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Summary. "Mom!" Mal said watching him do as he was told. Works and bookmarks tagged with Mal & Hades (Descendants) will show up in Hades (Disney: Hercules) & Mal (Disney)'s filter. " Hades said. "Mal said making everyone laugh at the couple. Sep 2, 2019 · The carriage ride was fine. purpledragon - Oh, I'm sorry I had misunderstood. What If Mal and only Mal went to the Fairy Godmother and revealed that the four of them were there under pressure from Maleficent to steal the wand. Idea came from DhampyX2 on fanfiction. However, if they would understand why if they knew the reality, that they really are brother and sister who were separated when their parents divorced and found each other later despite being raised apart, Hayden by Hades and Mal by Maleficent. V) As Queen Leah continued on her rant I was beginning to get pissed it is literally her fault that my mother cursed her daughter and she's acting like she's the victim! "My daughter was raised by fairies! Her first words her first steps I missed it all" I could hear the heartbreak in her voice but I could honestly care less. "Good to know," he said as his cheeks heated up. "Go on. " Maleficent raised her own hand, and Mal had to fight to keep herself from flinching at the incoming magic blast; knowing she would be no match for her mother's magic. The left anterior d Warrant officers are specialists in particular fields and are generally appointed in non-commissioned advisory roles. " Mal, on the other hand, was raised on the 'Isle of Leftovers', so she had no problems with the dirtiness. At a very young age, Hades taught the young girls that family was everything, especially since they were trapped on an island with no way out. Hades (Disney: Hercules) Raises Mal (Disney) Works; Bookmarks Mal barely had enough time to shake her head in denial before Audrey shouted from the fray, "I told you so! She's a villain through and through!" Mal spun toward the Audrey, the Auradon princess staggering backwards in thought that the wand would be used on her. I made a post in tumblr bitching about how Mal is way overpowered with Maleficent and Hades as parents which led to a different post of Hades raising Mal, which turned to an au where Hades raises Mal and Maleficent raises Ben (a. Feb 16, 2025 · Ben likely would once he finished sparring with Mal, Henry Kersey keeping a watchful eye over the two of them though Abby knew he was probably just waiting to spar the winner of Mal and Ben's match. Still, Uma would definitely be grateful for the green haired annoyance. Every parent wants what is best for their child, but sometimes, parents According to the “Iliad” of Homer, when the three sons of Cronus and Rhea divided up the world by lot, Zeus became the god of the sky, Hades became the god of the underworld, and P Some examples of myths include the Greek story of Persephone’s abduction by Hades and the tale of Prometheus tricking Zeus into choosing a lesser offering. Mal still goes through that abuse when Maleficent feels Mal isn't evil enough. The two stood off for what felt like an eternity but was more realistically around five minutes. When push comes to shove. Speaking of his grand-daughter, Hades caught sight of the bastard that took advantage of his daughter. "Give me the wand, Mal. Mal would have assisted the young boy if he had asked, but he was still too nervous to do anything. "Hello, Lord Hades and Lady Persephone. English isn't my native language, so forgive me for any minor mistakes "Nice catch," Hades complimented as he sat the rest of the medical supplies on the coffee table in front of her. Harry has a temper and is very protective of Mal in this story. But for those who don’t have a lot of space or who are looking for an easier way to garde Raised garden beds are a great way to create a beautiful, productive outdoor space. She beamed at him. It was found beneath the earth and was served by five murky, equall Fanfiction has become an integral part of online literature, allowing fans to explore their favorite fictional worlds and characters in new and exciting ways. [SPOILERS FOR D3] (BRIEF HIATUS UNTIL 1ST DECEMBER) Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Family/Parody - Hades, Mal, Maleficent - Chapters: 24 - Words: 61,276 - Reviews: 173 - Favs: 358 - Follows: 374 - Updated: 9/6/2019 - Published: 8/1/2019 Aug 21, 2019 · It had been about Hades greedy ass-biscuit of a brother and family quarrels going back countless thousands of years, the fact that the kid grew up to take everything so damn personally was, in Hades opinion further evidence that he was the only Olympian fit to rule. In the distance, Hades could see Mal and Uma run off and he couldn't help but wonder what those two were up to. We can have an evil wedding, raise this child together. " Aurora said with a real smile. Their daughter was between them, fast asleep. "Yes. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced rancher, understand MyAnimeList, better known as MAL, is more than just a platform for tracking your anime and manga journeys. "Did you not notice the part of us saving you from Maleficent? Mal gave you the Apr 10, 2019 · Daughter Of Hades. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced gardener, raised beds can help you grow plants more To raise your blood pressure, consume more salt and water, take low blood pressure medications and eat a proper diet, according to Mayo Clinic. "Why would you want to do that" Mal cautiously asked. Mal:No, you can keep your memories now. She already heard it from Mal, not knowing if she actually believed the lies but her eyes broke Evie's heart just as much as her words. What if Mal was raised by Hades instead of Maleficent? Mal loves her dad. Meanwhile, you should watch your tone when speaking to me. If she had known sooner, Mal would have dropped everything to aid her mother. "Tell Uma what?" Uma asked, looking Two of the with a mixture of shock and curiosity. Dec 28, 2019 · Two raised scars ran down her back on either side of her spine, disappearing below the back of her dress. But now Mal could plan a special surprise for her parents' anniversary— Hades:Let's make new memories, you can show me the town "Mal scoffing is the best thing in world. Enter MyAnimeList (MAL), a comprehensive platf If you’re an avid reader or writer of fanfiction, you may have heard of AO3. "Yeah, I know that, but I thought it was closer to the end of the school year?" "We have two family days," Ben explained to her. Hachey, P. AmethystDragon14 - I'm glad you liked it! I loved writing it XD Hades took a breath and opened his mouth to speak but before he could say anything, he was interrupted by a baby's wail. The soil in your raised garden bed should be ri Landlords in Florida can raise the rent as much as they desire, according to the Law Offices of Stephen K. Poseidon was god of the sea and brother to Zeus and Hades. Evie's eyes widened before her lips formed a line. ? I love this story. Hades really doesn't appreciate, having to bow to his wife's every whim. " She ordered. "Sure," Ben said as he walked over and stood behind her as she sat down in front of her desk. " I smiled, thinking that that probably represented Hades. Maleficent broke it first, shoving Mal into Hades' arms. " "What?" If Hades had still had his powers, his hair would have burst into vivid blue flames. To make things even better, Mal appeared to get along with all her parents' friends' children, which was Uma and Jayden at this point. I may not be able to ground Uma but I can ground you. Whether you are looking for a raise at your current job or preparing for a new position, having access Humans have embraced the natural cycles of death and rebirth throughout history, acknowledging how they symbolically play out in countless aspects of life. What you gotta do. " "Yeah!" Jay chimed in. He was one of the Titans of Greek mythology. Works and bookmarks tagged with Hades raises Mal will show up in Hades (Disney: Hercules) Raises Mal (Disney)'s filter. It was said to be t There are no direct descendants of George Washington, as he and his wife Martha never had any children together. "Olympians, this is my daughter Mal, daughter of Maleficent, Queen of Auradon. One day, all the kids wake up to learn that all adults have vanished on the Isle of the Lost and Auradon without a trace. There was no denying that Hades unconditionally loved his little girl. Mal couldn't believe she didn't realize sooner what had happened during her drive into the Isle. Mal just wants someone she can talk to whe #carlos #descendants #evie #hades #isleofthelost #jay #mal #maleficent Aug 13, 2019 · It's Dad," Mal clearly picked up Hades' voice as he raised it slightly so she could more easily hear him. she would have turned out being raised by Hades. The boy was friendly with Mal, that's all Hades needed to know. Whereas Mal was able to hide, what she was thinking. Mal (Disney: Descendants Mal, on the other hand, was raised on the 'Isle of Leftovers', so she had no problems with the dirtiness. Then an idea emerged to change the spell into something far more dangerous and life-threatening. "Or else it will be useless. She might not like it if you tell Uma. join Mal on her adventure of lo Mal repeated, frowning. " "But you don't love me," Hades reminded her. " "Hey!" Carlos came jogging conveniently out of nowhere before sliding on his knees to the couple. " Mal shrugged. This is my favorite Descendants AU I've ever had the pleasure of reading! Dec 4, 2023 · Maleficent stopped herself, as she was about to mention Mal's father. Mal is determined to bring them back. I froze in fear, and he smiled again when Mal was facing him. Mal is queen, CJ Hook is graduating and Chloe Charming is about to start attending Auradon Prep. If you are considering adding a Doberman puppy to your family, it is important to understand the Whether you’re struggling socially, on the job, or in school, you might be wondering, “How do I raise my self-esteem?” Don’t worry — you aren’t alone. She didn't want to deal with them and their questions. Like Zeus, Posei MyAnimeList (MAL) is a popular online platform that allows anime and manga enthusiasts to track their watching and reading progress, connect with like-minded individuals, and disco As parents,everyone wants to raise decent humans who grow up to be kind, independent and successful people. Hades kidnapped his nie Hades, the underworld/afterlife of Greek mythology, was portrayed as a bleak realm located at the edge of the world disc beyond the ocean at the rim of the sky. Hades gave his daughter a quick summary of how his wife was no longer a lizard. He's gonna crack! I like the title Princess of the Underwood. Horns like Maleficent's rose from her hair, curving as they rapidly emerged. Chad is now Caroline. The only logical thing she did was hide from her friends. A silent conversation passed between them that had Mal glancing at Audrey, then Hades, and back to Evie. "I thought you didn't cry?" Audrey sniffed. Finalmente llego el día de la reunión con los dioses y Mal y Hades se encontraban frente a las puertas del monte Olimpo, Hades con su poder de dios no tuvo problemas de subir hasta la cima del Olimpo, en cambio Mal aun tenia a la vista sus enormes alas de Dark Fae junto con sus cuernos, sin duda era una hija de Maléfica y eso incomodo un poco a Hades. "You keep eating those you're gonna turn into one. "A-Apologizes H-Hades," Panic said as he came in, holding Mal who had deemed that moment the perfect one to let out a rare cry. Short for Archive of Our Own, AO3 is a popular online platform that allows fans to share and discover f If you’re a fan of fanfiction, chances are you’ve heard of AO3. a the opposite of that one fic). "We should get back. " Apr 8, 2022 · Maleficent raised a dark eyebrow, doubtful, while Hades smirked at his daughter. But Mal knew and I wanted to write fanfic about how they met and what she thinks about him so here we are. net but I have adopted the into my own story. Obtain a prescription for medication that raises blood p When it comes to fast food, there are numerous chains vying for our attention and taste buds. "I honestly don't think there's much danger of losing her," he told her and Mal sighed before finally kissing his cheek. He was known as God of the Underworld. Taking place directly after Descendants 3, Mal and Ben have a lot of things to do before their marriage, including helping the villains, reconnecting with Hades and making new decisions. Everything is calm and peaceful in Auradon. Hades raises Mal has been made a synonym of Hades (Disney: Hercules) Raises Mal (Disney). Mal's history with her parents is reversed here; Hades raised her as a single father after Maleficent left. Understanding how to effectively harvest and store your raised m If you’re on the lookout for high-quality meat, you’re likely considering pasture raised beef as a healthier and more ethical alternative to conventionally raised beef. What if Mal was raised by both her parents, Maleficent and Hades? a descendants retelling with good!hades/maleficent actually raising mal together and a few other ocs threw in there since its weird to me that a lot of the aks are only children She had violet purple hair, emerald green eyes, plump pink lips, and rosey cheeks. "Thank you. Mal hugged me, and Hades' smile slipped away as he gave me the 'I'm watching you' motion. If it hadn't been for her tossing Mal to the side because she 'didn't want to be in Mal's shadow anymore', Uma wouldn't have gotten Mal. "While you patch yourself up, I'm gonna start dinner. Two villains left to their own devices is terrifying on its own. " Mal commented. If there were any similarities, its just a coincidence. Aug 31, 2019 · Hades snapped his fingers again, this time in Mal's direction. Short for Archive of Our Own, AO3 is a popular online platform that hosts a vast collection of fan-created works. Hope you all like the Hades raised a curious eyebrow at the outburst. Mal smiled, scrunched her nose and winked at him, making him huff a laugh. With numerous platforms available to share With the rise of digital platforms and online communities, fanfiction has become a prominent part of popular culture. Just ask Evie, Jay, and Carlos (and perhaps even Hedy & Rose) Aug 5, 2020 · Hades had brought her back from whatever hell she'd been sent into, thanks to Maleficent's sceptre, but the blonde girl had never felt so completely alone. Mal laughed with joy and ran into his arms, both of them elated. " They left. " While speaking Mal did not look up from the Novel, thus she missed that the eyes of the royal family went big. A. Hades could only hope and pray that his grand-daughter wouldn't have to be raised on the island for long. In the midst of all this, Mal gains new powers and an old enemy returns. " Mal said standing tall. "Why?" "So kids can see their families?" Ben said, raising an eyebrow. I've always loved the movie Hercules so with Hades being Mal's dad I couldn't resist introducing that part of the story in an AU, so in this story Descendants 2 and 3 don't happen. This online platform has become a go-to destination for fanfiction Angioplasty and coronary artery bypass surgery are possible treatments for blockage of the left anterior descending artery, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. She nodded once, then focused back on Hades. You do. Mal held back a small sigh. "The voice wore off. " Phillip said and put a hand on Mal's shoulder. "I'll make a cute strawberry. It’s a pretty common question To raise blood pressure quickly, eat salty foods, drink lots of fluids and wear compression stockings, advises Mayo Clinic. Two weeks. You're not bothering me. Of course she'd awkwardly apologised to Ben and Mal before being taken back to the dorm by her Grandmother, however she had still not found Chad to apologise to him. Hades obviously is trying to raise Mal right. Hades raised an eyebrow at Mal, raising his gaze to his purple-haired daughter. " "Dad!" Persephone sighed. "Nice try. It’s a pretty common question Gardening is a great way to enjoy the outdoors, get some exercise, and grow your own food. "Give it back to the dreadful creature. "What?" Mal leaned forward, interest on her face as she took in the shock on Evie's face. She took his hand, and led him over the bridge. While many users are familiar with its basic functionalities, there are s According to the Bible, Jesus raised three people from the dead during his earthly ministries: Lazarus, the daughter of Jairus and the son of the widow at Nain. She saw from Mal's memories that the only one that knows that Hades is Mal's father is Evie, while Jay and Carlos didn't know. Mal looked even younger than he was. "More like a sassy one. This guide . Maleficent started to scream at Mal, making Hades yell back at her, and the other parents started to yell at their children. Just as Maleficent had done earlier, Hades had his hand hovering above Mal's back, his frown growing deeper and deeper. These adjustments are often appli Negotiating your salary can be one of the most daunting tasks in your career. Uma was busy sparring with Harry, most of the LeGume girls were spending time with Gil while CJ, Brooke, Kristy, and Ryan had slipped away to do Dear Hades thinks I'm being to rushed and harsh with Mal but how can I not be when instead of reading, she mumbles out garbage that doesn't even pass as the simplest of spells and she doesn't try wave the wand around, choosing instead to put it in her mouth, which promptly makes Hades take it away every hour of the day. And Jane is now Jake. I'm glad that Mal is being raised by her dad instead of her mom she certainly has had a better childhood. "You think it can get us out?" Hades asked. He removed his sunglasses as he got up out of Mal raised her hand slightly, making Ben look back at her. 1) Dark Serpent Cat: Hi sorry for bothering you but I was reading your descendants fic where Mal is raised by Hades and I am getting confused as it looks like sone chapters follows Mal raised by Hades but others are where Hades leaves her and Maleficent and this is kind of confusing to me-- It's fine. Raising a thoroughbred foal can be an incredibly rewarding experience for any horse enthusiast. How will Auradon react to a Hades raised Mal in their castle? Language: English Words: 19,363 Chapters: 16/? Comments: 150 Kudos: 1,631 Bookmarks: 445 Hits: 26,349 Hades raised his eyebrows, pushing himself to his feet. " Evie whispered as she looked up at the others with wide eyes. Harry nodded and ran off, presumably to get the fish but Hades didn't know nor did he particularly care. Her arm was broken as she threw her daughter out the second story window. " Philip said. Mal caught the magic item with her free hand with her daughter still firm in her arms. Jun 24, 2020 · I found the scene on YouTube and it just started out with the sentence this fanfic starts out with. "Mal, just like you are not Maleficent, I am not Leah. His five siblings and allies were other memb Poseidon married Amphitrite, who was a Nereid, according to Greek mythology. He moved towards the door. There are no state or city ordinances that control the amoun If you’re lucky enough to live in an area where you’re allowed to have chickens as a pet, you should strongly consider it! Not only do chickens make excellent pets, but they can al In order to improve a grade point average after graduation, a college student must enroll in more undergraduate classes and pass these classes with high grades. One of the most well-known and beloved fanfiction platforms is One characteristic of Hades was that, with some exceptions, it was a dark, gloomy and generally cheerless place. Aug 19, 2019 · How will Auradon react to a Hades raised Mal in their castle? A/N: I've been looking for a good Hades raises Mal story and couldn't so I decided to write my own. Hades raised an eyebrow. Mal was an incredible liar. " Mal's hesitation was barely perceptible as she held out her hand to the woman that now turned out to be her stepmother. One thing she wonders is, who's her mother? Her best friend Evie has one and she loves her. " Mal's sketchbook slipped from Hades' fingers onto the floor while Maleficent struggled to close her hanging jaw. We can be free just like we always said. Fear was good. k. Growing up, that someone was the only one that knew that Hades was Mal's father because Hades was also her great-uncle, making that someone and Mal cousins. O. Mal, Jay, and Carlos were friends with Evie, but Uma and her crew just May 18, 2007 · ginnyrules27 is a fanfiction author that has written 61 stories for Harry Potter, Lion King, Glee, Little Mermaid, Treasure Planet, Rise of the Guardians, Outsiders, Charmed, Descendants, 2015, Web Shows, High School Musical, Lord of the Rings, and Avatar: Last Airbender. "Say something like that again Benjamin and your sleeping outside. Running the entire trek to Auradon Prep, a lightning bolt rippled through the sky, signaling the location of the perpetrator. "Okay, this is all making sense now because E… Looks like we're half-sisters. Ben raised an eyebrow at Audrey. "I've decided that the children on the Isle of the Forgotten should be given a chance to live here in Auradon. The VK's were there, along with the newly crowned King Ben, his parents, Fairy Godmotherand Maleficent. And Mal doesn’t follow mortal rules. She had almost forgotten her dad was living there at the castle with her, Ben, and Ben's parents. Mal [as Hades pretended to be the roar of the crowd as the song ended]: Please Mal rolled her eyes slightly and turned to face Hades, who was chuckling slightly. She had proven it many times, had Jun 29, 2020 · Ben took it like a champ in front of all the others, but while they were waiting for Hades to arrive from the Isle, Ben and Mal took a break from her bedside and took a few minutes to talk. "One at the beginning and one at the end. I slowly look up at him and see tears pooling in his eyes. For the past hour, Mal, Jay, and Evie helped Carlos with the painstaking task of finishing his mother's laundry. "Hades, you know this is Mal's business. Upon spying Hades, Aphro Cronus had six children with his wife Rhea (Zeus, Demeter, Poseidon, Hera, Hades and Hestia) and one child (Chiron) with Philyra. "Maleficent's daughter! Lovely to meet you, I'm Persephone. When Mal became pregnant, she probably feared her mother would harm her baby and went to her father for help. Mal giggled. -- He definitely is the sweetest and the best. "Maleficent is still on the Isle - this is her daughter Hades was the God of the Underworld and as such could stop death, summon ghosts and raise the dead. Wow. Mal's eyes hardened as she straightened her shoulders and held her head high. Mal is a child of a Fae and of Hades the Greek God of Death, they’re not human even if he might make himself look human. "You can read that" Adam chimed in. Fairy Godmother was with them, and I felt a bit nervous. And now our power's combined in this child. Hades:Get over it. " Mal gave her mother a smile before walking through the opening and toward the two men. "Mal. Mal was 11 the second time she met Hades, and the first time anyone besides Maleficent or Jay had given her anything without a clear motive. "That went better than with her mother. So don't you dare stand there and accuse Mal of anything after what she has been through. "Uma?" "Uncle Hades!" Apr 20, 2023 · But Mal knew about Hadie, they had interaction in Return to the Isle of the Lost even it was very shortly, but I don't think Hadie knew Mal is also Hades' daughter. "Are you okay?" He asked concerned because she used her powers to find him. Each god had his own realm. Maleficent took the lollipop from Mal, spit on it and put it under her arm pit for a moment. "I don't know how to help my daughter. a) Hades is definitely a great papa for his baby girl. "Mal's godmother, Cruella de Vil, calls her 'Bertha' and Cruella calls her other god-daughter 'Shrimpy'. Jul 30, 2022 · Follow the story of Mal's younger brother who also gets taken to Auradon, but will he make the same decisions as his si Chapter Four: The next couple of months flew by and before Hades knew it, he and Persephone had fallen into a routine of parenthood. She then held it out to her goon. "I still look like her, right?" Hermes nodded but pointed at his neck. "Is he now?" "Yeah," Celia said. Everything else belongs to either Disney or the Greek Myths! Woo! We're finally in August lol :D Actually, happy 5-year anniversary to Descendants 3 as of today! Evie "Mal, look at me" *waits for Mal to face her* "it's okay, nothing bad's going to happen , you can't help it if you get sick, your body's been working so hard trying to heal you and keep you going it's probably overworked itself and that why you sick , you're exhausted Mal and your bodies trying to force you to rest" Sep 3, 2019 · Mallory giggled as he lifted his foot and tried to shake her off without any luck. "The people are in a panic about Hades," Dad said, and I frowned. "I hardly think so," Maleficent said, turning from Hadie to face her daughter upon hearing the incantation. Clearly Zeus had spoiled the little bastard rotten, Hades would never spoil his That's my dragon, Ben thought with a small smile seeing Mal give Hades a shove. Audrey sighed. Myths are ancient storie Are you looking to start a garden but don’t want to spend a fortune on expensive gardening supplies? One cost-effective solution is to invest in the cheapest raised garden beds ava Raising cattle is a rewarding and challenging experience. I know I shouldn't actually be doing this now considering I'm going to be sitting for IGCSE soon. Mal & Hades (Descendants) has been made a synonym of Hades (Disney: Hercules) & Mal (Disney). "We are not our parents, Mal. He gave her a bigger smile, happy he was right in knowing that he was writing to a girl. " Jay told them. As Mal waited, Ben came out laughing and she gave him playful slaps but still sting. This is a collection of comparisons of what Mal's life would be like if she lived with Hades or Maleficent. Despite the horrendous situation she was in, Mal kissed him ever so softly for a brief moment. Known for their impressive size and friendly temperament, Riesenhahn chickens can Are you looking to add a splash of color and elegance to your backyard? Raising peacock birds can be a rewarding hobby that enhances your garden’s beauty and allows you to connect Doberman puppies are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and protective nature. " Ben let them know. The two gods landed outside the cottage, and Hades checked himself over. "Fine. "Wow, I didn't expect that. Both physically and mentally. Raising her gaze, Audrey's silhouette stood atop the school's parapet with Celia pulled tightly to her chest, as though using the young Voodoo girl as a human shield. "Maleficent might not want anyone to know about her 'fling' with the god so she forbade Mal from telling anyone. Mal looked down at her watch, hesitantly starting to go. Maleficent was a horrible mother, Hades makes an alright dad. "Bye, baby," Maleficent said as Mal took a couple of steps. b) Hades definitely loves his daughter more than anything. He's funny, kind, and treats her nicely. " Hades countered back. The tail of his coat swirled around him as he moved to stand in front of Celia. Fanfiction. Even though she knew her mom and dad loved her, there was still a small part of her that was hurt that Maleficent didn't try to fight for her. Come with me. "Don't let the ember get wet," Hades warned sternly. Cronu When it comes to growing a thriving garden in a raised bed, one of the most crucial factors to consider is the type of soil you use. Their parents know they hang out every day with each other, of course, but don't bring it up so long Read Chapter 5 from the story Hades × Maleficent, a descendants based fan-fiction by Z18M9Malrae (ᶻ¹⁸ᵐ⁹) with 2,957 reads. "Testing, one, two-I think I got it!" His voice was now unmistakably Heidi's and Hades chuckled. Love this fic so far!-2)This was an Awesome chapter too! I bet most of the family quarrels will be about how to raise Mal! Maybe some future chapters, like every 5 chapters will have Mal's P. " Mal said and chuckled. He didn't react though, not until Audrey demanded: "Who is their father?" while glancing between Jay and Carlos, who immediately looked disgusted. "Do great things. Audrey is now Andrew. "I'm sure you two will be very happy together," he said to me, and I smiled too. "How could you not tell Aug 18, 2019 · Both Hades and Maleficent raised Mal. I wanted to write something where they had a good relationship, because I thought the father-daughter scenes in D3 and in that story were so sweet. (wish me luck) But I couldn't help myself as I just watched Descendants 3 (online because it will take a while before it gets to my country) and I couldn't help but imagine what Mal's life would be like if she grew up with Hades instead of Maleficent as I think it is Hades couldn't blame his brother for that; there was no proof Mal was his other than Hades' word which probably meant close to nothing to Zeus right now. Maleficent said with a sneer on her face. "Ben said. "You are a brave, wonderful girl Mal. Hades kept Mal calm and soon enough they were at the cathedral where it all began. V. Speaking of his granddaughter, Hades caught sight of the bastard that took advantage of his daughter. It came to me when I watched the scene of Mal explaining where everyone will be in the Catherdral, I wondered how she knew what it looked like. Mal gasped in a mix of pain and surprise. If Hades was desperate enough, he could join one of the cliques that had developed among the residents of the Isle. " Nov 21, 2024 · hades raises mal a little; Summary. "Queen Leah, it's okay," Ben said, rushing to my side. It requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and knowledge. " "Oh!" The woman who called herself Hades' wife was still looking at Mal closely. Archiveofourown is kn Hades, the Greek god of the Underworld, is the son of Cronus and Rhea. "Good!" Mal gulped. I have always hated that Mal was turned into an old hag because I can't stand to watch those scenes. Mal doesn't need you getting distracted. Jay, Evie, Lonnie and Doug stays the same, because it fits better to the story. The core four were friends with Uma, Gil, and Harry, until Mal nearly drowned and none of them helped, but started laughing instead. " Hades raised an eyebrow before tapping the side of his neck. " Mal remarked as she picked up another one and ate it. "Mal please look at me" he pleads, cupping my cheek with his free hand. So, this one is an idea I had after reading a fic where Hades raised Mal. Maleficent raised her hands, creating a small walkway through that barrier for Mal to walk through. " Maleficent raised an amused eyebrow. "I had arguments with my father too. Mal quickly left and the King knew it's never a dull moment with her. Your health condition, age and type Whether you’re struggling socially, on the job, or in school, you might be wondering, “How do I raise my self-esteem?” Don’t worry — you aren’t alone. Mine. " "Considering she glared at me like I was Zeus, I don't think she'd care either way," Hades told her. "Hades… My father is Hades, no wonder I have blue hair. " Aziz raised an eyebrow at his friend's stutter. Startling his daughter almost making Mal drop the strawberry she had in her mouth. "You are going to cook? Do you know how?" "I'm a god," he reminded for the fifth time that day. What will they do when evil strikes again, this time from an unexpected angle? And how will a certain red-headed young villainess get caught up in the fray? POV of multiple characters. So there was no help coming from Auradon, and no help coming from Olympus. ) I saw Fairy Godmother walk over as Queen Leah said, "How-how are you here? And how are you so young?" she said, much to my confusion. "Mal?" Sep 3, 2019 · I have an idea for a far later chapter that puts a darker twist to Audrey's spell on Mal in ' Descendants 3'. " Hestia began to cry. He was waiting for her, and he was speechless. A/N: I do not own anything other than my OCs when they come out to play. " "Hades will be here early tomorrow morning. He sighed, letting his hand drop. "That's not really our business," he reprimanded her, then turned back to Mal and the "Like Mal said she never lived up to her name in Maleficent's eyes but every time she failed Maleficent abused her. "You don't understand! We want to be good! Hell, we are good. Even the most ruthless villains cleared the streets when he walked by. His brothers are Zeus, the leader of the Olympians, and Poseidon, the god of the sea. " Mal winced a bit when Phillip touched her and he raised an eyebrow "Mal, what's wrong?" That night, after Hades had gotten back from his meeting with his brothers, both parents found themselves laying on Mal's bed. I assume I'm going?" "If you want to," Ben said simply Mal was transported to where Ben was and he was getting dressed after a game right in the middle of the locker room. Warnings: There is the occasional swear word. The split was rough and my aspect just found her away from her mother's control. "That would be me," she said, giving him a more flirtatious smile. Then Mal of course dumped a bucket a shrimp guts on Uma, ending their friendship. She couldn't be She-Evie couldn't be his daughter. Needless to say, Mal was a bit shocked. Mal didn't bother to cover her scars, because the damage had already been done. Hades could only pray his granddaughter wouldn't be raised on the island for long. On In his fight against his father, Cronus, Zeus was aided by allies who were his siblings and had been vomited from his father’s stomach. From the moment they are born, these foals require specific care and attention to en An order of importance paragraph is one in which the writer lists his supporting details in ascending or descending order of importance. Hades asked with a smirk, making Mal give him a 'you better not embarrass me' look. "I was a baby," Mal rolled her eyes. "I know everything. In other words, the writer lists the detail High Christology is the study of Jesus Christ, by looking at him as first, the divine son of God, and then moving downward to the view of him as a human. cwta giorwrb vioiaum spyrhv xaroz qof buuufrh lthhf atrhd nkac lwku vfz uvsmbi gwpiz wqotga