Objectives of vision 2020. VISION 2020 launch WHO/IAPB Feb.
Objectives of vision 2020 The working group agreed that one of the main objectives of the VISION 2020 initiative is to help to establish well-functioning eye care systems within the existing health care systems in respective countries. To achieve a population of 3000 wild rhinos in Assam ; Translocating rhinos from two source populations i. The ECOWAS Vision 2020 is aimed at setting a clear direction and goal to significantly raise the standard of living of the people through conscious and inclusive programmes that will guarantee a bright future for West The overall objective of Vision 2020 is to assist Member Countries in building their national capacity for prevention and control of blindness, specifically to Strategic Plan for Vision 2020: The Right to Sight EDPRS 2 is guided by revised targets of Vision 2020 adopted in May 2012 which clearly outline the objectives to be achieved as a pre-requisite for rapid growth and poverty reduction. The objective of VISION 2020: The Right to Sight is to create a world in which needless blindness is eliminated and those with unavoidable visual loss can achieve their full potential by the year 2020. List of Background Papers for Vision – 2020 Nigeria Vision 2020 (also stylized as NV2020) was a strategic framework for the Federal Republic of Nigeria to develop its economic and political strength to the point by 2020, “Nigeria will be one of the 20 largest economies in the world, able to consolidate its leadership role in Africa and establish itself as a significant player in the A Vibrant Society. . Richard J. The ultimate objective that we should aim for is a Malaysia that is a fully developed country by the year 2020. 22 Vision 2020 Australia 2017–2020 Strategic Plan Established in October 2000, Vision 2020 Australia is part of VISION 2020: The Right to Sight, a global initiative of the World Health Organization and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness. Vision 2020 • global initiative to eliminate all avoidable (preventable or treatable) causes of blindness from the world. Hopefully the Malaysian who is born today and in the years to come will be the last generation of our citizens who will be living in a country that is called 'developing'. The NEP 2020 outlines several key objectives that serve as the foundation for the proposed reforms: Universalization of Education: The policy aims to provide universal access to quality education from early childhood to higher education. 3 (Figure 42–1, May 17, 2022 · The strategy provides a medium term framework for achieving the country’s long term development goals and aspirations as embodied in Rwanda Vision 2020 (Republic of Rwanda, 2000), the seven year Government of Rwanda programme, and the Millennium Development Goals. Good Governance and a Capable State 9 4. Its Vision Statement is: by 2020, Nigeria will have a large, strong diversified, sustainable and competitive economy that effectively harnesses the talents and energies of its people and responsibly exploits its natural endowments to guarantee a high standard of living and quality of life to its citizens. It describes the kind of Zanzibar that it was envisaged to be by the year 2020. Huang, PhD, MPH. Success in the implementation of VISION 2020 will depend primarily on the efforts and sacrifices of ourselves, the citizens of Rwanda. Mahathir Mohamad’s push to achieve developed nation status by 2020, dubbed “Wawasan 2020” or “Vision 2020. A. However, some governments still need to be convinced to allocate the resources needed to achieve the objectives of VISION 2020. The overall aim of Vision 2020 was to ‘transform Rwanda into a middle-income country by the year 2020’ (GOR 2000, p. Jul 12, 2023 · What Are Vision 2020 Objectives? The increased awareness about blindness and the possible avoidable causes and their treatment options were discussed. •With a vision we have fulfillment which brings true satisfaction Of course we have no desire to perish or to live carelessly. The five pillars and focus areas of our Vision 2020 create value for all stakeholders. Manas National Park, Laokhowa Wildlife Sanctuary, Burachapori Wildlife Sanctuary To achieve this objective, the Authority adopted a resolution in June 2007 to introduce the transformational ECOWAS Vision 2020. Like all achieving societies whose success is generally inspired by a shared purpose, our Vision 2020 constitutes a bond that holds Rwandans as a people determined to build a better future. org To develop a template for designing/redesigning national plans of action to meet the objectives of Vision 2020, and work out a time frame for national launches of Vision 2020. • Archived:These objectives were no longer being monitored due to lack of data The long-term vision for Ghana is to become a middle-income Country by the year 2020. It’s that time of the year again when crystal balls are polished and promises are made for the New Year. It provides details on: 1) The organizational structure, objectives, strategies and activities of NPCB&VI including conducting cataract surgeries, awareness campaigns, and strengthening eye care infrastructure. The major base of VISION 2020 activities is at national level, where monitoring of eye-care •With a vision we obtain purpose—a reason for being and doing •With a vision we have direction—a place to go. Petersburg Vision 2020 Plan, adopted by City Council on October 17, 2002, was a citizen based visioning effort that has created the desired image of St. We want Nov 20, 2019 · With barely 40 days to the dawn of 2020, it is now official that Malawi’s first long-term national development plan, Vision 2020, has missed most of its key aspirations. One approach is to use studies that show the economic benefits of VISION 2020. ” Its mission was to: Identify nationwide health improvement We have also gained from the vision of Dr. 2 Expected outcome May 17, 2022 · Vision 2020 was a result of a national consultative process that took place in Village Urugwiro between 1998-1999. The realisation of Vision 2030 will depend on the actions and measures that we undertake indicators and data collection to facilitate the monitoring of VISION 2020 implementation at the national, regional and global levels. 0%) SH-2: Reduce the rate of vehicular crashes per 100 million miles traveled that are due to drowsy driving (Baseline: 2. Structural Economic Transformation 6 3. out in Joint Vision 2020 and incorporates the required characteristics and leap ahead capabilities that are the goal of the Army's Objective Force. Findings from a review exercise of the ambitious plan validated yesterday in Lilongwe by the National Planning Commission (NPC) show that despite Malawi making progress in … to coordinate the publication of a vision document whose perspective extends to 2020. The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 outlines specific objectives to guide the transformation of India's education system, with a focus on inclusivity, quality, and innovation. Vision 2020’s targets and indicators Vision 2020 set a number of indicators with specific target levels to help assess whether the current government has met Vision 2020 objectives. This objective can only be achieved by integrating sustainable, comprehensive, and equitable eye care in national healthcare systems. PART I - SHAPING THE VISION. 〉 Three 2. What Other Countries Envision for Themselves (26) 3. 2 . 2. The broad policy objectives of the visi on 20:2020 are sustenance of a rapid broad-based GDP . • The target diseases included globally are Cataract, refractive errors, childhood blindness, trachoma & onchocerciasis whereas in India the diseases targeted are Cataract, refractive errors, childhood blindness, trachoma, glaucoma, corneal opacity and diabetic Jan 19, 2020 · ONLY 40% MALAYSIANS BELIEVE THAT MALAYSIA HAS ACHIEVED VISION 2020. The GoR's Vision 2020 has been implemented for over 17 this Vision. Vision 〉 Ten Healthy People 2010 Vision objectives (28-1 through 28-4, 28-8a and b, 28-9a and b, and 28-10a and b) were retained “as is” [4]. The framework acknowledges that to attain developed nation status, formed in its own mould Wawasan 2020 or Vision 2020 is a Malaysian ideal introduced by the fourth and seventh Prime Minister Although Wawasan 2020 did not fully achieve its objectives, Objectives and achievements of Vision 2020. Kaziranga National Park and Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary into some target Protected Areas (PAs) i. It is clearly evident that the awareness programs conducted for Glaucoma and Diabetic retinopathy have opened the eyes of the general population. EDPRS 2’s objectives were aligned with the objectives of Vision 2020 (Table1). That vision is of ASEAN as a concert of Southeast Asian nations, outward looking, living in peace, stability and prosperity, bonded together For VISION 2020, increasing the available financial resources to implement national VISION 2020 plans and to bring good quality, equitable eye health services to the poorest communities is one very obvious area that requires our focus going forward. April 22, 2010. • Developmental: These objectives did not have baseline data. Acknowledgements (xi) Preface (xiii) 1. Also outlined are some realization of Vision 2020. The sectoral policies and programmes may be mutually inconsistent, and not well focused on the priority national objectives. 1. This process provided the basis upon which this Vision was developed. The Avoidable Blindness Vision 2020. The The starting point of this paper is former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Therefore, both top-down and bottom-up approaches will be applied to align goals and objectives following the five pillars of IIEE as follows: The Zanzibar Vision 2020 outlines broad long-term goals, perspectives and aspirations for Zanzibar. Contents. iiEE Vision 2020 This year we will follow the famous E=mc2 where m stands for membership, c2 for community and country. THE VISION OF THIS POLICY An education system rooted in Indian ethos that contributes directly to transforming India, that is Bharat, sustainably into an equitable and vibrant knowledge society, by providing high-quality education to all, and thereby making India a global knowledge superpower. To achieve this objective, it was specified that gross domestic product (GDP) had to grow annually by 8% in order to halve the proportion of people living in poverty (from 64% Jan 1, 2011 · The exotic phrase “Vision 2020” has been coined to signify a l ofty and long term objective pertaining to some issue in many countries ac ross the world. 3. This Nigeria Vision 20: 2020 (NV20:2020) is a national cross-sectoral policy document. By the same token, I am urging Government department and officials at all The St. 2. The ideas expressed in Joint Vision 2020 provide the fundamental tenets for the Army Aviation Objective Force of 2020. For Healthy People 2020, the Vision Topic Area has 15 objectives and the Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders Topic Area has 36 objectives. Creating a productive middle class and fostering entrepreneurship8 4. J. The Vision intensifies the country’s ambitions and continues the drive towards self-reliance and competitiveness. attainment of IIEE’s vision, mission and objectives. Petersburg for the next two decades. 4% n 2000) and an average life expectance of 55 years (49 years in 2000). Insert Table 1 about here The exotic phrase "Vision 2020" has been coined to signify a lofty and long term objective pertaining to some issue in many countries across the world. 1999 WHA Resolution for VISION 2020 May 2003, Geneva National VISION 2020 Plan and Committee in Member countries VISION 2020 implemented in Member countries Reduction in magnitude of avoidable blindness demonstrated 2005 2006 2007 Goal 2020 Since 2000, most of the Government of Rwanda's (GoR) development programs have been implemented to achieve the objectives of Vision 2020. Objectives of the Indian Rhino Vision 2020. Facilitate the planning, development and implementation of national VISION See full list on iapb. e. Once finalised, this strategy will be used as the basis for the successor to the current ESVAC project plan 2013-2016 (EMA/42322/2013). Wawasan 2020 or Vision 2020 was one promise made to the citizens of Malaysia almost 3 decades ago. Klein, MPH. This document gives eye health-care providers, policy-makers and VISION 2020 partners an action plan for the activities planned for 2006–2011, although many of the suggestions will be valid well beyond that period. The report and the background papers (as submitted by the individual authors) can be directly accessed below: I. The core objective of the vision is to influencechanges, coordinate and direct people and the nation’s strategic thinking and direct 2019. Human Resource Development and a Vision 2020 aims to create a prosperous, stable and competitive economic region, where there is free flow of goods, services and capital. Cooperation Agency’s (DSCA) six-year strategy, Vision 2020, originally published in October 2014. The Nov 25, 2019 · 4. These objectives are designed to address the needs of diverse learners and prepare them for future challenges in a rapidly evolving world. Some key indicators of the Vision 2020 Apr 13, 2021 · Read about Indian Rhinoceros in detail in the linked article. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 3. There was a broad consensus on the necessity for Rwandans to clearly define the future of the country. f) Vision 2020 also aims to provide the people of South Asia equitable access to opportunities for their individual development without any discrimination on the basis of gender, race, religion, language and that ultimate objective. Vision 2030 also takes into cognisance the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals covering the period 2016-2030. 7 vehicular crashes per 100 million miles traveled involved Oct 22, 2024 · Key Objectives of NEP 2020. It envisions ensuring equitable and inclusive education for all, including This document seeks to define the vision and strategy for the ESVAC activity for the period 2016-2020. A strong social infrastructure is underpinned by a society that values cultural traditions, national pride, and modern amenities all while embodying the spirit of modern Islam and providing effective social services. Abdulhamid (2008) traced the history of the dream to a research conducted by economists at an American Investment Bank, a fall-out of which was a prediction that Nigeria would be in the league of 20 top economies by year 2025. Feb 13, 2024 · The Strategic Plan is a federally mandated publication that establishes NASA’s Vision and Mission, its Core Values, and its Strategic Goals and Objectives that must be accomplished in order to achieve the Mission. 2 Expected outcome VISION 2020 launch WHO/IAPB Feb. Macroeconomic stability and wealth creation to reduce aid dependency 6 3. Jun 3, 2021 · There are 3 major objectives: Raise the profile, among the key audiences, of the causes of avoidable blindness and the solutions that will help to eliminate the problem. Its main objective is transforming the country into a knowledge-based middle-income country, thereby reducing poverty, health problems and making the nation united and democratic. Vision 2020’s 23 objectives and 78 initiatives address three approaches: laying the foundation, synchronizing to meet customer expectations, and ensuring effectiveness and efficiency. This book, India 2020, will hopefully be the source for igniting many minds. The EU Medicines Agencies Network Strategy to 2020 May 1, 2004 · In the Vision 2020: Right to Sight report [5], it is mentioned that the development of mid-level human resources for eyecare is essential for Southeast Asia. Launched in December 2010, Healthy People 2020 set an ambitious yet achievable 10-year agenda for improving the nation’s health. P. Avoidable Blindness Vision 2020. In order to scale up effective, sustainable and comprehensive eye health care through the expansion and intensification of "VISION 2020: the Right to Sight" in the Region for the period 2008-2015, a broad strategy framework needs to be adopted by the Member States and WHO in collaboration with partners. This was the beginning of the process to re-write the City’s Land Development Regulations (LDRs) Vision 2050 establishes the development framework for 2020-2050, with a mid-term review envisaged in 2035 and regular reviews planned every 5 years. Mahathir 3. The vision for Healthy People 2020 was “a society in which all people live long, healthy lives. Leda Gurley, MPH. and 16 hearing objectives. There were 1,111 measurable objectives. I am certain that Vision 2020 will inspire us to achieve our goals, and that our vision is clearly and demonstrates that the current government in Rwanda will not deliver its Vision 2020 promises. Major Objectives of Vision 2020 The VISION seeks to fundamentally transform Rwanda into a middle-income country by the year 2020. However, we also agree that the current needs of Rwanda are enormous and that these will continue to be so, even within the VISION 2020 horizon. Based on a nationwide Mar 4, 2021 · The main objectives of SADC are to achieve development, peace and security, and economic growth, to alleviate poverty, enhance the standard and quality of life of the peoples of Southern Africa, and support the socially disadvantaged through regional integration, built on democratic principles and equitable and sustainable development. Apr 22, 2010 · Healthy People 2020: A Vision of Health for 2020. Government is inviting the private sector to play fully its role and to collaborate effectively with the public sector to ensure the attainment of the development objectives of Vision 2020. The specific scientific objectives include: Skip to content This Project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 956274 In pursuit of this objective, in June 2007, the Authority of Heads of State and Government adopted the ECOWAS Vision 2020. Mission: We promote social justice and equality for all staff in order to have ONE ILO by: mobilizing and organizing our membership for an even […] Sep 26, 2020 · The document discusses India's National Programme for Control of Blindness and Visual Impairment (NPCB&VI) and Vision 2020 initiative. Vision 2030 is creating a vibrant society in which all citizens can thrive and pursue their passions. 1999 WHA Resolution for VISION 2020 May 2003, Geneva National VISION 2020 Plan and Committee in Member countries VISION 2020 implemented in Member countries Reduction in magnitude of avoidable blindness demonstrated 2005 2006 2007 Goal 2020 Jun 24, 2010 · The Vision 20:2020 is a dream statement that Nigeria will become one of the first 20 economies in the world by the year 2020. objective of the Vision 2020 by reaching the unreached communities in the remote areas of the districts. The following text is from the Malaysia vision web site , it’s explain the vision 2020 presented by Dr Mahathir Mohamed at the Malaysian Business Council. The agreed amendments describe the contribution of CITES’ activities to the achievement of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and the relevant Aichi Biodiversity Targets adopted by the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, as well as The long-term vision for Ghana is to become a middle-income Country by the year 2020. Materials and the Future (87) 6. The objectives of this research are to obtain the people’s perception towards a number of issues pertaining to the realization of Malaysian Vision 2020, to rank the challenges of Vision 2020 and to collect suggestions to expedite the realization of the vision. We might mislead ourselves to Jun 28, 2012 · Now, as we approach the 21st century, thirty years after the birth of ASEAN, we gather to chart a vision for ASEAN on the basis of today’s realities and prospects in the decades leading to the Year 2020. PILLARS OF VISION 2020 “Environmental challenges are (VISION 2020) Y AB Data' Seri Dr Mahathir Mahamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia Introduction The purpose of this paper is to present before you some thoughts on the future course of our nation and how we should go about to attain our objective of developing Malay sia into an industrialised country. 89 The WHO World Report on Vision, published in October 2019, provides a strategic path to progress towards objectives set by VISION 2020. In Malaysia, t he architect of this Vision: A global Staff Union that leads the process of transforming the ILO into a better workplace, by representing all staff as an equal and strong partner in social dialogue. country’s vision and objectives in the next 15 years. National Center for Health Statistics. development programs have been implemented to achieve the objectives of Vision 2020. •With a vision we can (and must) develop goals—a measure of our collective achievement. Human Resource Development and a Download scientific diagram | EDPRS 2 objectives and their corresponding Vision 2020 targets from publication: Chapter 5. The strategy and structure of our environmental department, and the setting of strategic goals and objectives, and associated performance measures for 2018 and beyond, are premised on our Vision 2020. They include: low development of science and technology, inadequate infrastructural facilities i. of VISION 2020. The College of Ophthalmologists of Sri Lanka will have a stronger contribution in the Vision 2020 was a government development program in Rwanda, launched in 2000 by Rwandan president Paul Kagame. There were 112 developmental objectives. This will require achieving annual per capita income of US$ 900 (US$ 220 in 2000), a poverty rate of 30% (60. THe PILLARS OF VISION 2020 9 4. JOINT VISION 2020. Visit Healthy People 2020. About us Vision 2020 Australia is the national peak body Sep 5, 2021 · This paper reviewed Nigeria's Vision 20:2020 with a view to determining the success or otherwise of the development plan and offer policy suggestions that would guide and assist policy maker. In planning advocacy aimed at governments, one has to choose those facts and arguments that will be most likely to convince them to act. Making Football Truly Global: The Vision 2020-2023 is a blueprint for FIFA to pursue its stated objective while navigating a fast-changing world. Food, Agriculture and Processing (59) 5. The long-term vision for Ghana is to become a middle-income Country by the year 2020. The GoR’s Vision 2020 has been implemented for over 17 years (since 2000) and the 2020 deadline is looming Apr 16, 2020 · We are in the year 2020 but Ghana has failed to achieve the objective of vision 2020 comparing Ghana’s economy today with the economy of Singapore in 1995. Healthy People 2020 included several types of objectives: • Measurable:These objectives had baseline data. Oct 14, 2013 · Objectives were to: Increase awareness, within key audiences, of the causes of avoidable blindness and the solutions to eliminate the problem; Identify and secure the necessary resources around the world to increase prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation programs. Identify and secure the necessary resources around the world in order to provide an increased level of prevention and treatment programmes. In fact, the Vision 2020 statement is (Rahman, 1993): By the year 2020, Malaysia is to be a united nation, with a confident Malaysian society, infused by strong moral and ethical values, living in a society that is democratic, liberal, caring As DSCA’s management team , we remain dedicated to achiev ing DSCA Vision 2020 by implementing the goals, objectives, and initiatives laid out in this document. Globally, there is a shortage of 42–2 HEALTHY PEOPLE 2020 MIDCOURSE REVIEW. Availability of resources, to increase awareness, prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation process. 5473 acres) Zoning Plan Will Increase Non- Residential Land Uses Build Out Capacity Will Vary With Development Scenarios VISION 2020 WORK FORCE SUMMARY Fully Employed & Stable Highly Educated Professional, Executive, & The Vision 2020 is a reflection of our aspiration and determination as Rwandans, to construct a united, democratic and inclusive Rwandan identity, after so many years of authoritarian and exclusivist dispensation. 2 Policy Objectives of the Vision 20:2020 De velopment Plan . Without a vision, we are unlikely to choose the right direction and pace of development. Home-grown initiatives for sustainable development in Rwanda | Case study VISION 2020 Wáikkhop 2- Ana Workshop Vision 2020 VISION 2020 LAND USE SUMMARY SFR Dominate (84%) Land is available (est. Can India Become a Developed Country? (1) 2. 58% MALAYSIANS AGREE THAT MALAYSIA'S OVERALL ECONOMY WILL IMPROVE BY 2030. VISION 2020 launch WHO/IAPB Feb. However, to achieve targets, trachoma interventions must be included in national eye health care plans and health systems must be equipped to deliver comprehensive eye health care for entire populations Objectives SH-1: Increase the proportion of persons with symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea who seek medical evaluation (Baseline 25. I. 9). Of the 15 objectives in the Vision Topic Area, 1 was developmental. growth, poverty reduction, ESS Vision 2020 implementation • Portfolio management approach applied as agreed by the ESS Committee (owner of the ESS Vision 2020 and decision-maker) • Vision Implementation Group (VIG) established: 10 Member States and Eurostat (Chair) • Vision Implementation Network (VIN) to spread information across the ESS and get involvement of all Dec 9, 2024 · Objectives of NEP 2020. We affirm our pledge to the Agency’s values and to holding each other to the same high standards to which we hold the broader workforce . In summary, the National Mission is a framework aimed at obtaining greater impact and performance from the country’s development efforts towards achieving Vision 2020. The vision was aimed at creating “a borderless, peaceful, prosperous and cohesive region built on good governance and where people have the capacity to access and harness the enormous. The gist of this vision is to see Malaysia as a fully developed country by the year 2020. 3. The elaboration of Vision 2050 has taken into consideration the global and regional 3. Vision Screening in School Children A comprehensive school screening manual A VISION 2020: The Right to Sight - India Publication A VISION 2020: The Right to Sight - India Publication VISION 2020: The Right to Sight – India is a national forum for eliminating avoidable blindness by year 2020. Human Resource Development and a Feb 3, 2021 · The funding for the prevention of vision impairment has increased through both governmental and non-governmental sources. Vision for CITES for the period 2008-2020. The purpose of this paper is to present before you some thoughts on the future course of our nation and how we should go about to attain our objective of developing Malaysia into an Let's take you back to the formative years of the country’s vision by looking at what informed the Kenya Vision 2030 through the voices of the pioneers speaking about what inspired them to answer the call and take part in creating the long-term development blueprint for the country. Abdul Kalam’s book “India 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium”. In the first 5 years following the inception of Vision 2020, 53 countries drafted national plans for Vision 2020 and 78 had formed national committees responsible for overseeing developments of Vision 2020 objectives. ” Avoidable Blindness Vision 2020. 5% in 2008; 2020 target 28. Vision 2020"; Government is formally reconfirming its pro-private sector stance. In Malaysia, the architect of this vision is the former Prime Minister Tun Dr. The National Development Policy Framework (NDPF) – Volume: I Long-Term Development Objectives – articulates the long-term, 25-year (1996-2020) perspective for Ghana’s socio-economic development and, therefore, represents GHANA-VISION 2020. MAJOR OBJeCTIVeS OF VISION 2020 6 3. roads, power, low level of industrialization, lack of budget 2020. David T. The primary objective of VISION 2020 India is to: “Intensify and accelerate prevention of blindness activities so as to achieve the goal of eliminating avoidable blindness through policy environment and strengthening the capacity of eye care institutions. Vision 2020 is an initiative with a common objective, which will allow people cutting across nations, to work in a focussed and coordinated manner to help raise global awareness about blindness and mobilise additional resources to prevent or treat avoidable blindness. DSCA Vision 2020 outlines the appropriate 3. About Healthy People 2020. Evolution of Technology Vision 2020 (46) 4. and 14 were measurable. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON “INDIA: VISION 2020” II. In 1995, Singapore had a GDP of 87. The objectives of Vision 2030 align with those of Agenda 2063, which is the African Union’s 50 year Vision, running from 2013 to 2063. 10. The Right to Sight; (3) To formulate a regional strategy and plan of action for Vision 2020, and (4) To develop a template for designing/redesigning national plans of action to meet the objectives of Vision 2020, and work out a time frame for national launches of Vision 2020. A document outlining current status of visual health, blindness and visual impairment, resources and infrastructure availability in the Region. 2 Expected outcome Sep 24, 2020 · From Vision 20:2020 to Agenda 2050? Road maps like: Vision 2000, 2010, 2015, and 2020 are projections used by successive governments to give hope to its citizens about its short, medium, and long goals of the VISION. surmro qhv pqqyj endo wqny eoner mefn ghhjq hcyge rbtbxe