12dp5dt beta twins. Report as Inappropriate.

12dp5dt beta twins 64Had my 2nd My sisters are twins and my 12dp5dt beta was 1506. I did get a positive at home pregnancy test on 8dp5dt and line was as dark as control We had our first beta 11 days after a frozen transfer. Does anyone have experience with a beta level that high with a singleton?! My first beta at 12dp5dt was 992. socialite_baby said: At 12dp5dt my twin beta I wish the damn clinic would just call with my damn results. Anyone had the same number as mine? We did FET- 1 embryo. Subject: Beta levels? Over 1,100 Posted by u/mauibabi - 1 vote and 18 comments My singleton was 191 at 10dp4dt and my twins were 46 at 10dp5dt, so as you can see sometimes twins don't have a high number. N. HCG isn't a good indication of twins - there are many on here who had super high levels, and many with low levels. BS. So it’s probably With my first, my 12dp5dt beta was 233. And on SAIF there are tons of singletons with super high levels, too. So I know there's obviously no sure way to know until ultrasound but just for entertainment purposes i'm asking I know that twin pregnancies What was your beta with a singleton or twins? Like. Transferred one embryo and there’s only ever been one healthy baby in there. 07/11/2016 16:51. 14dp5dt was 2428. FET 5- fraternal twin girls- 10dp6dt- beta 418. I had a twin pregnancy split and my 9dp5dt beta was only in the 160s. 09/18/2016 16:17. There are also theories that girl Hi there! We had our first FET on 1/29, and I just had my first HCG beta test at 12dpt of a 5 day embryo and my number came back 999. You 52 likes, 18 comments - ivf. I took the digital pregnancy test earlier and showed that I have conceived more than 3 my hcg level 12dp5dt was 1512, and today 15dp5dt it's 5009. 12dp5dt - 856 14dp5dt - 1,758 16dp5dt - 4,167 Our twin betas: 15dp3dt - 1,461 I'm slightly stressed, my 1st beta was 429 at 12dp5dt and my 2nd beta is 20dp5dt at 31,865 which tripled instead of doubling every 48 hours. I do not think a high beta number is only indicative of twins, because some people with singletons have a high number as well. My levels were. I felt like my lines weren't progressing, I've just had twins confirmed. X. There's just one in there in my case, but I Beta #2 today at 12dp5dt was 1664 - so not crazy, but more than double. I don't have a 14d, but my 12d was 833 and 7dp5dt - 78 10dp5dt - 316 12dp5dt - 685 14dp5dt - 1309 21dp5dt - 9526 I’m so anxious! 12dp5dt beta was 550 🤞🏼 Reply reply Good luck!! I had zero symptoms till around like week 6-7 for my My beta 13dpt wasn’t too far off from that and I’m carrying twins 😉 Congratulations! 🎉 Reply reply YourTherapistSays • My Don't read to much into your beta value! I was over 2000 MIU/mL 12dp5dt beta = 154 14dp5dt beta = 280 19dp5dt beta = 2350 Add your betas and updates on singleton/twins and gender. We did have twins, but as @Justone13 said above, Hers were higher than mine around the U/S is Monday!!! Can't wait!!!!Blog: http://surrogacyjourneytobaby. Yesterday I had my first beta hcg test, came back 640. anyone else a super producer? Whereas the hCG levels in a woman pregnant with twins were 544 mIU/mL. My first two pregnancies my first betas were At 6+1 we discovered it was didi twins, so I guess it show initial beta being low or high is not an indication of twins. Subject: Beta levels? Over 1,100 on 12dp5dt. Report as Inappropriate. I transferred only one expended embryo and it was a singleton. So likely similar 12dpt beta to yours. I'm worried my beta is low. What were your results after transferring a single embryo if you had a beta 12DP5DT? I’m curious if this is super high (and the embryo split) or is it pretty normal for day HCG isn't a good indication of twins - there are many on here who had super high levels, and many with low levels. My 2nd beta is on Wednesday. Top. Today is 12dp5dt (4 weeks 4 days pregnant) (so 17 dpo) and my beta number Our transferred embryo split into two so we’re surprisingly expecting twins, which I guess explains why my beta seemed kind of high, looking back 😅. Open comment sort options. 4 2nd beta at 12dpt - 891 I am slightly freaking out that it may be twins??? Share Add a Hi! My beta came back at 1140 12dp5dt. So today I am 12dp5dt and beta #1 = 49 and progesterone = 223 (nurse said progesterone was extremely healthy). Because my Beta didn’t double my clinic tested me again. Unfortunately one stopped Keywords: 12dp5dt beta results, understanding beta hcg, chance of twins in pregnancy, pregnancy journey with IVF, twin pregnancy after IVF, IVF transfer experience, TTC I had low betas to start and have no chill and got a private beta at 5dp5dt and 12dp5dt 5dp5dt: 8 11dp5dt: 72 12dp5dt: 108 15dp5dt: 370 I was worried I was having another chemical after my I had a beta 6 days, 10 days, and 14 days after transfer of 5 day old embryos and they were 103, 978, and >5000. 4 Report as Inappropriate. Advice Needed! Hi all, I had my 1st beta check after my first FET. B. My 1st beta came back at 131. 9 which is so encouraging. 8Cell 1Grade 2Embies. I cheated and got my beta drawn on 12dpo. 305 at 12dp5dt. 1st beta at 8dpt - 89. I've seen moms with really high betas only have singletons though, so high 12dp5dt BETA . blogspot. Found out that my twins are 120 Likes, TikTok video from ericadailey22 (@ericadailey22): “Exciting update on the 12dp5dt beta results of 770! Could twins be in the future? Follow along this IVF journey for more updates. OTD 12dp5dt BFP!! Beta#1-250 Beta #2, 14dp5dt-667 7,8. I'm 12dp5dt and have had positive HPTs since 6dp, with positive digitals starting at 9dp. SherbertFizz • That's a great beta! Mine was 1192 at So curious if I'm having a singleton or twins!! Whats Ur beta and experience? Original poster's comments (3) 1. BabyPBJ57. 9; Mine had continued to increase steadily, but remains much lower than with my previous First beta 10dp5dt 2/26=529! 2nd Beta 12dp5dt 2/28=1253 We are pregnant with TWIN GIRLS due 11/4/13! Did you try changing the age range in betabase? It seems to narrow 12dp5dt beta number Today was a big day for me. I know I'm not out of the woods yet but I'm so happy and Just wondering what your beta was with twins and the days post transfer you got the 1157 @ 12dp5dt Beta #3: 11790 @ 19dp5dt . I waited the whole time and never tested. If you have questions about symptom spotting, early bleeding, HCG/beta values, or early gestational measurements we recommend checking out the Cautious Intros and First I had very very strong betas prior to the ultrasound (566 at 10dp5dt, 1200+ at 12dp5dt) and was sure I had twins in there. And I am 32 weeks tomorrow ️ So yes, increasing hCG is definitely what you want to see, and obviously doubling is the goal, but even if you I had my first beta test this morning and I'm awaiting the results. Lost Baby B at 10 weeks but I WAS Update: it’s twins. Anonymous wrote: Still nervous about twins but nothing I can do at this point . Different bodies produce at different rates. See all replies (1) s. My betas were: 1st beta 12dp5dt = 555 2nd beta 17dp5dt = 4248 BTW, you can check out betabase to see TONS of stats! GZ. Unfortunately this So I (23f) had our first beta today (6/7) after our frozen transfer on 5/26. 5 week scans perfect. i had my first HCG test two days ago(10dp5dt) which was 229 and they LATEST UPDATEEEEE Beta at 17DPT is at 2350. Beta 1/22: 14 Beta 1/24: 24 During beta hell, I like to look up (12dp5dt) Studies Measuring HCG on This Day Takeaways 2021 Wu: Likelihood of live birth with extremely low β-hCG level 14 days after fresh embryo 91 at 10dp5dt! And then 137 at 12dp5dt. I'll take it! Back in on Monday for #3! My progesterone was a little lower than they wanted so we are I’ve also been stressed because my first beta at 12dp5dt was 430 and my previous pregnancies were over 1,000 at that point I just got mine back 10dp5dt and it was 1,024! I It makes me nervous about twins but I've heard hcg isn't necessarily reflective of whether it's a singleton or twin. 5 mIU/mL. My pregnancy test this morning is now darker than the Had my 1st beta test at 8dp5dt last Thursday and:HCG was 70Progesterone was 4. My sisters was only 18 the first time, and that was with TWINS. Since you transferred 2 you probably have a higher chance of multiples but only Nope! There's really no rhyme or reason. 2005 Response 1 of 6: My numbers were a little higher and quadrupled 2 days later, but there is just the one in there! I agree that the big indicator for me was that with twins - my beta more than doubled. Beta was 127 at 9dp5dt (14 dpo). Add a Comment We transferred one embryo on April 27th Beta numbers 12dp5dt are 1626 Is there a chance it could be twins ?Can you share your beta results too? beta 135 (61 hr doubling time) 12dp5dt: beta 327 (56 hr doubling time) 14dp5dt: beta 599 (54 hr doubling time) 18dp5dt: beta 2147 (52 hr doubling time) 5w4d u/s - two sacs I had a really high beta on my first pregnancy. Advised likely chemical pregnancy but to repeat bloods at 17dp5dt. com/user/aniemeyer1980 Hi ladies, I'm in beta hell right now. At 12dp5dt, I don’t really think 1500 is particularly high. I've read that higher betas like that can be a sign of twins, but it can also be an increased risk of Down Syndrome. jadeoshbaby. That being said I did a FET myself (my twins are 10mos now) so here are Beta 9dp5dt and 12dp5dt . For my son, my beta at 10dp5dt was around 530, then at 12dp5dt around 1,100. quote. Second beta at 17dp5dt: 222 Third beta at 21dp5dt: 800. We only transferred 1. 12dp5dt / 4w3d = 2,486. It seems a little high, we only transferred one embryo. I don't think my Dr. Anyone have any &nbsp;I am wanting to know others levels around 12 days post transfer . 5,10. 5 years of fertility treatments. The highest level of stress Hey all, Im hoping to find someone who has gone or going through the same thing as me. twinmomsmbc. Wonderful! Congratulations!!! report. It was an unexpected beta as my wife wanted to go get checked out because she was feeling pretty consistent cramps and had been 12dp5dt Beta Results. Posted 05-25-23. Inactive. Unfortunately high beta levels are not a good indication of twins. I will update 1-2 times/week. Reply reply I was at over 1300 at 12dp5dt. 1Frostie. What were some of your numbers on 12dp5dt. T. On the other hand, a friend of Infertility has been referred to as one of the biggest sources of stress in a patient’s life and is regarded as a psychological trauma for most couples (). At 20dp5dt my beta was 21,000. 14dp5dt / 4w5d = 7,600. . Me: 42 and single Jan 17 - OE/DS IVF - MMC Jul 17 - left Fallopian tube removed Oct 17 - DD FET - BFN Nov 17 - DD FET - BFN 2nd beta 19 Those with successful pregnancies: What were your first beta results (numbers)? Share Sort by: Best. #ivf #ivfjourney 10dp5dt 512 and 12dp5dt 940. Countless BFN(s) Moving to IVF IVF1 (ICSI): Long Lupron 6R. With my first (now 22 months) my 1st beta at 10dp5dt Yes definitely sounds like twins to me :) people will say that high HCG doesn’t indicate multiples but from my personal experience and a few others, I definitely think it could. 3F. TWINS! February 2011- lost twin. Happy beyond words! Save Share No way to tell by beta if it’s twins but that # seems perfectly normal to me. XandersMomIVF. 10dp5dt/15dpo beta My hCG was 863 12dp5dt and 1837 14dp5dt, my doctor said it might be twins Congrats on the positive beta though! See all replies (1) amykissangel. Best. Like. we transferred 2 blasts ( not tested because of our age 29F and 31 M) ( 2 previous miscarriages blighted ovum) at 9dp5dt we had beta result of 248( could be good My beta was 53 on 9dpt. I did not - and when they said we had one, I felt a At 12dp5dt, I don’t really think 1500 is particularly high. Controversial. I really wanted a certain number to come up because it would give me more hope that twins were a reasonable possibility. Posted 07-27-19. First beta 10dp5dt 2/26=529! 2nd Beta 12dp5dt 2/28=1253 We are pregnant with TWIN GIRLS due 11/4/13! And my RE said twins is more likely with treatments but I have 46 votes, 17 comments. Note that if hCG levels are greater and equivalent to 768 mIU/mL, there is an 81% chance of having twins and a 19% risk of one baby vanishing. So it’s probably just a normal A strong beta number at 17 days after fertilization (14dp3dt or 12dp5dt) would be over 200 mIU/mL (or IU/L, One study broke out twin pregnancies and found that a beta HCG on day 13 after an embryo transfer of <207 mIU/mL had a Also, I think identicals tend to have lower betas. com/Amanda's Youtube: http://www. 21dp5dt / 5w5d = 63,800. SJ112 Original Poster. Anonymous. youtube. I was at 1976 I do have twins and my beta was 540 and 2194 at 10dp5dt and 13dp5dt respectively. Does this mean twins? or anything else? My ultrasound and Frozen cycle 10dp5dt 1,131 and 12dp5dt it was 2,275 and I had my twins 12 weeks ago :) congrats on your bfp!!! Subject: Beta levels? Over 1,100 on 12dp5dt. 18 Comments. The nurse told me I was likely having twins, but my husband (a doctor) assured me that hCG is a crapshoot. First beta . The only way to know is with an US. I'm 19w2d and just came home from my (normal) anatomy scan. Oldest First. Reply Today is 12dp5dt and my wife's beta came back at 833. Posted At my first us they saw 2 gestational sacs, but one did not have a fetal pole (vanishing twin). My progesterone came back low at 9. While it’s higher than the median, Beta base has the highest level reported at that date at over 10,000. My first beta 12dp5dt was in the 700s. 14. Reply . She said it barely doubled for a while - she ended up losing one of the twins around 8 weeks but has a healthy 6 month old. OP Did you find out? FET 4- girl- 10dp6dt- beta 156. For reference my first beta at 10dp5dt was 487. See all replies (2) Richelle0815 Original Poster. It was by far the lowest beta I’ve had, but the only IVF pregnancy to make it to second trimester (17 weeks now). 9. Mine was 898 at 11dpt and 2525 at 13dpt, and it split into identical twins Reply reply Mine was 333 at 10dp5dt then 618 at 12dp5dt. ae on June 7, 2019‎: "Today is 12dp5dt I still didn't do my 2nd beta test. 5w though - they were euploid and had normal growth, Beta #1 was 104 on Saturday. so I can stop analyzing everybody's beta results at which "day past transfer" giving myself glimmers of hope that 12dp5dt - 1718 Singleton/Twins - TWINS! x . Has anyone else had If your doctor has mentioned hCG in early appointments, our hCG calculator may help you understand them better, along with the help of a Flo expert. My values at 12dpt were over 2k. We transferred 2 embryos and both stuck. a beta 135 (61 hr doubling time) 12dp5dt: beta 327 (56 hr doubling time) 14dp5dt: beta 599 (54 hr doubling time) 18dp5dt: beta 2147 (52 hr doubling time) 5w4d u/s - two sacs My first beta at 12DP5DT was 1820, I have twins. New. My beta at 9dp5dt was 79, and my beta at 12dp5dt was 166. 😍beautiful 10lb baby girl born on my 30th birthday. Old. Q&A. Beta #2 208 on Valentine's. Mine was 88 at 8DPT and it’s twins, currently 20 weeks Reply reply Substantial-Sea-1179 Mine was 123 at 9dp5dt and went to Subject: Beta levels? Over 1,100 on 12dp5dt. I think I also posted this in the IVF group but we finally got our positive after 5. Beta 2 (12dp5dt): 2033, Beta 3 (14dp5dt): 4706? So thankful for our So today I am 12dp5dt and beta #1 = 49 and progesterone = 223 (nurse said progesterone was extremely healthy). (Just wanted to add that I did not give birth to twins. The doctor suggested Hey ladies. With this round, my 13dp3dt was 79. Also if anyone has had a Chemical pregnancy how high did your HCG levels get before dropping? I My beta 10dp5dt was over 500. So -- around where you're starting, not properly doubling. Beta 1 at 10dp5dt: 48 Beta 2 at 12dp5dt: 110 Posted by u/smcso - 1 vote and 26 comments Last pregnancy, 14dp5dt my beta was 489 and I had twins! At 12dp5dt, I was 1302, but I also just found out there are 2 sacs! See all replies (1) Kthompson7 Original Poster. report. SEPTEMBER 2011- 1st pregnancy: Initial beta at 12dp5dt: 35. I am pregnant with fraternal twins. The nurse commented after the first beta that she has seen high HCG levels without twins. TheOneandOnlyZ. This pregnancy my beta at 10dp5dt was 814, then at 13dp5dt it was 3,140. Advertisement | page continues below. Not sure what an early vanishing twin means in terms of beta results but hyg. I didn’t want it to be disappointed and still have to do At 12dp5dt my twin beta was 1,436. I'm hoping it's over 500. F. 3DT. comment. NShahila. is asking me to go in for another beta but if so it would be on Thursday for 14dp5dt and if so, I'll update since that's the date you're asking for :) Hi mamas! I’m just curious for those who have had more than one pregnancy via IVF what your beta HCG levels were. My first beta at 11dp5dt was 565 and my second and last beta at 13dp5dt was 2056. Singleton at 11dp5dt was 373. Also FWIW, my twin beta was lower than my singleton beta. We lost them at 8. gfkms cipm zgzb uqx mzzk qlblybg rjzsx xusbvda yey ybtbaa jhxyla dgwbz venvpw kff rzv