Chemistry education research and practice. Downloaded on 09/09/2017 19:41:49.
Chemistry education research and practice edu c Division of General Medical Sciences, Washington University School of Medicine in St. The Chemistry Education Research and Practice is published by the Royal Society of Chemistry and is for teachers, researchers and other practitioners in chemical education. This workflow builds on work done in the field of problem so Development of key skills and attributes in chemistry This study investigated the attainment of chemical literacy among 10th-12th grade chemistry students in Israel. It publishes research, reviews, evaluations and analyses of chemistry education issues and practices. Various consequences This study evaluated recent advances in learning progressions for the concept of matter (LPCM) and explored trends by reviewing the literature on the topic published between 2005 and 2021. A white The use of virtual laboratories has become an increasing issue regarding science laboratories due to the increasing cost of hands-on laboratories, and the increase in distance education. It is devoted to publish a wide range of outstanding Reviews, Communications, Full papers, Perspectives, About Chemistry Education Research and Practice. Find out its scope, impact factor, ranking, publication type and more. Res. Kiernan@ed. Organic chemistry students’ challenges with coherence formation between reactions and reaction coordinate diagrams . E-mail: jennifer@usf. 2000. Pra,2021,22,786801 This journal is † The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 itethisChem. This paper reflects upon the meaning of the UN's challenge and on what ESD pedagogy will mean for chemistry education. Cooper, b Todd A. de. Jump to site search Chemistry Education Research and Practice. It is published free of Siegbert Schmid’s research interests at the University of Sydney’s School of Chemistry lie in the synthesis and structural characterisation of aperiodic and other materials with potential technological applications. The journal for teachers, researchers and other practitioners in chemistry education. Michael takes on the editorship from Keith Taber having served CERP as Associate Editor since Chemistry Education Research and Practice. Research on problem-solving behavior, students' use of the arrow-pushing formalism, the investigation of stud. Classroom observations and interviews were used as research methods. 0 Unported Licence. These include fundamental changes in the contours of chemistry as defined by new interfaces and research areas; changes in our understanding of how students learn, and how that applies to chemistry education; the wide-spread implementation of computer and information 50| edceac,2023,24,00 This journal is † The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 itethis:Chem. It is published free of charge four times a year on the web. Perhaps the editors could have included specific advice for the aspiring chemistry education researcher of the ilk provided by Keith Taber’s excellent editorials in Chemistry Education Research and Practice. Chemical. In particular, we elicited different ways of concep Chemistry Education Research and This study examines the extent to which the type of instruction used during a general chemistry laboratory course affects students’ ability to use core ideas to engage in science practices. It is the place to publish papers on: Chemistry Education Research and Practice is delighted to announce the appointment of Michael Seery as our new Editor. Chemical education research has advanced enough to offer pointers to the teacher, the administrator and the publisher of how our subject may be more effectively shared with our students. First, we sought to describe the articles in terms of the courses and unit of study sampled, the conceptual resources that chemistry students’ evidence when communicating their predictions to molecular geometry pro-blems; and the implications of such strategies for teaching, learning and assessment. , 202 4, 25, 266 A design-based research approach to improving pedagogy in the teaching laboratory Christine E. Abbreviation of Chemistry Education Research and Practice. uk Received 25th November 2020, Accepted 26th February 2021 DOI: 10. It welcomes papers on research, and reviews of research in chemical education, effective practice in the teaching of chemistry and in depth analyses of 710 | Chem. At the same time, he Journal of Chemistry: Education Research and Practice is a leading International Journal for the publication of high-quality articles. Vincente Talanquer and John Pollard Abstract. Fowler Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33620, USA. edu Received 4th November 2022, Accepted 9th April 2023 DOI: 10. It is the place to publish papers on: Students in general chemistry were partitioned into three groups by cluster analysis of six affective characteristics (emotional satisfaction, intellectual accessibility, chemistry self-concept, math self-concept, self-efficacy, and test anxiety). Maia Popova a and Stacey Lowery Bretz * a Author affiliations * Corresponding authors The central goal of this qualitative research study was to uncover major implicit assumptions that students with different levels of training in the discipline apply when thinking and making decisions about chemical reactions used to make a desired product. Ingo Eilks a and Franz Rauch b Author affiliations a University of Bremen, Germany E-mail: ingo. Johnstone's model, or the ‘chemistry triplet’, has been widely taken-up in chemistry Chemistry is regarded as a difficult subject for students. However, a large proportion of STEM faculty continues t However, unless chemistry educators take account of teachers' reservations and identi Jump to main content . Pract. Seery of the University of Edinburgh A free online journal for teachers, researchers and practitioners in chemical education. Time to first decision: 14 days Editor-in-chief: Scott Lewis Chemistry Education Research and Practice (CERP) is the journal for teachers, researchers and other practitioners in chemical education. You can use material from this article in other publications without requesting further permissions from the RSC, provided that the correct acknowledgement is given. Chemistry Education Research and Practice. The Science Writing Heuristic (SWH) laboratory approach is a teaching and learning tool which combines writing, inquiry, collaboration and reflection, and provides scaffolding for the development of critical thinking skills. Moreover, Kamthan (2016) and Cook (2017) advocated for the introduction of Scrum methodology to improve mutual collaboration and reflection among students and teacher. 1039/d0rp00053a rsc. E-mail: gina. National Digital Preservation Program, China. T 786| Chem. 2013. (2011), The development of research in chemical education as a field of study. Despite multiple calls for reform, the curriculum for first-year college chemistry at many universities across the world is still mostly fact-based and encyclopedic, built upon a collection of isolated This paper presents findings from a content analysis of 650 empirical chemistry education research papers published in two top-tiered chemistry education journals Chemistry Education Research and Practice and Journal of Chemical Education, and four top-tiered science education journals International Journal of Science Education, Journal of General chemistry is often the first course taken by students interested in careers in STEM and health fields, and therefore, is considered an essential course for the success and retention of students in these fields. The editor is Prof Keith S Taber, University of Cambridge, UK. The ISO4 abbreviation of Chemistry Education Research and Practice is Chem. However, these norms may not be equally accessible or aligned with formal assessment criteria, leading to disparities for students in cultivating a positive ch Chemistry Education Research and Chemistry Education Research and Practice. Published on 16 October 2023. M. During the Covid-19 pandemic, chemistry teachers around the world were forced to teach remotely. Year Meeting Name Dates Venue Chair(s) Year 2025: It even covers developments as recent as MOOCs. Additionally, it provides an overview of different models suggesting how such integration of sustainability issues can be compatible with chemistry education. We use Ford’s (2008) description of the nature of scientific practices to categorize what student do in Journal of Chemistry: Education Research and Practice is a leading International Journal for the publication of high-quality articles. The results showed that: (1) positive and negative emotions had significant direct effects on chemistry achievement. Last Held. The The flipped classroom is a pedagogical approach that moves course content from the classroom to homework, and uses class time for engaging activities and instructor-guided problem solving. Two tasks where future development is required were recognised. The influence of the explicit nature of science instruction embedded in the Argument-Driven Inquiry method in chemistry laboratories on high school students’ conceptions about the nature of science . Students' experience in a general chemistry cooperative problem based laboratory . There Chemistry Education Research and Practice | Citations: 758 | Publishes original papers that report science/chemistry education research or make a contribution to the practice of chemistry Chemistry Education Research and Practice mainly deals with areas of study such as Mathematics education, Chemistry (relationship), Teaching method, Chemistry education and Pedagogy. Published on 16 May 2023. CERP is a free peer-reviewed journal for chemistry education researchers and practitioners, published by the Royal Society of Chemistry. li/cerp A fully refereed electronic journal for teachers, researchers and other practitioners in chemistry education IN THIS ISSUE ISSN 1756-1108 CODEN CERPCE 25(2) 375–576 (2024) This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 Chem. school chemistry course’’, ‘‘enrichment of classroom instruction in chemistry far beyond the text ’’, providing ‘‘an ample library of books First, we designed an authentic research-based chemistry learning module that supported problem-based learning through the utilisation of computational chemistry methods suitable for pre-service chemistry education. E-mail: Nicola. 24 Months. One of these is a change in editorship, and on behalf of the journal I Chemistry Education Research and Practice. Pra,2024,25,2662 This journal is † The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 itethisChem. Responses to an open-ended instrument, interviews, observations, and documents such as lesson Status Publisher Keeper From To Updated Extent of archive; Preserved. From these materials, in this study, a guided inquiry-based chemistry task was tested with 9th-grade students (N = 88) who had no previous experience with the method Chemistry Education Research and Practice | Citations: 758 | Publishes original papers that report science/chemistry education research or make a contribution to the practice of chemistry Chemistry Education Research and Practice (CERP) is the journal for teachers, researchers and other practitioners in chemical education. A total of 21 studies were reviewed. Organic chemistry education is one of the youngest research areas among all chemistry related research efforts, and its published scholarly work has become vibrant and diverse over the last 15 years. Downloaded on 09/09/2017 19:41:49. ), and the other embodied a more traditional Paper Chemistry Education Research and Practice 3XEOLVKHGRQ 0DUFK 'RZQORDGHGRQ 30 ViewArticleOnline Chemistry Education Research and Practice. Status. A free online journal for teachers, researchers and practitioners in chemistry education, published by Ioannina University School of Medicine. In the face of mounting evidence revealing active learning approaches result in improved student learning outcomes compared to traditional passive lecturing, there is a growing need to change the way instructors teach large introductory science courses. li/cerp Chemistry Education Research and Practice PAPER Open Access Article. Chemistry Education Research and Practice is a quarterly peer-reviewed open access academic journal published by the Royal Society of Chemistry covering chemistry education. To determine the extent to which these models inform research on epistemic cognition in chemistry education specifically, we reviewed 54 articles on undergraduate chemistry students’ epistemologies. The editor-in-chief is Gwen Lawrie of the University of Queensland. Bodner G. Royal Society of Chemistry. Conference History. 2022. Reconstructing perspectives: investigating how molecular geometry cards (MGCards) and molecular model building (MMB) disrupt students' alternative notions of molecular structure – a qualitative study a Chemistry Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Tanjungpura Chemistry Education Research and Practice (CERP) is the journal for teachers, researchers and other practitioners in chemical education. The objective of the learning module was to promote learning of specific chemistry knowledge and development of scientific skills. However, I fear the inclusion of a review of apps is doomed to rapid obsolescence. The journal invites submissions for a special A peer-reviewed electronic journal for teachers, researchers and practitioners in chemistry education. This Perspective shares 10 guiding principles relating to university laboratory education, drawing on research over the Chemistry Education Research and Practice (CERP) is the journal for teachers, researchers and other practitioners in chemical education. In theory-directed research, the main motivation for a study is to examine a generalisable theoretical question (such as about the efficacy of PhET simulations in teaching chemistry topics) and a choice of research site(s) and sample is then made as an As part of a four-year research project, new teaching materials were designed to foster scientific reasoning and scientific process skills in chemistry education in Hungary. ,2024,25, 377–379 | 377 research, employed different approaches to teaching and learning. Published on 28 August 2017. Downloaded on 3/20/2025 11:20:45 AM. The formation of chemistry identities among students is closely linked to the norms and practices prevalent in their chemistry learning environments. , 2021, 22, 786 Effects of different ways of using visualizations on high school students’ electrochemistry conceptual understanding and motivation towards chemistry learning Chia-Yin Lina and Hsin-Kai Wu *ab The authors of the discipline-based education research (DBER) report, This task targeted the students understanding of acid–base chemistry and the practice of arguing from evidence or the use of logical deduction and reasoning. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC, United States; This perspective article is a call to establish research-practice partnerships (RPPs) to foster collaborations between instructors and education researchers to tune into the needs of practice, share evidence-based practices, and solve This study was based on the premise that the interaction of the teacher with the curriculum materials determines what happens in the classroom. 1039/D5RP90004B This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3. 10/02/2025 Paper presented at the Gordon Research Conference on Chemistry Education Research and Practice (New London, CT, USA). Chemistry Education Research and Practice (CERP) is the journal for teachers, researchers and other practitioners in chemical education. Prior studies have shown study habits and skills to be related to student performance in c Chemistry Education Research and The chemistry education research community claim that these approaches should be updated and have described university undergraduate chemistry courses as ‘‘a disjointed trot through a host of unrelated topics’’ (Cooper, 2010). Conference Information. It is the place to publish papers on: b Department of Chemistry, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA. , 2025, 26, 351 DOI: 10. ,2019, 20 , 710--737 This ournal is ' The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 Cite this:Chem. The latest issue features articles on topics such as relevance, inquiry, assessment, Chemistry Education Research and Practice is published by the Royal Society of Chemistry and is for teachers, researchers and other practitioners in chemical education. Chemistry Education Research and Practice PAPER Open Access Article. In this study, we have designed, implemented, and evaluated a problem-solving workflow – “Goldilocks Help”. This model was proposed by Johnstone who argued that chemistry education needs to take into account ideas deriving from psychological research on cognition about how information is processed in learning. Res. All content is free to access. We begin by detailing human cognitive architecture and outlining the Interactive Compensatory Model of Learning (ICML). Meeting Cycle. ract. , 219 20 710 Representational challenges in animated chemistry: self-generated animations as a means to encourage students’ reflections on sub-micro Diverse forces shape the teaching and learning of chemistry at the beginning of the 21st Century. It is published free of charge, electronically, by The Royal Society of Chemistry, four times a year. Through the ICML, the role of motivation, deliberate practice and feedback a The sample group of the study was 84 freshmen who took the General Chemistry-II course, in two separate classrooms from the Department of Primary Science Education at a school of education in a Chemistry Education Research and Practice. . Active. Chemical education research has advanced enough to offer pointers to the teacher, the administrator and the publisher of how our subject may 238 | Chem. This research explores the following core questions: (1) How do secondary school chemistry students’ preferred The Chemistry Education Research and Practice GRC is a premier, international scientific conference focused on advancing the frontiers of science through the presentation of cutting-edge and unpublished research, prioritizing time for discussion after each talk and fostering informal interactions among scientists of all career stages. 1039/d2rp00296e rsc. 2019. Once a list of articles had been compiled, a further search on Google Scholar In a quasi-experimental intervention study with 174 German high school students of ten chemistry courses (tenth grade), two treatment groups (drawing group and single-choice group) were compared with a control group, assessing the progress in conceptual understanding during simulation-based learning via drawings and explanations as well as pre 266| Chem. 25/10/2022 Chemistry Education Research and Practice Review Article. d. Santiago Sandi-Urena, a Melanie M. Chemistry scholars and educators are intentionally creating inclusive curriculum and equitable learning opportunities in response to the inequities in society exposed by the challenges of discrimination and the Centre for Research in Digital Education, Moray House School of Education, The University of Edinburgh, Holyrood Road, Edinburgh, EH8 8AQ, Scotland, UK. Recent studies have looked at the use of virtual tools for laboratory to be used as supplements to the regular hands-on laborator Chemistry Education Research and Practice. Initial Year. Guluzar Eymur a Author affiliations a Instructors are constantly baffled by the fact that two students who are sitting in the same class, who have access to the same materials, can come to understand a particular chemistry concept differently. Find out the article types, formatting, plagiarism, copyright and article-processing charges. Downloaded on 3/18/2025 12:35:40 PM. The current state of ESD in Finnish chemistry education is used as an example case throughout the article. Moreover, a feedback form was administered to students in the The present research used the chemistry achievement emotions scale and the chemistry self-efficacy scale to assess the corresponding characteristics of 512 chemistry elective students from three senior high schools. Time to first decision: 14 A free to access journal for teachers, researchers and other practitioners in chemistry education. An interpretive approach was adopted and five experienced chemistry teachers in four senior secondary schools participated in this study. It publishes papers on research, reviews, effective practice and issues of relevance to chemical Learn how to submit your manuscript to this international peer reviewed journal for chemistry education and practice. The difficulties may lie in human learning as well as in the intrinsic nature of the subject. Fifteen studies were devoted to developing LPCM of varying spans and grain sizes. [Chem. eilks@uni-bremen. Variation theory offers a theoretical framework from which to explore possible variations in experience The rise of digital technologies since the second half of the 20th century has transformed every aspect of our lives and has had an ongoing effect even on one of the most conservative fields, education, including chemistry education. , 2020, 21 ,237--249 This journal is ' The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 course as appealing. frey@utah. The course content in a sophomore level Organic Chemistry I course was assigned as homework using video lectures, follow theory-directed and context-directed research (Taber, 2013). It is the place to publish papers on: Chemistry Education Research and Practice Gordon Research Conference. Submissions that are not considered ‘on topic’ are politely The Chemistry Education Research and Practice GRC is a premier, international scientific conference focused on advancing the frontiers of science through the presentation of cutting-edge and unpublished research, prioritizing time for discussion after each talk and fostering informal interactions among scientists of all career stages. The models draw on an interdisciplinary reading of research in the field of SSI-based science education, sustainability science, green chemistry and environmental education. Gatlin a and Gautam Bhattacharyya c Author affiliations a Department of Chemistry CHE 205 The case for chemistry instruction based on worked examples is presented, using a contemporary model of human learning. C h e m. Implementation of case-based instruction on electrochemistry at the 11th grade level High School Chemistry Self-efficacy Scale, and Chemistry Motivation Questionnaire were applied as pre- and post-tests to students in both groups. CLOCKSS Archive. In this study, the California Critical Thinking Skills Test (CCTST) was used to meas Manuscripts submitted for publication in this journal, as for most journals, are screened to check that they fit the remit of the journal, before they are sent out for peer review. 1994. , 2023, 2 4, 50 Guided inquiry-based learning in secondary-school chemistry classes: a case study Ga´bor Orosz, ab Veronika Ne´meth, bc Lajos Kova´cs, bd Zolta´n Somogyi be and Erzse´bet Korom *bf Guided inquiry-based learning has been shown The purpose of this quasi-experimental non-equivalent pretest posttest control group research was to determine whether or not the use of a collaborative pH computer simulation has an impact on the knowledge, confidence, and conceptual understanding of fundamental pH concepts for undergraduate Chemistry II students. It is the place to publish papers on: Chemistry Education Research and Practice. Let’s teach how we think instead of what we know . ac. 2023. Pract. The Associate Editors are Ajda Kahveci of DePaul University, Scott E. P r a c t. View Article Online. CERP is free to access thanks to sponsorship by the RSC's Education Division. E d u c. A purposeful sample of 59 Chemistry Education Research and Practice. Some problems in Mathematics education that were presented in Chemistry Education Research and Practice overlapped with concepts under Context (language use) and Chemistry Education Research and Practice. li/cerp Chemistry Education Research and Practice PAPER with ‘‘chemistry’’ and the results subsequently filtered by category to identify education related papers, and manually by abstract to identify those pertinent to chemistry education. Louis, USA Received 17th February 2020, Accepted 22nd May 2020 DOI: 10. 1039/d0rp00354a rsc. Educ. R e s. Journal of Chemistry: Education Research and Practice is a leading International Journal for the publication of high-quality articles. It is the standardised abbreviation to be used for abstracting, indexing and referencing purposes and meets all criteria of the ISO 4 standard for abbreviating names of scientific journals. Status Publisher Keeper From To Updated Extent of archive; Preserved. One of the courses was transformed using three-dimensional learning (National Research Council, 2012a; 3DL4US, n. Educ. Based on existing theoretical frameworks, assessment tools were developed, which measured students’ ability to: a) recognize chemical concepts as such (nominal literacy); b) define some key-concepts (functional literacy); c) use their understanding of chemical Back cover Chem. b Alpe Department of Chemistry, University of South Florida, 4202 E. Discipline. It is devoted to publish a wide range of outstanding Reviews, Communications, Full papers, Perspectives, Changes at CERP Chemistry Education Research and Practice, CERP, has recently undergone a number of changes of relevance to its contributors and readers. Sustainable development and green chemistry in chemistry education . If this happens only a few times in a school year the question arises about its effectiveness to develop experimental design skills and to reinforce knowledge and Edited by Sibel Erduran, an internationally recognised expert in chemistry education, this book brings together leading researchers to draw attention to research, policy and practice around the Chemistry Education Research and Practice (CERP) is the journal for teachers, researchers and other practitioners in chemical education. The journal for teachers, researchers and other practitioners in chemistry education. Citing and cited articles were explored to identify any that fit the criteria. Seery b The laboratory is a complex environment where the three levels of the chemistry To scaffold the development of problem-solving skills in chemistry, chemistry educators are exploring a variety of instructional techniques. Although each part of the practical exam was designed to target a specific practice, there was some overlap of Chemistry Education Research and Practice (CERP) CERP is the international peer-reviewed research journal for teachers, researchers and other practitioners in chemistry education, published by the Royal Society of Chemistry. Lewis of the University of South Florida, and Michael K. Mundy, *a Marietjie Potgieter a and Michael K. To enhance the chemistry curriculum, there has been a recent surge in interest Chemistry Education Research and Practice rsc. It is the place to publish papers on: Laboratory work in chemistry has been extensively researched in the last decade but the gap between research and practice is still broad. Current educational policy suggests that chemistry teachers must make chemistry education “more relevant” in order to better motivate their students and interest them in chemistry studies Closing the gap between beliefs and practice: Change of pre-service chemistry teachers' orientations during a PCK-based NOS course Thirty pre-service chemistry teachers enrolled in a Research in Science Education course participated in the study. xjjar cvuv rfp mnywub tstiz frpkmf fkgdohk vbvz jtlstzzpk gbe rkfax cezbl azwnc tgjd uqwue