Chivalry 2 vs mordhau reddit Subreddit community for Chivalry 2, a multiplayer action game made by Torn Banner Jul 21, 2023 · Been playing lots of Mordhau lately and imo the game is inferior to Chiv in every aspect save 1; the community. chivalry mw, mordhau, all games about swing manipulation, can please we, people who don't like swing manipulation, have our own game, /r/GuildWars2 is the primary community for Guild Wars 2 on Reddit. May 12, 2021 · They're just going to use similar things in Chiv just like when they did when it was Chiv 1 to Mordhau. And this is not to mention the fact that half of the Chivalry community plays on consoles (while the mordhau console community was around 40 players a I own both Chivalry 2 and Mordhau. Some weapons in mordhau are just cosmetics in Chivalry 2. in mordhau and chivalry the game is about feinting, and baiting your opponent to swing (you cant feint on dnd) and then you punish them with a parry, this is exploiting the feint mechanic to an extreme that makes the game much more sweaty. That being said I feel like it could be fun when it comes to console with everyone on an even playing field. On that regard Chiv feels dead. Granted, I only ever went as far as Elite 2 duels in Mordhau so maybe the tippy tippy top above that is different. Feb 23, 2024 · I played mordhau when it came out, had a blast. The game is Jul 21, 2021 · Hi guys! I really want to buy a medieval slasher. Mar 27, 2022 · Posted by u/BathPresent6931 - No votes and 8 comments Mar 1, 2021 · Mordhau gameplay is slower and more of a chess match. I can see a lot of players switching over to Chivalry 2 if Oct 24, 2022 · Chiv 2 has cool gameplay, beautiful graphics and good sound, but that's the end of it In mordhau you can cosplay, you can play lute, you can do any build you want, it's graphics is not bad, sound is ok, also it requires more skill. I ended up buying Chivalry 2 when the playerbase for Mordhau started getting more toxic and I've absolutely been loving it. Jun 15, 2021 · 87K subscribers in the Chivalry2 community. Is chivalry this sweaty? Jun 16, 2021 · Imo mordhau is bad because the movement feels like pubg. In terms of 1v1 fights chiv 2 is a bit easier, but teamfighting is where chiv 2 shines over mordhau imo. Have 521 hours in Mordhau and it puts me at a huge advantage in Chivalry 2. IIRC Mordhau was made by veteran chiv players who wanted a more competetive gameplay. Jun 30, 2023 · You will hear a lot of people on here saying chiv requires less skill than mordhau - they have not been good at both games. Let's play in the classical era - roman soldiers, hellenic hoplites, The Moderator team continues to oppose Reddit's stance on their API, and we encourage everyone to join other communities over Reddit. You can’t even find matches at night. In some ways, I like it even more than Mordhau. Jul 1, 2022 · By contrast, Chivalry 2 does everything that Mordhau did wrong right, but struggles in the areas that Mordhau did so well. I got Mordhau for free from epic games a while ago, but didn't play it at the time. Can someone explain to me why people are claiming that chivalry 2 is going to overtake [FH, Mordhau, Chivalry, and Deadliest Warrior being the only real games in it]. The only players who were left were the sweats who were really good. All comp players left basically. I tried Mordhau but found it just lacking the same sense of fun. Man I don’t like for honor and I love chivalry 2, but in all fairness chiv is definitely more rock paper scissors than for honor or mordhau or any other multiplayer medieval game I can think of. If your favorite thing is the duels then I would definitely stick with Mordhau, the combat feels more nuanced there and the 1v1s you can get into are fantastic. I haven't played mordhau because I didn't have a PC when it came out, unfortunately, so Ill stick to talking about chivalry 2. Chiv 2 is to Mordhau what MMA is to boxing. Apr 12, 2022 · 100K subscribers in the Mordhau community. Mordhau is definitely more competitive imo and you find a lot more sweaty players than you do on chivalry 2, so a much chiller experience. The man in charge of balance. The hours give away my opinion 😂 If you are a casual player, Chivalry 2 all the way. Let us hope they took some of the improved aspects of Mordhau's tech and combat and bring back the game so many of us Jan 2, 2024 · Mordhau vs Chivarly 2 vs Kingdom Come vs M&B 2 [PC] I'm trying to find a good medieval game with first person combat, and maybe third person also, and thus 4 are the one that come to mind. While I was having some server issues in the beginning, they're mostly cleared up now. In Mordhau I can cosplay as a penguin man. Also Morhau currently has horses where as Chivalry 2 doesn't if that matters to you. After playing Chiv 2 more, I don't think this Which one is really better when it comes to overall gameplay? Mordhau has more equipment and better customization. Get Jun 12, 2022 · Mordhau is a lot harder to get good at. I've never played Chiv 2 So I can't comment on the gameplay experience, but I love Mordhau and will always suggest people pick it up if the Nov 26, 2021 · I’ve played both Mordhau and Chiv 2. Remarkably, chivalry II combat has actually made me better at bannerlord. there’s a lot of things I've played all these melee games and theres a ton of skill transfer between them, at a very base level. I found myself having more fun in Chivalry 2 than Mordhau when I play a serious build and actively try to kill players. Gameplay is little different, in Mordhau you cannot block al the time like in Chiv 2. Lo probé un rato en la Open beta del año pasado y se me hizo piola, mucho mas jugable el Chivalry 2 , no lo dudes . Mordhau will have 1 entire year worth of updates to do whatever they want to outclass Chivalry 2 in terms of content and optimization, horses are already in the game, and there's already 64 players frontline servers, which is what the devs seems to promote so much in the articles. These are my personal thoughts about Mordhau vs Chivalry/Chivalry 2 and why I believe Chivalry 2 is something we should all be very excited for if it is meant to be a spiritual successor. Apr 23, 2021 · Chivalry 2 is a lot more "heavy" and grounded. I was pretty bored of For Honor after reaching the 1K hours milestone, so I decided to try Chivalry 2 and hope to stay there. Understanding initiative is way more important in mordhau due to first hit flinch. Oct 14, 2022 · Personally, chivalry 2. Various parts of the combat make it easier for the casual person to play on a whim (always able to dodge without needing a perk, ability to hold block, etc. Starting with the combat, Chivalry 2 has combat with a much lower (but still high) skill ceiling than Mordhau. So if you counter everything, you sap your opponent of stamina while reserving yours. Barely changed much of the way I play. The animations in chivalry 2 although nowhere near as realistic as dark and darker are still closer to it than anything you will see in mordhau or the og chivalry. Related: Games To Play If You Like Jul 16, 2023 · Mordhau has better voicelines and less bugginess associated with them, Chiv has more voice variety (including peasants, duke, monk, etc. Jun 9, 2021 · There is a common opinion right now that Mordhau is the option for "High-skill play" and that Chivalry 2 is a more "Casual" experience. Maybe you are saying that some of the voices or personalities seem similar? I voiced the Agatha Archer in Chiv, and also a couple voices in Mordhau, so while the characters are completely different there will be some unavoidable similarities between the two. Couldn't agree more. Chivalry 2 on Jun 17, 2021 · I haven't played Mordhau and am new to PC gaming myself, but I just picked up Chivalry 2 am having a blast. To me (and them), [on console] FH was pretty much the only Oct 13, 2022 · Posted by u/sony711 - 1 vote and 10 comments Jan 18, 2021 · Yeah, Chivalry 2! Seriously though Wouldn't mind a mordhau 2 in a different historical time period. As far as I can see, it's just more multiplayer medieval Apr 26, 2021 · 32 votes, 19 comments. The difference is twofold. Can't speak to Mordhau gameplay, but Chiv2 looks better graphically and the gameplay is really fun. Chivalry 2 has a larger player base and is the newer game, but the mechanics are a bit different in chiv 2, and intiative is a lot weirder in chiv 2 than mordhau. There's also more to do in chivalry and I find the team Mar 3, 2023 · Chivalry 2 fights can last a lot longer than mordhau fights because there is a mechanism of regenerating stamina (chambers) so fights between two good players can sometimes last several minutes. Mordhau has a much more friendly and Advertisement May 29, 2021 · Posted by u/ThatUserNamesTacken - 4 votes and 26 comments And so last month Chivalry 2 came out to the Epic Games Store. I’m sure it’s gonna be sick. Jun 15, 2022 · Chiv 2's learning curve isn't as steep, but I've been enjoying the 64 player modes a lot. The game is Apr 12, 2022 · 28 votes, 16 comments. But far harder combat. It may look similar visually, but you'll notice differences as soon as you swing your May 28, 2021 · Chiv 2 looks much more accessible for new comers. It’s combat is more forgiving, the objective/maps are more immersive/fun, the community is less toxic, the player base is more populated, and the graphics/animations are better. I sucked and could barely do anything before being killed. If chiv 2 takes off it'll be a bit more noob friendly as they're doing crossplay with consoles so you'll most likely have a constant influx of noobs coming in to shit on. The games are still very different. Jul 30, 2023 · I’ve always thought as Chiv 2 as more accessible Mordhau. I have played hundreds of hours in both, and I still make fun of the other when I’m playing either. Chivalry 2 is frantic, you can throw all kinds of stuff, and it has additional features such as breakable shields. Jan 14, 2020 · Anyways, hope I didn't run on too long. Well, right now I'm redownloading For Honor to come back and wreck faces as Warden. I prefer Chiv as it is easier to get into. The game is Members Online • Intelligent-Ebb5979. It’s not a ridiculous wave attack like it is in chiv. I like chiv 2 a lot more than mordhau, personally. Chiv 2 feels very good, fun and not punishing. Apr 5, 2020 · Calm down, calm down, it's a positive thread. May 9, 2021 · Very much looking forward to Chivalry 2. Nov 26, 2021 · Mordhau is like a polished Indie game, with its only real bread winners being customization and the Comp scene. Played a little mordhau on PC but found it both less fun and hard to grasp. Nov 25, 2021 · Hey everyone! I managed to get Chivalry 2 for 10€ from Amazon (used already but even the royal zweihänder code worked!). They used that experience to beat up us month one guys. Mordhau has seen little amount of updates and the vast majority of players are veterans with hundreds of hours of experience, since the learning curve is monstrous, drivning new players away. Mar 28, 2022 · Mordhau is incredibly punishing, but getting to the point where you can stand on the top of the scoreboard is a good feeling. There is still a skill gap between good players & bad, it's just not as big as in Mordhau. Chivalry 2 doesnt have that much customisation. Jun 17, 2021 · 10 votes, 10 comments. I have a post on the chiv subreddit of a 1v1 duel against another Mordhau player. Jun 5, 2021 · The graphics are much better. So far the game feels much more causal and fun in the larger battles, and the community so far is . So yeah man, dont hesitate. Chivalry 2 also has less swing manipulation than mordhau, there is far less 'ballerina' combat. Jul 6, 2023 · So a couple things reduce the distance between exceptional players and average players in Chivalry compared to mordhau. Firstly, the fights in this game look so janky compared to mordhau, they look almost turn based, janky blood, janky visual effects, janky animations, I also don’t feel the weight of the weapon in the videos. I love mordhau, everything in this game is perfect except for lack af maps. Armor customization doesn’t play a role in mobility or durability, that’s all class based. I want to try chivalry 2 but there are two things that worry me. Remember that. I'm fed up with Mordhau, the devs have no idea what they are doing and the game suffers as result. What are the main differences between these two games, and which one do you believe it's better? At this moment I'm leaning towards Mordhau only because it is cheaper, though the difference is only of 10€, so it isn't a really big deal. I opened the SteamDB rn, and If we look at 7 UTC on April 29, Chiv2 has 948 players and Mordhau has 512. I like both games tho, mordhau because it takes skill and i can make any build i want, and chivalry because of better graphics Dec 26, 2021 · I really enjoy games like Chivalry and Mordhau but the games always tend to be fun the first few weeks before it fizzles out and people find out ways to just min-max and cheese to such a degree that the playerbase straight up dissapears. I never played chiv1, so I have no nostalgia for it, but this looks great to me. The mission design is also worse. Apr 10, 2022 · If you just want the same kind of intense combat as Chivalry II, then no. They have way more devs, way more money, and the insight from testers that are mordhau players. Jul 22, 2023 · Been playing Mordhau for the past 3 days. Dec 29, 2022 · i mean i admit i use the exploits cause you have to to be good at the two games but dnd does not have the same mechanics. Feb 24, 2021 · If you are mordhau player who hate devs start trolling in this game ,block spawns, votekick abuse and kick nobles, just destroy game for players. Create your mercenary and fight in brutal battles where you It is much closer than the QuickTime style from mordhau and The original chivalry. I genuinely believe that if we ever get kcd 2 it needs combat like chivalry 2. This is Reddit's home for Computer Role Playing Games, better known as the CRPG subgenre! Apr 18, 2023 · In Mordhau, it's kind of a running meme, that newbies are better against high skill players, simply because they ignore the double feint overhead spam 360 no scopes, and just swing through it lol. Mordhau offers better graphics, less jankiness, more customization, and great meme potential with its emotes, voicelines, instruments, deformed faces, and uhm, the "dung-covered peasant convention. While Bannerlord is still in early access it's been a really fun experience, but Mordhau has truely spoiled me. Subreddit community for Chivalry 2, a multiplayer action game made by Torn Banner Studios. I feel like my body in mordhau lags behind my head but that's just the game design. Long story short, overall Chiv 2 is superior, but if you take your melee games seriously, then Mordhau can scratch the itch unlike any other. I am a bit wary of buying Chivalry 2 since I'm a bit late to the party. While I like Bannerlords sword simulation mechanics better I miss Mordhau's voice lines the most. " But the combat is a lot less intense and a lot less crowded. TL;DR: Mordhau vs Chiv 2 is like Insurgency Sandstorm vs Battlefield. I think I know which one I’ll take. I came from Mordhau to Chivalry 2 nearly a year ago and I'm almost never below 5th place. Sep 3, 2018 · Maybe I am misunderstanding you, but no Chivalry lines or characters appear in Mordhau. Apr 1, 2020 · Now we all know and love Mordhau, but recently I have reminded myself that Chivalry 2 is a thing and I went on to search it up on youtube. The rat playstyle is essentially dead, which may be a dream for you Knight players out there. Sure, there are some other options from indie development teams, by these two strike players Apr 3, 2022 · Chivalry 2 is a far more casual and accessible experience, though the combat mechanics do still have some depth there and there is a skill gap here as well, albeit not as Jul 16, 2023 · Chiv more new player friendly, while Mordhau has more content Chiv has a lower skill ceiling, but lacks the dynamic potential of Mordhau Mordhau has more customization, while Chivalry has a cleaner weapon system Mordhau has custom servers and mods Mordhau does not have many new players, just dedicated sweats Apr 12, 2022 · I’ve a lot more time on mordhau and it’s one of my favourite games but chiv 2 is better tbh. Blocking in chivalry II is similar to blocking with a shield in Bannerlord, meaning you only have to be facing in the general direction of he attack. Nov 13, 2022 · Listen, I spend like 500 hours in Mordhau and recently switched to Chiv. In short: More immersive and epic gameplay, not as good combat. Mordhau's combat while using binds is so freaking precise and feels so impactful. The combat in Mordhau feels a lot harder, and reading attacks is very difficult, if you're fighting more experienced players. I recognize the game as a good game but frankly I just want to step into a game and start having fun, and Mordhau just left me frustrated. Subreddit community for Chivalry 2, a multiplayer action game made by Torn Banner Jun 1, 2021 · All in All both games are great but chivalry 2 is more for me IMO. ) The customization and fluidity of Mordhau is miles above. Feb 19, 2021 · Mordhau players are just gonna have to move to chivalry. Mordhau also has great character customization, a bit better than Chivalry. They are similar in many ways, but actually offer quite distinct experiences when looked at more closely. There is a lot more skill involved with Mordhau which is what attracts me. I'm not good with m+kb even for shooters so that could have added to it too Jun 10, 2020 · Everyone saying "Mordhau wins" acting like multiple games aren't allowed to exist/compete. I’m a very competitive person when it comes to gaming though. Jul 30, 2021 · I have 500 hours in warband, and I also picked up Bannerlord and Chiv II on their respective launch dates. I have played all the slashers (age of chiv, chiv, chiv 2, mordhau) chiv 2 is better than mordhau. [Chivalry Game] Cavalry 2 vs Mordhau Allora cosa sono i pensieri di tutti sulla cavalleria 2 vs Mordhau? Tradotto e ripubblicato dalla pubblicazione nmxwrw della comunità chivalrygame. Giving everyone held block and the addition of a jab mechanic and counters are the evolution of the genre. Lets see what happens next years release. The whole comment is about games comparison, but you chose only the last paragraph, lol. If you are new to Mordhau, you are going to get absolutely WRECKED until you put at least 500 hours into the game, as the people that still play it, have been there since the Chiv 2 has the much larger player base. Jun 30, 2022 · The biggest differences in the combat are how slashes work (Mordhau's slashes are direction based and can be left to right, up to down and vice versa, but Chiv 2's slashes are left to right and vice versa only, overheads are a separate key, and no down to up slashes) and how your defense works (can hold your block in Chiv 2). Ive seen similar things said about morhau and a lot of people claim it's too arcadey or unrealistic which just simply isn't true. This shit is really chivalry 3 since mordhau is chivalry 2 The way parry works in Mordhau is near identical in timing to the way counter works in Chivalry 2. I don't feel that way at all in chivalry 2 plus the holding block makes the game way more offensive and beginner friendly. You also can't hold block, which makes you really focus on what you're doing. I want the unpredictability of a BR game. Jan 12, 2023 · Luckily, there are two fantastic titles to choose between — Chivalry 2 and Mordhau. If Chivalry 2 had the customization of Mordhau, it'd be a better game. I still go back to Mordhau every now and then to joke around because the "fun" builds are not something you can do in Chivalry 2. I think mordhau has much better customisation but it’s much more sweaty even in platinum tier on ranked, and it relies on moves that I've played a decent amount now and I'm enjoying the group fights a lot more than I ever have in Mordhau. And look at Stouty’s last video. Jan 2, 2022 · The thing that made me buy Chivalry 2 over Mordhau was because the combat is apparently more beginner friendly. Nov 10, 2020 · Archery isn’t completely broken in mordhau like it was in chiv. It feels a bit floatier, and has less kinetic feedback, and is overall a more casual experience. I played chiv 2, constantly died to animations that weren't even visible, returned back to Mordhau🤷‍♂️ chiv 2 combat is just so clunky/dogshit, theres no way I will ever be a happy sweat lord in that game💀I also could never wrap my head Apr 6, 2021 · Furthermore, the excess character options lead to performance issues; 60 players all using unique clothing and weapons means way more graphics processing and RAM use. 89 k subscribers in the Chivalry2 community. When I play chiv 2, it feels like I’m playing against bots, in mordhau, people are much more willing to have fun and meme around. But this means naked dudes aren’t going to be flying around the map at high speeds. I just wanna sword fight. A couple months later, I started playing it long after the hype around it being free disappeared. However, I'm torn between Mordhau and Chivalry 2. Or well, since 2 years. He literally 27-0s Crush. Kicking is more of a counter attack in mordhau. It just was not fun for me as a noob. gonna be an absolute terrible comparison but I feel like chivalry 2 is more like a battlefield game, where mordhau Is more like call of duty where its more competitive and you can die immediately if you don't know what your doing. Chivalry 2 already impressed me with the gameplay and maps, it's not even comparable to Mordhau. Not super limited, there are still a lot of options, but not as much as mordhau. I personally find chivalry simply more fun. When I think of Chiv2 and Mordhau, I compare it to Hell Let Loose and Post Scriptum—one is more arcadey and pick up and playish while the other one is more hardcore and has a steeper learning curve. But in my opinion Mordhau >>>>> Chiv 2 (in it's current state. Mordhau is dead. MORDHAU is a multiplayer medieval slasher. I never looked for an alternative to For Honor but this game seemed interesting for a long time now and it's out now for a couple of months so many improvements happened and it's more fair now to judge and compare. true Jun 10, 2019 · Kinda doubtful on that one. Jul 22, 2023 · 14 votes, 22 comments. ) which can give the impression to Mordhau (and even chiv 1 players) the idea that Chivalry 2 is easier. I was May 26, 2023 · I have played both. After playing for a couple hours, my These titles are the only two raw FPS medieval combat titles that can be played at the moment. Hell Let Loose is closer to Battlefield May 8, 2023 · I never played the original Chivalry in it's heyday, but I got REALLY into Mordhau for a long time. I’m just following the rules of the universe. Mar 29, 2023 · Posted by u/Able_Farmer_6158 - No votes and 19 comments Feb 22, 2023 · I've just recently discovered that this game is a battle royale game and I've been craving for a melee BR game. Mordhau players feel Apr 24, 2021 · 89K subscribers in the Chivalry2 community. I had a lot of Chiv1 time, but hated to reverse-overhead-spinny nonsense too. Mordhau is harder game than Chiv 2. Try everything. There are more viable play styles in mordhau than in chiv. ADMIN MOD Mordhau vs Chivalry Is chivalry better than Mordhau orrr????? Check out my video and my new Chiv Reddit user explaining why you have to play 3 v 3 a Jun 24, 2022 · Get the Reddit app Scan this Mordhau o Chivalry 2? Recomendacion juegos Básicamente eso, se me hacen los 2 prácticamente iguales, salvo que el chivalry esta más caro. Just picked it back up to find that the playerbase consists of dudes with 4k hours that no life the game. Even if you do go with chivalry 2. Still love chiv tho, I actually like a bit of luck in Dec 18, 2020 · Subreddit community for Chivalry 2, a multiplayer action game made by Torn Banner Studios. Mordhau is far more rewarding in my opinion. This is a huge adjustment from someone who loved playing 1/3/2 and 1/2/3 in pre-nerf Mordhau. Apr 25, 2021 · Disclaimer: This is all my opinion, and I haven’t even played Chiv2, HLL, or PS, but I am going off of things I have heard of them. Apr 24, 2023 · Subreddit community for Chivalry 2, a multiplayer action game made by Torn Banner Studios. I can't say the same about Chiv 2. Mostly if you're good at one you quickly learn the nuances and get good at the others. Shields and Mar 3, 2023 · Chiv2 is simply more fun. The game is available on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4 & PS5. Also Mordhau voicelines are Mar 27, 2022 · Posted by u/BathPresent6931 - No votes and 2 comments Jan 22, 2023 · Subreddit community for Chivalry 2, a multiplayer action game made by Torn Banner Studios. I know Chiv 2 has comparably less customization. For chivalry 2 !!! Make chivalry great again!!!! We are rising from ruins and facing May 7, 2021 · I laugh a lot more often in Mordhau than I did in Chivalry 2. Chiv 2 maps are gorgeous with cooler objectives and a lot more interactables, but I enjoy playing defense as much as attack on Mordhau. You can convince the entire other team to trust you and not hurt you if you do the right voicelines etc. Mordhau had BR but that game mode was already kinda dead in Asia back during its heyday. 87K subscribers in the Chivalry2 community. Mordhau has competetive modes(3v3, 1v1) and ranks, Chiv2 doesnt have that. I gave up Chiv 2 after reaching around 280 lvl, because i got bored. ) Chiv has more depth to Apr 18, 2023 · The most significant difference between Mordhau and Chivalry 2 is their combat approach. If you have skill in Mordhau, it will definitely translate well to Chiv 2. 55 hours in mordhau and 400 in chiv. Playing Mordhau now, but can’t wait for Chivalry 2, and I will continue to talk shit about both. Mordhau is known for being SUPER toxic, with a disgustingly high skill ceiling. Those of you who have tried both, from the trailer it looks like about the same as mordhau (which always felt like chivalry Jun 14, 2022 · As a longtime player of Mordhau with close to 500 hours (Which is still not a ton compared to some) I have to say i am really enjoying Chivalry 2. Be warned, if you focus heavily on using a horse, you will be hated by many. I personally love Chivalry 2 & have no regrets. I May 4, 2023 · Mordhau has HILARIOUS voice lines, and though Chiv 2 has good ones too I think Mordhau edges it out. There is a lot of room for improvement on the Mordhau character customizer and it often detracts from Mordhau's core gameplay. In Mordhau you have to time your parry correctly (aka you just can’t hold block like a pleb like in Chiv). I think $40 is worth it, shits güd. And Chiv 2 is gets boring at times with the same situations in Team Objective. May 2, 2021 · Also FUCK REDDIT killing 3rd Party Apps! ADMIN MOD For honor vs chivalry 2 confusion . But the class system is limited in Chivalry 2. ovv cghpd isudlk reyclr jfitm whm vowf egeyt rqfwofw fddo vkcysj fnopom kanpvh bjbc xbqkoldh