Cutecom custom baud rate About; Products OverflowAI; How can I set a custom baud rate on Linux? 12. I want to try FT232H adapter that support 12 Mbaud rate. The auto response features were missing from the Launch Cutecom: Open Cutecom from the applications menu or by typing cutecom in the terminal. Many UART devices like those integrated with SBCs, like Raspberry Pi, Odroid, etc. Contributor I Mark as New; Bookmark; Subscribe; Mute; Subscribe to RSS Feed; Permalink; Print; Report If I put any number that isn't one of the standard rates, qSerialPort will report that it successfully set the baud rate, and if I query the baud rate (by m_serialPort->baudRate() within qmodbusdevice. Configure the Serial Port: Select the serial port (e. 0 and can't set baudrate greater than 9999999. Ioctl calls return -1. false. The primary/secondary designation has to do with where the uart is pinned out; primary means it's pinned out on GPIO 14 & GPIO 15, secondary means it's pinned out next to CuteCom 是一款简单易用的串口通信工具,适用于在 Ubuntu 系统上进行串口通信调试。_cutecom怎么用 Baud rate: 波特率,选择通信设备支持的波特率(常见 9600、115200 I'm trying to set a custom baud rate of 10400 to my connected device. 2 kbps) or manually to "any speed". Stack Overflow. The GUI was facelifted and amongst other features a session support was added. Linux-custom-baud-rate Allows to set arbitrary speed for the serial device on Linux. Re: XNET Configuraring custom baud rates and timing Using DIGI TS 16. Data sending at least works, tested using a serial port monitor. de - fix build for Leap 42. diff - codebase changed * Tue Nov 17 2015 opensuse@dstoecker. cpp) it will tell me that the port is configured as the custom rate I put in, but the actual baud rate is whatever the last successful configuration was - so if I set it to 57600 and Serial Baud Rate Detector is a Python script that detects the baud rate of a device connected to a serial port. MX_USART3_UART_Init_Custom is a copy the standard MX_USART3_UART . wrote on last edited by kickoune103 #12. Using ioctl calls with a non-DIGI usb to serial (RS422) device (code bellow) works fine. 8w次,点赞25次,收藏193次。本文介绍了如何在Ubuntu系统中使用CuteCom进行串口调试,包括安装、配置及串口端口的查找。同时,详细讲解了I. Trying to convert to use DIGI. A break condition can be sent on the serial link by using the TCSBRK command in an ioctl(). h下的定义,最高只能达到4M 我调试用的芯片是FT2232H,看手册可以达到12M baud Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Setting custom baud rate on serial port. Member 06-29-2018 07:52 AM. asked Oct 10, 2011 at 14:13. I. Gibt es eine andere Möglichkeit, die Baus-Rate zu ändern? MfG. Centronics used 8 parallel cables to carry an 8 bit character during one signal transmission. Hi All, I'm trying to interface the Arduino to a device with a 250Kbps baud rate, and display the results in the serial monitor in the Arduino software. To set a baud rate that is not listed from that list requires a different approach. Nov 13,2021 Lascia una risposta blog, software. You would need a baud rate of less than 32 baud to achieve a quarter-second break. Correct, those are the official baud rates. My guess regarding the various sources is that the final check of being or not a valid baud rate is done at the driver level. Connect uart to mcu via level shift 3. 0 (coming very soon!). Thus, many samples and many bits can be contained in one Hz. Lower baud rates like 115200 or 38400 are more commonly used. Previous version (uses Qt4): cutecom-0. In this example, whenever you set the baud rate to 38400, the actual baud rate will be 500,000 bps. So in summary, if you specify your custom baud rate in the normal way, PySerial should dutifully apply it and raise an exception if it fails. I wonder if we could just simply add this specific baud rate in order to get this supported. Instance = USART3; But how can I set a non standard baud rate, like 3000000 or 4000000? This topic is little documented and Skip to main content. 5k 30 30 gold badges 118 118 silver badges 179 179 bronze badges. Similarly TIO Is there a way to setup a custom Baud Rate in MIDI. 文章浏览阅读2. 4. Serial ports are really important in Industry Automation, in fact they are widely used to communicate between XNET : Custom baud Rate Vector CAN to XNET CAN amitwadje. 10. 3. 5. 0 Kudos Message 6 of 14 (9,628 Views) Reply. Thanks a lot. Redhat EL6. I've stumbled on CuteCom, moserial, and a handful of CLI based ones, but none of them seem to be very feature rich and easy to use. Set serial port parameters: In the Cutecom interface, click the "Settings" button to enter the settings window. Use virtual serial port software: You can try to use virtual serial port software (such as com0com or VSPE). Improve this answer. I can confirm that the latest sources for QtSerialPort work with custom baud rate. New. My microcontroller and it's ftdi chip is also working fine with 2mbaud using Bray's terminal. This implementation also allows calculating and using custom baud rates for a CAN interface. I want to know can I set the baud rate to higher than 115. The AM3517 is one of TI’s Sitara processors, which are very similar to the popular OMAP chips. Change 9600 to whatever value you like. Richin Johns. Baudrate 9600 8N1 no flow control. function with a configurable baud rate:-void MX_USART3_UART_Init_Custom(unsigned int baud) {huart3. CuteCom was heavily inspired by CuteCom: looks pretty basic; may not have the features i need Wireshark: I've tried this before and it doesn't seem to have support for a serial-terminal-type use-case NinjaTerm: not to be confused with IONinja; possibly works with custom baud rates; supports breaking on "0x0d 0x0a" sequence HTerm; haven't tried it yet "Terminal" by Br@y supports scripting, maybe I can 2/. The current VS Code Serial Monitor only provides fixed baud rate options (e. Follow edited Oct 24, 2021 at 18:28. On Linux, I like picocom: not a real terminal emulator, but a minimal program that Reading back custom baud rate via tcgetattr() already works with PR #59. Originally from kdb309: Setting a Custom Baud Rate in Linux (2. The goal of the code is to set the serial port Baud rate to 115200 so it can talk to the radio, then change the radio to a baud rate of 9600, then change the serial port tob9600 and finish with at&w command. 1. , 9600, 115200). 22. Hi All, I'm trying to interface the Arduino to a device with a The sampling rate says that one Hz can carry at least 2 samples, and the bit rate is obtained by multiplying the sampling rate by the number of bits per sample. To implement custom speed UART in an Android app, you would need to interact with the UART interface of the device. However recently I have to use the USB to serial converter with baud rate 1500000 with FT232RL. 1 Reply Last reply . RPi 3 uses UART0 as its secondary/Bluetooth uart, and the miniUART as its primary uart. I use this library Link. using any custom dividers in your code. You can choose from: You can choose from: B0 B50 B75 B110 B134 B150 B200 B300 B600 B1200 B1800 B2400 B4800 B9600 B19200 B38400 B57600 B115200 B230400 I tried diving the baud base to achieve custom baud rate. Proposed I want to monitor serial communication of my bar-code scanner and it is having low baud rate 300 bps (quite a old one). Cannot set baud rate on USB serial port for Ubuntu 12. Any kind of help is appreciated!! Trophy points 8 Location Bangalore, India Activity points 216 HI mandarsansare, I use CuteCom on my kubuntu linux. I'm using the Qt Creator IDE in order to interact with the device. There are plenty of nice applications that have features like raw hex, whole line input, logging, custom end-lines, and a BIG one for me - auto responses. Place a property node on your block diagram by going to the Measurement I/O palette >> XNET >> Session Node. Send something from phone to PC, then from PC to Phone. 2 * custom baud rates restored properly on startup * custom baud rates > 200000 now selectable * prevent horizontal scroll bar showing up (feedback) * Fri Dec 18 2015 cyc1ingsir@gmail. Copy link bletual commented Nov 8, 2017. 31. 0 Kudos Message 2 of 5 (5,077 Views) Reply. Then save the file; you may want to make a backup of the original TERATERM. Chef Pharaoh Chef Pharaoh. Follow edited Oct 16, 2012 at 18:06. Improve this question. stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 9600 cs8 -cstopb -parenb doesn't work, as this sets the boud rate only for the There is no easy way to do so. Is it possible to set custom baud rates without any special ioctls? c; linux; linux-kernel; linux-device-driver; Share. Senior Technical Support Engineer | CLD CTA | NI. Can I USB0 with a fast ftdi converter to reach 8. 250. MX6ULL芯片的UART串口通信原理,并展示了从寄存器层面初始化、开启关闭串口以及发送接收数据的代码实现。通过实例验证,确保了串口通信的正确性。 The other day, I was working on a TI AM3517-based Linux device and I needed to open a serial port at a weird baud rate (31250 bps). , /dev/ttyUSB0). TI__Guru**** 393215 points Hi Richin, Divisor value for the desired UART baud rate is calculated as: It is also specified we can define BOTHER for custom baud rate but where should it be defined and which file should i set the How can i set the baud rate to 2MBaud in C source code on Windows / Visual Studio 2010. It needs to be tested. Is there a way to set a custom baud rate in minicom? Share Sort by: Best. For older versions have a look at Set custom baud rate in Linux. 0, which will come after v0. Contribute to neundorf/CuteCom development by creating an account on GitHub. Type commands into the I'm attempting to set a custom baud rate of 10400 to my device on Linux using Qt. baudrate=5; ret=ioctl(rfd, TIOCGSERIAL, &serial_info); NXP Forums 4. 0-nolinebreak. It does some bit shifting based on the information from the XNET Help. windows; serial-port; baud-rate; Share. I check the baud rate using myPort. The higher a baud rate is the faster the data is I read the NIOS II processor reference which says one can set the baud rate by selecting the standard preset values (where the maximum specified value is 115. Sometimes it received 20 bytes continually correct. cpp. All Windows : Custom baud rateTo Access My Live Chat Page, On Google, Search for "hows tech developer connect"As promised, I'm going to share a hidden feature wi max232 cutecom Hi I have a very, very basic and simple question about the RS232 interface. Share. Arduino Forum custom baud rate in serial monitor? Forum 2005-2010 (read only) Hardware. I understand that the UART clock speed is derived from a main clock that is used for CPU and other subsytem. It has not been tested or validated as a product, for use in a deployed application or Enabling USE_CUSTOM_BAUD in the Makefile and then building on MIPS fails with: cc -Wall -g -DVERSION_STR=\\"3. As can be seen above, the output is now only the baud rate of 115200. h ? Perhaps some parameter of MIDI_CREATE_DEFAULT_INSTANCE(); ? Thank you so much for your library, great work! Beta Was this translation helpful? Give Hi, Jetson Nano on custom carrier board. 2k次,点赞5次,收藏26次。这篇博客介绍了在Linux环境下,使用C++自定义串口波特率的方法,包括针对不同硬件模块的两种实现方式。文章详细讲解了如何通过termios2结构体进行波特率设置,并提供了100k波特率的SBUS协议10通道解析代码。同时,博主分享了在x86和arm64架构下均测试成功的经验。 By default the bluetooth module HC-05 sets baud rate at 38400, data bits 8, Stop bits 1 All schematics of this bluetooth module can be found at :  Use CuteCom connect to /dev/ttyUSB0 , Baud rate: 57600, Data bits 8, Stop bits 1. However, when I run the application, the console output keeps reporting that . Setting the baud rate via. 6. I had an MCU set at baud rate of 250000 and I tried to interface it with my PC running linux. I've also set the data bits to 8, parity to no parity, and stop bits to 1, which are pretty standard. BaudRate = 921600; Note that there is a hardware diff between Pi 3 & 4 and other Pis (0, 1, 2) where uart is concerned (ref the docs). Options. Mark as New; Bookmark; Subscribe; Mute; Subscribe to RSS Feed; Permalink; Print; Report to a Moderator; Labels: LabVIEW; Normally just having the nominal baud rate is enough to get a good configuration. I suggest you consider using a terminal emulator instead of the serial monitor. Where do I sta I am having exactly the problem detailed at Custom baud rate -- SetCommState() fails with baud=921600 but succeeds with baud=115200 -- albeit on Windows 7 64-bit and with a couple of other odd To configure custom baud rate of a CAN interface programmatically, write the hexadecimal value from the custom baud rate dialog to Interface:64bit Baud Rate or Interface:CAN:64bit FD Baud Rate property. Nvgetty servcie disabled. at least 10 bits on the wire per character, so on a RS232 link running at 300 Baud (where each Baud only had 1 bit), your transmission rate was 300 bps or 30 cps (characters per second). 5 isn't crucial). 其中圈起来的地方是新加的,这就是根据刚才新加的部分进行波特率修改,新的0020001,与CBAUDEX2进行运算判断高位位置, 备注当直接执行arm-openwrt-linux-gcc baud_test. tar. 51. 0 when we release that official version), where instead of replacing the default baud rates, we add the requested baud rates to the list. I'd rather have a UI and saved profiles. Controversial. BaudRate = 2000000UL; //doesn't work. 000 baud rate? Or ftdi converters are designed to work at specified baud rates? alex. I want to set the UART baud rate to exact 10400bps. SerialPort Version: 6. So, when anyhow the connected device(s) is in reset condition, ST can not communicate with those again as those device is not responding at a different baud rate rather than 115200. Hope that it is helpful to you. It’s We will modify how the custom baud rates settings. But for UART 1,2,3,4: It said, my baud base was 5 000 000. You cannot generate a break condition by manipulating the baud rate. by default baud rate is coming as 115200 . DISCLAIMER: The attached Code is provided As Is. 0. Set custom baud rates on a Linux terminal device. baudRate() and the return value of setBaudeRate() and for 416000 it returns 9600 resp. Baud rate of serial port /dev/ttyUSB0 is set to 10403 instead of 10400: divisor 2307. 0. code snippet as below. This tool provides a simple frontend to the Linux termios2 API, allowing The baud rate can be set and retrieved, but it does nothing. Thanks. I was using termios c++ library to interface to the port but unfortunately that baud isn’t support hence I tried changing bits here and there but many sources suggests that 250000 isn’t the baud that linux support. During Previous version (uses Qt4): cutecom-0. 2009 (yes, it's really only 22kb). 3V. stty allows to set only predefined values: 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800. Most times it lost bytes. However, in real-world development scenarios, non-standard baud rates (e. 8Mbps on a serial port to talk to a device. The script is open source under the MIT License. It works on the devices and in separate serial apps, so I believe it would within the IDE as well. However, through several methods, I'm unable to change the baud rate from 9600, which is the default baud rate. That makes me think how it’s implemented in Arduino Standard baud rates are set in tty->termios->c_cflag. gz,, June 27th, 2009 (yes, it's really only 22kb). Then when you launch TeraTerm the next time, this new baud rate should be the default. INI first (I called mine TERATERM_FACTORY. - update to release 0. K Offline. In practice, higher baud rates may be unreliable or limited by the specific chipset being used. Clone or It doesn't seem to work. Change the baud rate for BeagleBone UART0 running Angstrom Linux. Yes the com port comes back up at 115200 baud upon power The reading of the power meters works like a charm when I set the baud rate of the serial devices to 9600 8N1 via minicom: minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0 However, when I restart the raspi, the baud rate is reset every time to 11520 8N1. The newly added ttyS* devices do not seem to support TCGETS2/TCSETS2 IOCTLs, which are needed to set a custom baud rate. 9-30. dcb. . 692383 unsupported. The baud rate is 5760, i have used it in the c language, but it doesn't work, i have install cutecom software for checking the device, but when i set custombaud rate to 5760, it dosn't work too. 1). 30. typedef enum { CAN_SPEED_100KBPS = 100, /**< \brief CAN Node runs at 100kBit/s. gz, , June 27th, 2009 (yes, it's really only 22kb). If you want a terminal that actually runs at 9600 baud, you must either go through a serial port, or else write a kernel patch to simulate the effect of the baud rate on consoles. Closed bletual opened this issue Nov 8, 2017 · 1 comment Closed Inappropriate ioctl for device setting custom baud rate of #1396. Logging: Cutecom can log session data to a Created by: survinderpal I need to add support for 3 Mbps or higher support in CuteCom. These programs allow you to create a virtual serial port and set a custom baud rate. kickoune103. 2 kbps speeds (since our application requires atleast 1Mbps baud rate). Best. Muni Sekhar Muni Sekhar. 1 The current CuteCom-version has being reimplemented using Qt 5 switching to the now available QSerialport. over 10 years ago. I too would like support for custom baud rates in the serial monitor. answered Oct 7, 2016 at 20:00. CuteCom was heavily inspired by Bray++ Terminal for Windows. Please help me how can i use non-standard buad rate in linux. 2. But receive data by minicom OR cutecom lost bytes both. Without individually testing each rate, why not make a pseudo-hidden settings option to add your own to the list and leave testing to the user? For example, baud rate 7812 (or 7812. Unfortunately QTSerialPort only offers rates up to 115200 baud. 1,980 Views Gopal. 修改函数speed_t tty_termios_baud_rate(struct ktermios *termios),图5 图5. json works, such that it simply adds the custom baud rates to the list, rather than replacing the default list. Q&A. Useful for hardware hacking and security research, it quickly and easily determines the baud rate of a target device. h中的函数。 I am trying to read CAN bus from my car (my car use 95Kbps can speed). 43. But I need to know whether Windows serial communications API support custom baud rates. From here, select Advanced and click Baud Rate. dgrp-1. Home / blog / Setting custom baud rate on serial port; Setting custom baud rate on serial port. To add a custom rate, you would have to modify the source code and rebuild the IDE. tx May 11, 2023, 5:53pm 4. Currently it runs on Linux (tested) and should run on FreeBSD, Mac OS X and maybe other systems as well (untested). support. i have Qt 5. g. 08-14-2007 06:53 AM. Follow asked Mar 5, 2019 at 10:21. Alex F Alex F. 9. stty -F /dev/ttyAMA0 9600 is enough to get the baud rate serial speed to 9600 The response will be 'lost in space' until putty or serial port weapon of choice is restarted at 9600 but stty then responds to confirm all is well thus: pi@raspberrypi:~$ stty speed 9600 baud; line = 0;-brkint ixoff -imaxbel-iexten 3/. format(baudrate, e)). 5, but the . A graphical serial terminal. Now also works on Mac OSX and supports more baud rates. I tried it by modifying m_combo_Baud in control. bletual opened this issue Nov 8, 2017 · 1 comment Labels. Baud rate : Baud rate is the rate at which the number of signal elements or changes to the signal occurs per second when it passes through a transmission medium. Old. So I need to fix the auto baud rate option from ST Host. I've tried QSerialPort::setBaudRate(), but fails because of an unsupported divisor. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. It has option Hi, I tried to set baud rate 5 bits/s as it needed by my application. x86_64. or the FTDI232 USB converter used on Arduino boards, actually support a much larger set of baud rates than those which can be selected using standard terminal tools like stty. About If this fails, it's supposed to raise ValueError('Failed to set custom baud rate ({}): {}'. Cancel; 0 Biser Gatchev-XID over 10 years ago. You can also change the defaults for DataBit, StopBit, Parity, etc. How can it be solved? How do I need now to select the baud rate at my host PC to be able to communicate with the microcontroller over the serial interface? You have to program your This code works: DCB dcb; dcb. If my assumption is correct, then this commit may help: ee23af0. Does DIGI have special ioctl call definitions for setting custom baud rate? /* Setup a Custom Divisor Baud Rate */ int rate=11520; //ICD says 12Kbps . Peter Mortensen. CuteCom is a graphical serial terminal, like minicom. Hardware, software, produzione per l'elettronica integrata. 6k 22 22 gold badges 110 110 silver badges 133 133 bronze badges. Cutecom has the ability to set custom baudrate (the last option in the baudrate combobox), but currently there is a validator that prevents to enter value greater than 999000 (code: constructor of validator). 2a\\" -DTTY_Q_SZ=0 -DHIGH_BAUD -DUSE_FLOCK -DHISTFILE I was using screen on my mac which works perfectly fine. BTW your serial port initialization code does not conform to best programming practices. This is not a valid baud rate, but if its represented in the 64bit custom baud rate format, we get a hex value of 0x A006 4D43 which translates to a 1MB baud rate, which is the desired CAN FD BRS baud rate for my MX_USART3_UART_Init_Custom(19200); and then set my terminal program to 19200 baud but uart on processor just stops receiving. Dieser Thread ist gesperrt. Sie können als hilfreich abstimmen, aber Sie können diesen Thread nicht beantworten oder The microcontroller uses a baud rate of 1562500 and this cannot be changed. x Kernel) 文章浏览阅读5. You can try to change the maximum value of that validator and Easy Configuration: Settings for the serial port, baud rate, data bits, stop bits, and parity can be easily configured through the GUI. 1 2 2 I'm guessing that for some reason (and I don't understand why) the specific serial-port you are using is not accepting the new "termios2" ioctl's (TCGETS2, TCSETSF2, etc) that are used when picocom is compiled with custom baudrate support (which happens by default starting with release 3. Top. , 128000 or custom low-speed rates) may be required for compatibility with specialized hardware. Please suggest a serial port monitor software configurable I use version 0. Is it possible to use nrf_drv_uart with I have a VI that converts 32-bit custom baud rate to 64-bit and vice versa. When trying to change the baud rate in minicom, only pre-defined options are available and not 1562500. How do I need now to select the baud rate at my host PC to be able to communicate with the microcontroller over the serial For ESP8266 programming it is important to be able to set non-standard baud rates, specifically 74880. Interfacing. Shannon, on the other hand, says that the maximum bit rate that can be transmitted over a channel is twice the bandwidth. The AM3517 is definitely physically capable of doing this baud rate — it starts out with a 48 MHz clock, then it oversamples by either 16X or Here, -brkint and -imaxbel are port-specific settings that aren’t related to the baud rate. Kindly help. - erd0spy/serial-baud-rate-detector In my opinion, this is a bug, since it is explicitly represented as being able to program custom baud rates on the 8513 using XNET, and we purchased multiple cards on the basis that 666. 1 - Diese läuft mit einer festen Baud-Rate von 28800, allerdings kann ich diesen Wert im Gerätemanager nicht für den COM-Port einstellen (Auswahlmöglichkeit nicht vorhanden). c -o tt 的时候报错,找不到uart_oper. Basically, I have a microprocessor running with 24 MHZ and sends and receives the data over the RX and TX Pin respectively. For older versions have a look at Hi, Q1: Why would I use setserial to set a serial port's baud rate when every program that uses a serial port allows me to set the baud rate? Q2: When when I use CuteCom to set b. 667 kbaud was well within the capability of the XNET and 8513 card. Thanks for the help. The logic is: tcsetattr() applies the termios data to the fd (with faked B9600) ioctl(fd, IOSSIOSPEED, &speed) now applies the real desired baud rate (e. e. Using oscilloscope measure the whole data flow on PIN205, and decode it correctly. 45 baud rate of HAM RTTY. Open comment sort options. 49. CuteCom was heavily inspired by But if those devices are in an active condition, ST selects 115200. Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly You can try to use a device like microHAM DXP, which supports the 45. To do this, open Measurement & Automation Explorer and right-click on a CAN port and select Properties. Start Communication: Click “Open” to initiate the serial communication. Cannot set custom baud rate. The lack of flexibility limits communication with certain devices. Hence, we can specify the speed setting in the command to make stty only print the baud rate: $ stty -F /dev/ttyS0 speed 115200. 公司有个项目需要用到高速串口,看了一下termios. 04. ohnoezitasploded February 27, 2009, 10:59pm 1. Comments. It uses the baud rate defined by “Baud_base” divided by “divisor” whenever a baud rate of 38400 bps is called in the application. 12345) to the fd the following tcgetattr() then puts the 12345 into the termios struct; and following cfgetospeed() calls are returning the right Hi, I am trying to run a MIDI slave chip with the nRF51822 which requires me to use the MIDI standard baud rate of 31250. For older versions have a look at the SourceForge project page. INI). To add custom CAN baud rate, added this. For VeriStand 2018 SP1 or earlier, the native XNET custom device does not support custom baud rate entries for CAN FD. What are the possible ways of setting custom baud rates for serial ports in Linux user mode and kernel mode? I see TCGETS2/TCSETS2 ioctl calls to achieve this. It works like a charm! Will show how to set bluetooth module with 3DR After that, you should be able to query the port settings and see your custom baud rate, as well as the other settings (possible with stty commands). setting custom baud rate on UART for MPC52xx. com codebase changed - removed cutecom-0. BaudRate = CBR_115200; SetCommState(hPort, &dcb); Once I change baud rate: dcb. 11. 3k 42 42 gold badges 151 151 silver badges 218 Hello All, i am using IMX6UL Board as per my requirement I need a custom baud rate of 1. The list of available baud rates is hard-coded in the Java source of the Arduino IDE. Using setserial to Determine the Baud Rate Hey Guys, I am currently trying to read hardware with 3,000,000 baud. It is aimed mainly at hardware developers or other people who need a terminal to talk to their devices. For example, if you wanted to set a baud rate of 533333 baud, you will need to manually set this value. Inappropriate ioctl for device setting custom baud rate of #1396. Set the baud rate, data bits, stop bits, and parity according to your device. Add a Comment Custom Baud rates . If thats a barrier,I can use USB0 also. Set the correct serial port name, baud rate, data bits, stop bits, etc. I have seen that it is Hey all. Mike. Typically, I want to monitor serial communication of my bar-code scanner and it is having low baud rate 300 bps (quite a old one). The current CuteCom-version has being reimplemented using Qt 5 switching to the now available QSerialport. NodeJS Version: 8. It says USB0 has 60 000 000 baud base. Thanks! This will come in v0. Once you have dropped @MoDi07 Thanks for suggestion! We actually recently updated the custom baud rates behavior similar to what you suggested (it is available in the current pre-release, and will be available in 0. Please suggest a serial port monitor software configurable to such low baud rates. fymrbrbrxfzeioljsjucwhcardtvgfsnfvcokxxqjmmxpccpollmpbnbufeqripattygo