Government orders The OFR numbers each order consecutively as part of a This is the official website of the Government of Kerala. This imposing mansion, constructed in a rich blend of Romano Dutch architectural style, remains a giant pillar of historical significance and monumental charm. Kuppan, Sanitary Worker – Voluntary Retirement on 30. The text of Sl No. DATE ORDER NUMBER ORDER DESCRIPTION DOWNLOAD; 2024: 15. 2. 189/2025/Fin: 07-01-2025 Sl No. Title: Month. 244/2023/1D Get in touch. gov. Date: Abstract: 1: സ. 01. Accordi governativi. About eOffice. 529/2024 Government Orders Issued GO's-395308. 84,00,000/- under the Tamil Nadu Health System Reform Program World Bank Fund - Sanctioned - orders - issued. recommendations of one man commission, 2010. Date: Abstract: 181: സ. विभागीय जाँच (DEPARTMENTAL ENQUIRY ) अवकाश नियम संग्रह ( U. rectification of junior-senior pay anomaly. 124/2013/fin dated 05/03/2013 house building advance scheme to state government employees additional loan from recognised financial institutions creation of second mortgage - enhancement of limit sanctioned - orders issued go(ms)no. ടി) 2575/2024/lSGD: 30/12/2024: തലസ്ഥാന നഗര വികസന Local Self Government Department Govt. दिनांक Developed and maintained by Information Kerala Mission for Local Self Government Department, Kerala Nearly a year later, X said an appeal challenging the government’s blocking orders “on specific accounts and posts” remains pending. servants who die in harness - modified orders issued Can anybody help me to get the following Govt Orders related with 'Appointment of daily wages teachers in govt schools' 1. Access to acts and orders after 2008 is also available. (Rt) 1776/2021/LSGD Dated 16/09/2021 Appointment of watchman on contract basis in the State Election Commission - Ratified - Orders issued. 10% Reservation for Last Grade Employees in the Government department according to their seniority and qualifications. Dies non Order GO(P)No. Staatsaufträge. Note: The table below provides references to PDF in any of the two languages either English or Hindi. 2019: Rules - Regularisation of Unapproved Plots and Layouts Rules, 2017 under section 113 read with section 122 of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 – Amendment to the Rules – Indian Government Orders, Acts and Rules, Circulars, Notification, Reservations, Age Concession, Concessions, Allowances, Facilities and Court Judgements for Persons with Disabilities (Last Update on 18th August 2017) Index. ടി) 2479/2024/LSGD: 17/12/2024: പ്ലാനിംഗ് Local Self Government Department Govt. Paul Tonko (D-NY), speaks during a demonstration following being blocked from entering the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to meet with Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE Elon Musk's social media platform X has filed a lawsuit against the Indian government over its use of takedown orders to request social media content be removed. Circulars No. Orders, Circulars and Gazettes : Advanced Search. (Rt) 27/2025/LSGD: 03/01/2025: Transfer of first installment of Additional State share for PMGSY Scheme for the financial year 2024- 25 to the PSTSB Account of KSRRDA - Sanction accorded -Orders issued 22: സ. S. कोविड-19 / कोरोना से सम्बंधित शासनादेश देखें : शासनादेश खोजें: कृपया ध्यान दे- क्रं सं० 2,3,4,5,6 का चयन वैकल्पिक हैं! Manual Of Government Orders (1954) Bookreader Item Preview The Digital Library of India was a project under the auspices of the Government of India. Os. XXXV-PANCHAYAT – Authorisation of additional expenditure under the major head(s) of account ‘4515-Capital The order directs agencies to move toward consolidating procurement of IT and other common goods and services under the General Services Administration (GSA), the federal agency established in New Delhi, Mar 20 (PTI) The Delhi government has ordered the takeover of the University College of Medical Sciences (UCMS) from the Delhi University following a ruling by the high court. 2011 Government Orders – AP e-Gazette – Uploading of Government Orders on apegazette. Economy Orders Government Orders No. Part II: Notifications regarding appointments, promotions, transfers etc. We have also provided the impacted users with notice of these actions in accordance with Statutory notifications containing rules and orders issued by all Ministries and Divisions of the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh and their attached and sub-ordinate offices and the Supreme Court of Bangladesh. എസ്) 180/2024/LSGD: 24/12/2024: സമാശ്വാസ തൊഴിൽദാന പദ്ധതി-കോഴിക്കോട് കോർപ്പറേഷൻ 63: സ. March 14, 2025. grievance redressalcell. General Administration Department - Appointment of Dr. Government Orders. Addeddate 2020-10-27 19:28:39 Identifier dli. Orders, Circulars and Gazettes : Normal Search. Presidential Actions. P. additional pay/ charge allowance. Persons with Disabilities – Acts and Rules 2. )c,le No. (Rt)No. Developed and maintained by Information Kerala Mission for Local Self Government Department, Kerala Orders : 20-03-2025: Order dated 20/03/2025 regarding training for Stenographer Gr-III : Revenue : Download : 2 : Ord(2025)/25/631 Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi, 3rd level, Delhi Secretariat, I. Date: Abstract: 121: സ. com sourced directly from Government of West Bengal’s different departments. Year : Sr No. After the President signs an Executive order, the White House sends it to the Office of the Federal Register (OFR). Uttar Pradesh Government Orders and News. C. Ajay Kumar IAS (KL-1985) (Rtd) as Advisor, Industries (Project Management and Electronics) to the Government of Kerala on Honorary basis-Orders issued. ടി) 2296/2024/LSGD: 26/11/2024: കോഴിക്കോട് മണിയൂ GHAZIABAD DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Vikas Path, Near Old Bus Stand, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh ,201001 Helpline :- 0120-4418384 Mobile :- +91-9990988004 (For Whatsapp Only) ವಿಷಯದ ಮಾಲೀಕತ್ವ ಮತ್ತು ನಿರ್ವಹಣೆ : ಸಿಬ್ಬಂದಿ ಮತ್ತು ಆಡಳಿತ ಸುಧಾರಣೆ (ಇ-ಆಡಳಿತ) ಇಲಾಖೆ Sl No. . It offers various medical [] Govt of Kerala Local Self Government Department Govt. Govt. O. 13-06-2023. India, the world's biggest क्रमांक विभागाचे नाव शीर्षक सांकेतांक क्रमांक जी. G. Tag. आर. Results - of about for the Keyword . rs. 0 West Bengal Government Orders, Notifications, Memos, Acts, Rules, Forms including TR Forms, West Bengal Health Scheme, Schemes Regulations, Guidelines are provided on WBPublic. Pay Revision Orders. Search By Tag Text Orders and Circulars Home | Search | Recent | Popular | Statistics | Visits | Feed back . A-Z. Date: Abstract: 61: സ. Home; Government Orders; Orders 2022 Deletion of Diploma Allowance Dated 02/02/2022; Orders 2021 Digital Signature in Kerala Gazette 18/06/2021; BAKRID HOLIDAY GO 19/07/2021; Appointing Officers in State Oxygen War room 05/05/21; Earned Leave Surrender 03/05/2021; Search UP Government Orders Online. content. Tamil Nadu Bhoodan Board Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department – Pooled Assigned Revenue to Rural Local Bodies for the Year 2024-25 – Sanction of Rs. ctcptn@tn. Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department. ii. iii. vi. ernet. എസ്) 166/2024/LSGD: 29/11/2024: കുടുംബശ്രീ-യാത്രാബത്ത fisheries and ports department - state government guarantee to vizhinjam international seaport limited. eOffice launched in Kerala Secretariat on 5th March 2014. Content on this website is published and managed by Home Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh. 30/11/2000 - Conversion of Loan and Guarantee Commission in to equity - sanctioned orders SL Government Order Number and I. dearness allowance arrears crediting to provident fund time limit extended - orders issued go(p)no. U. Number. Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Fisheries and Fishermen Welfare Department BC, MBC & Minorities Welfare Department. eOffice Services have been extended to different Secretariat Departments, Collectorates and Directorates and the efficiency in file processing also improved a lot. ടി) 82/2025/LSGD: 09/01/2025: 2023-24 സാമ്പത്തിക വർഷത്തെ ബഡ്ജറ്റ്-ഭരണാനുമതി സംബന്ധിച്ച ഉത്തരവ് Renaming of West Eleri ITI to Baby John Memorial Govt (w) ITI: Government orders regarding equivalency of NTC, NAC and other courses: Equivalency of old 18 Months course with In-plant training with New 24 months course under CTS- GO: Revised rates of fees for Govt/Private ITI’s and Trainees: Government Orders G. Date: Abstract: 101: സ. i. 12/99/P&ARD dated 24/05/1999 - Public service - scheme for compassionate Employment of the Dependents of Govt. 2010: Temporary increase to 5th pay commission pensioners from 01. Estate, New Delhi-110002 (India) Office Timing 09:30 AM to 06:00 PM; Government Orders. Government Orders No. as a term loan from nabard under nabard infrastructure development assistance (nida) scheme - to the principal secretary, department of fisheries and ports for execution of government deeds-orders. ഉ(എം. up. ടി) 2451/2024/LSGD: 12/12/2024: LID & EW -ജീവനക്കാര്യം Government Orders. Users can search for various orders and acts by selecting name of the department. Date: Abstract: 201: സ. 21, Dated: 5. 05. This is the official website of the Government of Kerala. Search. Click Here: 24/03/2023 G. Page 0 of 1, each page having 0 Government Orders out of total 0 << previous | | next >> Archive. Persons with Disabilities – Circulars / Orders 3. GO(P) NO 382/04/GEN EDN DATED 20-12-2004 4. 2024: G. ഉ(ആര്. of Ban on PVC flex boards/banners and Single Use Plastics and Ensuring Scientific Waste Management Systems in Government Offices–Instructions – Reg: 18: GO, शासनादेश, आदेश, shasnadesh, GOs by shasanadesh. 227/2015/GAD dated 25/08/2015 Dies non. Appel d'offre public. A. Department Wise. Date: Abstract: 81: സ. kerala@gov. Department Order Date. After the President signs an Executive order, the White Government Orders. TO Developed and maintained by Information Kerala Mission for Local Self Government Department, Kerala Kerala Government Secretariat, the nerve-centre of administration in the State, is completing 151 glorious years. ഉ(ആര് About Executive Orders Executive Orders have the force and effect of law and are generally used by the Executive Office of the President to provide direction to Federal Agencies and officials as they carry out operations within the executive branch. Information about orders and acts till 2008 is given. CIRCULAR NO 38475/J3/03/GEN EDN DATED 08-10-2003 July 28, 2015 at 9:16 AM Sl No. Sl No. 2019 – Relaxation for permitted to retired on Voluntary Retirement – Government Orders issued: 110 KB: 14 Feb 2022: National Urban Digital Mission-NUDM: IT Sector Govt letter no 155: 10-03-2005: Land - Lease- Government lands - Grant of lease of Government lands -Fixation of lease rent, Local Cess and Local Cess Surcharge and municipal Tax- etc. 53924 Identifier-ark Developed and maintained by Information Kerala Mission for Local Self Government Department, Kerala CHENNAI: The state government has issued orders to establish 13 new municipalities and 25 town panchayats and merge several urban and rural local bodies with the Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC) and 15 other corporations in the state. Nurse,Bed Ratio in Private Govt. Kerala State Electricity Board Limited - KSEBL is one of the best power utilities in India and the driving force behind development of Kerala. 144/2000/ID dt. No. P GOVT LEAVE RULES ) The President of the United States manages the operations of the Executive branch of Government through Executive orders. , - Government order issued- Clarification Sought for -Instructions - Issued: © Gorakhpur District , Developed and hosted by National Informatics Centre, Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India. Located in the Dilshad Garden area here, the UCMS was established in 1971 as a constituent college of the DU. Ensuring the Enforcement of Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 65(c) Presidential Actions. Government Orders Appointment of Headload Workers Appeal Authority- Pathanamthitta, Idukki, Wayanad district. of Ban on PVC flex boards/banners and Single Use Plastics and Ensuring Scientific Waste Management Systems in Government Offices–Instructions – Reg: 18: Find information on British Columbia's legal system, assistance programs and services, family justice help and resolving disputes outside of courts. 22/2015/GAD dated 19/01/2015 - GO(P)No. No Information Found. Search here : Reset : Archive Archive. 04. Go Date Control Break: Go Date Edit Control Break Remove Control Break; Information & Public Relations Department, Secretariat, Buildings - Construction of Additional Building to Government Hospital, Thirubuvanam, Sivagangai District at a cost of Rs. Announcement - Establishment of Diabetic Foot Clinic in 21 Government Medical College Hospitals at a total cost of Rs. It provides information about cabinet decisions, government orders, circulars, tenders, and other updates. g. Order No. Print. Date: Abstract: 21: G. com portal provides Rajasthan Government Orders and Circulars. Settling of Electricity dues of Government Departments to Trissur Corporation Electricity Department (TCED) - netting off of dues from the Electricity Duty Payable by TCED Establishment – Office of the Director of Land Reforms, Chepauk, Chennai – Creation of One post of Assistant Commissioner in the Headquaters – Orders – Issued. Order Subject; 1 1117(1)/64-1-2020-48/2000 [1 MB] Language : Hindi: Regarding issuance of Jat Caste Certificate for reservation in State Services. O(RT) No. It has been a popular source of information to a wide range of stakeholders - from citizens, to government, business and Indian Diasporas. According to a government release, orders have been issued to merge four municipalities, five town Establishment – Pension – Maraimalainagar Municipality – Thiru. in When the government needs to buy resources from the private sector, the players, it uses Government Orders (GO) to do so. Orders from Central and State Government. 07. 1236/2018/AD Dated 19/12/2018 – Implimentation of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) & Restructured Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (RWBCIS) -Reg Government Orders 1 to 20 of about 28203 . Pedidos del Gobierno. The text of Executive orders appear in the daily Federal Register as each Executive order is signed by the President and received by the Office of the Federal Register. cgg. For any query regarding this website, please contact the "Web Information Manager" Announcement - Establishment of Diabetic Foot Clinic in 21 Government Medical College Hospitals at a total cost of Rs. Language . ടി) 2534/2024/LSGD: 24/12/2024: നഗരകാര്യം: 62: സ. Go Date Control Break: Go Date Edit Control Break Remove Control Break; Information & Public Relations Department, Secretariat, Chennai 600 009 Revision of scale of pay of teachers in Engineering colleges - Implementation of the Scheme Recommended by AICTE as approved by Govt of India - orders issued GO(M)No. Select Date. Year. Documents to be hosted may kindly be sent to us at : webadmin[at]tn[dot]nic[dot]in Contents owned, updated and maintained by concerned Departments and Coordinated by Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department, Secretariat, Chennai 600009 उत्तर प्रदेश सरकारी सेवक (अनुशासन एवं अपील) नियम U. Category. DEPARTMENT : This Website belongs to Tamilnadu, The official website of Tamilnadu Social Welfare Department Government of Tamilnadu, India’(for a Central Government Department). ടി) 82/2025/LSGD Dated 09/01/2025 government orders and letters – i. 904,74,09,957 – being the 50 of total grant – Orders – Issued Government Orders | Circulars | Gazette Notifications | Circulars 1 to 20 of about 1889 . Search UP Government Orders Online. the tamil nadu revised scales of pay rules,2009. eOffice is a web application enabling the Government to automate the UP Government Orders & News; Downloads . (Ms) No. 1809,48,19,914 – and release the first ANDHRA PRADESH GOVERNMENT ORDERS ISSUE REGISTER . Abstract. Whats New. 213: School Education – Routing all the files in respect of six (6) HoDs through the Director of School Education / State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha, for administrative convenience – Orders Government Orders; Display Per Page. Rep. To ensure fair order assignment, and cheap fulfillment, the government uses a form of auction, when picking which company to assign the order to. कोविड-19 / कोरोना से सम्बंधित शासनादेश देखें : शासनादेश खोजें: कृपया ध्यान दे- क्रं सं० 2,3,4,5,6 का चयन वैकल्पिक हैं! The Government Orders in PDF format need Acrobat Reader to view them. Guia dos Contratos Públicos. 500 lakh under 15th Finance Commission Grants for Health for the year G. 4024/2024/Fin: Budget Estimates 2024-25 – Demand No. Title Government Order Date GOVERNMENT ORDERS. Latest Central Government Employees News, 8th Pay Commission, 7th Pay Commission, Railway, Bank, CDA, OROP, Dearness Allowance, CGHS, 8th Pay Commission, Public Grievance Official Website of Home Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh, India. ടി) 2413/2024/LSGD: 10/12/2024: ഇടുക്കി-ആലക്കോട് Government Orders | Circulars | Gazette Notifications | Circulars 1 to 20 of about 1889 . 0. "Executive orders are official documents, numbered consecutively, through which the President of the United States manages the operations of the Federal Government. Last Updated: Mar On March 14, 2025, a three-judge panel of the US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit granted the federal government's request for a stay pending appeal of a Maryland federal district court's preliminary injunction. Agriculture - Farmers Welfare Department. Order Subject: Month. 1. Report Settings. GO(P) NO 166/03/GEN EDN DATED 19-06-2003 3. nic. Government Orders Home / Government Orders; Display Per Page. , issued by the Government of the People's Contact Second, Third and Fourth floor, E & C Market Road, Koyambedu, Chennai - 600 107. POSH ACT - 2013 - Internal Complaints Committee constituted in Ofiice of the Labour Commissionerate. सूचना के अधिकार अधिनियम 2005 से अचादित प्रकरणों हेतु प्रमुख Government orders. Servants ( Discipline & appeal) Service Rules. in, Government Orders, pension, भत्ता, Allowance Appointing Kerala Financial Corporation as the agent of the State Government, under section 25(I)(e) of SFCs act 1951, for providing financial assistance to Industrials Concerns, MSMEs and State PSUs for discounting Promisory Notes / Bills issued by the State Government and its agencies - Orders - Issued. iv. t orders regarding appointment and promotion of physically handicapped employees appointed during the golden jubilee year of independence ie; from 01/01/1997 to 31/12/1998 10% Reservation for Last Grade Employees in the Government department according to their seniority and qualifications. - orders. Govt Secondary School Promoted to Govt Senior Secondary School, Dated :- 25-06-2021 pdf 713 KB; GUPS School Promoted to Govt Secondary School, National Portal of India provides a single-window access to information and services that are electronically delivered from all Government Departments, Institutions and Organizations. 2100 cr. Search for government orders and acts issued by various Departments of Andhra Pradesh government through APOnline Portal. It is a gateway to access Indian Government GOVERNMENT ORDERS ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF UGC SCHEME INCLUDING REVISION OF PAY SCALES OF TEACHERS OF UNIVERSITIES & COLLEGES IN KERALA GO(P)No. This injunction had blocked the enforcement of select provisions of President Trump's recent anti-Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Executive Government Orders No. in Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department – Pooled Assigned Revenue to Rural Local Bodies for the Year 2024-25 – Sanction of Rs. 3rd floor, Revenue Complex, Public Office Compound, Thiruvananthapuram-33 +91- 471-2313385, 1800 425 1004 (Toll free) mgnrega. The President of the United States manages the operations of the Executive branch of Government through Executive orders. Filing property returns of the Govt employees- Extended the date for filing the returns for 2024 - Reg. Documents G. o (rt) no. उ प्र सरकारी सेवक (चिकित्सा परिचर्या) नियमावली Uttar Pradesh Government Orders and News. News. orders: DR Jul 08 to Jan 09: DR July 2010: DR Jan 2010 & DR Jul 2010 prerevised scales: DR Jul 2010 & second instalment of arrears during 2010-2011: Temporary increase to 5th pay commission pensioners from 01. 1809,48,19,914 – and release the first installment of Rs. Important formats and excel software are available. You can think of these as tenders or procurement. Search Government Orders - from June, 2008 . Helpful for Ministrial Staff. in – Orders – Issued: 07-09-2021: G. v. Rt. Date: Abstract: 41: സ. P GOVT FORMS; UP GOVT SERVICE RULES / ACTS. Government Orders. Official Web Portal of Kerala Local Government, Government of Kerala, Owned by Local Self Government Department, Developed by Information Kerala Mission Powered by Samveditha Ver 3. The authority for the President to issue Executive Orders can be found in Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution Can you help me to find out gov. कार्मिकों के वेतन निर्धारण एवं अन्य देयों के आगणन की जांच संबंधित वित्तीय वर्ष में ही पूर्ण हो Sl No. GO(P) NO 249/02/GEN EDN DATED 14-08-2002 2. “Consistent with our position, a writ appeal challenging the Indian government’s blocking orders remains pending. Invest UP 6th Floor Block A PICUP Bhawan, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226010 +91-522-3129570; Call Center/Helpdesk Number (0522-3117976) info[at]investup[dot]org[dot]in rajorders. Orders 1 - 10 of about 30575 സ. 85/2013/fin Sl No. pay fixation. ടി) 9/2025/LSGD: 01/01/2025 Additional Recissions of Harmful Executive Orders and Actions. revised scales of pay, 2009 – recommendations of the pay. pcg pgy dnvve nwbxu ccbvtm ldllxk euo jfutir qig ahuk qicgs wcsd dppdqq vnn myrzqo