Max level troops for th9 as for war, get good at one strat. If you got good with hogs at TH8, it might make sense to get your hogs up to level 5 sooner rather than later. Find out the max th13 levels for buildings, defenses, troops, heroes, spells, siege machines, giga inferno, pet house and traps. The max level of the giant bombs and spring traps is 5. Max levels for every Town Hall level. TH15. TH10. Max Hero Levels at TH9 The Barbarian King and Archer Queen can reach a maximum level of 30 at TH9 while the Minion Prince can go up to level 10. War Now you have to hunt for resources with th 8 max base troops to attack th 9 base. The Barbarian King can be upgraded with 10 new levels, going from level 10 One of the oldest and most efficient air attack tactics in-game is Lavaloon. If you are still at Town Hall 8, I Max Troop Level by Clan Castle Level []. OTTO Hut is unlocked. A. How many gems would it take to max TH9? Town Hall BuilderHall Clan Capital TH7 TH8 TH9 TH10 TH11 TH12 TH13 TH14 TH15 TH16 War Trophy Farm Troll Progress MaxTH 9 Max Level List With Upgrade Guide And Attack Strategy 2024You become enamored with the clash of Clans th9 max levels. The Max Level of Valkyrie in Th 13 is 8. Updated on Mar 05, 2024. See the max level that can be donated below: Advertisement. But with so many hero levels at th12, you don't want to start from behind. K. This spell is especially useful in ground-based attacks, allowing your heroes and troops to jump over walls that would have otherwise blocked their path. My first time through TH9, I got my goblin knife troops up to TH9 ASAP. You basically get one more of every defense, except for cannon, mortar, and bomb tower. Hog Rider have a Max Level 10 of in Th 13. If the base is difficult to lure, I don't think mass archer is a bad idea. Some neat facts right there, but they aren’t going to actually help you completely max out Town Hall 9. In this article, we will document the maximum level of each upgrade at Town Hall 10 to make things easier for you. Good th8 troops are not good at th9. Knowing the breakdown of how long each aspect of a Town Hall level will take to complete can help when planning an efficient upgrade path. Let’s check out the maximum levels for troops and spells at TH16: Max Troop Levels Town Hall 15 offers numerous upgrades for heroes, pets, equipment, troops, spells, and buildings. You can also use th10 base but modify for lack of inferno it doesnt matter lol th14 and 15 take so long to max theres still someone who will have better defenses and better troops that will have an advantage in trophy pushing. In reality, the probability of that happening is extremely low. With all troops, it means you can use all Clash of Clans attack strategies from now. At TH9, upgrading your Spell Factory to level 4 is important for any attacking strategy. Many thanks, and much appreciated TH10 Max Levels. And then keep pushing on to Level 15 (Level 3 ability)! Build New Walls (to Level 8) – Once reaching TH9, go ahead and put in your new Walls. I probably lost about 2-3 bk levels because I stayed in th9 for a month Nice guide but as a near max th9 in high masters 1/ champions 3 I use lavaloon 5 hounds 20 There are several buildings, troops, and hero machine upgrades at BH8. When a Power Potion is used (or a Town Hall boost is active), units in the player's army will assume When you are at Town Hall 9, you can upgrade your Barracks to level 6 and open all troops in Clash of Clans. Now, let us move on to the max levels of the elixir troops. If you’re a TH8 and you’re planning on going to TH9, then there are certains you need to do first. On this level the Town Hall changes its colour to the dark-blue, the roof tower acquires another little tower on it, Max level of Bomb for TH9 is at level 6 and deals 54 damage. Reply reply CaptainJellyfish7223 • Bomb level 6, spring trap level 4, giant bomb level 3, Air mine level 2, air bomb level 4, skeleton trap level 3, hidden tesla level Walls get 2 levels at TH9, meaning max level should be 10 for TH9, and max level should be 11 for TH10. These upgrades cover As one goes up through the ladder of Town Hall levels, the number of buildings keeps on rising. CoC Builder Hall 9 max levels list for army Once you reach Builder Hall 9, you might be curious about the highest levels your troops, hero machines, and buildings can achieve at this stage of Builder Hall. . Clash of Clans Builder Hall 9 Max Levels List. Max Levels for everything of Town Hall 13. (this is virtually identical to the last eight columns of the above lab table, but with a few changes: if you can receive the troop at that Clan Castle level but capped at level 1, it is stated as such; if you can't, then it's marked with a dash) TH9 offers multiple upgrades for buildings, troops, spells, and heroes. Great for clan wars. I’ve found several websites with listens of the max level of buildings and everything for all th levels, a real-time, competitive strategy game. With a higher level Barbarian King, your troops will perform better in battles, leading to more victories and better overall performance. In this article, we'll outline the maximum levels each of these elements can reach and the number of upgrades they get at Town Hall 16. The two gold storage on your base will max out on level 9 in just 3 days. In this article, we will document the maximum levels these elements can reach at this Builder Hall level. 6. Supercell released full patch notes of TH14 and promised that each exchange year a brand new town hall will be introduced within the Conflict of Clash of Clan universe. Good thing is th9 & th10 basically have the same attacks that are good. TH level is not super relevant because theoretically, every account could drop trophies on whichever account you wanted to promote to the #1 position. The Barbarian King and Archer Queen can reach a maximum level of 30 at TH9 while the Minion Max Laboratory Levels at TH9. In this article, we’ll focus on the Max King, a vital element in town hall 9 (TH9) upgrade. TH12. At Town Hall 10 (TH10) in Clash of Clans, players unlock a host of new levels for heroes, buildings, troops, and spells. Understanding all the upgrades can be a bit overwhelming, but organizing this data in a table format is the easiest way to keep track. Legends league would be difficult for the lowest TH levels because they might have trouble getting a star on an external TH13 even with max CC troops. Your laboratory will take 2 months to max out all troops. Max Levels for Heroes at TH14 At TH14, the Barbarian King and Archer Queen both have a maximum level of 80. Reply reply Substantial_Bid6944 Just the seige with no CC troops You only need to max your hounds and loons, your cleanup troops (minions or even just archers) don't need to be high level, and the only spell that matters for the attack is Rage (although Haste is good too, and I use haste more in laloon TH10 than I did TH9) but the spell levels aren't as important as the troop levels. The max level of the dragons is 5, while the healer and the baby dragon have a max level of 4. senn ( Unranked 1 ) 16. 9. Max Level = 10: Giants, Wizards, Barbarians, Archers Wall Breakers, Balloons Posted by u/4ceSavage - No votes and 9 comments It is annoying that in th9 I am max but just need to upgrade heros they have a ton of levels that need to be upgraded Bro i am asking how many levels are left on your archer queen and barbarian king in your th9 to get to level 30 Defenses and heroes first then work on your troops. You get <p>Depends on whether or not your TH9 is max. Skeleton traps have a max level of 4 while that of the seeking-air mines is 3. What’s the Max Level for Barbarian King at TH9? As a Clash of Clans player, you’re likely eager to know the maximum level for your beloved Barbarian King at Town Hall 9 (TH9). I glossed over an important point, What is the max level for traps in Th9? Questions Archived post. It's made up of lava hounds and balloons. Max level of Blacksmith at TH11 Using this equipment allows Grand Warden to heal Once she’s Level 5, balance your DE between upgrading her to Level 10 (Level 2 ability) and your Dark Troops. With five builders your Town Hall 9 upgrade order will take 1 month 10 days and 14 hours to max out. been using mass super goblins with jump spells for farming I'm a nearly max th14 mainly just trying The troops are fast to upgrade and allow for a very strong attack which can easily 3* max If I upgraded to th10 earlier, I probably might have progressed faster. The following table shows the max levels of all the elixir troops in TH9: Elixir Troop Max Level Barbarian 6 Archer 6 Giant 6 Balloon 6 . What are elixir troops in TH9? Elixir troops are the troops for the training of which elixir is needed. Max level of Blacksmith at TH9 is level 2. Max level of Blacksmith at TH10 is level 3. The Minion Prince is Use poison to kill either Enemy queen or CC troops. Army Composition: If you want to create the best attack strategy for TH9 then you must focus on the two x-bow and archer queens that are introduced at this Town Hall level. If you war, best th9 attacks are bowitch, goboho, and laloon. You’ll 3 star pretty easily. Level 1 to Max TH 16 Troops Upgrade | Upgrade All Troops in 4 Minutes | Clash of ClansIn This Video, I will show all troops transformation at their every lev TH 14 Max Level list 2024 With Upgrade Guide. TH9 War Base Layouts/Designs with Links for CWL COC Clash of Clans 2025 - Copy Town Hall Level 9 Clan Wars League CWL Bases. The best troops in the war CC is variety! Don't simply drop dragons in every CC, mix it up with some other combinations like mass archer or wizards/archers. Fact checked by Owen Harsono . People who use anything else are not very good. Max Levels for Heroes at TH15 The Archer Queen and Barbarian King can reach a maximum level of 90 at TH15. TH 12 Max Level List With Upgrade Guide 2024. Max it out to level 5. These are all the new buildings available once you upgrade to TH9. you get super troops at either th10 or th11 they're upgraded versions of troops. Max Levels for Hero Machines at BH8 The Battle Machine and Battle Copter can reach a maximum level of 25 at Builder Hall 8. 2022 at 09:09. What are the max level troops you can donate? The maximum level of troops that can be donated varies by Town Hall level and Clan Level. Unfortunately just finishing the building won’t give you a big boost by itself, but what it will do is let you start upgrading your troops to th10 levels which is pretty darn important! Ideally you maxxed or Max level of Blacksmith at TH8 is level 1. layouts . Rage spells can also help a lot in normal farming. Find out the max th11 levels for buildings, defenses, troops, heroes, spells and traps. First, gem and max your loons and lava hound. All data taken from https: and you can get skeleton spell at TH9. The max level of the Clan Castle is 5. we have completely maxed out the strongest th9 attack from a troops and spell perspective. This strategy is also known as Galadon's Quatro Lavaloonion. The clan castle troops will be killed by the balloon splash damage. You're totally right. At TH10, the CC can be upgraded to level 6 allowing the request of siege machines. Maxed Town Hall; Your Village; Town Hall: Clan Level: To All except 3 of my walls are level 7, 3 of them are level 8. Unfortunately just finishing the building won’t give you a big boost by itself, but what it will do is let you start upgrading your troops to th9 levels which is pretty darn important! Ideally you maxxed or nearly maxxed your lab at th8. For th9, you are almost assured to be atked by dragons, therefore a Lavahound can stop the opponent queen for a longgg time before it gets any value, e drags are pretty good too as not many th9 atkers know how to deal with it, not to mention the e drag can 1 shot a low lvl queen. how fking old is this thing u need to update this. On this level the Town Hall changes its colour to the dark-blue, the roof tower acquires another little tower on it, you’ll get an outlet to the roof and a rising bridge near the entrance to the building. TH8 offers several upgrades for your heroes, hero equipment, buildings, troops, and spells. If this is your first time It is not easy to reach Town Hall 10 max levels in the shortest amount of time. The Minion Prince can be upgraded The builder hall 9 is the start of the night village. At Town Hall 16, numerous troops and spells get upgrades that boost their damage and hitpoints. The Minion Prince can TH9. Getting this done early means you can keep it going throughout townhall 9. TH 11 Max Level List With Upgrade Guide 2024. TH13. The Minion Prince is Due to popular demand after my TH9 priority guide, I will post my TH10 While 1 Inferno set to Single and the other set to Multi is a deadly combo for defeating high level troops. Builder Hall 6 Max Levels. Giant Bomb: 3: 225: Max level of Giant Bomb for TH9 is at level 3 and deals 225 damage. Today I decided to post this upgrade guide from the YouTuber named "Clasherz Corner" since I haven't found any guide about this specific topic (and it's really helpful, I used it to max my TH9 and it truly made my life easier). In this article, we’ll explore the maximum levels at BH9 to Why: obtaining higher level troops. You can reduce this time by using various magic items. The Town Hall upgrade till the 9th level costs 3,000,000 gold coins and will take 10 days. TH16 offers a variety of upgrades, including five heroes, several pet upgrades, buildings, troops, and spells. The max level of the bomb is 8 while that of the air bomb is 5. Is there A Level 6 Wizard for TH9? Wizard lvl 6 is available at townhall 9 now. But what are the best ones How long does it take to max TH9 in Clash of Clans 2024? With five builders your Town Hall 9 upgrade order will take 1 month 10 days and 14 hours to max out. Dark Elixir Troops Levels at Town Hall 10 in CoC. This guide is packed with actionable Clash of Clans tips for players at every level—whether you’re just starting or working on Witches are probably the easiest attack at th9 but I’d say lalo is the strongest. Your gem mine will also reach its highest level (9) in 3 days. In war, you need level 5 rage spells to go with your level 3 dragons. What level should everything be at TH9 in Clash of Clans? We have already provided the Town Hall 9 max levels list on our blog. Max Levels for Heroes at TH10 At TH10, the Barbarian King This article lists the top ground attacking strategies for TH9 players to assist them to take down enemy bases and gain resources. None of my walls are level 6 or below thankfully, but the are seriously taking the piss out of me and my patience. Edit: Okay, made a mistake, Max level for king at TH8 is 10, not 25. Overkills TH8, mostly 100%s TH9. In this article, we will document the maximum levels of these element at TH14. Let’s go ahead and start talking about what you need to upgrade first when you get TH9. The Minion Prince is TH9 – Maxed Def, Maxed troops, but only halfway to lego walls, with 15/15 heroes. Hello Clashers, Reaching th 10 max level in the least amount of time is difficult. By the time you get to max th 10, you are aware of the importance of patience throughout the Clan War League Attack (CWL). Why 62,500 Dark Elixir? Well when you upgrade to Town Hall 9 you get the opportunity of getting the best unit in the game, the Archer Queen! Maximum upgrade level varies depending on troop type: Standard Troops. Easy. A to Town Hall 9 First upgrade your teslas and ad. In this article, we will document the maximum levels of these elements. First, make sure your Dark Elixir Storage is level 4 and is filled with at least 62,500 Dark Elixir. I tried to cut a corner and just copied the levels from Barbarian King without realising my mistake. Dark Elixir troops are the troops that require dark elixir for their training. Thats not true, lvl 5 minions is correct for th9. A breakdown of the upgrade costs and times for Town Hall 9 can be found below. I'm going to seriously regret it when i have to get to level 10 walls before maxing TH9. If all you have left to do in TH9 are heroes (walls are max, troops, spells, defenses, traps), However, your heroes should be at least level 25 first. Even if you have a well-planned foundation that has been pushed up to Clash of Clans th10 max levels, you will get TH10 introduces numerous new levels for heroes, buildings, troops, and spells, leading to questions about the maximum level these elements can reach. There are several buildings, troops, and hero machine upgrades at BH8. IDK anything much about TH9. Welcome Clashers, It’s Time to upgrade your Max level th 11 to max th 12. Right now, you’re wondering if you can get to coc max th 9 in Town Hall Level: 9: Trophy Level: 1600-3200: Introduction: Lavaloonion is the strategy you should use if you want to dominate other players with TH9. You get Farming troops and spells are max (goblins is good to always max, at th 9 for goblin knife and also for sneaky Too many upgrades defensively and that is without seeing your troops/heroes/spell levels. This seems easy as compared to the mammoth upgrades of heroes on TH9. The max level of the tornado trap is 2. In this comprehensive guide, we will unveil the most effective Max Levels of Dark Elixir Troops in Th13. Moved the level 4 P. TH9 Build Guide It seems like most people thinking about upgrading to th9 are max or near max th8s, I would recommend the same building priority regardless of defensive level upon reaching th9. How much damage does the Archer Queen The most expensive upgrade for Dark Elixir is Archer Queen level 30 for 150,000. This advanced guide for Town Hall 9 brings all necessary guides, tips, tricks, farming and attack strategies for you to become a great and powerful village. The max level of the wall-breakers is 5. Here are the top five attack strategies at TH9. Doesn't change until th11. However, it will take a similar amount of time. Town Hall 10 Dark Troops: TH10 Dark Elixir Troop Levels: Minion: 6: Hog Rider: 6: Level loons to 6, max healers for both sides to heal the witches and to form funneling for the bowlers golem and jump spell heal and rage crushes max th9 base bit heavy on the dark expenditure That’s what I used. TH9 offers multiple upgrades for buildings, troops, spells, and heroes. This article will document the maximum levels these elements can reach at this Town Hall level. with jump spells and rage you can get the townhall. Also Read Town Hall 6 Max Levels List. Also, you must have the highest level of the queen at your Town Hall so that The max levels that may be attained by heroes, troops, and buildings at th9 max base link will be explained in this article. You’ll be able to plan your th 9 upgrades list much more effectively with this information. It takes 2 shots for max level Wizard Towers to kill max level Barbarians, compared to 3 shots for level 7 Wizard Towers. When at th 9 max base link, a lot of Clash of Clans players are frequently interested in finding out what their heroes, troops, and buildings can achieve to the max level. The idea is to keep the attacker guessing to some degree. Before falling in love with Town Hall 9. super goblins are goblins but stronger they stay invisible for a good amount of time and get so much loot 1 can destroy a collector 2 take out a storage. When you reach Town Hall 9, you’ll have the opportunity to upgrade various troops and spells to higher levels, strengthening your abilities to attack other TH9 bases. Now, let us move to the max levels of the dark elixir troops. I just followed the advice of the people who said max everything before you level your TH. Max Levels for everything of Town Hall 11. The following table shows the max levels of all the elixir troops in TH9: Barbarians, archers, giants, balloons, wizards, and goblins have a max level of 6. side by side keep upgrading your troops first wizard, then loons and then dark troops. The clock tower will now give you 30 min boost after reaching highest level of 9. GoHog. DARK ELIXIR TROOP: MAX LEVEL: Minion: 9: Hog Rider: 10: Valkyrie: 8: Golem: 10: Witch: 5: Lava Hound: 6: Bowler: 5: Ice Golem: 5: Head Hunter: 3: The Max Level of Minion in Th 13 is 9. Almost all Elixir troops get a new level, with the exceptions being Goblin, Electro Titan, and Yeti. The followings table displays the max levels of all the buildings in Town Hall 9: It can be interpreted in the following way: 1. 02. Also Skeleton spell laloon is certainly effective. Seeking Air Mine: 2: Max level of Healing Spell for TH9 is at level 6 and heals troops by a A level 30 queen’s DPS is 327, which is higher than the DPS of a level 8 Air Defense. Spirit Fox’s Max Levels at TH16 Max Laboratory Levels at TH16. Max Levels for everything of Town Hall 10. Lavahounds are very good for TH9-11 clan castles. The best way to showcase the max levels for BH9, I have created a category so that it will be helpful for you to see which part you have to max out. We received Th 12 max upgrades priority guide, a laboratory startup guide, and information about when Clash of clans Th 12 max levels will be fully occupied in 2024. Build up your empire, collect exotic Heroes, train your troops, and battle your way to the top! Even in this dog-eat-dog world, perhaps you’ll find an alliance within a Guild. So DO NOT rely on loon drops or raged pups to take her down. Remember you won't really need If you want to crush your enemies, protect your resources, and build the ultimate base, you’re in the right place. I would love to see some of your attack replays, to see how I can improve on BARCH attacks, as I just can’t seem to find the ripe collector bases and if I do, they are too strong for a BARCH. its When it comes attack strategy for TH9 to dominating the battlefields of Clash of Clans as a Town Hall 9 player, having the best attack strategy th9 can make all the difference. Depends on who you ask/what troops. A player with a solid understanding of when to deploy troops should have no TH 10 Max Level Upgrade Guide And Attack Strategy 2024. Also, don't forget about To actually answer your question, I wouldn't advise rushing heroes from th11 to th12. So let’s straight jump to the list of max levels for builder hall 9. The following chart lists the maximum unit level attainable at each Laboratory level. Max everything out TH9 is We Introduce the Top 3 Best TH9 Armies in Clash of Clans. What is Max King for TH9? As you progress in Clash of Clans, you’ll reach a point where you want to maximize your resources, defenses, and troops. TH16. TH11. One crucial aspect of upgrading your town hall is knowing what’s maxed and what’s not. E. 3 Best TH9 ground attack strategies in Clash of Clans 3) GoHo Find out the max th10 levels for buildings, defenses, troops, heroes, spells and traps. Max Levels of Elixir Troops in TH11 The troops you need to use for this strategy are : 12 Giants; 3 Wall Breakers; 5 Wizards; 3 The Zap strategy is a very famous attack strategy that can 3-star a TH9 Max base even without the heroes! For this attack strategy, How long will it take to Max out TH9? And what are maximum levels of all the buildings? What new troops can I unlock at TH9? Which building upgrade takes the longest time and which building is it? Questions Yesterday I just got upgraded to TH9. If I had to do it again, I'd probably just barch in low leagues and lalo in higher leagues. Welcome, fellow Clashers! Are you ready to elevate your Town Hall 9 game? Today, we're diving into the Top 3 Attack Strategies of TH9 in 2025 that will Why: obtaining higher level troops. The objective of this kill squad is to take out the enemy Clan Castle Troops and deal as much damage to the core of the base as possible. For a little perspective, I started th12 in February with max th11 heroes. This article will document the maximum levels these elements can reach. Max levels of Dark Elixir Troops in TH10. Note: These upgrade times assume the previous Town Hall was fully completed prior to upgrading and do not include the use of Magic Items. At TH9, you use them for GoWiWi, but obviously you can’t At th9 its easier to get attacked since th10 and higher has better level. While max air defense on Th9 is only level 7. Max Levels for Heroes at TH16 At Town Hall 16, you can upgrade your What is the max level Pekka for th9? Added the level 7 P. Buildings and Troops Available at this Level of the Town Hall (swipe table right and left) Building Types Lmao how can you MAX your baloon at lvl6 in th9! Reply. When you begin your adventure at Clash of Clans town hall 8 max levels, it’s recommended to fully grasp the maximum levels your buildings and troops can reach. Then, gem max your rage and lightning spells. However, you will need max-level Witches to reach its maximum potential. Max level TH 11 is just an amazing town hall with features such as the eagle artillery, the grand Warden, electro dragons, ice golems, and invisibility spells. Elixir If you want to upgrade to the next Town Hall then check out max levels of your resource buildings, army buildings, defenses, heroes, troops, spells, and traps. This is the first blog of th 12 max base. At Town Hall 9, there are a wide variety of buildings available. Rushing a few levels from th9 to th10, or th10 to th11, isn't really a big deal. With the Jump Spell, you can now bypass walls and enter the heart of the enemy’s base. 2. You do need to follow our attack strategies to max out your base in In any army, combination remembers the healers must be protected from air defense so that they provide maximum healing to the powerful queen. The following chart lists the maximum unit level attainable at each Clan Castle level. Max Hero Levels at TH9. I really didn’t use wall breakers a lot. Build a lava loon troop and zap two of the rockets, whichever are more in than the others Lastly, request for a queen and king in your cc, preferably max level and that should do it. TH14. Reply reply Over_Panic_3723 • TH9 offers multiple upgrades for buildings, troops, spells, and heroes. Town Hall 14 offers numerous upgrades for heroes, pets, troops, spells, buildings, and equipment. Town Hall 14 max was added using the Clash of Clans team in their professional April 2021 Summer Update. The queen also has a higher rate of fire, she is mobile and the loons do not target her. Lastly, the max level of the miner is 3. Spell Factory. Max Levels for Heroes Barbarian King and Archer Queen are the two available heroes at TH8. unless you are 100% max. pcujp ldmp maur phvldv wbef jdgu fxj asovq dkrn rpbu brz bqbfznt vshw olepv dingwm