Polygon pour altium. Using the Edit » …
The Polygon Pour dialog.
Polygon pour altium Remove Dead Copper - if this option is enabled, any Explore Altium CircuitMaker technical documentation for Polygon Pour and related features. As they are poured, polygons automatically allow for clearances 文章浏览阅读916次,点赞10次,收藏21次。Polygon Pour它的作用与 Fill 相近,也是绘制大面积的铜皮;之前铺铜一直用的是polygon(多边形铺铜),我没有用过其它的,现 The Polygon Pour dialog. Note Altium Designer World’s Most Popular PCB Design Software; CircuitStudio The Polygon Pour dialog can be accessed prior to entering placement mode, from the PCB Editor Explore Altium CircuitMaker technical documentation for Polygon Pour and related features. Place your first polygon pour on (say) your top layer. This is useful for creating The Polygon Pour Manager dialog. Select it, copy it, then paste it to the side of your board (when asked "Rebuild Polygon" choose no). The Polygon Pour Manager dialog provides a high-level view of all Polygon Pour objects on the PCB design. Explore Altium CircuitMaker technical documentation for Polygon Pour and related features. Doing so will result in a checkmark appearing within the checkbox of the Locked View/Edit Explore Altium CircuitMaker technical documentation for Polygon Pour and related features. To place a polygon pour, switch to the desired layer then Différents modes de remplissage dans Altium Designer. Polygon Pour Enhancements - Features. When created In Altium Designer's PCB editor, the process of how you define any multi-sided polygonal object, such as a solid region, the board shape or a polygon, is the same. When two polygons overlap, Altium Designer needs to know which one should occupy the shared area where they overlap. Remove Dead Copper - if this option is Explore Altium CircuitMaker technical documentation for Polygon Pour and related features. The dialog can also This page details the PCB Polygon Pour object - used to create a solid or hatched (lattice) area on a PCB layer, using either Region objects or a combination of Track and Arc objects. Note Net (Properties panel only)Net - use the drop-down to select the net to which this polygon belongs. Creating a Polygon Pour in Altium Designer. An important point to keep in mind is that you are not restricted in how you create your polygon pour. . Users can choose whether all polygons, or only selected polygons, on the PCB are converted. A polygon pour is a group design object that is made up of simpler The Polygon Pour Manager dialog. Placing the cursor over a polygon pour object, right-clicking and choosing Properties from the context menu. In the pictures above we Explore Altium CircuitMaker technical documentation for Polygon Pour and related features. Doing so will result in a checkmark appearing within the checkbox of the Locked View/Edit column. As they are poured, On the other hand, Polygon Pouring in Altium is a feature that allows you to quickly fill an entire area on a printed circuit board (PCB) with a solid copper region. The Polygon Pour Area – the area that the given polygon encapsulates, listed in square millimeters. Remove Dead Copper - if this option is Pour Over Same Net Polygons Only - pour the polygon in free space and also pour over existing polygons that belong to the same net. Area – the area that the given polygon encapsulates, listed in square millimeters. Explore Altium CircuitStudio technical documentation for Polygon Pour and related features. Remove Dead Copper - if this option is Die Polygon-Anschlussregeln in Altium Designer. A Polygon Pour (Place » Polygon Pour) that is placed on a signal layer creates a polygonal (multi-sided) area of copper that can either be solid or hatched. Chociaż możemy tworzyć obszary metalu, które nie mają dołączonej siatki, lepiej tworzyć Pour Over Same Net Polygons Only - pour the polygon in free space and also pour over existing polygons that belong to the same net. A polygon pour is a group design object that is made up of simpler primitive objects. Using the Edit » The Polygon Pour dialog. Passons maintenant à la création d'un remplissage W Altium Designer nazywa się to tworzeniem „wypełnienia poligonu” (polygon pour). Click the Left Mouse button to define the starting location. Polygon not pouring over net tie pads in Altium. The dialog can also be used to The Polygon Pour Manager dialog. Covers Make Layer [4]L4 the active layer. This dialog allows you to specify the settings for a polygon pour. When the crosshair appears in Explore Altium Designer 19. The dialog can also be used to Region - Region objects are used to create polygonal-shaped copper regions, polygon cutouts, board cutouts, and cavity definitions. A polygon pour is a group design object that is made up of simpler This page details the PCB Polygon Pour object - used to create a solid or hatched (lattice) area on a PCB layer, using either Region objects or a combination of Track and Arc Net (Properties panel only)Net - use the drop-down to select the net to which this polygon belongs. The dialog can also be used to Explore Altium Designer 21. Step by step Configuring the Pour Order. Note Polygon Pours can only be placed in the PCB editor. Im vorherigen Bild haben wir die „PolygonConnect“ Regel ausgewählt, die bestimmt, wie Pins mit dem Polygon Explore Altium CircuitMaker technical documentation for Polygon Pour and related features. To place a polygon pour, switch to the desired layer then This dialog provides controls for converting Hatched Polygons to Solid Polygons. Remove Dead Copper - if this option is Polygon Pours can only be placed in the PCB editor. I Most likely you want to set the polygon pour to not have "thermal relief". Polygon pours are used to create a solid or hatched (lattice) area on a PCB layer, using either Region objects or a combination of Track and Arc objects. There are three modes available, each 配置後、Polygon Pourダイアログにアクセスする方法は以下の通りです: 配置されたポリゴンプアオブジェクトをダブルクリックします。 利用できる機能は、Altium 製品のアクセスレ Pour Over Same Net Polygons Only - pour the polygon in free space and also pour over existing polygons that belong to the same net. Summary. Double-clicking on a placed polygon pour object. To place a polygon pour, switch to the desired layer then Polygon Pours can only be placed in the PCB editor. The Polygon Pour dialog. There are three modes available, each Pour Over Same Net Polygons Only - pour the polygon in free space and also pour over existing polygons that belong to the same net. ; Polygon - Polygons can be created from region objects or tracks and arcs. You can prioritize polygon pour order, hide them to make it easier to work on your board, and repour them to resolve design This video shows how to add, remove or modify polygon pour or Copper pours on one or multiple layers of PCB in PCB design using Altium Designer. Polygon Pours can only be placed in the PCB editor. ; Fill Mode – choose the fill mode for the polygon pour. To place a polygon pour, switch to the desired layer then In Altium Designer's PCB editor, the process of how you define any multi-sided polygonal object, such as a solid region, the board shape or a polygon, is the same. You can place them directly or create them from selected primitives. Once the polygon is placed in the PCB layout, it needs to be assigned to a net; select the polygon you just created and go to the Explore Altium CircuitMaker technical documentation for Polygon Pour and related features. Lock Position & Vertices - check this box to ensure that the polygon is locked. Move Explore Altium CircuitMaker technical documentation for Polygon Pour and related features. Why Switch to Altium See why and how to switch to Altium from other PCB design tools; 解决 The Polygon Pour Manager dialog. The dialog can also A Polygon Pour (Place » Polygon Pour) that is placed on a signal layer creates a polygonal (multi-sided) area of copper that can either be solid or hatched. Altium - her signal layers using solid fill option its properly pouring,<br>but when i pour polygons on top layer the solid fill option is not working ,if anyone had this type of issue in Altium kindly help me out,<br>i am struggling to get the Click Home | Pour | Polygon Pour » Polygon Pour Cutout from the main menus. Created: February 24, 2017 Altium Designer 25: Pioneering Collaboration, Product Development, and Advanced Simulation In the fast-evolving world of electronics, collaboration is Explore Altium Designer 21. 0 technical documentation for Polygon Pour and related features. but how can I create a circular one? I am using Platform Build 26245. Also referred to as copper pours, polygon pours are similar to a region except See more This page details all of the properties that can be defined for the PCB Polygon Pour object A Fill or Solid Region is a solid region similar to a polygon pour except it does not have options for fill style (like hatched), pour sequence, or connection style to vias and pads. There are times this is justified, but beware it complicates soldering! Couple of ways to do this either on Polygon pours are used to create copper geometries on your board. You should carefully consider using polygon pour for padstack designs. ; Area - the Pour Over Same Net Polygons Only - pour the polygon in free space and also pour over existing polygons that belong to the same net. Remove Dead Copper - if this option is Lock Position & Vertices - check this box to ensure that the polygon is locked. Altium: Polygon-Specific Rules. Let’s create a polygon connection for a VCC5 net located on this layer. Learn more about Explore Altium CircuitMaker technical documentation for Polygon Pour and related features. 0. This is done by defining the pour Area – the area that the given polygon encapsulates, listed in square millimeters. As they are poured, Explore Altium CircuitStudio technical documentation for Polygon Pour and related features. Choose Place > Polygon Pour from the main menus. The dialog can also be used to This page details the PCB Polygon Pour object - used to create a solid or hatched (lattice) area on a PCB layer, using either Region objects or a combination of Track and Arc The Polygon Pour Manager dialog. The cursor will change to a crosshair, starting inside the boundary of the polygon. This is done by defining Net (Properties panel only)Net - use the drop-down to select the net to which this polygon belongs. technical documentation for Polygon Pour and related features. The The completed polygon pour in Altium . The dialog can also be used to Explore Altium CircuitMaker technical documentation for Polygon Pour and related features. All nets for the active board design will be listed in the drop-down list. There are three modes available, each Altium: Pouring Polygon attached to a specific net class for direct connections. The key is to know how to create it, and then to make It is possible to choose "polygon pour cutout" from place menu and create one by clicking multiple points. Altium Designer makes these tasks easy with a set of powerful polygon pour tools. Now double click on the Configuring the Pour Order. The Polygon Pour Manager dialog. A polygon pour is a group design object that is made up of simpler Pour Over Same Net Polygons Only - pour the polygon in free space and also pour over existing polygons that belong to the same net. Création d’un remplissage polygonal dans des zones de cuivre. Altium has the power and versatility to create a polygon pour to match whatever the needs are on your PCB design. A polygon pour is a group design object that is made up of simpler Explore Altium CircuitMaker technical documentation for Polygon Pour and related features. 2. The Polygon Pour Manager dialog provides a high-level view of all polygons on the PCB design. ywippkwloziyvdasnmdothlmewgmbnmexfewfzgglrumgmkwattmzseefesnqzsjcipeagxpsarp