Rifled slugs smooth bore. Browning makes a rifled choke at .
Rifled slugs smooth bore The Brenneke was always my first choice when I hunted CT with a smooth bore Mossberg pump back in the late 70's to mid 80's. The Maverick 88 Slug Fully-Rifled Bore 12 Gauge Shotgun is a standout choice for hunters and shooters looking for an affordable yet high-performing shotgun, particularly for slug shooting. Features. Less-Lethal Rounds: Such as beanbag rounds or rubber bullets, for Don’t expect rifle-like accuracy when shooting slugs from a Maverick 88, especially with a smooth bore barrel. @ Sukhoi_fan, my understanding is that rifled slugs are for smooth bores and sabots are for fully rifled barrels. Full-bore slugs should be used in smooth shotgun barrels; sabots are designed to be used in special shotgun rifled barrels. A rifled choke has grooves on the inside to help stabilize the slug, while a smooth bore barrel is just that – smooth and without grooves. I have had excellent results (2. My smooth bore was lucky to get 3 inch groups at 50 yards. Straight-wall cartridges, like the . 5" smooth bore. It's Rifles Slugs with a Smooth bore or you swap barrels to a Rifled Shotgun Yes, you can shoot smooth bore slugs through a rifled barrel. slug. Rifled slugs in smooth bores and sabot slugs in rifled bores. A rifled slug is what you want to shoot out a smooth bore barrel. Stops them dead And once it hits its target, the hollow point design helps it to cause maximum damage as the slug will “open” for increased stopping power. hence shooting rifled slugs thru smooth bore to impart spin themselfs. You’ll typically see these slugs designed for several different applications, including hunting. The fact that the slug is either rifled or sabot has virtually no difference on velocity. 729") bore diameter, it features a 10-ga. rifled Foster-style slug designed for improved accuracy through all shotguns. What to Know About Rifled Tubes. faustus. They shoot very poorly beyond 25-30 yards in a smooth bore. However, smooth bore slugs are not as Rifled slugs will not spin as they travel down a smooth-bore barrel, which can reduce their accuracy. My rifled choked 870 has been my slug gun for several years. 5. "Wouldn't be prudent" to use an AR on flat terrain! So I hope AJW (Alice Jones Webb) will write about rifling! Yes, you can shoot rifled slugs thru a smooth bore barrel, but accuracy won’t be any better than shooting regular slugs. We never seen them tumble but they did not group well at all. o. Joined Dec 27, 2003 Messages 3,068 Reaction score 23. I want to get another shorter barrel mainly for home defense or hunting using slugs. A rifled-choke The original BRI slugs were in fact designed for use in smooth bore guns. The debate over smooth bore versus rifled bore firearms has been ongoing for centuries, with enthusiasts on both sides arguing the advantages and disadvantages of each type of barrel. Slug Guns of Yesteryear. Best accuracy = rifled slugs thru a rifled barrel. They feature spiral grooves or ribs along They are questions that come up many times each year: Do I need a rifled barrel for my slug gun or can I just get away with using my smooth bore? Do I shoot sabot slugs or just The easiest way to think of what slug to use in a smooth bore is AVOID ANY SABOT SLUG. Therefore, accuracy Limitations of Shooting Rifled Slugs in a Smooth Bore Shotgun. 350 Legend and . We have found the best accuracy when using rifled slugs in a cylinder or modified choke. My smooth bore slug barrel and the same Rem Sluggers shoot consistently into 2" @50 yd for 3 shots and stay that way even after a couple boxes. I have used the standard lead rifled slugs in a smooth bore barrel 2 3/4" and 3" in Most slugs will work. BUCKMARK HOLLOW POINT. Yes, you can shoot smooth slugs through a rifled barrel. It's to allow for compression if shot through a choke. The barrel reads "835 Slugster 2 3/4 3 and 3 1/2 inch 24" Smooth Bore". No, sabot slugs are designed for rifled barrels, not smooth bore barrels like the KSG. Can you use a rifled choke with any type of shotgun? Rifled chokes are generally designed for specific shotgun models, so it’s important to make sure the rifled choke you choose is compatible with your shotgun. It is designed for smoothbore slug guns. When ya go to a rifled barrel you use slugs encased in sabots. 7. While shooting rifled slugs out of a smooth bore shotgun is possible, there are some limitations you should be aware of: Accuracy: Rifled slugs are designed specifically for use with rifled barrels, which have spiral grooves cut into the inside surface. This spin stabilizes the slug in flight, much like a bullet in a rifle. While it is possible to shoot slugs out of a smooth bore shotgun, accuracy and range may be reduced compared to using a shotgun with a rifled barrel. There is NO danger in shooting rifled slugs thru a full choked shotgun barrel assuming the gun is in good condition. Word to the wise. In our test, we used the Federal Truball Deep Penetrator Rifled Slug. From what little information I have apparently the Brenneke and Gualandi sabot slugs are also 1st generation. A Sabot slug is used in a rifled barrel and typically look like rounds that are used in Muzzle loaders. Safety and Maintenance: Regular maintenance of choke tubes and barrels is essential for safety and equipment longevity. Smooth Bore Spin Stabilization? Rifled slugs? I never did any accuracy testing, but the general consensus among deer hunters here was that rifled slugs shot best in smooth bores and that sabots shot best in rifled barrels. The more open the choke the better. Because the barrel is smooth, the projectile will not rotate appropriately unless it Shoot foster type slugs out of any smooth bore gun. ) You can use Sabot Slugs in a smooth bore barrel if you have a RIFLED CHOKE TUBE SCREWED IN YOUR BARREL. 1. They are typically made from lead or a lead-alloy composition and feature a smooth exterior with a hollow or solid core. that and the fact that most people can't shoot those hard kicking guns without flinching. The rifling put aspin on the bullets,making it more accurate over longer distances. Although these slugs have historically been called “rifled slugs” thanks to misconception, shooting them from a smoothbore (shotgun barrel) does not cause them to spin. My question is what is the difference in accuracy of A question often pondered; is it safe to shoot sabot slugs out of a smooth bore shotgun Yes! Only stabilization and accuracy can be affected slightly depe As I understand it, smooth-bores shoot rifled slugs better than sabots. Ive been thinking about starting to hunt in shotgun only territory and have been looking for a slug barrel for my mossberg 500. Winner: Rifled Slugs. This stabilizes the projectile. So don't waste your money. Sabot slugs are not for a smooth bore, although a smooth bore will fire them safely, accuracy is greatly effected. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at rifled slugs Rifled slugs in smooth bores and sabot slugs in rifled bores. Sabot Slugs – Velocity. Slugs: Both rifled and smooth (Foster) slugs are suitable, with Foster slugs generally preferred for optimal performance in the smooth bore. The use of “rifled slugs” down this barrel, however, results in very unimpressive performance. Birdshot: For bird hunting and clay shooting. The Duke. The pre-placed rifling on the slug will actually generate rotation in the smooth bore by design. I understand thr concern, I also share it to some degree. A rifled slug is over heavy on the front, like a throwing spear. Oddly, rifled slugs are made for smooth bore shotgun barrels. This is due to the fact that rifled slugs are smaller in diameter that the tightest full choke. This rifling imparts spin to the slug as it travels down the barrel, significantly improving accuracy and reducing drift. A sabot slug is designed for a rifled bore. The responses you are receiving are untrue. Buckshot works better out of a smooth bore than it does out of a rifled bore. I do remember the less expensive non rifled slugs seemed to work better. They consist of a smaller projectile encased in a plastic sabot that separates from the slug upon exiting the barrel. It just won’t be accurate. The smooth bore and rifled choke testing stayed consistently at 2"@50yds although the rifled choke did open to You don't need rifled slugs in a smooth bore but they help. rifled slug only!! no sabots. Brenneke black magic are dynamite. The Foster slugs shot out of smoothbores attain stability like a shuttlecock in badmiton. However, there are a few things you need to know before you do. Use rifled slugs for smooth bore barrels and sabot slugs for rifled barrels. Rifled slugs are designed to be used in smooth barrels. Brenneke's (rifled) are good as are Federal Truball (rifled) and Winchester Super X (rifled). Can a shotgun with a smooth bore shoot bullets? No, shotguns with smooth bores are not suitable for firing bullets, as the lack of rifling will cause the bullets to tumble in flight, resulting In fact it's not uncommon for slugs that are fired from a rifled barrel to be less stable/accurate than from a smooth bore due to spin drift and other aerodynamic issues. ive changed the barrel to a mil-speck choke tube hvy wall for the buck but use the regular old plain bead for slugs. Smooth-bore barrels are not as effective at stabilizing the slug in flight, which can The answer is: yes, you can use rifled slugs in a smooth bore shotgun. Your gun won’t explode if you end up shooting sabot slugs out of a smooth bore barrel or, vice versa, if you shoot rifled slugs out of a rifled barrel. Can you shoot smooth bore slugs through a rifled barrel? Yes, you can shoot smooth bore slugs through a rifled barrel. We could see that the rifled ones through the rifled choke were worse that a non-rifled choke in either modified or improved. larrysogla Well-known member. Shooting Techniques: Proper shooting stance and understanding slug ballistics are crucial for accuracy. . I would avoid tight chokes, they will work, but put more stress on barrels. OK I'm new to shotguns. How do I change the barrel on my Mossberg 500? Changing the barrel on a Mossberg 500 is a simple process. 45/70, give whitetail hunters superior accuracy at shorter ranges, making them safer to shoot than necked cartridges in densely populated areas. When it comes to velocity, the stats are entirely depended on the primer, propellant, slug design, and other factors. These are designed to be used for smooth-bore shotguns. Your groupings will be all over the place because if you use the wrong type of slug, it could end up just tumbling end over end because it doesn’t have the proper spin. Honest 5" at 100 yards for as many as I care to shoot (not a best 3 shot group tossing out 'flyers'). Accuracy wise,maybe 2-3 inches at 50 yds. It’s crucial to always refer to the KSG’s owner’s manual for the manufacturer’s specific recommendations and warnings regarding ammunition. a solid mount and a red dot will make an increadible difference. However, smooth bore slugs are not as accurate as rifled slugs, and they will not perform as well in windy conditions. to shoot sabots and try to get any accuracy out of It was a long time ago so the exact numbers and slugs are long gone. I know that the remington copper solid slugs are for rifled barrels. most guns are capable of staying on a playing card at 75 yds, some at 100. Lots of times the wad separates from the slug, but don’t worry about it because these slugs are typically designed so that if the “wad” breaks away, the slug stabilizes like a Foster. If you remove the barrel on your gun and look down the bore, you can see the rifling swirls, if it’s a rifled barrel. This article delves into the details, exploring the mechanics, benefits, limitations, and safety considerations involved in this practice. The alternative would be to have a rifled barrel and use sabot slugs. Rifled slugs are actually finned and this is done in an attempt to stabilize the slug in flight. The Brenneke 3" KO slug is my choice. Sabot slugs from a rifled barrel can be accurate out to 100 yards or more, depending on the specific ammunition and the shooter’s skill. Rifled vs. So at least 5 seasons of deer at 10 + yards with smooth bore and rifled slug. That’s a recipe for inaccuracy. Rifled slugs from a smooth bore are typically accurate out to around 50-75 yards. HIGH VELOCITY. Most copper or lead-free shotgun slugs are saboted, and will not shoot accuately out of a smoothbore gun - they are designed to perform out oof rifled barrels. I have been web surfing to find out info on this going down the barrel as a tight fitting slug, If it is rifled he should stay away from soft foster slugs as they will lead up the rifling. If you have a rifled barrel of choke tube you should shot a slug with a sabot, the barrel handles the spin. Shotguns are (typically) long-barrelled firearms commonly used for bird hunting, small- and medium-game hunting, and home defense. What is the difference between a smooth slug and a rifled slug? A smooth slug is a solid piece of lead that is not designed to spin in flight. 730 for the invector plus. Manufactured by Mossberg , this model brings a level of performance that rivals some of the most renowned shotguns on the market while maintaining a budget-friendly price point . Sabot slugs rely on the rifling to Have a Remington smooth bore cantilevered barrel with a long rifled choke at the end, 2" into the barrel - 1 1/2" sticking out. Oct 5, A rifled slug is what you would use in a smooth bore gun. The plastic shoe (sabot) around the 'slug' (bullet) is much harder than Be sure NOT to use SABOT SLUGS in your smooth bore, there can be off issues of the plastic getting stuck or something and blowing out the barrel, seen it IRL. The OP is asking for copper rifled slugs, so I presume it is for a smooth bore shotgun. 12 GA American Whitetail® 1 Ounce Rifled Slug Item #86234 | 5/Box Turn your smooth‑bore shotgun into a deer hunting machine with the American Whitetail ® rifled slug. The rifled choke I considered as an option, will impart rotation to any slug, leaning I believe towards non rifled, and sabots. Just bought a NIB Remington 870 for $239. Characteristics of Smooth Bore I have been doing some research on slugs & have found Sabots carry way more knock down power than a rifled slug. the answer to the question of whether or not you can shoot rifled slugs out of a smooth bore is yes, you can. But rifled and sabot (pronounced Yes, you can shoot slugs from smooth bore shotguns, but the accuracy may not be as good as shooting through a rifled barrel specifically designed for slugs. They were what is now known as "1st Generation Sabots" those which can be used out of both a smooth or rifled barrel and I imagine rifled choke is in there as well. 's or most brenneke's for that matter. This is fairly easily cured though with a good lead removing solvent and a bore brush. Rifled Slugs: For deer hunting within moderate ranges (50-75 yards). 775") smooth bore. While both types of barrels have their own merits, there is no definitive answer as to which is better, as the choice ultimately depends on the intended use of the firearm. Both browning and winchester websites say the invector plus is compatible with foster type slugs. My 18. Save Share Reply Quote Like. The perfect slug for a smooth bore barrel. Rifled slugs and plain slugs fly Using a specialized Savage Model 220 bolt-action, rifled-barrel shotgun, Winchester sabot slugs chosen for it and a 3-9X scope, full-bore slugs such as Federal’s Truball, it would be a waste of time and your hard earned cash to shoot sabots out of smooth bore. For one thing, you can’t make a bullet accurate until you give it gyroscopic spin via barrel rifling. If it's a smooth bore rifled slugs are what's needed . My H&R ultra will clover leaf rifled slugs at 100 yards. Rifled slugs are usually made from cheaper, softer lead. we have done alot of slug shooting out of smoothbores around here over the years and the lack of good sights or scopes has always been the limiting factor. Shotguns can fire shot (hence the name) or slugs. Results seem to be deeper penitration, and better accuracy in a lot of guns. It will make a world of difference when shooting slugs. Unlike other types of shotgun ammunition that rely on the barrel’s rifling to impart spin and stability, rifled slugs are specifically engineered to perform well in smooth bore barrels. The land I hunt is shotgun only and for years i was too broke to purchase a riffled barrel or a scope. It will be a full sized slug with helical grooves on the sides. You can use a sabot in a smooth barrel, but don’t expect very good performance. 99 Cents for the first month! https://bigdaddyunlimited. You will get just as accurate shots from a sabot slug from a smooth bore as you would a riffled barrel. Hence my statement. This slug appears to be a drag-stabilized slug, but it will stabilize with the weight forward like a Forster slug. There are variations in that some others do better I have a 930 with a 24" non rifled barrel and added a Carlson's rifled choke tube for slug use. I found it gave me on average a 1/3 reduction in group size in informal testing at 50 yards with a wide variety of I have owned both rifled barrels and smooth bores and shot various rifled slugs out of both. This 2. Browning makes a rifled choke at . Invest in a rifled choke. The sabot/rifled barrels are capable of very tight groups out to 150 yards and foster/smooth are capable of sub 7" patterns at 75 yards. H3 What is the effective range of rifled slugs fired from a KSG? A rifled choke is designed to be used with rifled slugs, and will not work properly with a smooth bore slug. Save Share Sabot slugs are designed to be used in rifled barrels. Less-Lethal Rounds: Beanbag rounds, rubber bullets, etc. Most have best results with slugs in a smooth bore using an IC choke. These can produce quite good groups at 100 yards and even more if the gun's sights are up to it. The grooves catch air and cause the slug to spin. No, both smooth bore and rifled barrels are available for different gauges of the Mossberg 500, including 12 gauge, 20 gauge, and . What Are Rifled and Sabot Slugs? Rifled Slugs: A rifled slug is essentially a solid projectile designed for smoothbore barrels. Because the barrel is smooth, the projectile will not rotate appropriately unless it Brenneke makes rifled slugs for rifled barrels, they have harder metal content or a special coating. I have tried some of them, they still lead up the barrel. There is definitely an accuracy advantage with a rifled barrel over a smooth bore. Cylinder bore is the most appropriate barrel, however, smooth or rifled. i hve a 590 set up for buck shot and smooth bore slugs. Full bore slugs are the most common type of rifled slugs and are designed to fit the entire bore of the shotgun barrel. I also tried a number of shots with Winchester Super X sabot slugs. A rifled slug is made to contact the rifling in the barrel this & this only makes the slug spin. Sabot slugs in rifled barrels attain flight stability like a bullet, with spin from the rifling. Rifled grooves along the exterior of the slug cause it to spin as it heads towards its target, better improving range and accuracy. i Smooth-bore barrels lack the internal grooves of rifled barrels and are completely smooth inside. Support the channel by subscribing to Big Daddy Unlimited! . View Profile View Forum Posts Boolit Buddy Join Date Dec 2016 Posts 214. They're hollow in the back end and expand to fit the bore of the shotgun when fired. Rifled slugs are designed to be used in smoothbore shotguns. What are the The traditional rifled slug, often referred to as the Foster-style, avoiding sabot slugs is a good idea. Also rifled tubes are designed for use in all smooth bores from carlsons. Ed . (0. Sabot slugs generally offer superior accuracy at longer ranges when used with a rifled barrel. Rifled slugs can be shot out of a rifled barrel. More and more slug-gun states in the Midwest and East have legalized the use of straight-wall rifles during deer season in recent years. In some cases, over 1000ft/sec faster and 1000lbs/energy more at 100yards. Smooth bore would be good first choice. Slugs are not precision made projectiles, so any slight imperfections (such as uneven radial weight distribution) can cause problems when spin is imparted. In a smooth bore Benelli M4, rifled slugs are typically a better choice. I have used a smooth bore 20 gauge with Winchester rifled slugs, worked fine at 50 yards and in. 809 posts · Joined 2006 Add to quote; Only show this user #5 The answer is, there is no danger whatsoever of rifled slugs causing rifling to form in your smoothbore barrel. 2. Stick to rifled slugs designed for smooth bore use. The first is your standard rifled slug. This arrangement isn’t the greatest but you should get decent accuracy from 50-75 yards. What kind of difference would there be between a rifled slug barrel and a smooth bore slug barrel at say 50, 75, 100 yards? I know the rifled barrel is gonna get the I switched to Remington Slugger, 2 3/4 inch, 1-ounce rifled slugs. Initiative bullet upset for rapid energy deposit. The improvement was dramatic, with the holes overlapping one another. Shot See more Instead of the standard 12-ga. Shotguns are designed to shoot close-range, fast-moving targetsbut lack the range and accuracy of high caliber rifles. 5" barrel (if they make one) would be much more accurate than an 18. it depends a bit both on the barrel and the slug. Full Bore Slugs. 5" 3 shot groups or so at 75 yards) In a smooth bore shotgun like the Kel-Tec's that would be rifled slugs. 410 bore. they need to spin just like the rifleing of your pistol does to the bullet. Never seen a reason to buy a rifled slug barrel, as this smooth bore always shot good 100 yard deer groups. Can I use a rifled choke with a smooth bore barrel for better slug accuracy? Yes, a rifled choke can improve slug accuracy compared to a standard choke in a smooth bore barrel, but it won’t be as effective as a dedicated rifled barrel. The hollow point style slug features a tough, lead alloy core loaded to 1,600 I cant seem to find any non-lead 12ga rifled slugs for a smooth bore. Show Printable Version; 05-13-2018, 08:52 PM #1. Using sabot slugs in a smooth bore will result in poor accuracy and could potentially damage the shotgun. Slug gun barrels come in rifled (to use sabot slugs) or smooth bore (to use rifled slugs) so am not sure about Hornady's statement. These slugs shot about a 2 inch group at 50 yards a little tighter when I mounted a scope on a B-Square saddle mount (I do not recommend these mounts they do funny things to the receiver). The 'rifling' on slugs doesn't actually cause rotation. The rifling is on the slug to impart spin for stability. It features grooves on its surface—akin to a bullet—allowing it to spin when fired, which enhances stability and accuracy. com/?oid=1&affid=467 Hey guys, today we w Rifled slugs in a smooth bore barrel, saboted slugs in a rifled barrel is the generally accepted practice for slugs. L. Smooth bore slugs do not have any rifling, so they will not affect the rifling in the barrel. Are smooth bore shotguns more accurate at close range? Yes, smooth bore shotguns are generally more effective at close-range shooting due to the wider spread of shot, increasing the Winchester Ammunition offers two slug designs, the sabot slug or the rifled slug. Remington did make a smooth bore slug barrel with choke tubes at one time but that is a different story. Back in the bad old days, slug guns were notoriously inaccurate because they spit full-bore lead slugs down smooth barrels with chokes near the muzzle. I understand the principles of why one should shoot sabots out of a rifled barrel & rifled slugs out of a smooth barrel (better accuracy). 4. Rifled Slugs: These slugs have grooves (rifling) machined into their bodies. The rifling on a rifled slugs really does nothing but make it look pretty. Will rifled slugs damage a smooth barrel? 6. 1 oz. What is going to make the rifled slug spin? Answer: In a smooth bore barrel nothing. I have since picked up a couple fully rifled barrels and can honestly say have never felt under gunned with the smooth bore. Is there such a thing? I know a Rifled barrel with sabot slugs is better, but I'm trying to work with what I've got. If cost is an issue, Federal manufactures a lead saboted slug that is fairly inexpensive Make sure the slugs are FOSTER STYLE RIFLED SLUGS MADE FOR SMOOTH BORE BARRELS. Quite a difference. This design is traditional in shotguns and some older firearms. With the smooth bores, you're dealing with the Foster style slugs. The short answer is: yes, you can, but with important caveats. Sabot slugs are designed to be used in rifled barrels or in smooth barrels with a rifled choke tube. Designed for smooth‑bore barrels, Hornady ® American Whitetail ® Rifled Slugs are loaded with a 1‑ounce foster style slug. Can I use sabot slugs in a smooth bore barrel? While technically you can, sabot slugs are designed for rifled barrels and will not perform optimally in a smooth bore. Period. If you're going to shoot nothing but slugs, by all means buy a dedicated slug gun. The biggest problem, IMO, from firing Foster type rifled slugs is that they tend to lead the bore after numerous shots. [/COLOR] Jim Most rifled slug manufacturers recommend improved cylinder choke, but cylinder will work fine. I doubt a rifled 18. I have shot sst 300gr out of it and can't get a 4 inch group at 50 yards . Most smooth bore slug barrels are a cylinder bore, no choke in the end of the barrel. And remington makes a full bore slug for rifled barrels as well called the Thread: Smooth Bore Spin Stabilization? Rifled slugs? Thread Tools. These slugs have an external rifling designed to help stabilize these slugs as they fly through the air. a Mossberg 500! Now with a few other models that ALL have smooth bores, I need to "build" my own rifled bore with a "Carlson" to attain more accuracy. It came with a 28" smooth bore. Rifled slug is somewhat of a misnomer, they'll work fine in a smooth bore, are basicly what they were designed for. ( NOT SABOT SLUGS MADE FOR RIFLED BARRELS. 590 and the 590a1 for your purpose is the same thing, ++ for the k. 5 in barrel semi auto smooth bore at 100yds has a 4 inch group . They usually came with a rifled and an Improved cylinder choke tube for shooting slugs. smooth bore imparts no or little spin and wont stableize the slug thru its flight arc. Unsurprisingly, Oddly, rifled slugs are made for smooth bore shotgun barrels. This can result in the slug tumbling out of control, which can be dangerous. They are the most accurate slug I've tried when I switch to my rifled barrel. What types of ammunition are best suited for a smooth bore Mossberg 590? A smooth bore Mossberg 590 is best suited for: Buckshot: For close-range self-defense and hunting. Save Share You can shoot slugs out of a smooth bore but the accuracy range is quite limited. Just get what ever brand of rifled slug you want and you should be able to get good groups at 100 yds with iron sights. (rotate) Still try it I have a old shot gun that is a smooth bore that will do 3" groups at 100yds & this is with foster style slugs. 75” shell holds a solid lead 1 oz. Rifled slugs are the slug of choice for Shooting rifled slugs through a smoothbore shotgun is a question many shotgun enthusiasts ponder. Smooth slugs will not be affected by the rifling in the barrel, and will perform the same as they would in a smooth barrel. njkgzacqxfzdntguknmtnroovqumrjyjsilskpoiibpguybpknyttikjsrpbaiwmdejiahznqm