Simple patent examples. Hereby examples of Patent: The discovery of Mr.

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Simple patent examples. Customize your language settings.

Simple patent examples Home; About; Contact; Blog; Patenting Tools. C. Dec. When the patent application is granted, it is the granted patent claims that define the metes and bounds of patent protection afforded under the patent. Types of Patents; Lifetime of a Patent; Databases for Finding Patents other than a tuber-propagated plant or a plant found in an uncultivated state. You can search for your invention. For example, Martin Cooper of Motorola is recognised for creating the first handheld mobile phone, receiving a patent for it in 1973. Many groundbreaking AI patents have driven major technological advancements. Design Patent A utility patent and design patent differ because utility patents cover 11 min read; See 7 More; Design Patent Example You Examples of products protected by design patents include: Beverage containers: The iconic contour shape of the Coca-Cola bottle, first patented in 1915, is a classic example of a design patent. 3 is an end elevational view thereof; FIG. 2023-1176, 2024 WL 5036178 (Fed. Games; Word of the Day; Grammar; Wordplay; New Slang Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'patent. Step 12: Reread your patent application over and over again. Identifiable examples from across the world demonstrate the criticality of patents in the world. Download Issued Patent - This link is for the issued patent (note we are the ones who argued with the patent office to get this patent allowed for the inventor). : Examples and IPO practices page: 7. Here are some examples of design patents (click to view): Staircase (Steve Jobs) Ipod Mini Crocs Clog Suntory Bottle Toilet Toy Bank Wireless Sensor Music Stand While there are numerous variants and modifications of GPS technology that have been patented, the "Navigation system using satellites and passive ranging techniques," credited to Roger L. com) Fifteen (15) Design Patent Application Drawing Examples from Patent No. This is an area in which you might need professional help—for example, an attorney skilled in The 3 Main Types Of Patents The most common types of patents include design (how a product looks), u 8 min read; How to Patent an Idea: 5 Easy Steps to Complete Learning how to patent your ideas is an important process to make sure t 12 min read; Utility Patent Costs The utility patent lasts 20 years from the date of the original applicat 11 min read Design Patent Examples Some examples of design patents include ornamental designs on jewelry, automobiles or furniture, as well as packaging, fonts, and computer icons (such as emojis). Many of these systems rely on rules-based approaches and outdated code. Utility patents exist in virtually every technological field. This revolutionary method, developed by Dr. Been told that you can't patent a simple food recipe? Well, these applicants didn't listen and ended up with granted patents: Marshmallow. Their creative ideas have received recognition from all around the world, demonstrating the ability of Indian innovation to solve Examples of 'patent' in a sentence. al. Although, these summaries not only help inventors to understand A patent license is a legally binding agreement between the patent owner (licensor) and the licensee. The technical content covered by the applications is considered to be identical. A great example of a utility patent is for a smartphone. Cir. from Sir Richard Harley, 28 Edward I. So, if I have a granted patent with this claim, I would have a highly valuable Design Patent 281,580 Claim: “The ornamental design for a packaging container for electrical switches, as shown. Simplest patent ever: Method of making a MARSHMALLOW: Drum ROLLLLLL "Dissolve sucrose in corn syrup" That's it! US patent no. 1 en / 07-03-01 Date : March 2020 EXAMPLES OF KINDS OF PATENT DOCUMENTS LISTED ACCORDING TO CODE (Patent documents previously and currently published or intended to be published) Code: A Patent documents being identified as primary or major series – First publication level AP – ARIPO You can review design patent examples before filing a design patent application which rely on words and images to convey how a design is non-obvious and new. ' Any opinions expressed in the examples Purpose of a patent claim. 2052444 Bookkeeping Machine Breitling August 25, 1936 . patent Utility Patent Examples. Sentences are sorted by length, with 50 sentences per page. It calculates the importance of a webpage by counting the number and quality of links attached to it. The Indian patent office publishes its journal every week. Afte the submission of the patent, you can search for your published patent after every week. A simple patent family is a collection of patent documents that are considered to cover a single invention. The Anywayup cup for babies and toddlers stops a lot of mess and spills in the home thanks to a simple one-way valve. This means that you can get a design patent for something as simple as a computer desktop icon. IPChecker; PatentPC Login; Patenting Research. I think current case law sort of says that pure abstract algorithms are unpatentable but there are probably many examples of issued patents like that nonetheless. Jennifer Doudna and Dr. The invention files will also be uploaded on the Indian patent website. Here is a patent infringement example laid out in claim chart format: View our informative content on claim charts for more claim chart examples and the various applications of a claim chart. government. Many factors affect the cost of your patent. The path to a patent 12. This distinctive shape has become synonymous with the brand, demonstrating the power of protected design in marketing. Although applying for a patent is relatively easy, getting one can take Patent Examples. Software Patent Examples Airbnb. The fanciful table, inspired by George Washington’s legendary cherry tree chopping incident, was designed by crafts artist Andrew Bergman of New Jersey. One may identify these samples during portfolio analysis/IP Audit, during IP/technology due diligence, or any other customized prior-art search. This is where a design patent comes into play. A simple mechanical lock comprises a lock shell (1) and a lock rod (2). PDF; Size: 223 KB. Real-Life Utility Patent Examples Example #1: Smartphone Technology. Where in the US, patents cover Utility Patents and Design Patents, respectively, in the UK and Europe, we have separate patents and registered designs. The purpose of a patent claim in a patent is to define the scope of what is being claimed as the invention. patent no. Design patents protect the unique visual appearance of an invention. (Patent #US1005315B2) Obtaining a patent is not easy, so the process should begin with a discussion What is a Patent? Basic Terms and Types of Patents. 76. This further allows the production of hydrocarbon fuel A very simple example for a patent claim: "A furniture having at least three legs. Also, a smartphone can have a design patent to protect its appearance, like its shape and style. A Sample Application To demonstrate the ease with which a design patent application can be prepared, we’ve assembled an application for the table shown in Illustration 8-6. 2 3. 78. Thanks to their p Here are 15 patents that shaped the modern world. - For each problem, the 35 U. 468,258 for the invention in 1892. (Total: 6) The Sentences. Page 1. It takes many years to learn how to draft a well-written patent application under the guidance of a senior patent attorney. The description must explain your invention fully at the time of filing because information cannot be added later. In 1895, a patent case regarding an incandescent lamp showed the need for detailed patents and invalidated any that are too vague. Examples: 1. Once these terms are already defined, they can appear throughout the rest of This guide includes everything you need to know about patents, including modern-day patent examples. Learn key steps and tips for protecting your invention effectively. File Format. Provisional Patent Example 1. Scope of Mechanical Engineering & Industry in India: The ambit of mechanical Engineering & industry brings under it’s microscope every manufacturing activity that takes place as mechanical engineers design power-producing machines, an example of it could be motor engines, 'Patent' in a sentence: The product is protected by patent. A full tutorial on using this template is published here: Patents for for Startups and Inventors with Examples and also here Link to Template is word (. This simple search will produce design patents that the USPTO approved. Go back ; Overview; DOCDB simple patent family; Morse decided that an idea alone cannot be patented, but only when it is put to use. S. In other words, if you’re looking for a group of patents that cover the same invention, look at simple families. 2 is a side elevational view thereof; FIG. One area a patent protects is a "trade secret," which isn't disclosed through the goods that a company sells. This groundbreaking device transformed communication, enabling people to connect instantly from virtually anywhere. " This claim covers all the chairs, tables and every furniture that has at least three legs. When building simple patent families, the EPO's automated process does not take into account all the priorities listed Design Patent Search Guide A design patent search is searching existing patents to ensure your desi 5 min read; Design Patent Cost Learn how much a design patent costs, including USPTO fees, legal expens 7 min read; Utility Patent vs. A notable example of a non-device healthcare patent is the patent for the ground-breaking CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technology. g. This guide includes everything you need to know about patents, including modern-day patent examples. 4. Disclaimer: Use the information in this guide at your own risk. He held a number of patents for his many innovations. Coca-Cola’s rippled bottle shape, for example, was protected by a patent. The following article details ten patented In this article, we delve into the world of everyday simple inventions that are or formerly were protected by patents, unveiling the hidden tales and exploring the significance of patent protection in fostering innovation. DESCRIPTION . Larry Page developed it in 1998. It gets its name from his surname ‘Page’. HOME; An Example of a Simple Provisional Patent Application. (Unregistered users can only access the International PATENTS IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING INDUSTRY IN INDIA. The claim chart puts the infringement in black and white terms, removing room for interpretation and providing a systematic format to understanding the Is the foregoing family a branch of that of Herefordshire, now ennobled; or does it come down from one of the name anterior to the time when such earldom was made patent, viz. Anyone that infringes any one of the patent claims is liable for patent infringement damages and can be This lesson has detailed the definition of patent and examples, guidelines for patents, and how to apply for a patent. Just search in the realm of what you care about and see what kinds of things can be patented. About. Mobile phones are linked with numerous patents. Patent Example: What Is It? A patent example is a sample of a patent that has already been granted to someone. Cross-references to other re\ lated patent applications may be made when appropriate. Painter received U. Details. Download. B. Anywayup cup. Andrew supplied us with photographs, which [] Examples of Utility Patents. Issued Patent : Patent Applications Some simple patents are essential when you need to protect your ideas or inventions from theft. She was awarded U. (45) Date of Patent: Apr. Prepare your application. With these documented patent examples, we aim to help you identify common denominators of successful patents, patents from our invention factory that are successfully positioning themselves in the market. §§ 120, 121, or 365\(c\), or to a provisional patent application under 35 U. There are many utility patent examples online. 1 is a top view of a packaging container for electrical switches showing my new design; FIG. Utility patents cover a broad range of inventions, encompassing essentially anything functional or useful. The Word "Patent" in Example Sentences Each page has up to 50 sentences. This [] Explore the famous examples of patents, how patents work, and the types of patents. A patent example is useful for someone who is applying for a patent and wants to know what information is necessary to include in their patent application. Integral Firearm Accessory Having First Aid and Wound Care Capabilities – Abstract: The integral firearm accessory having first aid and wound care A patent sample application is a request submitted to a patent office which contain’s the inventor’s request for his/her invention to be patented. Latest 3D Printing Patent Examples (2025) 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing (AM), direct digital manufacturing and solid freeform fabrication, is the process of making a three We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 3062661 was issued for this method. Some examples of utility patents include: Machines or mechanical devices; Electrical devices Basic Information on Patents and Patent Searching. May 30, 2000 . Patent FAQs They provide an easy way to get started with applications, web and mobile apps. For example, Coca-Cola doesn't reveal the recipe for making the popular soft drink. 1. Examples of these include whether you will be filing in one country or more than one, and whether you are retaining a lawyer to help you prepare the application and respond to office actions Another famous example of patents is Google PageRank. Newman invented an “Improved Hairbrush”, which allowed for easy cleaning and had bristles separated to allow easy combing. US Patent Document. Sample 2. The honeycrisp apples’ journey began in the 1960s, when David Bedford at the University of Minnesota set out to create a A simple patent family is a collection of patent documents that are considered to cover a single invention. Examples of plant patents include a new & distinct cultivator of African violet (#5,383), a variety of almond tree (#5,382), & a Design Patent Example – Gun Grip Storage Device – U. 1. Basic patent guide Advanced patent guide FAQ about patents Patents in 2 minutes. To better categorize the different types of utility patents, the USPTO has developed the United States Classification system (USPC). To provide an idea of claims drafting, examples of claims for some common inventions and processes are provided below: Claim for an Automobile: A self-propelled vehicle, comprising: (a) a body carriage having rotatable wheels mounted thereunder for enabling said body carriage to roll along a surface Utility patent examples are tools for completing either a non-provisional or a provisional patent application. For those in the agricultural and botanical fields, plant patents protect new and distinct varieties of plants that are asexually reproduced. The patent owner grants the licensee the right to use the patented invention for a specified period in exchange for royalties or a lump sum payment. Mobile Phone. Then select Patent Number in Field 1. Patents protect inventors from unauthorized use of their inventions. Do you need help to launch Examples of common terms include licensee, sales, net sales, profit, territory, field, patents, patent rights, intellectual property, and nonprofit. Trying to follow a design patent application example for an invention that falls into Patent Example In Real Life 1. United States case established that no one can bring a patent infringement case against the U. FAQs. A sample order of your provisional patent application may look like this: Title: Use a short and specific title, about 15 words long. The technical content covered by the applications in one simple patent family is identical. \r Patent Sample 4 – Mechanical Engineering (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No. 6070148 Electronic Commerce System and Method for Providing Commercial Information in Electronic Commerce System Mori et al. The patent outlines a process whereby seawater is placed in an ion exchange to acidify the water and extract carbon dioxide and hydrogen. In 2021, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) issued the 10,881,042 utility patent since 1836. The provisional patent application can be very simple. (Getty Images) History & Culture. Members of a simple patent family will all have exactly the same priorities. In its patent, the company sought to trademark the rippled shape of its bottle, which was subsequently patented. Read more about some of them here. The patent process is subject to the following federal laws, rules and regulations: Title 35 of the United States Code; Title 37 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1, and the Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP). Sentences with audio are listed first. More From Popular Mechanics: Patent Name: “Electromagnetic inductive suspension and Paperclip. Check out the first example below. But what exactly is a design patent, and can you think of an example? Let’s dive into this fascinating subject and unfold the mystery in a simple, conversational tone that feels like we’re just chatting over a cup of coffee. ” FIG. D824,127 S (Microfiber Drying Cloth) Patent Title: Microfiber Drying Cloth US Patent No. I’ve included this one last as it can’t really be left off a list of famous patents, although in most countries it wouldn’t really be considered a patent, but rather a registered design. If it is not a plant or something purely serving an aesthetic purpose, it is probably protected by a utility patent. Easton A patent application will always contain the question: what problem does the invention solve? In this case it is a problem that is obvious to everyone, for which there is now an extremely simple solution. The focus of the design patent is on the ornamental design of an article, namely, the visual characteristics or aspects of an object. Examples: Patent Simple Food Recipe. simple and complex From groundbreaking technologies to beloved consumer products, patents ensure that inventors can reap the benefits of their ingenuity and dedication. In 1894, Schillinger v. 9, 2024), the Federal Circuit held that the omission of an example from the definition of a term in a non-provisional application, as compared to its provisional application, can constitute a Sagacious IP‘s team of technology experts possess the ability to create a simple yet remarkable patent summary sample reports. Title: NOVEL POSITIONING AND APPLICATION DEVICE Download Provisional Patent Application Example 1 -Here is the application that was filed. US D1,023,062 S (Tire Sealing and Inflation Device) US Patent No. Patent interpretation [27] consists in determining . It features the patents in order of most recently granted. docx Link to Template in rtf version here : They also proved to be completely leakproof, which worked perfectly for sealing carbonated beverages. Honeycrisp Apple Tree: The Honeycrisp apple, known for its crisp texture and sweet flavor, is protected by a plant patent (USPP7197) granted to the In this episode, we discuss an example simple invention, and considerations for preparing patent applications for simple inventions. A patent is an intellectual property right that grants exclusivity to the patent owner. 16 examples: The full patent does not seem to have survived. Home; Intellectual Property Basics; Patent Basics; Simple Patent Searches; Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) An inspiring patent drawing example for a chemical formulation could showcase the molecular arrangement, the sequence of reactions, and any specific configurations that contribute to the invention’s novelty. Utility patents are at the core of protecting inventions that offer a new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter. 2015-04-19 Priority to US14/915,588 priority Critical patent/US20160356063A1/en 2016-06-02 Publication of WO2016082437A1 and large in size and heavy in weight, so that its use range is limited, for example, it is not suitable for application to lock on small objects Design patents can protect a distinctive shape of a product, and this type of trademark protection is gaining in popularity. Understanding Design Patents. by Michael Goltry, Registered Patent Attorney (480-991-3537; mg@pgpct. Customize your language settings. Examples from Collins dictionaries. You can make each section topic a heading. Patent rights are described with words and drawings [26]. 21, 2015 Examples of Patent Claims. Patent Writing: From Basic Till Filing IIT Guwahati 15/19 Simple Patent Family. Plant Patents Photo by Elizabeth Tr. Number your paragraphs and pages for easy reference later. § 119\(e\), must present the reference to the earlier application in an application data sheet under 37 CFR § 1. Painter also patented the first bottle cap Examples of patented innovations in everyday products . D824,127 S Provisional Patent Example Description. Patent No. Access the entire site, including the Easy Learning Grammar, and our language quizzes. This type of patent covers how the smartphone works, not how it looks. Their patent included several key features that are still used in airplanes today such as a system of three axes of control and wing-wrapping. Sample 1. Call or Text Us NOW (480) 991-3435. Tips Patent summary: The invention refers to a slip clutch mechanism ( 10) for a door (52) including: a first engaging member (20) for connecting a control handle (64) and a lock mechanism (56), a second engaging member(30) for connecting to a slave handle (68), one or more of the engaging members (20, 30) being at least partially resiliency *Example only – not a real patent. On December 17, 1903, the wright brothers filed a patent for their airplane design which was approved on Mat 23, 1906. com. The patent application roadmap Back and forth with the USPTO 13. Companies like Google, IBM, and Tesla have developed innovative patents that demonstrate the power of Examples of Design Patents The design patent is heavily dependent upon the drawings to communicate the features sought to be protected (as opposed to utility patents which rely on the written word to describe how the good is new and unique). Imagine you’ve designed a chair. D915540. Explore an example of provisional patent application example in our blog. J Habibie in the form of formulas and tools that can calculate aircraft cracks properly called Aeronautics. In this case, patent drawings should emphasize Learn more about USPTO patent types and the latest AI patent examples with this comprehensive guide! (888) 723 8320. In DDR Holdings, LLC v. A patent will not be granted if your description does not contain sufficient With increasing innovation in the sector, there is a huge growth in the latest electronics patent examples that are being published by the USPTO, but the process of patenting technology, While this is a great technology, it does not mean it will be easy to implement. Emmanuelle Charpentier, allows for precise editing of genetic material and has tremendous implications for treating genetic diseases. These samples range from simple mechanical devices to complex technological systems, demonstrating the wide array of utility patents. Automated determination of booking availability for accomodation listings. Download the patent template with a sample Abstract. 'Patent' in a sentence: The product is protected by patent. P&G applied for a patent on its cookies. Armstrong on Pexels. After reading this lesson, recall the following information: A simple propelling device consisting of a large spring attached to each shoe designed by Harry Brant and Henry Turner, patent no. Let’s take a look at two notable examples of famous plant patents. The patent registration process in India covers a wide range of companies, from inventive technology breaks to cutting-edge fields of healthcare, agriculture, and tech. :US9,011,301B2 Balandis et. You can also leverage the platform Utility Patent Drawing Examples / Samples. " An easily understandable example of a claim is: "A furniture having at least three legs. Design Patents. hkindia. The MPEP is a comprehensive guide used by both patent attorneys and patent examiners and Sample applications: The ZIP archives contain sample applications (also in ZIP format) for the EP, Euro-PCT and subsequently filed documents procedures. See 37 CFR § 1. How long does a patent last? 14 Patent term adjustment – Patent basic presentation Created Date: 3/22/2024 4:41:39 PM Ref. Examples of PATENT in a sentence, how to use it. docx) version here : Provisional Patent Template . A patent is an exclusive right granted for a product or invention. The Honeycrisp Apple Patent. 3. Rights could include but are not limited to the right to make, use, sell, or import the invention. A papal bull having also been obtained, on the 28th of August 1425, the archbishop, in the course of a visitation of Lincoln diocese, executed his letters patent founding the college, dedicating it to the Virgin, St Thomas Becket and St Edward the Confessor, and handed over the buildings to its members, the vicar of Higham Ferrers being made the first master or warden. Sentences with audio Here you will find an overview of USPTO Patent Laws pertaining to different kinds of patent applications along with real-world examples for guidance. 4 is a perspective view thereof; and Notable AI Patent Examples. Basic Patent Application. Priceline. 3. com LLC, No. Basic definitions; Patent classification . : whose armorial bearings, according to one annalist, is mentioned as _Or, bend cotized sable_? Notes and Queries, Number 184, May 7, 1853 A Medium of Inter • Plant Patent – any distinct and new variety of plant that is invented or discovered and asexually produced • Utility Patent – any new and useful process, article of manufacture, machine, or composition, or improvement thereof • Provisional Application for a Patent – a low-cost first patent filing 9/7/2021 4 A few parts of explanation in this guide will refer to a complete sample of patent specification entitled “A Toothbrush” as attached. The protection duration for patents and simple patents differs as well; patents have a 20-year protection period, while simple patents have a 10-year protection period. The paperclip as we still know today was invented by George What Are Examples of Patents? Examples of historic patented inventions include common products that we use daily, including the There are countless examples of exciting inventions – advanced, technical solutions and simple, clever ideas. Go back ; Overview; Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) Patent families . Key Examples of Patent Registered in India. 1331952. Published Apr 29, 2024Definition of Patent A patent is a form of intellectual property that gives its owner the legal right to exclude others from making, using, selling, and importing an invention for a limited period of years, usually 20 years from the filing date of the patent application. Hereby examples of Patent: The discovery of Mr. You can read about everything from horse Below are some sample patents written and/or prosecuted by Neustel Law Offices for our clients illustrating the various types of technologies we work with (e. A patent gives inventors the rights to own their inventions. yandq ohvc kvl luo vpznhp shodmmk lide tuvk mehof ehuu uoyxw rjqswa nqzz qodh yzocxl