Warrior macros wotlk Fury Warriors have arguably the best single target DPS in the game. This guide will provide a list of recommended addons, weakauras, and macros for your class and role, as well as advice for the best addons to increase your effectiveness in raids and dungeons. 5a/b servers. 1 All Warrior Macros [] Stance/Shield Change Scrolling [] This is actually two macros, one to be bound to 'mousewheel up' and one bound to 'mousewheel down'. On my druid, if I use the instant heal for healing touch then it will still heal me Post by Gnobiwan is battle stance is defensive stance is zerker stance #showtooltip /cast Defensive Stance; Battle Stance nostance is used by druid's when they are in caster form. jeremy-johnson September 11, 2022, 3:38pm 1. 15: 571: March 4, 2025 Elfyau's TWW v0. It has ST as it’s baseline and AOE with modifiers (TC + Battle Shout + Demo Shout). Sequences[‘SAM_ARMS_ST’] = { – This Sequence was exported from GSE 2. tv/karnagieToday, I'm going to discuss prot warrior mouseover macros for wotlk wow classic. Here, you will learn how all you need to know to play Fury Warrior proficiently. I have been playing on this server ever since (roughly 7-8 years)! I'm not gonna list up the most basic warriors macros in this thread. and that's usually when they pop it on me. 1, update: 3/3/25. Intervene Macro (for Arena mainly, wouldn't recommend using this in BG's): /target <Name of player> /cast Intervene-----That about covers the overview of what you need to know about the warrior class in PvP. twitch. WotLK Classic. "the arms warrior is a master of his weapon, a student of melee. Arms. If you have a shield equipped in defensive or battle stance we can just cast shield bash, so no need to change to berserker stance. Saying Deflection is bad, in situations when you over aggro a Raging Spirit, or a Boss, is like saying /cancelaura macro to remove a shield before infest is good, so you have a 30% chance for 4% damage increase, while increasing your chance to die. 1. 0+ Topic Replies Views Activity; Prot warrior Wotlk. 2. 6: 6308: March 3, 2025 WotLK Fury Warrior PvE DPS Guide [3. What to Expect in This Guide. Great for preventing Rogue s and Druid s from re-stealthing, and needed to gain Taste for Blood procs. What happens to both is, on warrior it won't let me shield bash right away, instead making me have to really spam the button to use shield bash. If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our TBC Warrior addons and macros. These macros streamline ability usage, automate sequences, and provide a wealth of utility functions, transforming the Fury Warrior into a I would never macro spell reflect to D stance, since you can also use spell reflect in Battle stance. Mouseover target while holding will intercept in combat. In the right hands, a Warrior can feel down-right unstoppable. Parsing this phase in general is a joke - if you aren't in full H tier and have bis items you aren't going to parse. See more Welcome to our Macros guide for Warriors, where you will find out what the best macros are for your Warrior in WotLK Classic. Human remain a solid choice for Protection Warrior in WotLK, having both Sword Specialization and Mace Specialization to increase your Expertise. Fury Warrior 101 1. You cannot macro ER though, I have no idea why. Post by Suracii Hello folks! A long time ago I had this macro for my prot warrior, a 3 in 1 macro (Charge, intercept, intervene) but I kind of lost it (probably removed it in a rush, was cleaning up my macros :|) and I cannot find it anymore on Zee Interwebs. These are my Pvp ones though but they do just as well in Pve. Shield Wall is an ability that reduces all damage taken I use a weapon swap macro for my warrior to shield bash, and also on my feral druid to switch to a caster weapon just for applying self heals. Thanks all have a good one Gamers! Welcome to our Fury Warrior guide for WotLK Classic, tailored for PvE content. Here are the scripts for the macros in the video. When choosing to PvP as a Warrior, you will need to pick between Arms Warrior, a full damage-oriented build, or Protection Warrior, a tanky, crowd control-focused build. #showtooltip Shield Wall /startattack /equip Carpenter's Mallet /equip Worn Large Shield /cast Defensive Stance /cast Shield Wall; You might have noticed that the previous macro had a rather large flaw: Shield Wall requires a shield to be equipped in order to be used. DUNGEONS & RAIDS. Patch 3. I tried both and I'm a bit conflicted. 0). Hello all, Updated 9/7/2014 Here are some of the macros that I am using and I hope that they are helpful. 5: 6875: September 12, 2022 Prot Warrior Testing WotLK Warrior Macros. The order of topics will be as follows: -Fury Warrior Intro -Spec -Gearing/BIS list -Gemming/ Enchants -Rotation -Tricks for Specific Fights/ Bosses. Been trying to get a macro to work which would allow me to equip my shield and 1h (Bulwark of the Primordial Mound Bloodlord's Protector) and get me into defensive stand. This guide is copied from I have had a few great warrior tanks while playing as DPS but I have seen a few too many protection warriors that make this stigma true. 3. its pretty simple. Kill times also - the top end guilds are so geared they are killing every boss probably 30-60secs, or more, faster then you. I normally just tank and PvP, but have put together a Fury macro and started testing in heroics with success. However there are many bad macros that you shouldn't use. 5, then you'll be able to insert each script with multilines, w/o limits Wotlk warrior macro critique. Duel lots of Frost Mages. However, there are multiple little gimmicks that make it slightly more complicated than what you'd originally think. Some I've come up with, others I've found I came up with on my own but aren't so original. 03. Macros for Warrior in Wrath of the Lich King Beyond directly making your character stronger through talents, equipment, enchants, etc, there are 2 more things you can use in order to improve your performance as a player: addons & macros. Free Slam procs are modifier Shift. r/wotlk ADMIN MOD warrior macro help . Mrutyunjay. Post by Glanir Hey all. Heres the macro anyway just mash it til your back into berserker stance. 5a] - End Game! 1 2 3 Last. If you don't have a shield equipped in defensive or battle stance, it will also change Warrior threat generation was fixed (as of 6/2015). REPUTATION. STEPS TO REPRODUCE Be a prot warrior with the “Warbringer” talent create a macro with the following script: #showtooltip Charge /cast [help] Intervene /cast Charge /cast Intercept use said macro on an enemy while possessing 10+ rage CURRENT BEHAVIOR When the user has sufficient Warrior has had a redesign to PvP talents. If I remember any more I'll add them. Now you have 2 macro tabs. Question I'd love to have this macro: This macro will check if you have a shield equipped. If you are interested in learning more about addons and macros suited to Fury Warrior, check out our guides below: Warrior Addons Guide Warrior Macros Guide. While both builds are viable, While WotLK made the DPS rotation of a lot of specs more complex, things didn’t change all that much for Fury Warriors, with our rotation still being among the simplest. 5a Gemming, Talents and Macros. Credit to @somenoob for the base. First, how is made a macro? 1) Ingame, type "/macro" or "/m" to open up the macro menu. This guide will provide a list of recommended addons, Fury Warrior dps'ing is pretty much faceroll, but I see a lot of threads concerning itemizing / talents / professions / macros etc. This macro is what I’m using to tank dungeons and raids. MS isnt like 100 or less, and with t10 4 piece bonus its going to be hard to get those 2 GCDs free anyway. Cataclysm Classic Guide to Warrior's Best Macros. Each script can be inserted into a macro. A macro, by definition, is a series of commands that execute using a single request or button press. Of course I can go even more in-depth and discuss certain strategies for warrior situations, but that is too far into the purpose of Beyond directly making your character stronger through talents, equipment, enchants, etc, there are 2 more things you can use in order to improve your performance as a player: addons & macros. 5a] - End Game! First 1 2 3 Last. How good warrior tank you are going to be depends on how well you can use all the tools you have at your disposal - other tanks have many things included for free in their rotation, while warrior has to actively use them (attack speed slow f. It cannot be Since I am nowhere in conditions to write a guide about PvP, and since Noblesse said I won't be a good Warrior until I'll publish an useless guide, I thought to share the macros Welcome to Wowhead's Addons, Weakauras, and Macros Guide for Fury Warrior DPS in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. Every guild has people they prio, and for probably 4 weeks warriors have been parsing with full H t10, H DBW, Shadowmourne etc. LEVELING. Some are for all specs and have a few extra lines for functionality. Macros for Arms Warrior DPS in Wrath of the Lich King Auto-Attack Macro #showtooltip Mortal Strike /cast Mortal Strike /startattack Start Attack macros are a key feature of every Physical DPS - making sure your auto attacks are always triggered is important for ensuring maximum uptime on the boss. TripTrap June 3, 2023, 7:13am 1. Knowing what stance you need to be in at all times is vital to stick to your enemies and keep dealing damage. Introduction. For instance, your opening rotation will look something like this: Charge (always start with this, the rage and Juggernaught buff is well worth it) > Rend > MS > Slam > OP > SD Shield Block is an ability that increases your chance to block and your block value by 100%. " Make macro, name macro, make equip set, name equip set, begin macro;<br />/equipset Shield Wall!<br /><br />The set's only Recommended Macros: Wotlk Fury Warrior Macros. Below are a collection of recommended macros for Fury Warriors: Rotation Macros:Execute the optimal rotation of abilities in a single keystroke. Battle Stance — This is the main stance you will be in as a Protection Warrior in PvP. showtooltip [nocombat] Charge;Intercept /cast [nostance:1,nocombat] Battle Stance;[stance:1,nocombat] Charge;[nostance:3,combat] Berserker Stance;[stance:3,combat] Intercept It shows Charge if Fury warrior macros wotlk – Fury Warrior Macros for WotLK stand as a cornerstone of gameplay enhancement, empowering players to unleash their full potential and conquer the battlefields of Northrend. co A World of Warcraft community for exchanging macros. Warrior. 1. /cast [mod:alt] Berserker Stance Welcome to Wowhead's Addons, Weakauras, and Macros Guide for Protection Warrior Tank in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. Some say that we should never put Heroic Strike casts in BT and WW macros, but others say that the damage increase is worth it. Either way: Looking for an intervene macro that will make me intervene my healer without targeting him or losing my current target. wotlk, patch-3-0, protection. Warrior MACROS can anyone give me a list with working macros pls i tried everything yt videoa old topic from warmane forum nothing works April 1, 2022 . This command accepts secure command options. 3 Protection Warrior **Updated 17-Feb-25** Protection. As for macros, there's a lot you can use, and they won't magically give you a couple thousand more dps. The 10% Armor Penetration it gives is a great damage boost, and you will want to utilize your damage output Hey all, an update on my macro now that im back at the computer; #showtooltip Shield Bash /cast [stance:3] Defensive Stance /use [@mouseover, exists,Stance:1/2] Shield Bash ; Shield Bash Most Warriors forget to stance-dance, making the simple existence of these abilities obsolete. Warrior Interrupt Macro needed . 5 by Inform/Rabbit Hello, I am Inform of Ragnaros in <Chance of Rein>. 2. Changelog. e. Below is a list of addons that both increase the Greetings coostyguy, Macros I use on 3. 4: 3952: March 4, 2025 Holy's Arms Warrior. all in the description of this video. Finally, little advice about macros that will be helpful in various situations regardless of your specialization. ; Mortal Strike — Deals high damage and reduces the target's healing received by Hey! So since returning from wotlk I have been obsessed with pvp. Fury Warriors have extremely consistent Protection Warriors require a large number of Macros in order to be as efficient as possible! Most of them are quality-of-life improvements, but some of them are absolutely necessary to tank as best as possible! Everything here is a copy paste from the original guide, please understand that this is not my guide, this guide is made by one of the best pve fury warrior ever and I have not changed anything in this guide, including macros. By having spells in the wow macro, before or Warriors can equip staves and hit with them, just can't use special abilities with them, as if they were carrying a sword, an axe, a mace. Enjoy and happy hunting in all pvp/pve. On this page, you will find a number of useful macros and addons to make your life easier when playing your Protection Warrior in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11. You can have up to 36 general macros that are shared between all your characters on the server and up to 18 macros only for your character. ARMS_PVP_:_WRATH_MODE Talents: I have tested this macro while in combat it doesn't seem to trigger a extra cd. Having both Will to Survive, essentially a free PvP trinket, and Perception; Human is a solid choice if you will be doing PvP on your Warrior uses stances to use unique abilities and tactics. They call us lazy, we call it smart. While the Arms Warrior spec is more of an early-game focused PvE build, Fury focuses more on the end-game, having a higher gear requirement before 3. I recommand you to download SuperDuperMacro for wotlk 3. Here is what I’ve come up with for prot so far. Ability + Start Attack 01 #showtooltip ability /cleartarget [dead][help] /start attack /cast ability Ability + Start Attack 02 #showtooltip [Ability Name] /startattack /cast [Ability Name] Rend Macro #showtooltip Rend /castsequence Warriors remain a powerful class in PvP, having high mobility and multiple different defensive skills. / Macros. Many people know me as Rabbit, and today, I'm going to be giving you the guidelines to play a fury warrior successfully. The build is in the macro, along with the glyphs used. Auto-Attack Macro. I struggle to make one that does : -normal bind, if shield is equipped then shield bash on my target, if no shield on (2h on) it does berserker stance -Shift bind, if shield is equipped then shield bash on my focus, if not (2h on) it does berserker stance this is what i came up with, but its not working :( #showtooltip Fury Warriors have a fairly simple rotation in Wrath of the Lich King. Rend — Bleeds the enemy, dealing damage over time. If macro’d together, charge and intercept both activate at the same time. Last updated on Jul 29, 2024 at 00:00 by Abide. "General" and "YourCharacterName" macro. To be like the ones on retail with good threat and good dps but playable on Wotlk. Talent Tree: Thank you for watching!Don't forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more content. 1 which I adjusted the talents a bit according what’s recommended for m+, and had to make 1 change to the gse sequence. ; Rallying Cry is now 100% more effective in PvP, and Master and Commander has lost this effect. Orbalisk October 15, 2022, 4:10am 1. TALENT TREES. 5 p Servers for every Class are Max Camera Zoom to get a better overview /run SetCVar('CameraDistanceMaxFactor','4'); The Fury Warrior spec is the main PvE focused damage dealing spec. 1 2 Last. It cannot be Post by nismotune I tried that macro as well on my warrior but like quab i spam my buttons before the GCD finishes and ended up eating my rage. Would be cool if someone could dive into this and make a sick macros. But, in many of the situations where you want to quickly swap to Defensive Stance and activate it, I get asked about my macros quite a bit, so here ya go. Learn how to improve your Fury Warrior DPS in WotLK Classic with addons and macros. The main feature of every Physical DPS class helps you control I was looking online for a classic macro for charge and intercept together. Make sure to use one of the macros to activate them, since every second counts in PvP and Warriors are extremely Since the start I was hooked to the warrior class and when I heard about Abyssal-WoW (former Arena-Tournament name) I was instantly hooked to play there. Utility Macros:Quickly access important utility spells, such as Bloodthirst or Berserker Rage. ) Hey all, Wondering if anyone could make a Prot warrior macro for PvE Raiding/dungeons. As an example, stance-swapping In this section we will be covering ideal glyphs, gems, enchants, and consumables to give you the ultimate fighting chance in PvP in Wrath of the Lich King! Glyphs Major Glyphs Glyph of Rending increases the duration of Welcome to our PvE Protection Warrior Tanking guide for World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King! Cladded in heavy armor and wearing the scars of thousands of battles, Protection Warriors are behemoths that intimidate WotLK Hello Quick question to Fury warriors : Is it good to have a HS macro like this : /Start attack /Cast heroic strike /Cast bloodthurst And same with cleave and WW The goal is when you have enough rage to use HS or cleave, instead of HS spam into bt ww when UP you just spam HS + Ww or cleave+bt instead of HS spam into bt into ww when UP WoW Lazy Macros Another ULTIMATE Wrath Warrior Macro : ARMS PVP! wotlk, patch-3-0, arms. Question I'm trying to make a macro for Pummel and Shield bash also using shift as modifier for focus and preferably with the condition to not swap my primary and secondary (focus) targets while use both of spells (holding shift) on focus target. Follow me live on Twitch: www. 0+ wotlk, patch-3-0. . the solution i used was to set it as a cast sequence. I TRY to save it until after the pally/mage has bubbled/blocked, but sometimes you have to trunt the pressure on. The below is my struggle which Made this on Warmane server, sorry I cannot export it properly using an old gnome sequencer but this works wonderfully in pvp and will be good for wotlk release. When there’s just one target for you to attack, you will be at the top. Thank you for your understanding. I run this at 100ms (updated from 250ms) and have the timing working A World of Warcraft community for exchanging macros. What it did was; Hello guys! looking for some help with my warrior macro. How can you complain that wotlk warrior has no finesse when you don't HS cancel? So you'd use a macro to de-target and re-target which will unsync the weapons again, you can bake it into your intercept macro but you're still going to get caught out with tank movement and mechanics. Stop cast, Shatter, Smash, Win. Idk if you still want some info but I just made a macro for it that works in wotlk classic. That makes it an easy class to get into, without So warrior players tend to macro stances into abilities. #showtooltip Rend /cast [stance:1] Rend; Battle stance /stopcasting Dealing damage as an Arms Warrior is your main priority, and these are the most common abilities you will be using constantly. You should always use this ability in combination with a weapon swap macro. 6. I would only recommend to macro stances with abilities if that ability can only be used in 1 stance, a great example is overpower, at least in PvP you'll constantly switch to WotLK Fury Warrior PvE DPS Guide [3. One button for all three stances without modifier isnt possible. I'm seeing conflicting sides on some of the Fury Warrior Rotation guides on the forum. You don't talk about ''Spell reflection cancelaura'' macro, this macro is A MUST for any arms warrior that wants to Fury Warrior PVE Guide 3. SCG-Single Button protection warrior macro sets for level 80, patch 11. TIER LISTS. Brighter Shores. I made a lot of little changes to make them more efficient. Archive. Welcome to our Macro Guide for Warrior where you will find out what the best macros are for your Warrior in UPDATE: 10/16/2022: I have main tanked NAXX 25 with this macro now, no issues. Shared scripts working on 3. WotLK [Guide] [Video] Arms Warrior 3. If you would like to see where Arms Warrior falls in the overall rankings among DPS specs for both PvE and Welcome to the Arms Warrior DPS PvE guide for World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King! Arms Warriors are disciplined combatants that devoted their lives to the mastery of many forms of combat and a huge variety Macros that will help you do more DPS as a Warrior in WOTLK, but they can also be used for some other classes as well. I never really found one that fit to my liking, but I did make my own I wanted to share. If you have further questions concerning the more Welcome to the Arms Warrior PvP guide for World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King! This guide will teach you how to properly play an Arms Warrior in PvP scenarios, whether those might be battlegrounds, arenas, or Hello there! I'm newbie into warrior class but i got a question about a macro that i used some time ago while playing classic and there it worked, but here it does not and i don't know why because it makes no sense. Arms Warrior excels in multi-target scenarios, being one of the highest sustained cleave damage dealers out there. CLASSES. There is a very small window to make a decision on whether or not you should reflect a spell, so a lot of it will rely on anticipating the caster's next move. #showtooltip Defensive Stance /cas Defensive Stance /equip Relentless Gladiator's Handaxe Hello there, im gonna ask u about macro for Warrior fury in pve, i need macro for him to use Charge in Battle Stance and switching back automatically to Berserker Stance in 1 button, anyone can help? WotLK Warrior Fury Charge Follow me on Twitch!twitch. Neither of macros I've made for ER ever worked, even if it was macro only for ER. Used to raid and decided this time I wanted to get competitive. Jump to page: Tools. Discussion Hey guys, can you critique my macros? They are mostly for Protection. the fury warrior is your drunk uncle who comes running out of his double-wide with no shirt, a broken bottle in one hand and a tire iron in the other. On top of the unbalanced stats, you also face a lot of rage issues as a fury warrior while gearing up. Welcome to Wowhead's Addons, Weakauras, and Macros Guide for Fury Warrior DPS in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. War Banner has been removed, and is replaced with Berserker Roar. A 'bot' is a series of commands that execute without input from the user. I made a change to add Shockwave and the rotation works flawlessly then. Humans are also arguably the strongest race in the game for PvP. Slight grey areas go on Blizzard's side of the line - you can create a macro that will send out your fishing rod and reel Advanced Priorities Bladestorm: BS should be used as soon as possible after it becomes available, IF both TfB OP and MS are on cooldown, and preferably right after a Sudden Death Execute. WoW Lazy Macros Archive Patch 3. protection, patch-3-0, wotlk. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member [Heroic Strike with Sunder / Start Attack] #showtooltip /cast Heroic Strike 8. Here are a couple of the macros I use, off the top of my head. The majority of this is intended to co If you like my macros, and want to provide me with some financial incentive to keep this and other macros updated, you can do so here: Paypal update 3/2/25: Here is the update for patch 11. The part I can't quite figure out, or even know if it is possible is if the same macro, with a modifier would get me back into berserker and switch back to my DPS MH/OH » Warrior » Bladestorm Macro I have the cancel BS Macro put into my Shattering throw key. The MOST IMPORTANT macro for a Warrior is a Spell Reflect macro. Protection. Learning how to time Spell Reflect will help you with your decision making skills. What i'm trying to do is to instantly go into Battle Stance (if im in some other stance) and the use rend or charge simultaneously. I have general macros in Arms Warrior Testing. Find out how to use cooldowns, procs, stances, and more with these guides and examples. The value associated with the first satisfied condition will be interpreted as described below, and an action will be performed at the condition target (or your current target, or the implied target if . We are now doing pretty good threat. This will simply cast Whirlwind , Bloodthirst , Bloodthirst and then will reset the macro, which means we will cast Whirlwind , Bloodthirst , Bloodthirst again, Whirlwind has 8 seconds CD and Bloodthirst has 4 seconds CD, which means, you can use x2 Bloodthirst untill the next Whirlwind will be ready. Every main ability on your bar should be a Go to wotlk r/wotlk. I would like to share with you my Now there are two useful macros. I can see that heroic strike queued with BT and WW does increase DPS at times but it also rage starves me Arms Warrior has received some great changes in Wrath of the Lich King, giving the spec its own, unique playstyle that makes it stand out. It ensures any stance is a single scroll away, and it also puts on a Just as a preface, fury warriors are very gear-dependent to pull out the numbers. For a start it would be easier to further explain what you are looking for. #showtooltip Rend/Cast Charge/Cas 90% of these macros can be summarized with "add /startattack to each of your abilities" and "add an automatic stance change to stance-specific abilities". Warrior as a class has many abilities that can greatly benefit allies and themselves and addons are a way of simplifying how you get the necessary information for you to play your character optimally, both from a personal performance perspective, but also in helping people you play with get the most out of the game as well. ; Dragon Charge is now selectable as both dps Warrior specializations, but replaces Heroic Leap. Maybe some of them will help and give some ideas for ways to add some spice to your macros. Which I guess aren't bad tips, but I kinda expected more from a post that advertised The build is in the macro, along with the glyphs used. 3. ; Sharpen Blade has been redesigned to empower This. I hope you like them and I appreciate all of the others who have consecrative reply’s. yes it requires you to hit the button twice but i Usage []. PROFESSIONS. That's roughly the line that Blizzard have drawn. "Last Stand and Enraged Regeneration are most effective when used together. nzgpazekcoioqbfzllyzcnvxtgbzuvsagbsafkytxmubcqsfeowvfzbkrplwulmwvocadizut