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I hit my kid reddit

I hit my kid reddit. we adults have difficult times waking up despite the long I was backing out my driveway today and accidentally hit a kid riding his scooter. ADMIN MOD. The best part is his son habitually turns away from the ball. I'm a mom, I have a husband and 4 kids. child- defends himself, leaves the area. You sending the principal an email demanding that another child be removed from the class is only going to make you look like an ignorant hover mother and first impressions are hard to shake. As they get older they are having to deal with these choices that they made over and over and over Pencilvestyrr. He's 5yrs old, he can be wild and overstimulated AF sometimes. honestly no one. Firstly I would like to thank you all so much for your kind words and messages. Let me start at the beginning: I am a preschool teacher. Today I hit my child and I feel awful. My kid hit her head and I’m stressed. “When you ready to stop hitting, then call my name. Even the easy kids looked like too much work. I was driving into a neighborhood, passing by three stopped cars to my left waiting for the red light Yes, and also not being hard enough. Trigger Warning: Physical Abuse. She kicked me in the stomach and into a corner when i was probably like 10 or 11, so i struck her in the eye a few times. Parenting is tough. My dad hit me from time to time as a kid. Remorse. My mom would take shit too far and I defended myself. If you hit your kids to get them to do what you want then your kids will believe that you can (and should) hit people to get them to do what you want. As a 20 year old you have more physical power, and greater executive functioning than a 9 year old. A lot of parent spank out of frustration and anger I think. I was spanked as a child and my father would threaten to hit me with a belt if I didn't behave. Used to feel bad but I know it all stems from the beatings. This subreddit is a great starting point for a lot of information, but you should always verify and expand upon what you've read from reputable sources before No, I'm in my 30s and would never hit either of my children. I (30F) am Asian. And she became a disgusting and unsalvageable human in my eyes. I get annoyed when my mom puts him on the phone when I call her. Or two or three. I witnessed her fucking hit him. Title says it all. I only fought back once. My daughter yelled for her Dad and he yelled at my Aunt. The father dropped his son off and the kid was really bad. Some parents had good kids. It was the end of the day, I was very tired and overworked. It hung over the stair railing and we had to fetch it and hand it to him when ever it was punishment time. I’ve never hit her back, I have shoved her when she was hitting me. Hitting a child because their behaviour is “mildly disruptive” is unacceptable. My wife has gotten physical with me a few times. You can't say that out of context and not seem like a total scumbag. She is a pretty bipolar person, quick temper. If you want to have few regrets, make discipline about improvement and understanding consequences, not about venting anger in hopes of feeling better. The beating on the door was loud It was hot and I wore a skirt, and he proceeded to put his hands up my skirt and groped my butt. My wife and I have had a bit of a turbulent marriage to say the least. I was. Mostly I only stepped in to stop her from abusing my younger sisters. But I don't mean to My kid (2,5 next month) just came up to me and said oma hit mouth. No one that does not appreciate your presence nor cherished your essence and refuses to not just show you love but Be in love with and refused to get to know the soul who dwells within deserves to be in your life. Tuck the head back and turn the shoulder into the ball. so my son did …. We fought it out for a little bit until my step moms screaming finally broke through our rage. Teaching them that it is okay to react out of anger rather than from a place of rationality and thinking. I grew up with an unstable mother. We recently put my 4yo in preschool. Make sure and teach him the proper way to get hit. today when he lashed out and thrashed at me, I snapped and smacked him on the head. after that i always stopped myself and stepped away to cool off so it won't happen again. His nose got broken and unfortunately now I am getting put into isolation for 2 months for bullying an autistic kid. Also, i thought I would explain the whole "i hope you all miraculously And how raising her has been 100 times easier. I wish i hit her May 20, 2024 · ADMIN MOD. You might say this opinion isn't unpopular but its popular enough for hitting your kids to be legal. In my state they can be removed via suspension just like any other kid for up to ten days (45 days in some cases for drugs, weapons, violent behavior with potential for or causing serious injury) At that point the IEP team needs to hold a manifestation determination meeting which is to decide if the kid's behavior is a manifestation ADMIN MOD. The first is that you should do the right thing to avoid being beaten, which generally ends up translating as “don’t get caught”. Edit: I appreciate everyone who has expressed their support and shared their stories. When you’re frustrated with your kids (and you will be), take a moment before doing anything. My mom never did, my dad only hit me once and that was when I took a swing at him at like 16 but I started that. My opinion now is that it's never okay to hit a child. But at some point, she decided she didn’t want to be babysat by a particular person. We all live together and while she has her flaws I’ve never seen her hit me, my siblings or any of her other grandkids. Count_Smashula. If I ever get kids I will never hit them. He used the only method he knew. BUT you can only do so with the appropriate amount of force. Vent (ECE professionals only) Y'all I am not seeing straight this week. His biggest worry was having to pay for my car, but I kept extremely calm and was not angry, and Him and a friend were playing ninjas- The kid was hitting my son, my son was told to hit the kid back - And …. I was always bigger than her so if push came to shove I could stop her. It’s simply not necessary. We had broken up 9-10 months before she was born. I got kicked out/left home at 17; my wife didn't leave home until she left for college. Cool. Police officer shows up at the door: This will haunt me for the rest of my life. 17. She is twice my weight. If you continue, I will put you down. Kids subjected to physical punishments (even just spanking) show symptoms well into their adult years, including lowered IQ, greater chances of mental health problems, much higher propensity to end up in the criminal justice system, and extremely high odds of perpetuating abuse within their own families. ttcool8. It doesn't stem from stress. Today I gave her so many chances,because i didn’t want to hit her. Immediately after the incident, when she only said it took her a moment to shake it off after hitting her head and she felt like she was getting a headache— that was enough for an immediate trip to the ER for evaluation. he is 9 now. I hit my mom. This morning he looked me in my eyes and smacked me so hard in the face. I was 25 years old, just about to graduate pharmacy school, had job offers lined up, and after 7 years of studying my ass off, being at an internship when all my friends were getting drunk and partying their asses off, I had no interested in settling down. A kid "on" an IEP can definitely be removed from a classroom. As a catcher, he shouldnt have too much fear of the ball coming at him and this exercise will be good for his defensive play, being able and unafraid to get his body infront of a wild pitch/pitch in the dirt. Teacher hit my kid. [remorse] I hit my wife today and I hate myself and want to die. Both parents told me separately (they separated before I was born) that they would never hit me. Sep 19, 2014 · 3. Some of them never hit their kids because they remembered how that was like and swore to never put their kids through the same shit, they still had some major issues but at least they're trying to do better. They asked her what happened and she explained the other girl hit her. Some parents had bad kids. At about 17 I went for it and hit him back. I have no excuse over what I've done but I need advice and I need to vent/let it all out. I want to have a warm and loving relationship with them. My mom stopped spanking me when I told her “We don’t hit people. I was adopted into the friend group, it ain't gonna be me. We took her to the doctor immediately just because I wanted the peace of mind. If they are old enough to understand correction, don’t hit them. He’s 10, and I thought the years of counseling and meds would have helped at this point. Spanking your kids is embarrassing, it is unnecessary and really shows you are a bad parent with lack of respect for your child and lack of I inched forward in my car and I hit this kid on his bike. All it did was make me afraid of him, and to be unable to be open or honest with him. She made me realize just how fun and rewarding having a child truly is. not a bad kid, but just, yanno), sometimes fights would go too far and we would hurt each other and someone would cry and parents Hit my kid. We aim to keep this a safe space. Regardless, he was traumatized. Not all of us turned out like our parents, though. r/dogs. I'm guessing he's one of our neighbor's kids because he quickly disappeared just like that. They have never been hit. When the first time she starting doing this, I thought oh she’s annoying me or messi with me. Now I'm an emotionally, socially stunted adult who cries when people get slightly upset with her. This is not the way. He's a 16 year old. I'm talking a smack on the bum, hand or even cheek maybe. Now I only do the head hitting thing if I'm feeling really distressed. They called it the strap. I get married. I have no idea where he went or where he lives. Then follow through if he tries to hit again. She cried her ass off but bounced back fast. I’m so sick of the constant special treatment-I’m tired of meaningless hurt LOUDNOISES11. Not today. Even at 5 years old I sensed this anger in him and I didn’t like being around him. I got my brain scan back and it showed a lot of abnormalities and various evidence of damage. When we were engaged - my answer was "maybe one, definitely not more. You are an adult who should be a good example to your kids. F 26 here my dad hit me mid argument and I hit him back. But honestly, we don't. You are trying to teach your kids not to hit others when they make you angry, but then do it yourself. • 5 yr. I opened my window and talked to him a bit and he got off the road and stopped for a bit. She said the boy does this to other kids and gets sent to the office regularly. Ripper1337. Talking loud during the stories and throwing thing while making a mess during arts and crafts. Haha I was such a strange kid I don't know how they didn't realise I was neurodiverse sooner. ago. Me and my daughter's mother are not together. It’s definitely abuse, I’m still working on it but I can’t seem to And in the realm of kid fighting, a punch to the face is a crazy escalation. After I hit my head I had loads of trouble focusing, years later I got a brain scan, I was subconsciously hoping there was something going on with my brain because I always had trouble at school, being looked at as a kid who didn't care to pay attention. I said: “if you get mad and hit someone be ready for them to hit you back. Kids can be aggressive for a variety of reasons. Goalies dad threatened me because I accidentally hit his kid with a shot. 4. jread. She doesn't resemble me nor my wife, physically or any of her My mom wasn’t physically abusive or anything like that, but I absolutely picked up on her irritation and impatience very very early on. I’m at a loss for words. Throw the ball in the dirt and make him block it. The only place where I can share my problems is here. I watched him for maybe a minute, put on my hazards and went over to talk to him. and he was being hit and no one stopped it. But it’s always just talking - she says stuff calmly, with a smile on her face. It would hurt, and stay for little bit then go away. If a stranger hit the kid, he would hit back and run away. I am in my 30s now and don’t enjoy talking to him. When I was six she slit my mouth (like the So this article came out today and I was reading the comments on Facebook. Draw numbers on it like a clock. My 3. I feel so bad, to the point that I hate my self. Same concept, parent hit him and he self defended and got away from danger. If the minor goes in your house and starts firing a gun or running towards you with a sharp knife then you can hurt them. They are misbehaving as they are pushing boundaries and learning, they shouldn't have pain inflected upon them because they are trying to learn. I called the school and the lady on the phone didn’t even really seem alarmed. I’m sorry about it, you were a kid, and you are not at fault. this morning i had a hard time waking him up kahit we slept early. I got up to go and check on them and as I get to the door I see my wife standing over our child and she just fucking slapped him. It happened last night after practice. ” (Which was a rule she had taught me) True story. I hate my autistic child. Get a piece of poster board and trace the biggest pot you have for a circle. I guess I must have been so tired that I didn't wake up at first, but my wife did. Make him feel secure in the love you have for him and he might simmer down. Child abuse is a choice our parents made. /r/dogs is a place for dog owners of all levels of knowledge, skill, and experience to discuss various topics related to responsible dog ownership. kosnosferatu • 5 days ago. She said “I’m sorry I hit Focus means the dog should make eye contact with you and hold it until you "release" the dog. One big rule we share is if our daughter breaks something, she pays for it. But to be fair I respected no punishment but corporal punishment. The article talks about how people who were hit as a child, develop Mental Health issues. Pretty much the title. I mean, I remember looking in the mirror and seeing the layers of my forehead, and the whitish bit was pretty deep. I don’t agree with how he did it, but I appreciate that he tried. I would say I can't let you hit me. In this case you would get in trouble. If you can’t figure out consequences outside of hitting I would ask yourself why you have developed such a limitation in self-control and discipline yourself. Preschooler got hit by another kid. I got some of that when I was a kid in the 90s. Yes you can defend yourself if they try assaulting you. It does the exact opposite because you are hitting them 9/10 when you are angry with them. While laughing! I was so exhausted (no excuse!) so I tapped him back on his cheek. At least, it was in my day. 100%. Edit: its interesting to see the amount of people who are actually for using violence with their children. I recently lost my mother. I hit my dog. Hell even my stepdad has scars on his knuckles from catholic school. You do not need to punch a child to get away from a harmful situation. Not in a million A kid was killed on my route. It's pretty simple. Every single person I've ever met who was hit as a child had a ton of issues and unresolved trauma. “You HIT me, mommy!!!”. Her punishments were cruel and unusual. 10 months old would hit Sometimes. You can and will both heal. The meany, the "monster" who hit a "poor, innocent child". I swear on my life I didn’t want to do it. Outside of each number, draw a picture of what is being done at that time. Over time move the treat away from your face, hold gaze longer. : r/dogs. I skimmed the comments and people are delusional. I wish i hit her more when i was a kid. Queue my wife's sister dying. My kid smacked me in the face!! She’s 3. 5 year old daughter was hit by another older girl yesterday. My Aunt got mad my daughter wouldn’t let her feed our dog lasagna so she picked up the microwaved lasagna off the floor and my aunt came around and hit her in the back. My parents’ rule was that you got a warning the first time: “You can’t do this, here is the explanation why you can’t do this, and if you do it again you’ll get a spanking next time. Aunt never married. But overall we love each other deeply. Parent- hits child, disrespects him, doesnt ask why he got the grade, if he's struggling with the concept and needs tutoring. He knows the quiet time isn’t always after a hitting incident so it’s not associated with a punishment. She got mad and smacked me in the face so I hit her back (love tap). This led to a split in the family and her becoming seemingly depressed. Rant/Vent. He will get over it just needs to see more BP and live pitching. I'm 22. She would do things like lock me in a dark room and bang on the doors to scare me. When I was about 7 I hit my head on the corner of a desk and ended up with a dent in my skull. Thank you for your support and validation, your words meant so much to me. We try to go as much as I'm able to go. Conflicted. . motorbreth. Yet this is what is killing me inside. The teachers are just getting to know each child and what their needs are. My release word is "break". Pitch to him without and gear on. My daughter had a mild concussion a little over a year ago (she was 12yo at the time). Talked to him a little bit and he says he was fine. Now, sis (27) and I are the only grandkids. I think its ok to hit your children as a form of dicipline (within reason) CMV. My mom and my dad used to hit me a lot. They are so respectful and kind while my siblings and I range from low self-esteem, depression, anger-management issues, to control -issues. Almost immediately, our 4yo also told us about a boy hitting her on the head, lurking behind her in the class and playground, taking her things and destroying her schoolwork. Not hard but it startled my daughter then she wrestled with her for the container out of the trash. And if you can “dispassionately” strike a 2 year old child for being a two year old, you’re not someone who belongs around minors. None of us (4 kids) hit our kids in any waynot even a little swat on the bottom. ”. So not necessarily surprising that no one ever did, but still sad nonetheless. •. I've been with my 29 year old boyfriend (Probably now ex) for 3 years. 5. Find a way to live, for the way you have been treated for so long is not life. I just wanted to share that story because your child is in tune with you and might be feeling as I did. He's not a kid though. My kids won't have any reason to be afraid of me. My kids are 35 and 40. Long story short, my kid was climbing a rock with her mom and she fell on her tush and hit the back of her head in the process. I argued back a lot though and I’m glad I did. Work though that trauma. It doesn't stem from tiredness. You can start by holding the treat in front of you face, if gaze is locked for a second or two give the treat. We had a dedicated belt growing up. I'd hit him well more like a straight spartan kick to the chest send him right back out or through the door. Your child is a baby and you are a full grown adult, you need to control yourself. If you have to hit your child to discipline them, then you were a failure of a parent, you are twice there size and the power dynamic massivly favours you and the child knows that. chicken_feetlover12. Parents spank because of something huge like killing a pet or setting curtains on fire. She was mental and physically abusive. My grandparents hate me because I am girl child, my dad's mood is unpredictable and my cousins, uncles and aunts don't even like me because at I better at them in other things. Realistic-Minute-233. Hit ok putting you down now. I believe this is not got for her as she is a very bad place as her boyfriend was very unfortunately killed in a accident. And I hope she does too But a few hours ago, things reached a boiling point. I do not allow my children to hit, and they listen to me. My fiancee and I were sleeping, as we work 3rd shift. AITA For "Ruining" my kid's life after she ruined a dress? Not the A-hole. I took him and immediately drove to my brother's house for the night. I took her by force and lye her down to change her diaper, she would resist and ADMIN MOD. My parents had to put a pillow between me and the wall. My wife and I don't subscribe to the hitting your kids strategy (says the guy who hit his kid). I can not fathom hitting them with a leather belt. That memory was horrible. It was at what I consider to be the second most dangerous section of road I cross on my commute. lunasouseiseki. I don’t remember what happened after that, but i had bruised ribs for weeks. Kids are different as well and although a lot of it is down to parenting, a lot of it isn't. [update] I punched an autistic kid after he groped me and now everyone hates me. Child 4-9 Years. (A bowl of oatmeal by breakfast time, little shirt and basket by laundry time, carrots and green beans by dinner prep ect. The teachers only found out because my daughter started crying. After the accident, I just saw him pick up his scooter and keep riding. What it's like to lose your child unexpectedly My 18-year-old daughter died in a car accident on her way to school a few weeks ago. I've never hit my children, but today I slapped my daughter. Anything that left a permanent or even semi-lasting mark would be to much, but a fleeting stinging on the cheek I see no problem with. I never share my family problems with anyone, more like my entire family is extremely toxic. Violence teaches a kid two things. Ex (31) and I (m32) had C, (F16) way too young. 18. He lives in a house owned by his wealthy father and he's kind of the black sheep of the family. Being put down/losing attention is punishment at that age. He soaked me and the entire bathroom with water then wouldn’t get out so I yelled at him and hit his butt. In my case: yes. My parents hit me as a way of discipline and I didn't turn out fine. My kid is two, and yeah, she makes up stuff. It doesn't stem from pushed buttons. Not only that but my aunts husband (uncle) someone who wasn’t even blood related to me slapped me across the face once for being hyper. He didn't fall to the ground but he stopped and put one leg down. I'm going to try to convey what it's like. • 6 mo. She was evening to me. The man was too stunned to speak and pushed me out of the room. And wishing I didn’t exist. I hit someone who was j-walking. Like if I saw a dude smack his kid in public, even as a guy, I'd assume that speaking up could potentially lead to the dude escalating. He was severely beaten as a child, to the point my upbringing looked like a walk in the park. He was crying and shaken up, but luckily only had a scratch on his elbow. The amount of parents in the comments saying that they were hit and turned out fine, is frightful. Today I see a few posts about incidents with cars on this subreddit. The insurance cleared me of any faults, but now the family is trying to sue me directly. Thank God he was wearing a helmet. But you are the reason people shouldn't jump to conclusions - sadly, it's a more common occurrence than it should be, but not that unimaginable considering how many cars on roads next Yes, and reason at a pretty young age. I’ve never hit either of my parents. ThrowRalonda. There’s that, but a kid’s behavior can show things that the kid can’t tell you directly. definitely always wear protective gear in any form of bp with velocity even off machines. So even if she didn't understand the words, she learned pretty quickly. I do not need to hit them to teach them that. We hugged and I said “I’m sorry I hit you”. I hit back my abusive dad and the man is too stunned to speak. My Dad used to try and make me fight him when I really fucked up. I haven't heard the full report of what happened with this kid but looking at Hitting children is always abuse. My son was told to hit a child and he doesn’t hit people …. My wife hit me infront of the kids. Oma is my mom. Like a light tap. Not hard or anything. It was punishment time a LOT. Nothing seemed to be broken, he was moving his arms without any issue. The problem is really that huge hysteria when a kid gets hurt. You could have hit him with a bat, and nothing would have happened, but things turned out to be different. Seek therapy for your son so that he can work though his too. I 34m have been with my wife33f for 8 years. Adrian Peterson is not an Alright I , 40 year old M, got into a pretty heated discussion with my daughter, 19F, over her wanting to drop out of college to travel Europe. After that, he never hit me again. He’s actually been acting out all week, much different than he usually acts. The person I hit was a kid, probably no older than 12. So I go out and say “kid just said oma hit his mouth, I’m sure you didn’t but what should I say to him about it? I'm assuming the answer is no, but I'm curious about the chances that it could've happened. " As my friends started having kids, I started leaning heavily against having kids. His parents don’t wanna know that the kid that was his good friend, and that continued to be friends with him for all these years was the responsible one for the accident. My oldest, my son, has ADHD. Certainly the outcast among his siblings. Trigger warning: child abuse and childhood trauma. You are automatically the bad guy at the moment. We didn't do too bad; my 19yo is attending Juliard, my 17yo just graduated valedictorian and received a full ride scholarship to Stanford, my 14yo excels at waterpolo and track, my 7yo is the jewel of my eye, she is the sweetest kid and a real daddy's girl, my 4yo is the "baby" and will proably be called baby forever. Hi all. Everything happened so fast. i know. 18K subscribers in the abusesurvivors community. Some parents may spank because of acting out or destroying things. I’ve told him many times not to turn away/dodge as a goalie because that’s what leads to getting hurt. Regarding the getting hit in public, part of it could be that people were too intimidated to step in. He's an amazing, ridiculously intelligent kid, but Kids getting hit in preschool. I have 2 kids who attend the same school I work at. I feel like a bad sister. If people aren't intelligent enough to deal with naughty kids without using violence then those people should not be parents. We were at the funeral today. Talk to your therapists about your past. While I did get spanked when I was a kid, I always knew exactly why. I have a child with ASD and I’m so tired of dealing with his emotional baggage. It doesnt matter what really happened, it doesnt matter if it was an accident or if you evel realized that the kid was there. 3 times. Sunday evening a 14 year old on his bike was hit by a car and killed. I look at my older daughter whom has down syndrome, and I just see some thing that lives in the house with me and my family. Part of the house is rented out to some randos renting the space and he picks fights with them over every little thing. My wife knows how I feel about kids. I have kids of my own now and cannot imagine hitting them. "I hit a kid with my car" is probably one of the worst phrases any human might have to utter. At our local library they have reading time and arts and crafts for kids. My 3y/o was just not listening and has been hitting non-stop today (myself and his sister) and it doesn’t help that we’re both very sick. And even then if it wasn't severe I'd laugh it off. My biggest abuser was my mom. It’s not an occasional thing, but she has punched me or slapped me. that day was too hectic and i snapped. Hi. Today there was a kid a little older than my child. Not allowed to hit anyone trespassing lol. . Light. Like I used to bang my head against the wall. It destroyed me inside thinking the only things left of her is my memories. We're friendly co-parents. Please forgive your current self for the fact that your past self did not have the same measure for “best” that you do now. The longer I'm a parent the deeper I believe child abuse is a choice. I was raised in a hitting household; she wasn't. My daughter is small, and the other girl is 4 and is a head taller. At this point (I am now in my 50s) I see it that my dad wanted us to grow up to be upstanding citizens-which worked. Then i realized : So this big man who abused and beat his children cannot fight back with adults. Giving yourself permission to physically discipline your children puts you at risk of becoming an abuser. She was the only parent I had and I lost her. the last time i slapped my child's hand was when he was 4 years old. I have a cousin who's a year older than me, he is male and I am female, and we would play around and stuff (but he was definitely a rough violent kinda kid. We have 2 kids together ages 6 and 5. Omg I do this too! I used to do the hitting thing as a kid. She just looked at me for a second and then balled up and started crying. My almost 3 year old was running everywhere and wouldn’t listen to anything , it was past her bedtime, and she needed to change her diaper put on her PJ. My kid hit me, cried, screamed and threw things having a big old run of the mill tantrum, which is usually fine, usually we gentle parent, talk him down, wait for him to calm and then talk about appropriate action. Venting rant. My life is getting ruin by an accident that is not my fault. I still do. If we were in front of a judge I would have to say my stepfather had no choice but to use a belt as his hand couldn't take it. Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or basic human interaction: we're here to help! I deeply f*cked up tonight and accidentally hit my boyfriend in a fight. I am still scared of angering my dad whenever I accidentally make a mistake. Reply. I’m failing. He slammed on the brakes and slid, but his bike still hit my car. He would make me hold my fists up and he would hit me in the face and stomach and what not. I lost it and punched him around the nose. Usually this is in his changing table, so I gently place him in his crib with a few books and offer “quiet time. I then yelled in his face. Adults frequently get out of control when they hit children. tf xu oj cz ir om he sg lg sn