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Powershell parameter examples

Powershell parameter examples. 15: DisableKeepAlive Nov 15, 2023 · Beginning in PowerShell 3. powershell. Notice, however, that the word Parameter is required to appear just before the type declaration. Example 2: Comment-based Help for a Script. Jan 18, 2024 · 23. This parameter was introduced in PowerShell version 7. This parameter when Path points to a directory. To create a PowerShell alias for parameters, use an alias () in the function. Define a public property as shown in the following code. They're implemented by PowerShell, not by the cmdlet developer, and so they are automatically available to any cmdlet. : Functions. 2 but all examples should work in Windows PowerShell. For more information about parameters sets, including how to specify the default parameter set, see Cmdlet Parameter Sets. We have simply declared the Name variable with String datatype. The -Identity parameter accepts the following: A distinguished name. Prior to this, you could not modify a splatted parameter via a passed parameter. The default is false. switch behaves much like a boolean but is not a boolean. You can look at this example to understand better: Press the Windows key, type PowerShell, and click Run as administrator. To create a function we use the function keyword: Write-Host "Hello Jul 13, 2019 · The File parameter is another important PowerShell. A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument 'System. Step 1. ValidateScript is used to validate the value of the parameter you entered. PowerShell uses parameter sets to enable you to write a single function that can do different actions for different scenarios. Or you can call the cmdlet with some optional parameters. \Get-Script. ps1) With Parameters. Continue It is the ErrorAction parameter’s default preference. You can use this parameter to call a PowerShell script. For example, if your culture is set to French (fr), the culture-sensitive string conversion of value 1. Jan 12, 2024 · PowerShell functions with parameters are a powerful feature that can greatly enhance your scripting and automation capabilities. Example 2: Send echo requests to several computers. The function in the next example allows you to copy items recursively from a source to either one or two destinations depending on the parameters you specify. This tutorial examples will be using PowerShell v7. The Set-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet changes PowerShell execution policies for Windows computers. You are not using bool types, you are using switch types. Some of the cmdlet parameters are unique to a parameter set, and others appear in multiple parameter sets. Script block. The presence of the switch is enough to tell the function what you want to do. The input objects can be piped to the cmdlet or specified using the InputObject parameter. As an example of overriding splatted parameters, notice how the -WhatIf parameter is overridden below. This section has 10 examples of different ways you can use PowerShell Select-Object. Let’s Have an Argument. When you run the Select-Object command, PowerShell displays the names of the properties as headers. Code: Function PrintName{param([String Feb 9, 2016 · InputObject is a generic name used for a parameter that takes pipeline input. There are several ways to define an argument completer for a parameter. . 5, you can use this parameter with any value for the PathType parameter, to test a date range with the OlderThan parameter, and to test the age of directories. The 11 common parameters with aliases in (parentheses) and with default values underlined, in most cases the default can be changed by Aug 18, 2009 · File must be the last parameter in the command, because all characters typed after the File parameter name are interpreted as the script file path followed by the script parameters. Argument completers provide the possible values for a parameter. exe file in the current folder. The script creates a filename for the CSV file with the current date and time. Related: Everything you Ever Wanted to Know about PowerShell Parameters. Jan 31, 2021 · The parameters can be mandatory or optional, and they can either accept anything or be forced to accept one of a limited list of possible arguments. One of the differences between a function and an advanced function is that advanced functions have a number of common parameters that are added to the function automatically. A switch is similar, you list the name of the switch on call to the function, but unlike a regular parameter you pass in no value. Oct 31, 2023 · Parameter Sets. Beginning in PowerShell 6. It is used with ConvertFrom-SecureString and Read-Host. g. When you run without parameters, it prompts you for a username and password. com>" -From “Reports Admin <Reportadmin@xyx. The first alias provides a PowerShell By Example. A series of TestConnectionCommand+PingStatus objects are sent to the output stream, one object per ping reply from the target machine. 0, you can use the [ordered] attribute to create an [System. • At the end of the function body. I will give an example with one of my PowerShell scripts that creates a CSV file in the path, D:\PS-Tutorial. Because the provider's path is specified, you can run the command from any path location. -Wildcard If a trailing asterisk (*) isn't included in the Path parameter, the command doesn't return any output and returns to the PowerShell prompt. Example 1 Get-ChildItem -Recurse This command uses Set-Location to navigate to the SQL ServerWindows PowerShell provider path for an instance of the SQL Database Engine. It takes a parameter: param( [Parameter(Position=0,HelpMessage="The targe Feb 21, 2019 · As you can see, [-WhatIf] is listed in the syntax for the command. This topic includes examples that demonstrate how to use comment-based help for scripts and Example 2 – Call To PowerShell Script (. Also it will be available as a tab-complete option when entering the command. You can use a script block to specify the operation. If you add a parameter to the return statement, the value will indeed be returned to the calling subroutine. PowerShell does a culture-insensitive string conversion. Within the script block, use the Oct 31, 2022 · 2. The PowerShell -OutVariable is a useful parameter that stores the output from the command in the specified variable, while also sending the output to the console. That is, PowerShell can infer the parameter being passed based on position. The OlderThan parameter when used with this parameter. If you need to be case-sensitive, you can use -CaseSensitive. 2: Apr 7, 2020 · Syntaxes of a PowerShell Function. May 7, 2001 · In the above example -Full is itself a parameter! Incidentally, I prefer -Full to -Parameter or -Detailed. If you are passing single collection, you need to prevent PowerShell from treating single argument (that happens to be a collection) as collection of arguments passed You can use the parameters of Start-Process to specify options, such as loading a user profile, starting the process in a new window, or using alternate credentials. Invoke-RestMethod can do a lot, but you need to understand the basics first. The available values are calculated at runtime when the user presses the Tab key after the parameter name. Each example shows commands, scripts, and screenshots. Jan 23, 2024 · Starting with version 5. Get-Help : A parameter cannot be found that matches Nov 18, 2020 · Overriding Splatted Parameters. Example 2: Mandatory and optional parameters The Get-Content cmdlet uses the Path parameter to specify the LineNumbers. We have a policy of not using ordinal positioning of parameters and requiring the parameter name. Your example doesn't work as you think it should, because when you pass a collection to the InputObject parameter it's treated as a single item and not unwrapped to individial elements, so it doesn't get sorted. A GUID (objectGUID) A security identifier (objectSid) A SAM account name (sAMAccountName) If you want to search based on another attribute, then you need to use the -Filter switch. Here is an example. If it’s missing then the script will prompt for one. May 30, 2022 · Overview. Each PowerShell session has its own command history. To explain parameter sets, let's take an example function with a couple of parameters in a Jan 29, 2024 · The following examples compare two Copy-Item commands that copy the Test. Typically, the switch parameters of a script are either included or omitted. Prior to PowerShell 7. Starting in Windows PowerShell 3. OrderedDictionary] object in PowerShell. Examples Example 1: Start a process that uses default values. The addition of classes enables developers and IT professionals to embrace PowerShell for a wider range of use cases. It's called "comment-based help" ( about_Comment_Based_Help) You have 3 options where to put the documentation: • At the beginning of the function body. May 20, 2014 · 12. The statements in the list run as if you had typed them at the command prompt. In PowerShell 7. Example 4: Use Select-String in a function. Ordered dictionaries differ from hashtables in that the keys always appear in the order in which you list them. Sep 17, 2021 · For more information about the Parameter attribute, see Parameter Attribute Declaration. Token is required by certain Authentication options. txt file and displays the content in the PowerShell console. Here is an example showing the basic use of the IF statement block. To send a simple GET request to a REST API endpoint, you’ll only need one parameter, Uri. To view the job's output, use the Receive-Job cmdlet. Using the -OutVariable parameter, it stores Jul 3, 2019 · Now that you have the basic knowledge about this PowerShell scripting statement, let’s dive into examples. 1. Sep 17, 2021 · This example shows how to define two parameter sets when you declare the parameters for a cmdlet. Using the CloneCert parameter, a test certificate can be created based on an existing certificate with all settings copied from the original certificate except for the public key. If you call a function without passing a value for a mandatory parameter, PowerShell will prompt you to supply the value. Get-CpuInfo CmdLet source code location. Functions can be as simple as: PowerShell. Using PowerShell to Replace Strings: The Basics You can pass parameters from PowerShell using the Invoke-PSUScript cmdlet. 0 for non-Windows computers, the default execution policy is Unrestricted and can't be changed. In this PowerShell tutorial, I have explained to you the below examples. Copy-Item "test. For this example, the function only exists in the PowerShell session. Oct 15, 2021 · Version 2. The New-SelfSignedCertificate cmdlet creates a self-signed certificate for testing purposes. # Create a function to Read file. Example 1: Comment-based Help for a Function. There cannot be more than one blank line between the last line of the function help and the function keyword. A class declaration is a blueprint used to create instances of objects at run time. Step 2: Define the Scope of the Function. Oct 31, 2020 · To pass parameters to a PowerShell script from the command line, use the -Command parameter followed by the script file path and the parameter values. When a cmdlet writes output to the pipeline, it is also known as the “output stream” or the “success pipeline. -one and -two were the parameter names, and 33 and 42 the values passed in for them. Formatting Dates. In the PowerShell programming language, a script block is a collection of statements or expressions that can be used as a single unit. In other contexts this concept is called iteration, or sub-directory recursion. Step 3: Add the Name of the Function. ”. Jan 9, 2019 · PowerShell -WhatIf Example. 14: UserAgent: Use this parameter to specify a user agent string for the web request. Description. Add an Alias attribute that lists the aliases for the parameter. Parameter sets enable you to expose different parameters to the user. 2, when the left-hand operand in a -replace operator statement isn't a string, that operand is converted to a string. i. txt file in the same directory. I will show you how to do it in two different ways and discuss why I prefer one method over the other. The particular result depends on the program that is hosting PowerShell. The Set-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet is available, but PowerShell displays a console message that it's not supported. May 20, 2024 · A function is a list of PowerShell statements that has a name that you assign. Jan 8, 2019 · When you want a PowerShell command to search sub-directories -Recurse is a life saver. A script block can return values and accept parameters and arguments. It's part of internal PowerShell naming convention and there is nothing special about it. -CaseSensitive. The following example traces parameter binding while the pipeline is executing. Long description. The – ShowWindow parameter of the Get-Help command displays the help topic of a cmdlet in a window for easier reading. For more information, see about_FileSystem_Provider. Simple function without parameter block. When determining truthiness, ultimately the value of IsPresent is considered and not the default behaviors of truthiness. Oct 5, 2023 · In this article. The parameter values appear in position order in the command. ps1 script file: -File . Aug 18, 2020 · PowerShell is a basic skill any administrator working in Windows or Azure should know. Mar 18, 2021 · You won’t need much to follow along with all of the examples in this tutorial; you’ll just need PowerShell. Jan 31, 2023 · PowerShell Parameter Alias. Oct 4, 2023 · How can I use PowerShell ErrorAction? 1. Step 5: Add Parameters and ParameterSetNames. Functions are not required in PowerShell, but when your code becomes repetitive you should consider using functions. Jan 3, 2020 · [define command] [add parameters (including a batchid not known at this time)] [enter loop] [create new batchid] [set parameter value] [execute command] [next] This would mean my parameters are neatly defined in advance, and I set their values within the loop. After writing his first article about PowerShell parameters, Greg Moore realized that there is even more to talk about. In general, the purpose of return is to end the execution of a code section and to give the control back to the parent block. If you have a param block on your script, these parameters will automatically be added to Invoke-PSUScript. Hopefully that will then eliminate the various issues To investigate, use the Trace-Command cmdlet to trace the parameter binding component of PowerShell. The best place to kick off this example is to show you how to use the full PowerShell IF-ELSE-ELSE statement blocks. The Get-ADUser cmdlet gets a specified user object or performs a search to get multiple user objects. You can identify a user by its distinguished name (DN), GUID, security identifier (SID), or Security Account Manager (SAM) account name. ps1”: powershell. \Scripts\GetQuotes-Google. You can do much more with this cmdlet, such as send emails over TLS channels Nov 17, 2022 · There are a few ways that you can create a credential object. ps1 and the contents were are follows. 0, PowerShell will NOT display any results. The “success pipeline” references the information sent down the pipeline when a cmdlet’s command Description. This example sends pings from the local computer to several remote computers. The secure string created by the cmdlet can be used with cmdlets or functions that require a parameter of type SecureString. It can also convert plain text to secure strings. If you don’t understand what you are doing, you could delete all your . The Get-Command cmdlet has two parameter sets, as shown in the previous examples. Then it calls Get-Item to retrieve a SQL Management Object Server object for use as the ServerInstance parameter of Invoke-Sqlcmd. How to Declare a Parameter with Aliases. Get Only the Value of an Object’s Property . ps1 -All Dec 12, 2022 · When PowerShell evaluates the outer script block, the result is the inner script block, and that is set as the default parameter value. Unfortunately, when you do this with the Get-ADUser command, it does not work as expected. Oct 29, 2020 · 13. PowerShell function parameters example; PowerShell function multiple parameters; PowerShell function param default value Jan 19, 2021 · Useful for mutually exclusive arguments (more at Simon Wahlin: PowerShell functions and Parameter Sets). Using a single Invoke-Command command, you can run commands on multiple computers. We create the input parameter “ computers ” that belongs to the “ ServerNames” Parameter Set. Example 4: Redirecting to an XML File. The first example uses the Get-Help Path parameter to specify the SQL Server provider's path. In PowerShell 6, the Sort-Object parameter Bottom is an alternative to Select-Object. com -Subject “Daily report” -Body “This is a daily report of servers uptime” -Priority High. When you define a class, the class The Separator parameter lets you specify a string to use to separate displayed objects. Sep 20, 2021 · For example: Get-AValue -one 33 -two 42. The Token parameter cannot be used independently. When you create a PSSession, PowerShell establishes a persistent connection to the remote computer. For example, to find user based on UserPrincipalName, you can do the following: Get-ADUser May 6, 2024 · PowerShell attempts to determine the object type from the expression. An execution May 24, 2022 · Examples. For example, Get-Process | Sort-Object -Property WS -Bottom 5. This can be used in combination with the other switch parameters. The following table shows several examples of the types assigned to values returned by the expressions. The first example uses the traditional format in which parameter names are omitted. txt" -WhatIf The second example uses array Jan 3, 2024 · You can include the script parameters and values in the value of the File parameter. For example: -File . The ForEach-Object cmdlet performs an operation on each item in a collection of input objects. Example 4: Sort HistoryInfo objects by Id. com>" -SMTPServer smtp1. Parameter Param1 is always available for the combinations of sets that are specified in its [Parameter()] attributes(!), but either Enable_A or Enable_B can additionally and optionally be chosen: I have a powershell script (setup. Feb 22, 2023 · In the example below, you can see a parameter that accepts only objects of type string. Note Starting in Windows PowerShell 5. The object type depends on the type of parameter a command expects and on whether PowerShell knows how to convert the argument to the correct type. For example, -Path C:\Test\. You can format the date and time in a specific way using the -Format parameter with the Get-Date cmdlet. Example 2: Limit the number of lines Get-Content returns. 2 is 1,2. ps1 ) that has one input parameter and call Get-Service CmdLet like in the previous example: Mar 2, 2018 · Parameter sets "compartmentalize" various parameters. exe -File "C:\Temp\Deploy-Script. How to Use the Full PowerShell IF-ELSEIF-ELSE Blocks. e. Mar 29, 2021 · echo off powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass . Executing a function only allows one parameter set. May 21, 2020 · Separately, if you happen to decorate at least one parameter with a [Parameter()] attribute, you get the default behaviors of an advanced functions (e. g, support for automatic common parameters such as -Verbose), because using [Parameter()] implicitly makes a function an advanced one (it's like an implied, [CmdletBinding()] attribute, without Jun 17, 2019 · When you call a PowerShell script without providing the mandatory parameters the script prompts you for them interactively before executing, e. Jan 31, 2024 · The following example declares a ComputerName parameter in the Computer parameter set, a UserName parameter in the User parameter set, and a Summary parameter in both parameter sets. For example, the following command uses the All parameter of the Get-Script. Object[]' While I could easily alias 'addvm' to 'Add-VM', i'm trying to maintain uniformity with the ssh CLI so that new users can quickly start utilizing this module. The PSHost parameter displays the trace results in the console and the FilePath parameter send the trace results to the debug. For instance, your script may accept a "force" where the script runs in a more careful mode when force is not used. # Example of Researching PowerShell’s Parameters. This command sorts the PowerShell session's HistoryInfo objects using the Id property. The secure string can be converted back to an encrypted, standard string May 9, 2019 · 2. ps1 Could I ask how I specify the "UseBasicParsing parameter" in this batch. txt file for later reference. Given below are the examples of PowerShell Function Parameters: Example #1. So, if you use it in any version lower than 7. In this example, three aliases are defined for the same parameter. Also when creating PowerShell modules you should really consider putting code into functions to make your code more readable. This example creates a function to search for a pattern in the PowerShell help files. • Before the function keyword. The keyword for that is [switch] parameter type: Mar 6, 2023 · Examples of PowerShell Function Parameters. 2. For more information, see about_Execution_Policies. If no parameter set is specified, the parameter belongs to all Apr 16, 2015 · Making a parameter mandatory. A unique feature of the PowerShell switch is that it has a number of switch parameters that change how it performs. We have used ParameterSetName Argument with the value “ ServerNames ” within the Parameter Attribute when we defined the “ computers ” input parameter of the Get-CPUInfo function. ps1" -Name John -Age 30. To run a series of related commands that share data, use the New-PSSession cmdlet to create a PSSession Oct 23, 2019 · To allow the script to accept a parameter, add a Param() block to the top of the script. A PowerShell command can have one or more parameter sets. When you run a function, you type the function name. Oct 16, 2019 · ValidateScript is one of the parameter validation attributes available for use in PowerShell introduced in PowerShell 3. The Invoke-Command:ScriptBlock key set to a default value of the System event log because the script block is enclosed in a second set of braces. You can also write XML-based help files for functions and The New-PSSession cmdlet creates a PowerShell session (PSSession) on a local or remote computer. Feb 3, 2023 · February 3, 2023 by shelladmin. This cmdlet supports dynamic parameters. Use PowerShell ErrorAction Parameter in an Get-ADUser Command. \Scripts\GetQuotes-YahooIntraday. Please note, there could be serious consequences if you don’t use the -WhatIf switch. function Get-PowerShellProcess { Get-Process PowerShell } Start-Job uses the ScriptBlock parameter to run Get-Process as a background job. Specifies the parameter set that this cmdlet parameter belongs to. You can only use one parameter set at a time. Parameter -ArgumentList takes Object[] argument type. To run a single command on a remote computer, use the ComputerName parameter. If you do happen to enter it with a command that doesn't support it, you'll receive the following error: PS C:\Users\mibender> get-help -Whatif. exe parameter. ps1 -Domain Central. ParameterSetName ( System. exe -File "C:\myfile. Starting with PowerShell 7. Jun 18, 2021 · Let’s start things off with the simplest example out there; querying a REST API with a GET request. That means “Tomasz” is assigned to the first parameter (-Name), 56 is assigned to the second parameter (-Eng), and PowerShell assumes that -Math was not passed. The Identity parameter specifies the Active Directory user to get. Dec 19, 2019 · Stack Overflow Public questions & answers; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Talent Build your employer brand Update: You might also want to pass a "flag" (a boolean true/false parameter) to a PowerShell script. Using the outvariable allows for the storage of a command output, manipulation, and processing of the data. xyz. You have to realize why you need unary comma in the first situation, to understand why its not needed in the second one. This example starts a process that uses the Sort. Example 5: Redirecting to a Different Help Topic. param( [Parameter()] [string]$Parameter1. We can write a short PowerShell script ( TestParameter. My approach is similar to the ones above but gets the content of the script file that you want to call and sends a parameter block containing the parameters and values. For example, I had a script named Script1. The cmdlet which benefits most from the -Recurse parameter is Get-Childitem. This article covers using pipelined parameters and more. Apr 2, 2024 · For example, the following command uses the -WhatIf parameter in a Remove-Item command: Remove-Item Date. "Supply values for the following parameters: aMandatoryParameter:" – Mar 21, 2023 · By default, parameters are positional. The collection of statements can be enclosed in braces ( {} ), defined as a function, or saved in a script file. The Name parameter specifies to find PowerShell processes, pwsh. ps1 and arg1 arg2 & arg3 are the parameters for the PowerShell script. To run commands in a PSSession, use the Invoke-Command cmdlet. txt" "test2. The parameters of a PowerShell command are listed in parameter sets. In the below example, only the Param block is defined but not the Parameter block. Send-MailMessage -To “Manager 1 <Manager1@xyz. The code for that looks like this: Jul 31, 2019 · Get-Help – ShowWindow Parameter Explained. Get-Help Get-ChildItem -Full. PowerShell also knows the return keyword; however, it follows a different logic. 0. These use cases are just a few examples. ps1" arg1 arg2 arg3 means run the file myfile. ps1), that we use as the entry point for our development environment setup scripts. The file name and line number precede each line of content that contains a match for the Pattern parameter. Parameter sets let you define function parameters in a way where you can be sure only a certain number of parameters occur once for each execution. 0, there are two different ways to construct a ForEach-Object command. Example 5: Run a query and display verbose output Sep 17, 2021 · If a required parameter is not provided when the cmdlet is invoked, Windows PowerShell prompts the user for a parameter value. These commands get help that explains how to use the Get-Item cmdlet in the PowerShell SQL Server provider's DataCollection node. Ideally, when you run a command and specify – ErrorAction SilentlyContinue, PowerShell suppresses all errors and continues running the command. txt file to the Test2. Topics for PowerShell -Recurse Parameter. These common parameters include parameters such as Verbose and Debug. 1, you can now override splatted parameters. By adding -WhatIf at the end of the command we are saying to PowerShell: ‘Just test, don’t actually make any permanent changes’. Note 2: Microsoft provide another useful source of information with: Get-Help about_Parameters. For example, the following command passes the parameter values “John” and “30” to the script file “myscript. And, to return different information based on the parameters specified by the user. Example 3: Parameter Descriptions in a Param Statement. The Uri parameter is what tells Invoke-RestMethod where the endpoint is. Parameters. The TotalCount parameter gets the first five lines of content. \Scripts\GetQuotes-Yahoo. The matches aren't case-sensitive by default. csv -WhatIf Instead of removing the item, PowerShell lists the operations it would do and the items that would be affected. Example 5: Get child items using the Exclude parameter. String ) Optional named parameter. Beginning in PowerShell 7. A suitable Param() block looks like below. The ConvertTo-SecureString cmdlet converts encrypted standard strings into secure strings. Use a PSSession to run multiple commands that share data, such as a function or the value of a variable. The first way to create a credential object is to use the PowerShell cmdlet Get-Credential. To use the PSSession to Nov 29, 2010 · One not perfect, but practically reasonable, option is to introduce your own cmdlet parameters (for example, Dynamically add parameters to Powershell cmdlet. Turning a function in PowerShell into an advanced function is really simple. The job information is displayed and PowerShell returns to a prompt while the job runs in the background. It can be added inside the parameter definition block of a function, or it can also be used directly in the PowerShell console. Clear-Host. The Write-Output cmdlet (echo) writes objects you specify with the InputObject parameter to the pipeline. 0, PowerShell has a formal syntax to define classes and other user-defined types. The IPv4 parameter specifies the protocol for the test. In the example below, the line [Parameter(Mandatory)] ensures that a planet name is always supplied to the script. Let’s understand creating PowerShell parameter alias in function with an example, use the following code. Nov 19, 2010 · I needed something to call scripts with named parameters. Copy. Example. ps1 powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass . This action informs the host about the error, and the script continues to execute. Specialized. The command uses all the default This article describes the different ways you can implement argument completers for PowerShell functions. 0, Write-Host is a wrapper for Write-Information This allows you to use Write-Host to emit output to the information stream. The common parameters are a set of cmdlet parameters that you can use with any cmdlet. Use this parameter to specify the OAuth or Bearer token to include in the request. This command gets the first five lines of a file. Step 4: Determine the Parameters and ParameterSetNames Needed. This is particularly useful when you need to display or log dates in a certain format. Feb 8, 2014 · I've been trying to search for an answer, but I think that having the words PowerShell and parameter together in a set of keywords are not making for an easy search My question is, I'm writing a function, and I've supplied a parameter, but the parameter has to be one of a list of specific strings. Add Parameters to a PowerShell Function: Step 1: Add the “Function” Keyword to a Function. For example, the fictional software you’re installing via the Install-Software function May 31, 2022 · The Token parameter was introduced in PowerShell 6. Each parameter set has both a unique parameter and a shared parameter that is used by both parameter sets. txt files. Alias name provides an easy way to remember the parameter name instead of writing their full name. Collections. Call the parameter Planet. The Invoke-Command cmdlet runs commands on a local or remote computer and returns all output from the commands, including errors. The example's output shows the contents of the directory C:\Test\Logs. Dec 12, 2022 · The Get-Help cmdlet displays comment-based help in the same format in which it displays the cmdlet help topics that are generated from XML files. Users can use all of the parameters of Get-Help, such as Detailed, Full, Examples, and Online, to display the contents of comment-based help. param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName="Computer")] [string[]]$ComputerName, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName="User")] [string[]]$UserName, [Parameter Sep 17, 2019 · Fortunately, like most languages, PowerShell permits the use of parameters, but, like many things in PowerShell, there’s more than one way of doing it. at ag vr il yf pj xf wc ir ug