Vba listbox multiselect get values

Vba listbox multiselect get values. For example, if user selects only Monday and Wednesday Dec 30, 2019 · You can construct an array of listbox items and then use the join function to convert the array to a string using an arbitrary delimiter, e. Sub GetSelectedValue_Method2 () Dim selectedValue As String. By setting the MultiSelect option: 1. My form has a multi-value combo box (called cmbContacts) that pulls values from a Contacts table (ID and Name). For x = 0 To ListBox1. AddItem Text. MultiSelect = 2 ' Extended. Jan 3, 2022 · 1. In this dialogue box, provide any name as per the selected column header in the Name box. Code: Option Explicit. Jan 7, 2013 · To do what you want to do you need to create an array of the filter items (the selected items in the listbox) and then use the built up/constructed array as part of the filter criteria. Cells(Lastrow + 1, "B Aug 27, 2021 · Lesungen Data from the VBA Listbox. It will result in both the columns populated with values. MultiSelect = fmMultiSelectMulti For i = 0 To . TextBox2. Item(i) & "; " End If Jan 21, 2018 · There's actually nothing built into the ListBox class to do that. Aug 8, 2014 · This means that you can select more than one item in a ListBox control. For example: Sub ListBox_Test() Dim lb As ControlFormat Set lb = Worksheets("Forms"). Here is some sample code. City. Me. Text. When you pick an item in the left it should add it to the right and select it. Dim i As Integer. Range("B2"). This will get a collection of all selected rows. ListIndex = -1 . Nov 4, 2017 · EDIT: ListBox1 was a MultiSelect and ListBox2 was a SingleSelect and the code was for purely MultiSelect ListBoxes. Selected(i) = True Then. Dim strValue As String ' just used for the demonstration. 'test to assure that there are records. May 19, 2024 · A listbox can contain multiple columns by using the ColumnCount property. 8. Step II : Click on Insert Button and then select ListBox under ActiveX Controls (see the image below) ListBox ActiveX Control. Step III : Right click on ListBox and Select Properties >>. Selected(i) Then Series_Msg = Series_Msg & ListBox4. Count -1 'display the listbox value next i Here is a screen shot: After you set the property on the listbox then call setselected based on the values you want selected. With Worksheets("Sheet2"). Worksheets("Sub")". There's a SelectedItems property that is the multiple equivalent to the singular SelectedItem , but there's no SelectedValues equivalent to go with SelectedValue . The properties are self explanatory. I want to select multiple values from the list box, then record ALL the columns info selected in the list box in a log. May 31, 2012 · Hi. Jul 6, 2020 · 2. Support and feedback To do this, press ALT+F11. Dec 29, 2006 · I'd like to run some code that takes the value of the item selected, and different code once the item is un-selected - instead of looping through the list. SetSelected(4,true) me. Don't need VBA to load listbox with fieldnames - set RowSourceType property to FieldList and RowSource to table. in the ListBox properties you change SelectionMode to MultiSimple or MultiExtended then when the index is changed (an item selected) you go thru the items selected In the following I have a ListBox and a TextBox as I select item in the ListBox the items selected are displayed in the textbox. Column(j, i) Then . Now every time I click on a value in the list, it will return the a comma separated value string (Item_IDs) of the things I have selected. Count - 1) If myListBox. Value = criteria Then. Column(0, i) works in access. Dim rs Remarks. list works in excel while . ListCount. Value = ListBox1. Remarks. Jun 9, 2016 · 'Appointment State' is a listbox with multiselect enabled. I'm Using the below code Private Sub Search_Click() Dim str As String Dim c As Collection Dim strArray() As String Dim intcnt As Integer str = txtAnswer. ' In a multi-select listbox on a user form, select the items that you want to delete. Jun 16, 2012 · Private Sub AddWithID(Text As String, ID As String) ListBox1. How do I store multiple values of the listbox in order to call the variable as a filter? This is were I need to call the variables: Jan 3, 2022 · 1. MultiSelect = fmMultiSelectMulti End Sub 'Creates and assigns the Array to the ListBox when the form loads. Click on the list box to select it, and then in the Properties window, change the Multi-Select Property from 0-frmMultiSelectSingle to 1-frmMultiSelectMulti. me. Following this, you will see the New Name dialogue box. Extract selected rows from a Listbox in Access. May 28, 2020 · I need to detect when a selection change is made in a listbox so I can write the value to a sheet, the moment an item is selected or deselected. Value = lstPris . May 14, 2019 · Access 2003 Table columns: Col 1 = Primary Key Record Identifier col 2 = The NAME of of the Unique record Example 10001 Product Name 1 10002 Product Name 2 I have a list box that is populated from a table. In order to make ListBox1_Change event returning the last selected list box value, you can use the solution. listBox. ListCount - 1 Mar 29, 2022 · To return the value of the MultiSelect property for a list box named Country on the Order Entry form, you can use the following. Set listbox Multi-Select property to Simple or Extended. Nov 4, 2017 · If the last item in either ListBox is selected to transfer to its adjacent listbox, the item transfers to its adjacent list (and sheet), however the rest of its originating list (and sheet data) disappear (UPDATE: only if one uses MultiSelect code for SingleSelect Property). This only works with one selection, and if you select multiple selections in the Listbox it will only add the first value to cell AY1. I'd do something like: Dim Rst as DAO. Apr 23, 2019 · I have the project combobox populated from the projects db and the company list box populated from the company db. When MultiSelect is Single, option buttons appear in Dec 30, 2021 · Probably something like this: VBA Code: Private Sub ListBox1_Change () Dim x As Long With ListBox1 For x = 0 To ListBox1. If Me. OLEFormat. Under the Misc heading, Go to ListFillRange property and assign the range which contains the values for the List Box. Each selected item will be delimited and concatenated into one May 1, 2018 · Board Regular. Msg = "You selected:" & vbNewLine. Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers. Fields(ii). Next i. s = Me. ListIndex <> -1 Then. Jan 21, 2018 · There's actually nothing built into the ListBox class to do that. Thoughts? Excel Facts However you can also use the Listindex with Column property to get the selected values from a listbox. Select 'other commands Next i Jul 9, 2017 · this is my code so far as all other list boxes are single selections I am having the issue with the multiple selections list box. Sheets("Sheet1"). UserForm. Perhaps because I find DAO recordset objects easy to work with. Add . I can copy this data into excel. lstListBox. This value is Jan 28, 2022 · Hi I need a VBA script which will run through each selected value in a Listbox and print the value into a cell. Re-read the question and I think you want to store this as a string. The type of ListBox. Forms("Order Entry"). SelectedItems. Following is the code used to get the Headers from the Master Table: ss = ss & "," & rst. When a list box control's MultiSelect property is set to None, only one item can have its Selected property set to True. Yes. Mar 1, 2021 · 2. 0. The code below work fine for Single Selection: 0 -fmMultiSelectSingle. ListBox acts as an autofilter on the "Filter" sheet. In order to retrieve a value that is selected by a user, you need to use this code: Dim strSelectedItem As Variant strSelectedItem = Sheet1. In order to execute code, you need ether assign it to listbox macro, or some other shape in your worksheet. ListCount - 1 If ListBox4. Mar 2, 2023 · Please find the below syntax of ListBox Multi Select Property in Excel VBA. ListBoxes("List Box 1") For i = 1 To . Object. When a List Box has its Multi Select property set to "None" then you can retrieve the selected value by simply referring to. lstSearchResult. Selected(0) refers to "Monday" and ListBox1. Sep 13, 2021 · In the Properties window, select the ListStyle property. MultiSelect is set the frmMultiSelectSingle(see to section VBA ListBox MultiSelect below for more about this). makes no sense. This array is accessible by the listbox's Read/Write Selected property. Print Mar 11, 2017 · populate the list box using the row source. ListBoxValue = ListBox1. Selected Oct 11, 2019 · So, now I would like to do the reverse of this - I need to open a form with a listbox and have the items in the multiselect listbox automatically be pre-selected based on the values in the table. Dim Cnt As Long. You can explore other options by drawing ListBox in UserForm and using "Properties Window (F4)" to play with the option values. Select. List0. Feb 25, 2016 · Good Afternoon - Very new to VBA. Row . ItemData(i) End If Next i End With For Each Item In Mar 19, 2019 · The problem is that Access is not reading the values selected from the ListBox. How to save ListBox values when closing a form? How to make that when opening a form, the ListBox values are all selected - by default? And how to make the autofilter range determined by itself? Now the range is set manually: Mar 19, 2010 · Hi, thats for everyones help but this was taking me so much time to do that i have split the "from listbox to sheet" code into two separate buttons. Aug 18, 2019 · Linking multi-select ListBox to Cells ValueHello, I have a multi-select Listbox1 with 4 valuees: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday I want to link it to a cell such that depending on the selections a column of YES or NO values is produced. I tried to retrieve the selected values as below but it did not help, especially ItemData (oItem + 1) returning only Null. Range("A" & Rows. Jul 5, 2016 · Sub search() Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer With UserForm1. Jan 9, 2017 · I tested your scenario with a new app with a multiselect listbox, using the default sample data for the listbox, and a textbox. Copy the above code and Paste in the code window. Sep 21, 2016 · It works fine for both listboxes with fmSingleSelect but i cannot figure out how to run it properly with a fmMultiSelect property on the second listbox (Yes, i changed the property to fmMultiSelect on the second listbox). criteria = "widget1" ' Matching value. This only works with one selection, and if you select multiple selections in the Listbox it will only add the first value to cell A8 in column 5. The code i used to get them into a single cell was. ItemData(i) count = count + 1. Open the file to see the output. 'Appt Request Date' is a date field. MultiSelect = fmMultiSelectSingle . TextBox1. Item_IDs = Item_IDs & ", " & Me. Thanks again for the help. Dim outputSheet As Worksheet. When I step through that line of code, the value is NULL. ItemData(i) Or, for selected items, you might use: ReDim strArr(0 To n) As String. Selected(i) Then listColl. Here is an example of using this feature where you take the selection from the ListBox and place it in cell B2 in the worksheet. End(xlUp). Set Rst = lbxYourListboxObj. So selected are Answer 1, Ans 4, Ans 6, Ans 7, Ans9, Ans 10 It'll, in turn, change the value of A1 to be "Answer 1", then replace that cell with the next value, "Ans 4", then the next value selected, "Ans 6" Apr 8, 2017 · The selection you make in a listbox are recorded in a zero-based boolean array which has as many elements as the listbox has items. Value & "". ListIndex = i . MultiSelect=2 – frmMultiSelectExtended. Simple ListBox (Without VBA) Step I : Go to Developer Tab. List (x) = "a" Then 'do something End If If . If you want to add items to a multi column listbox, you need to use "AddItem" to add Feb 25, 2015 · It seems that I should use a Listbox (ActiveX) to do this. Set outputSheet = Sheets("Sheet1") Dim lbox As ListBox. List = mylist End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() 'First Method: Displays individual selections one at a time. Sub ListBoxSelected() Dim i As Long. End If. This sum should appear in textbox. But then: after selecting the data I want from the multi-select form (subform), I can still click "edit" button to retrieve all the selected data onto the form. Select the List box, then go to Properties dialog box. lbMultiEdit. Column(1) ActiveCell. List (x) = "b" Then 'do something End If End If Next x End With End Sub. I have created a Listbox with the range of Countries, however I can't find how to use the countries which are selected. List(. This is an area that seems to cause confusion and difficulty for many of our members. ' Click the 'Delete' button on the form and the following will occur: ' a. Jul 13, 2020 · How to Select the entered values from the Multiselect listbox using vba code. Sub cmdDelete_Click() ' This subroutine will allow a user to delete selected rows from an Excel sheet. MultiSelect = fmMultiSelectSingle End Sub Private Sub OptionButton2_Click() ListBox1. You need to iterate the items in the list, check the . 4. Value is a table result so I was able to do the following to get the selected values. This puts the selected item into the ListBoxValue variable, which is To use my sample, simply create a table called tblTest and two columns Description (text) and Day as a number. ' If string matched with a cell's value. This property is available only at run time. Dim mylist As Variant mylist = Array("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", _ "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday") ListBox1. List(i, 1) for value, where i in an index of a row. fill it in with the days of the week as a ValueList and then add a button which I labeled Store. Dim MailStr as String MailStr = "" If myListBox. Value = ListBoxValue. The Selected property is a zero-based array that contains the selected state of each item in a list box. Dim oItem As Variant Dim sTemp As String Dim iCount As Integer iCount = 0 Debug. The purpose of a Listbox is to get a users choice. Selected(i) = True Then ListBox2. Next, click on the Refers to box in the same window. Clear For i = 0 To 9 If ListBox1. Dim b As Byte b = Forms("Order Entry"). UsedRange. If ListBox1. For each value selected I want to assign this value to a variable. If . MultiSelect To set the MultiSelect property, you can use the following. This merely works when the ListBox is set to only select one product i. This will work with a listbox and command button on a userform. ListCount - 1 If . The previous developer on this did the following: For i = 0 To ListBox4. listAvailable ' Add Selected Items to Collection (MultiSelect Listbox) For i = 0 To . The source is a table named States. For i = 1 To colcount. Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() If ListBox1. Text = . Feb 12, 2018 · 13 6. listbox name: lstCost textbox name: txtSum My language isn't good so I attach example file Thanks for replay. Mar 16, 2012 · I have a ListBox on my vb6 project and I've set its property to multiselect. I would like to select multiple data from a listbox. Feb 22, 2018 · having a list box that's row source is query results the code simply puts multiple selected items from a list box in an array to be used in later code. List(i) count = count + 1. You can use the "AddItem" combined with the List property when you have multiple columns. Value, Concatenate (Text (Value),",")) Result: View VBA List Box in Excel is a list assigned to a variable. Then, go to the Formulas tab and select Define Name. Range("A1") . For i = 0 To Me. Test"). AutoFilter field:=1, Criteria1:=Array(arrMitarbeiter) End Sub. On the Insert menu, click. Private Sub ListBox1_Click() Dim Msg As String. Selected(). Ex : If I select week 27 and 28, I want the total sum of the number of visited retailer in week 27 and 28. Value) End With End Sub But how do I return multiple values if I have enable Dim i As Integer Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() ListBox2. Range("AY1"). Code: Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() Sheets("Event_Details"). All list entries start with a row number of 0, and a column number of 0, ie List (0,0) = "text". My code that attempts to do this is: Dim lItem As Long For lItem = 0 To ListBox1. The list box item is selected. Value. Controls("Country"). 'Carrier' is a combobox. what I want to do simply be able to use my small form and select a project then select company(s) from the list box. Save the file as macro enabled workbook and Close it. This should get you started: Code. I then used the following VBA. List(i) & vbNewLine ActiveChart. May 24, 2019 · I have a form with a listbox (MultiSelect). What I want is to make a Sumifs to get the number of visited retailer according to the items selected. The VBA List Box contains the list of items given by a user which allows other users to select the desired values from the list box as part of the automation of reports in Excel. When a user clicks the submit button, the button_click event triggers VBA code to format the information and insert it into the table. Jun 13, 2019 · 1. I'd like to output the selected Countries into a column in a sheet, or directly into a Range to be referred to by formula. To do this, click an item in the list box, hold down the CTRL key, and then click more items in the list box. Below example subroutine shows how you can get the column 3 value of the selected row. I have managed to create an advanced userform with multiple values, text boxes, combo boxes, multi select list boxes. I am able now to select more items on my ListBox. Oct 5, 2017 · I have the following code on a button that takes the selected range in a Listbox on a Userform and pastes the value into Sheets("VBA_Data"). ' if it's first match, set it as result column selection. EOF then. Offset(0, 0). Using ""List Box 35" from Sheet 4, sending to Column A on Sheet 1. To select multiple items you need to click and hold and move the mouse up/down to select more items. column (2). If working with a listbox in Access I like to capture the listbox recordset and loop through it. lstItemSizes. ListBox1. ' current string to search for. ListCount - 1, 1) = ID. The listbox contents are as follows: Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Orange, White. Mar 22, 2013 · I am going through a single select list box, to determine which series to select. How do I store multiple values of the listbox in order to call the variable as a filter? This is were I need to call the variables: Jun 17, 2022 · Instructions: Open an excel workbook. The list box item isn't selected. click the add button and have only the selected items added to a 3rd db which I have created. Worksheets("Einsatzplan"). I understand that the following is associated with each colour: However, when you click on any item it will only select the current item. I want to get sum of selected values in multiselect listbox using VBA. Shapes("lb. However, for multi-select List Box controls you need to iterate through the ItemsSelected collection to determine the items that are selected: Dim ItemIndex As Variant. It would save time to be able to multiselect the projects folder and run the transfers simultaneously. SetSelected(9,true) Jul 29, 2020 · I have a MultiSelect Listbox populated with Week values (1,2,352) where I can select multiple weeks. Recordset. Private Sub cmdsave_Click() Dim currentrow As Long Dim Lastrow As Long With Worksheets("tblData") Lastrow = . In the above syntax we are using a ‘MultiSelect This is an example of code that uses a multi-select ListBox control. MultiSelect = fmMultiSelectExtended. Project Explorer on the View menu. You should the see the Items in ListBox1. However this can be amended by changing the Multi-Select property of the list box. Note that the columns are zero based so the the first column is Column (0). For i = 1 To ListBox1. Items. ListCount - 1 For j = 0 To . If the ListBox has multiple selections and you want to get all the data from each then you can use the GetSelectedRows () sub from the section VBA ListBox Selected Items. MultiSelect=0 – frmMultiSelectSingle. ListBox1 Properties) did not take that into account so I've updated the code below to reflect a transfer between MultiSelect an SingleSelect ListBoxes. Value or . There doesn't seem to be an event to capture this. #2. Click the drop-down arrow to display a list of available styles. I want the data to be transferred to the worksheet row by row. Column(2) 'Unload Me. Seems like an overwrite. colcount = 10 ' Header columns count. Now, for single-select listbox, you can use . In order to loop through all items in the ListBox1, use the following loop: Dim i As Long. My working example (i. Under the Behavior heading, change the Multiselect property to 1-fmMultiSelectMulti. In your case ListBox1. From Project Explorer Double Click on ThisWorkbook. ListboxName. the value of the listbox would be whichever item is selected. Click on "Categorized" and then provide input range in "ListFillRange" box and give value to Nov 6, 2023 · First, select any cell from Column B in the table. lstListbox object. Selected(i) Then MailStr = MailStr & myListBox. Dim numSelected. Selected (x) = True Then If . So far: Dim s As Variant. Select All. If Cells(2, i). A user is able to select 0 or more contacts from the combo box. To reader data from the ListBox us can use the ListBox. List(ListBox1. ListBox1 . Once values are in all five objects, I have a button that runs the code below. ListCount - 1. I'm trying to filter a worksheet based on multiple values selected from a listbox. Jul 27, 2015 · arrMitarbeiter(count) = ListBox1. Text to find out selected value/text. End Sub. SeriesCollection(i + 1). Press Alt+F11 to open VBA Editor. Shapes("List Box 35"). Dec 25, 2022 · #listboxmultiselectvba #vbatutorials VBA Code Excel Listbox Multiselect Get ValuesExcel VBA Listbox MultiSelect allows users to select multiple items simulta To do this, press ALT+F11. Code: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() ActiveCell. Nov 23, 2015 · When i enter the values in the text box and click on search it should select the particular values in the listbox. Here's the thing: hitting the "apply filter button" makes all rows containing data in the spreadsheet dissapear. Selected(i) Then. ListBox1. 1,510 Expert1GB. Dim i as Integer=0 For i=0 To Me. : strArr(i) = Listbox1. Jul 28, 2020 · The user is allowed to select multiple values at once. This is where I know I wrong-turned, but, not having dealt with a multi-select ListBox before, I don't know the syntax to get the values read. ColumnCount - 1 If UserForm1. Use Feb 17, 2021 · Attached is for your reference. I know it's a lot of code for such a simple procedure Apr 28, 2016 · My form has a multi-value combo box (called cmbContacts) that pulls values from a Contacts table (ID and Name). Just can't seem to figure out the method needed other than looping through the table and using an if statement and . My listbox is called: lstFilterUnits. Selected(6) to Sunday. Dim valSelect As Variant. ControlFormat With lb MsgBox . Count). Aug 7, 2011 · Here, I am using the range C4:D25 as source of data for the columns. Now, insert two command button on Excel sheet, Go to Developer Jun 26, 2018 · I created a listbox on a form to multiselect cell values of this table. When you unselect an item on the left, it removes it from the selected items on the right. The above code can only retrieve only single record value. You can use this to print the data from the selected rows: Apr 5, 2022 · Select Values from the List Box. List_item_id. Selected(lItem) = True Then Sep 25, 2017 · 3,950. Dim lb As ListBox. Column (1) or me. List(i) End If Next i End Sub Private Sub OptionButton1_Click() ListBox1. Dim n As Long. Now, I want to get all of the selected items on my multiselect ListBox and put it in a variable for example, or maybe on a multiline textbox. This should do what you are looking for: Documentation on ListBox. strFind = Me. Set lbox = Sheets("Sheet4"). From the list, choose Option. The first time through the For Each I can get the value for Column 1 May 5, 2022 · Select multiple items in the list box. it would simply be Me. Selected property and then output that list value if appropriate: Sub Outputdata() Dim wsList As Worksheet. If the Project Explorer window is not visible, click. Mar 23, 2015 · 1. Jul 6, 2020 · I have the following code on a command button that initializes in a Listbox on a Userform and pastes the value into "ThisWorkbook. Jul 9, 2018 · 4. It can detect the selected value, independent of its position in the list: Create a Private variable on top of the sheet module where the list box exists (in the declarations area): Private colS As New Collection. If the Properties dialog box is not visible, click Properties on the View menu. When "MultiSelect" is set to "False", you'd better use the ListBox property "ListIndex" which returns an index value, between -1 and "ListCount-1", indicating which item in the list has been clicked and is apparent in the control on the userform. if there are more than one column in the listbox you can reference that by using Me. list0. Text = Concat (ListBox1. Dec 22, 2015 · The year will always be only 1 value but business type can be 1 or more. Offset(0, 1). MultiSelect=1 – frmMultiSelectMulti. e. 'Appointment Status' is a combobox. Aug 10, 2019 · Dim colcount As Integer. Nov 24, 2009 · Hi Just like in the title. Controls Toolbox, and then drag it to the UserForm. Nov 9, 2007 · If you have a listbox with multiple columns you can get the values from the selected 'row' in various ways. When the ListStyle property is set to Option, the MultiSelect property determines whether check boxes or option buttons appear in the list. ' loop through all items in ListBox1. Paste the following code into the buttons click event and try it. List(i) ' the rest of your code logics goes here Aug 17, 2022 · Get a Selected Item of a Listbox in VBA. Name. If result Is Nothing Then. ListCount - 1 If ListBox1. With ActiveSheet. List(i, 0) for text and . May 1, 2011 · I can return the selected value for a single item easily enough. Cells. Multi select with listbox Nov 6, 2023 · First, select any cell from Column B in the table. Selected = true. ' Loop on 2nd row. The difference from excel to access is . Microsoft provides programming examples for Nov 9, 2007 · If you have a listbox with multiple columns you can get the values from the selected 'row' in various ways. If that item was selected then the right listbox should unselect everything and show nothing in the memo. Sep 25, 2017. Dec 30, 2021 · Multiple selections. I want to pass the values to an update query to be used as criteria. Sep 26, 2017 · You can use this VBA approach to store all values selected in string (you can adjust code to your needs). Create a form and add a multi-select list box named DaysOfWeek. If Rst. Count = 0 Then MsgBox "No User Selected" Exit Sub End If For i = 0 to (myListBox. With frmViewData. Click Display Selected Items. Click to Categorized tab. I just wanted to get the multiselected values. When I try to debug the code, I see that the array Same Concept as @Fionnuala with the exception that I used a collection which I generally find more flexible: Dim i As Integer Dim listColl As Collection Dim Item As Variant Set listColl = New Collection With Me. Single selection only with can procession . By default, a single value can be selected in a List Box in a user form. The users selection is in the attribute Value of Sheet1. SetSelected(3,true) me. Cells(Lastrow + 1, "A"). 'Store input in the worksheet. Click the ListBox control on the. Selected. Where ListboxName represents the ListBox object. Call procedure in step 1. Or. Jul 9, 2018 · Option Explicit. The items that are selected from the multiple selection list box are displayed as a comma-delimited string in the text box. 'Get input from ListBox. Selected(i) = True End If Next j Next i End With End Sub Jan 31, 2010 · i have made the listbox multiselect property to 1 - frmMultiselectMulti. For multi-select listbox, you can use . 3. Value strArray = Split(str, ",") For Each itm In strArray lstAnswer. I need those selected values to filter a column in another table. g. Private Sub cmd1_Click() Dim x As Variant. I can also retrieve the data for the Text Boxes, and Combo boxes back into the User form search for a Apr 28, 2016 · I have a form that I'm using to gather information that will be inserted into a database table in Access 2016. AddItem ListBox1. Value property. od lu cv ee ok ji rp vo vz sr